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14586497 No.14586497 [Reply] [Original]

Take the Gnostic pill.

>> No.14586516
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>> No.14586525
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>> No.14586549

Man I love you. I actually thought about posting this picture when I saw this thread, because I got it saved on my phone. I love apu. What a soul. He's the one who deserves to win.

>> No.14586559

Manichaeism is not alive today. Sure, you can adopt the Weltanschauung of it, but there's not initiation, for there is no valid lineage, and therefore no ascent based upon it; just like Philosophy- in the true nature of it. Mani (pbuh), although, seems to have been, indeed, a righteous man.

>> No.14586570

Are you a muslim?

>> No.14586581

On the counterpart to both Catholicism and Manichaeism, Orthodox Christianity is still alive, for it maintained itself purified from innovations, in this way conserving Christ's revelation, and still creates saints and true gnostics.

>> No.14586593
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>worships Mary
How is that bad, exactly?

>> No.14586613

I'd add to this that the author of this thread has no idea what a true gnostic is, and is himself a hylic and a anti-initiatic force.

>> No.14586624

>why is idol worshipping wrong?
Read your Bible, Catholic.

>> No.14586635

>true gnostic
Not a thing.

>> No.14586641

>Implying that a symbol to the passive, feminine aspect of the Logos is an idol.

>> No.14586657

Gnosticism is cope. There is no such thing as a holy text, nor is there a such thing as a prophet. The transcendent cannot be constrained by semiosis. Read Hegel.

>> No.14586687

>"The Gnostic is therefore fixed by faith; but the man who thinks himself wise touches not what pertains to the truth, moved as he is by unstable and wavering impulses. It is therefore reasonably written, "Cain went forth from the face of God, and dwelt in the land of Naid, over against Eden." Now Naid is interpreted commotion, and Eden delight; and Faith, and Knowledge, and Peace are delight, from which he that has disobeyed is cast out. But he that is wise in his own eyes will not so much as listen to the beginning of the divine commandments; but, as if his own teacher, throwing off the reins, plunges voluntarily into a billowy commotion, sinking down to mortal and created things from the uncreated knowledge, holding various opinions at various times. "Those who have no guidance fall like leaves."

>"Well, then, if the Lord is the truth, and wisdom, and power of God, as in truth He is, it is shown that the real Gnostic is he that knows Him, and His Father by Him. For his sentiments are the same with him who said, "The lips of the righteous know high things."

>> No.14586689

Everything in life is cope. Luckily we get to choose.

>> No.14586725

Manichaeism isn't a living sect and if they're referring to that group in China they're basically just Buddhists living in an old Manichean temple.

>> No.14586767

give us some recommended readings

>> No.14586903


I mean I agree but "gnostic" is mainly a political term, not really descriptive of anything as far as ideas.

>> No.14586938


The whole point of Christocentric "gnosticism" is that Gnosis is both form and content, the content can even be Atheist while the form is towards God. Content alone is, to the ignorance of form, is a Catholic abomination.

>> No.14586980

Can demiurge be a cute girl and become my demi-chan waifu?

>> No.14587860

>calling mary a passive, feminine aspect of da legos like this is some kind of ooga booga ancient chinese philosophy regarding the eyes of Pangu
Imagine the amount of fucking cringe Mary has to go through on a daily basis because of retards like you. Truly an afterlife can be stressful. Respect the dead and stfu

>> No.14587871

>still creates saints and true gnostics









>> No.14587887

>the content can even be Atheist while the form is towards God

>> No.14587892


>> No.14587919 [DELETED] 

Learn to read, dear brother. I've said she's used as a symbol.
Definition of gnostics: possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters. If Christianity doesn't produces gnostics, then it's a no longer alive religious tradition. If you read the Fathers and had knowledge of your own religion, you'd know that the word is used quite often in the acceptation above quoted.

>> No.14587927

>If you read the Fathers and had knowledge of your own religion, you'd know that the word is used quite often in the acceptation above quoted.




>> No.14587933

Learn to read, dear brother. I've said she's used as a symbol.
Definition of gnostics: possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters. If Christianity doesn't produces gnostics, then it's a no longer alive religious tradition. If you read the Fathers and had knowledge of your own religion, you'd know that the word is used quite often in the acceptation cited.

>> No.14587944

Brother, a gnostic in greek literally means a knower. The word is used in the New Testament; it has nothing to do with the heresy which was denominated Gnosticism.

>> No.14587950

Do not offend Mary, you fucking scumbag.

>> No.14587971

not how things work exactly anon, the transcendent is not transcendent alone, affirmation is the first setp to anagoge.

wow quality retarded post

>> No.14587976

>a symbol to the passive, feminine aspect of the Logos
cite bible source of this idea or get out

>> No.14588016

I'm glad you've decided to denigrate a human life to the status of a symbol but I'll have nothing to do with it

Someone like Mary would be one of the literal last people I'd think of offending pal

>> No.14588024

It it makes about as much sense as the trinity

>> No.14588032
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Apart from the fact that she gave birth to Christ, I'm not able to, I'm afraid, Brother. You may dismiss the idea, but it's, in my view, a readable point of view from a few representation on Christian art and a few hymns to the Theotokos, and, of course, for the most important factor that everything the Logos is and has, it received from the Father.

>> No.14588043

In my view, I've done no such thing, and if I have you shouldn't be glad, and may God pardon me.

>> No.14588073

I'm a Muslim, and I must say, The Trinity does make sense, although the Christian dogma may absolutize it in some points.

>> No.14588077

Why shouldn't I? People do waaay worse shit, for example, offer sacrifices to the demiurge. Can you imagine the poor babies that have to put up with that? Holy shit

>> No.14588083

fuck she sounds hot.

>> No.14588092

The most intrusive thought in my brain every day is how much I want to leave this false reality and not be tricked into coming back via reincarnation or gaining access to save states to make life easier (I'm convinced save states exist just because of how easy life is for some people)

>> No.14588096

Anyway on a more pertinent note any recommended books for learning coptic?

>> No.14588106
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>matter is evil
okay retard

>> No.14588113

This is the /lit/ equivalent of the 'take the twink pill' threads on /fit/

>> No.14588200

someone answer >>14586767
who has a gnostic reading chart?

>> No.14588207

The monad is just another demiurge, Yahweh is the true Monad

>> No.14588208
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One does not, nor cannot, become Gnostic by consuming it via pill form, whatever that is supposed to mean; gnosis is achieved via noble - derived from root: "gno-" - lifestyle, and through reception of God's grace, thus Gnosticism/Christianity is the practice of gnosis, that is - the mediatory motion of optimization.

>> No.14588218

You are not wronge.

>> No.14588304

You suck at being a Muslim then.

>> No.14588333

It sounds that you just have no comprehension of the Trinity; all religious Tradition differentiate between the One and his first manifestation.

>> No.14588336

Except Catholicism.

>> No.14588343

Have you not eyes, brother? Independently of how it's put, as it's said, Christ is the revealed face of the Father.

>> No.14588359

And? See you don't get the trinity at all. It isn't like vedic avatar or platonic/kabbalistic/gnostic emanations.

>> No.14588370

Explain the Trinity with quotations from the Fathers and I will repent and admit you're right, until then, it seems that your knowledge of the Trinity comes from second hand generalizations and myopic prejudices.

>> No.14588373
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Matter can't be anything other than evil.

>> No.14588421

>Jump through my hoops.

Nah, I know you are a larping Guenonfag. Catholics deny that there is a descent among the hypostases as they are coequal and coeternal. The trinity defies basic syllogistic logic, the Aristotlean logic that forms the basis of Thomism, which is why it is known as one of the mysteries and explanation of it tend toward restating the basic formula of the coequality of the hypostases and apophatic theology.

You accept it as a mystery, something that can not be apprehended by reason, but rather through divine revelation. Or you reject it.

>> No.14588442

Well, brother, I hope you can soon read the Fathers and discover that their metaphysics are closer to what you'd call Platonic than you, as a apparent Papist, and therefore a legatee in parts of a corrupt form of Theology, was taught to think. Gregory Palamas would be a good start.

>> No.14588484

hi are you numen?

>> No.14588522

And he watches Jay too. Amazing how you reflexively assume I am a papist after giving a non retarded meme answer when we started this exchange with me mocking the trinity.

My wish for you is that the amalgam of parasitic post-ironic meme ideologies that have infected you from internet boards and youtube that you have mistaken for an identity, that pull your in so many directions at once, fall away and in their absence you find peace.

>> No.14588533

I find these obscure religion meme threads very odd. Do people actually go and join groups of Gnostics in real life or are you just internet larping? Doctrinal debate aside, religion without sacraments and guide from someone who has already been initiated is just delusion.

Why you would want to be a gnostic is extremely bizzare. The Neo-Platonists btfo them and even modern thinkers like Guenon were against their metaphysics. If you are Catholic you should read Christ the Original Mystery by Jean Borella. It explains the context of the Greek word Gnosis as it was used in the New Testament and talks about Christian Gnosis of Origen and St. Clement of Alexandria

>> No.14588550

I do not watch Jay, brother. In fact, I find him quite obnoxious. I imagine that you are implying that Guenon's "doctrine" is a meme; if that's the case, I'd ask you to leave this board for a while and recognize that there's a world outside of it.

>> No.14588577


>Thinks lineage is required for ideas to survive

*Laughs in Hebrew*

>> No.14588583

And I have no ideology apart from the Path, my interest in metaphysics originates from my attraction towards the Divine; if, for you, there's anything "meme" or "post-ironic" about doctrines about the Reality, I'd ask you to reconsider your relation with God- which must be faulty, at the very least, if that's the case- and consider the serious nature of existence; that man may win Pardise or deserve hell.

>> No.14588668

A real modern Andy Kaufman, I tip my hat do you good sir have an upvote.

>> No.14588718

>Andy Kaufman
t. Hylic.

>> No.14588759
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>but there's not initiation, for there is no valid lineage

>> No.14588777

how do I learn about historical manichaeism and zoroastrianism while completely avoiding internet larper faggots

>> No.14588795

And finally the mask is off.

Good night, all.

>> No.14588851

>tfw no gnostic gf

>> No.14588887

t. goes to a mall in a strip mall and sharts in mart

>> No.14589050

Community and religious culture is just as important as the theology. Gnostic community is non existent and would be too much effort for me to try to get going. Not to mention the theology isn't tight enough for me to believe in it. Where is there proof of the Demiurge?

>> No.14589079


>> No.14589092
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>unironically appealing to Guénon as an authority

>> No.14589103

You're just another plebeian normie. Stick to your gay religion.

>> No.14589108
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>. The trinity defies basic syllogistic logic, the Aristotlean logic that forms the basis of Thomism, which is why it is known as one of the mysteries and explanation of it tend toward restating the basic formula of the coequality of the hypostases and apophatic theology.
>It isn't like vedic avatar or platonic/kabbalistic/gnostic emanations.

It is exactly the same.
>le 1+1 = 2 = "3"

>> No.14589154
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>> No.14589698

There's dozens of them, which one?

>> No.14590019

The incarnation of physical reality and its consequences have been a disaster for the ultimate reality

>> No.14590248

This; Reading chart

>> No.14590318

>Take the Gnostic pill.
No thanks, I don't imbibe bullshit.

>> No.14590341

FYI: There's a growing recognition that the Hussites were 100% right, and that both Catholics and subsequent so-called 'Protestants' are devil-worshipers that are essentially guaranteed to burn in the great Lake of Fire for all of eternity.

>> No.14590362

Gnostics are even more cringe than the christcucks

>> No.14590385

What would Jesus do? He'd be (as of course he was) a full-on hippie commie limp-wristed cheek-turning fuck-the-bankers pantywaist. Face it: Christianity is just a fancy word for Communism.

>> No.14591165

Mary was a sinner.

>> No.14591177


>> No.14591445

Neck yourself faggot

>> No.14591726

>modern day chinese anything
>no victim complex

>> No.14592062


Ridding yourself of assumptions, including assumptions about God.

>> No.14592088
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>> No.14592099
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>> No.14592104
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>> No.14592111
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>> No.14592117
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>> No.14592125
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>> No.14592127
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>> No.14592137


>Revering the literal mother of Christ himself
>Idol worship

Go tell your mother you love her, please.

>> No.14592140
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Stay frosty Orthobros
No, but praying for intercession with her son, yes.
This thread is heretical

>> No.14592145
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My mother is a cunt who subjected me to genital mutilation. I'm not a cuck with Stockholm Syndrome, so I don't love her.

>> No.14592211
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Death to you videodrome!

>> No.14592277

My only knowledge of Gnosticism comes from PKD's Valis series. Seemed pretty based but also psychotic to me. The central thesis is that a malevolent demiurge rules and the real god has yet to appear / gain controll, right? What is some essential gnostic literature?

>> No.14592280

Have never seen the images after this one

>> No.14592300


Out of ignorance, surely you can forgive someone adhering to a cultural norm out of ignorance?

Terrifying article by the way. Glad I'm not cut.

>> No.14592977
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>> No.14593047

Religiosity is an extreme form of insanity.

>> No.14593962


Ah yes. So basically all your ancestors and the historical figures that shaped our world suffered from an extreme form of insanity. But not you, you're special. Good job.

>> No.14594095

The Monad is basically wholly uncomprehendable and pretty much disconnected entirely from the going ons of the demiurge(think Jehovah the OT God) and the material world both of which were created when Sophia(wisdom) tried to contemplate the monad. Some of the pneuma or spirit from the fullness above was either accidentally or purposely implanted by Sophia into humans so they could potentially grow and escape beyond the evil degenerate material realm. Christ came to help humans achieve the gnosis to do so and also possibly to help Sophia escape nothingness and get back to the fullness. The demiurge is either extremely fucking malevolent or ignorant. Basically there were a lot of different gnostic sects and they all had somewhat different ideas.

>> No.14594108

We're all schizos anon, only some of us ever actually realize it
Also this captcha gayness is out of hand
Fuck jewgle

>> No.14594206

Is that supposed to be an argument?

>> No.14594214

Fail to identify a crosswalk, and a self-driving car kills a pedestrian in real time.

>> No.14594272

I wish to take the pill. What books should I read?