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/lit/ - Literature

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14587773 No.14587773 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14587795
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>> No.14588922

you didn't read all of Capital

>> No.14588935

Is it actually worse than the manifesto? Cuz I tried reading that shit and it was all whine whine whine whine joyless humorless lifeless whine

>> No.14588944

There's more, but it doesn't get better.

No it's better than the manifesto, still not worth reading.

>> No.14588950
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>> No.14588978

The man in the high castle sux

>> No.14588982

Anything by Kafka

>> No.14589000

if you cannot identify with kafka then you are one of his characters, and not the protagonist

>> No.14589003

'Capital' is exit-tier. Start with:

- Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844; and/or
- The German Ideology (1845)

>> No.14589032

Nah, I appreciate the themes and I found the Trial to be a truly neurotic and anxiety inducing read, I simply think he's not the end-all-be-all writer that most hype him up to be

>> No.14589066

Probably Dune. My dnd DM loves the series to hell and begged me to try it. This is the kind of guy that has a Forgotten Realms audiobook on 24/7 and constantly watches FR lore videos non-stop. After finishing Dune it came as no surprise why he loved it

>> No.14589083

I read the first volume, the book I posted. Why assume I can't read? There are marxists everywhere calling this book mind blowing rigouous and essential. It gives concepts most people are already familiar with, ignores a lot of important variables to be truly rigorous, and isn't nearly that relevant by today's standards. Disappointing is an accurate descriptor

>> No.14589116

That's because the people telling you it's good are edgy twenty something year olds on reddit.

>> No.14589166

True, but they are joined by a lot of academics and writers, so it's still a bit of a shock. Mostly I couldn't believe how simple the book was. After all this hullabaloo about how abstract the opening is, and it's literally just a definition of the word commodity, and it doesn't differ from the colloquial definition at all. The only way that section is difficult to read is if your brain needs to read everything like a story, which would explain why most people prefer the later sections of the book with all those anecdotes

>> No.14589176

>mind blowing rigouous and essential
Cool your jets, kiddo. It was published in 1867. "Rigor" hadn't even been invented yet.

>> No.14589236

Oh good. In that case we can all collectively stop using its contents to justify radical changes to societies, economies, nations, and the international order. ;)

>> No.14589296

>using its contents to justify
It's not a holy book, pleb. It's a starting point for the definition and analysis of capitalism. Aristotle was also wrong on almost all the details, but he initiated the conversation on almost everything worth discussing.

>> No.14589454

>There's more, but it doesn't get better.
Should be a banner.

>> No.14589496
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If you want to BTFO Keynesian nerd undergrad math majors read Capital Vol 3... to this day they have not recovered.

If you want something particularly relevant for today then read pic related.

>> No.14589512

Madame bovary. Just found the excessive descriptions on the clothes they were wearing dull. Perhaps I would've enjoyed it much more if I'd read it in French

>> No.14589619


>> No.14589621

>nerd undergrad math majors
Woah, slow your roll. Most of the great modern mathematicians have been some flavor of socialist. It's the autistic cucks of the contemporary 'Economics department' who are eternally BTFO by Marx et. al.

>> No.14589876

The catalogue of haute couture? I found it very chic. My wife's son and I loved that part.

>> No.14589987

In French, the prose is exquisite. The closest in English is Francis Steegmuller's translation.


>> No.14590002

And unquestioningly support unsustainable globohomo wage slavery with zero understanding of its procceses?


>> No.14590121

Based and realitypilled.

>> No.14590180
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American Psycho

>> No.14590198
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>> No.14590264

This. Take the lyrics to "Land of Confusion". In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. "In Too Deep" is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like "In the Air Tonight" and "Against All Odds". Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is "Sussudio", a great, great song, a personal favorite.

>> No.14590732

this but only because of the trial, was really into it up that point

>> No.14590757

Almost every book I've ever been recommended has disappointed me.

Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, War and Peace, Jane Eyre, Tale of Two Cities, Dune, the Giver, From Here to Eternity, Hamlet, Moby Dick...

maybe I don't like fiction.

>> No.14590810

>Infinite Jest

>Gravity's Rainbow
Good but crazy shit.

>War and Peace
A pure masterpiece.

>Jane Eyre,

>Tale of Two Cities

>the Giver
>From Here to Eternity
Are we just fucking around, just being idiots?

>Moby Dick
Obviously the above represent pure excellence.

>> No.14590867
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Pic related. It reads like a depressed teen's fanfic of Labyrinths by Borges

>> No.14590876

/lit/ meme taste: the post

>> No.14590897

>the only alternative to the maladies of corporate capitalism is marxism

>> No.14590899

What you get out of 100 years is dependent on what you want to get out of it.

>> No.14590927
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That's not what they said!

>> No.14590947
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>600 page book about a short, obscure military campaign
>half of it is spent describing churches and theatres and other touristy crap

>> No.14591207

Even a good book can be disappointing if it's overhyped or you approach it with the wrong expectations.

>> No.14591363

Yeah. Given this guy’s reputation I was expecting a lot more than a few puppets. I guess this is what people who love Stephen King and spooky scary skellingtons is nihilistic, “abyssal”, or whatever.

>> No.14591396

Capital is great though, if a bit dry sometimes but marx is a pretty good writer. Interesting reading about life/conditions in my small town which he included which was a nice surprise

>> No.14591571

nah. It seems like you have read stuff "everyone" Must read at some point, instead try to find /lit/ with themes you actually are interested in

>> No.14591594
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There were moments that I enjoyed but still felt I missed something from it

>> No.14591833

>implying it contains anything worth catching

>> No.14592231
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>> No.14592235


It's an ideological piece about class struggle, did you go in expecting to be entertained?

>> No.14592261

It's more mature than the manifesto which, aside from the opening passage, is pure dogshit. So Capital is mature dogshit.

>> No.14593429

every single one of those are meme books

>> No.14593448

Define that term.

>> No.14593515

Not him, but a meme is something that gets repeated/reposted/reiterated ad infinitum mindlessly and mechanically. Its success is determined exclusively from such repetition, and not from its intrinsic value.

>> No.14593520

Kafka's praised because no one else can nail that feeling as well as he did.
Even in his less morbid stories, it's the little circumstances and details that never fail to make me grimace and chuckle.

>> No.14593533

So "meme" means overhyped, basically?

>> No.14593540

Hmm, I'm not sure that word means exactly what I mean.

>> No.14593575

Let me know when you figure it out.

>> No.14593583

A better definition would be a message delivered with minimal context, that context coming from prior exposure to the same message.

>> No.14594129
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meme tier

>> No.14594333
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Why is it meme-tier?