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14585372 No.14585372 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game /lit/ approved?

>> No.14585612

Probably the best writing I've seem in the last few years. Ghoul and the Apostle Legacies are fucking top-notch stuff.

"Enemy, I am not so easily destroyed. But I will acknowledge that you have defeated me, and so I will reward you with my counsel. You are a fool, cozened by a fool to emplace one more stone in the walls of the Mansus. You may, if you choose, cast that stone away into night. Should you so cast it, you will die empty and alone, as do all, even the Long. You might die free. - Julian'"

"To join with the Grail, our Delight must give life and take life and be not sated. So it is that I am the centrepiece of the Vitulation. A child of the Delight's body would fulfil the requirement, but one cannot enter the Mansus in triumph when one has committed the Crime of the Sky. So it is me, and I submit to the binding and to Marinette's marinations, and the Seven Graces and the Three Savours overwhelm me, and when the first mouthful is taken, almost I do not feel it; almost I do not feel it at all."

Also, Winter/Lantern best aspects.

>> No.14585890

I think what I appreciate most about the writing is the characterization of the hours. Their nature changing according to mankind's development and the implication that they have emotions of their own. It encapsulates a certain form of divinity that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. They strike a balance between the humanity of the gods in ancient pantheons and the mysteries and perceived distance of the Abrahamic one. Glad someone else here has appreciated this game.

>> No.14585901

lit approved games off the top of my head...:
planescape torment
disco elysium ----

>> No.14585905

Morrowind. Go through the books in that game.

>> No.14585911

Morrowind has terrible writing.

>> No.14585919

The game is ripe for storytelling, but I definitely enjoy the game's story. I still fondly remember when I set up an eldritch cult ingame and created a perverse cycle where I was able to kill off investigators and gradually wipe away their evidence against me with every successful kill.

>> No.14585941


no u. Morrowind broke barriers in interactive fiction. It employs mythopoeia, self-reference, unreliable narrators (including the player), and offered mysteries that were wondered over for years by players outside of the game. And it was in development twenty fucking years ago. It is objectively good writing.

Sounds pretty good desu, I'll check it out.

>> No.14585947

Yeah, the Hours have some great character - with all said, I also like the fact that each one of them has some sort of philosophy of it's own. Have you got any favorites, anon?

Mine are probably The Elegiast, The Sun-In-Rags and The Flowermaker.

>> No.14585948

This is your brain on video games.

>> No.14585952

ATOM RPG aka vodka-induced Fallout

>> No.14585959

Looks interesting, thanks for the rec

>> No.14585962

Going off the title, it seems Freemasonic and Jewish.

>> No.14585966
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Only Pharaoh (1999) is /lit/-approved

>> No.14585974

I find The Vagabond very interesting as far as lore is concerned but in all honesty, they're all very interesting.

>> No.14585981

okay so I checked it out. I hated fallen london, and this game brags about being difficult to pick up on the store page. plus it's about cult shit, so it is definitely going to be theologically unsound and that's gonna bug the fuck outta me. the writing didn't even look that good, it's all just flavor text. dropped.

no u

>> No.14585992

To each their own.

>> No.14586009

Well, it has elements that can be considered both Freemasonic and Jewish - The Gods of the setting, the Hours, have a pretty long history, many going trough many falls, changes and apotheosis, each also happens to work on a principle or aspect, and for Freemasonry you have Forge, which the Major God is The Forge Of Days, whose lore is a brilliant conflagration of old-school Masonry, Alchemy and Atomic Theory - for the more Messianic types you may find the Priest DLC fitting, since it relies pretty heavily on theological images and Haliography, and somehow manages to make Jesus Eldritch, since in game he's actually a Long, an Immortal in service of the Hours, whose ascension was made trough the holy wounds of his body, according to one of the in-game Gospels;

"An extremely heterodox account of the Nazarene Messiah and his works, describing his ascension to the Mansus through the opening of his body;

'Seven were the wounds of His body, seven the doors of the House. Seven the lesser aspects of the Hours, and Knock the aspect above all, for the Mother of Ants is the Mother of Salvation'. The book includes a description of a Rite which can be used to raise a corpse to half-life, 'in memory of He who bled for the Wood'. It requires a corpse and sufficient power - the author suggests an invocation of Winter-lore, and an assistant touched by the powers of the Wood.

It's pretty fucking great. But it's definetelly Theological Unsound.

>> No.14586024

Fallen London is sorta hard to get into, it's also way more centered on wacky shit. CS can be best described as a playable modernist novel written by Virginia Woolf if instead of killing herself she became an occultist.

>> No.14586089

It certainly is very inspiring in that regard. The fantasy universe where reading occult literature is not a complete waste of time must be extremely appealing to any regular /lit/ poster.
As any student of Literature knows, the regular /lit/ poster reads no books.

>> No.14586135

The best games are the one that simulates real systems the best (physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, etc.). Think of the matrix from the The Matrix, that's technically the goal of video games. Dwarf Fortress is probably the closest to this atm.

>> No.14586166

You must like Zachtronics games then. But it's not really /lit/, is it? More like /egg/.

>> No.14586178
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Nothing gets me pumped for reading like playing five minutes of this game.

>> No.14586179

"best writing" and "lit approved" are so loaded I have no idea what OP might mean and it makes me defensive about their claim. Looks to me like comprehensible gobbledygook, which has its merits. but best written? best embodied, characterized, expressive?

>> No.14586194

I never said "best writing". I was just wondering what games people on /lit/ approve of, I gave my own example in pic related as a game which I enjoyed because of it's writing and lore.

>> No.14586206

sorry, I just assumed you and the second poster were the same person.

>> No.14586214

Cultist Simulator is busy work masquerading as a game, but by the time you realise that you'll be well past your refund period

>> No.14586224

Oh yeah? Is this actually decent? Had my eye on it.

>> No.14586240
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, 23D1C37A-6C56-46B7-B2C2-8520232EBB3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but pic related is.

>> No.14586247

I own Disco Elysium and Pathologic. Which one should I play first?

>> No.14586269


>> No.14587237

I think most roguelikes/roguelites with some storytelling would be /lit/ approved. Cultist Simulator is awesome.

>> No.14587316

I agree it's glorious

>> No.14587663

Jesus Christ

>> No.14588091

this is why all resource management games are complete shit

>> No.14588133


>> No.14589084

Go live in a real cult like I did pussies. Play irl, just remember theres no respawns.

>> No.14589101

Cultist Simulator has great writing but the actual game is boring as shit.

>> No.14589132

I still like Sunless Sea, the actual game isn't that great though

>> No.14589854

Fuck OFF already.

>> No.14589860

When I played Morrowind every character in the game had the same exact dialogue and somehow had a omniscient understanding of everything about the land (except when they all didn't). Shit game desu.

>> No.14589861


>> No.14589896

Is Morrowind worth playing? I once tried it and felt like this guy: >>14589860

Also Skyrim was horrible. I opened books in that game and almost vomited at all the bad nordic LARP. Do these games really have interesting lore at all or is it just retards and people with rose tinted glasses?

>> No.14589910

>Do these games really have interesting lore at all or is it just retards and people with rose tinted glasses?
Latter, typical pseudo-mythology crap nerds love to gush over to distance themselves from the fact they enjoy what is essentially genre fiction with elves and the like but with a subversion.

>> No.14591067

>Is Morrowind worth playing?
Yes. The sequels only diluted the whole affair more and more. Morrowind and the two sequels (which you should only play after finishing the main game) are a condensed version of all that followed.
Also, you don't have to converse with everybody about everything. There are a ton of quests that lead you through the world and all conversation relevant to them is highlighted (with very few obvious exceptions) or the only option available.
Same goes for books. I liked the idea but actually reading them? Lol. Finished the game without reading more than a few pages from maximum half a dozen books.
Have fun!

>> No.14591211
File: 168 KB, 446x297, disco elysium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14591256


I really like Disco Elysium. The writing is insightful and hilarious. It is, however, pretty easy to get overwhelmed with worldbuilding info regarding factions, religions, creation myths, military history, etc., but the game doesn't really punish you for not knowing obscure fictional history.

>> No.14591298

Are you talking to a character called rhetoric or are you having an inner conversation with your actual rhetoric? If it's the latter that is fucking amazing and I need to play that game ASAP

>> No.14591314

the latter

>> No.14591409

The void > pathologic

>> No.14591416

Your skills are representations of parts of your psyche that all converse with each other/with you

>> No.14591439
File: 578 KB, 669x678, 1445703403901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a soft spot for kotor2, bearing in my i first played it as a young teen.

>> No.14591460

>play Disco Elysium
>have faggot asian sidekick who can't shut the fick up about what he put on his ass
>do anything not politically leftist
>get punished with less stats
>my faggot sidekick denouces me as fascist
Nice escatological piece ofnrpetensious trash, my self titled "soviet devs"!

>> No.14591979

I really liked Cultist Simulator, what's cool about the writing is that there's no real difference between the game mechanics and the storytelling. Figuring out how the game works more or less *is* the story. The first thing you have to do to begin the path to ascension is to place your "passion" into the "dreaming" slot, for instance, and begin to dream passionately.

This is more or less true, though. I do like the game a lot but once you figure out how it all works you realize it's just a set of nested resource management mechanics. Getting to that point is a lot of fun, though.

>> No.14592846

>Same goes for books. I liked the idea but actually reading them? Lol. Finished the game without reading more than a few pages from maximum half a dozen books.
If it wasn't for the books I would have dropped the whole game long ago. It's really bad.