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/lit/ - Literature

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14587224 No.14587224 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re a noob writer just trying to write paperback trash for experience, is “write drunk edit sober” a good idea?
Also, have any of you tried writing on your phone? I feel like I’m much faster typing on a phone than a laptop, and I was wondering if there was a good app to write on.

>> No.14587374

write all the time, sober or drunk, think about it when you can't write, plan scenes and dialog before you sleep, when you day dream.

I like keyboard for pure writing. Phone is good for when you are walking around or taking a shit and need to get something down before you forget. I do everything in Gdocs, it works well, always auto saves and is good when you want to work on the same doc across multiple devices simultaneously.

>> No.14587821


>> No.14588088

I’m not sure if this is the thread for this but I didn’t want to bump another thread over board for the topic.

I have my reading list pretty planned out for 2020 with 3 main categories named ‘philosophy general’, ‘poetry appreciation’, and ‘transcendentalism and self reliance’. A recent thread on Wendell Berry reminded me of how much I liked the one essay I read of his in college and made me think he would be perfect for the T$SR category of my reading list, but I have as many books as I would like in that one category for the year. The list is as follows
Essays and poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Walden and civil disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
20 acres and independence
growth of the soil by knut hamsan
Blades of grass by Walt Whitman

My question to Lit is should I replace one of my existing choices with a collection of Wendell berry essays, and if so which book should I replace and what collection should I get?

In before scrap all and read kaczynski

>> No.14588219

I like to read, but I'm currently taking a break from my 'main book' to read 2 'side books' simultaneously...
still looking for new books to read.
like everytime I watch an awesome movie, and in the end it says: 'based on a novel by ____'
I will just buy the book...

at this point I think I enjoy english books more then books in my native languange, not sure why...
kinda drunk right now, sorry for blog~post, I just wanted some suggestions for great books you guys enjoyed, and would recommend...

>> No.14588243

how many books do you usually read at any given time

>> No.14588312

just one,
but if it gets a little slow and boring at times, or I'm just sick of it right now, but still want to finish it, I start a second book, until I'm in the mood for the first book again, if the second book starts to suck in the middle or end, then I start the 3rd book...
that's where I am right now, but kinda fancy a 4th book right now...

>> No.14588314

Glen Cook’s Black Company series and the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons

>> No.14588335
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Seconding these, Black Company helped me through some of the worst depression of my life because I loved the world so much, and I couldn't put down Hyperion

That sounds like an interesting split of readings anon

>> No.14588353

ok, thanks.
just bought both off amazon,
I hope it's worth the read...

>> No.14588685

It will be

>> No.14588773

What are some good, well-written books for ESL people to get into /lit/ with? Classics if possible.

>> No.14589712

Modern stuff, unless you want to attempt reading old English as ab esl