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14584628 No.14584628 [Reply] [Original]

Is The Hobbit still worth reading if it’s more childlike than LoTR? I’ve never read it, only saw the first movie

>> No.14584630

Why wouldn't it be? Are you retarded?

>> No.14584637
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Why so hostile anon?

>> No.14584644

Yeah, I just reread it yesterday in one sitting. It's great. The movies sanitize the shit out of it, book is way different.

>> No.14584663

lol the hobbit is way better than the LoTR. Having good pacing doesn't prevent a book from being adult. I read dune but the fellowship was still too dry for me. I swear tolkien was transcribing a DnD session when he wrote LoTR, learned how to write, wrote the hobbit, and then released his DnD script and called it LoTR.

>> No.14584801 [DELETED] 
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Okay chad. Reading a book in one sitting.most I’ve done in one sitting with a book was only 1/4th of the whole book and that was only because my mind was fresh without distractions and I was invested

>> No.14585118

Anon I've been playing with my phallus for an hour straight and it still won’t ejaculate. Why do you think I’m mad?

>> No.14585290

Nah it’s not worth it. Honestly the best thing you could do is skip the hobbit, skip LOTR, skip the silmarillion and skip the children of húrin. Just jump straight into A Game of Thrones.

>> No.14585299

He wrote LOTR after the Hobbit.

>> No.14585309

The movies are horrendous, having watched the trilogy in-between two readings. The Hobbit is a lot of fun to read and Tolkien is a great story-teller.

>> No.14585348

>Game of bore

How about no. I don’t want to have to buy 6 different books just to get an unfinished story

Atleast with the hobbit and lotr they’re both separate stories but still both have a conclusion without needing 86 more books to consoom

>> No.14586149


>> No.14586156

It's worth reading in another language. The best part of childrens books is you can use them for language learning.
The movie was a cash grab and the reason they are so fucking terrible is that Jackson had no creative control.

>> No.14586168

I tried watching that piece of shit with my gf and it sucks. It's just talking and softcore porn. I'm convinced that the only reason anyone watched it is because as a couple you always end up fucking.

>> No.14586174

Stop asking questions like this. The Hobbit is considered a classic, one of the greatest children's books ever written, so clearly plenty of people think it is worth reading. Just give it a go, you could read it in a day if you wanted to, but if you really hate it just stop. I don't understand why anyone would want to consult this den of autistic shut-ins for their hot take on anything outside of more obscure works.

>> No.14586175

Malazan is actually a DND session.

>> No.14586184

absolutely, it's cozy, comfy, enjoyable, his best work, and it's short. You should not think of it as childish because you saw some dumb films, it's really very good.

>> No.14586189

Sometimes I think /lit/ is just as retarded as every other board when Anons fall for these obvious as fuck baits. At least I'm mildly amused

>> No.14586282

>too much talking, show bad!
There’s a lot wrong with GoT, but dialogue in the earlier seasons is fine.
Season 2 onwards all have good battle scenes to satisfy your instant-gratification mindset.

>> No.14586295

It’s good. Hobbit is a quick adventure while LotR is a slower, longer trek with a better cast of characters.

>> No.14586317

dumb fucking retard

>> No.14586329
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The whole series is lazy derivative Jewish nonsense that exists in the spirit of Melkor, unable to create anything new so content to twist and make profane and degenerate something pure and holy. There is no good fantasy after Tolkien, just pathetic and embarrassing American crap. Torture rape and incest dont somehow magically make a story interesting or good. Truly disgusting.

>> No.14586414

In film you are supposed to use dialog as little as possible. The entire medium is about characterizing through motion and actions. Show don't tell is even stronger in Film writing than it is in literature. Garbage series.

>> No.14586423

The diction is at a 6th grade level.

>> No.14586439

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other?

Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

>> No.14586661

If you are a fan of Tolkien, or want to read Tolkien, then the Hobbit is a must-read, as it sets the stage for the world of Middle Earth.
If you're a /lit/ pseud hoping to find some deep meanings and philosophical truths, then you may come up short. The Hobbit was written expressly as a story for Tolkien's children, and it's only purpose is to be a delightful tale of adventure.
Would you feel guilty reading something just because it is written to be enjoyed at face value? If not, then read it, it's very fun and it won't take you long.

>> No.14586917


Can you reccomend me something else that isn't Tolkien but truly is in keeping with the spirit of? I've been trawling bookstores for ages now hoping to find something as beautifully written and constructed as the post-Hobbit legendarium but everything is just terrible Random Fantasy Names Made Up On The Spot talking like people do now despite the setting being totally antithetical to modernity and I'm just sick of it

>> No.14586957

it's comfy, like aesop's fables

>> No.14586961

Tolkien's prose is almost unreadably bad, except for in a few memorable passages.

>> No.14586981

If society could somehow normalize watching porn as couples exclusively we could fix this first world birthrate issue asap. We're mimetic creatures after all.

>> No.14587331
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It wouldn’t fix the birth rates. Having a lot of sex isn’t going to produce children if everyone is using condoms and birth control. Look at Italy, if there is any country that’s cracked the code on how to have kids it should be Italy, but their birth rates are shit.

>> No.14587434


>> No.14587509

wait, why did they take creative control from him? Didn't they see the success of TLotR? Why fuck that up?

>> No.14587524

the hobbit is a legitimately great book

>> No.14587548

how the fuck do you weirdos read whole books in a single day? Seriously, how? I'm reading the Fellowship of the Ring. I started it like 3 weeks ago and am only 200 pages in. And tha's a book that has sucked me in. I'm at the part where the Black ones attacked, and they left the inn with Strider. I really get into that world when I'm reading it but to read the entire fucking thing in a day?

How do you do that?

>> No.14587558

meh, I didn't like it specifically because it was a kid's book. I read literally like a kids book and I couldn't get over that. Then again, I went in with the expectation that I'd get some serious, if fanciful prose, based on the films which I'd seen years earlier. Instead I felt like I was reading a Dr. Seuss book.

>> No.14587564

It's 4chan tradition to just be contrarian for contrarian sake to any post complimenting something so highly. However, you are right.

>> No.14587591

The more you read, the quicker you can read still have good reading comprehension. It's all about practice.

>how do you read it in one day

If reading is your hobby, just sit down on a Sunday, dedicate it to reading and bang it out. It's actually the best way to read a novel since you don't forget parts earlier in the book.

>> No.14587683

That's literally how LOTR reads too

>> No.14587687

no it literally isn't. I shojld know, I'm reading it now.There's a huge difference.

>> No.14587761

Its what the other anon said, just dedicate the whole day to reading. Hobbit has just 95000 words at slow 200 words per minute thats less than 9 hours.

>> No.14587776
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Unfortunately not friend. Was blown away by Tolkien when I was younger so went trawling for other writers like you are, not knowing how unique Tolkien really was. Wheel of time, sword of truth, runelords, shannara, drenai saga, and so on. All shit. Absolute shit. Cringeworthy American shit. High fantasy began and ended with Tolkien, a man so based he accidentally gave birth to an entire genre of piss-poor imitations.

>> No.14587966

Gormenghast maybe? It's not an epic journey, but still excellent fantasy. Another one that gets recommended around here a lot is the Book of the New Sun, though I haven't read it myself.

>> No.14587970

You tried some earlier fantasy like Lord Dunsany?

>> No.14587990

The Hobbit trilogy is so bad partly through executive meddling e.g Give us three movies, and partly through the fact that Jackson was making them almost on the spot. There was about a year or pre production compared to LotR's five, and they were all filmed separately. Honestly, it's a miracle they're as aggressively mediocre as they are, it could have been a lot worse.

>> No.14588002

LMAO madlad

>> No.14588015

It's a book for children and young teens and reads like one, I dunno what these other faggots are on about.

>> No.14588028

heh, it's 10,000 times fairer than what the general public reads, that's no valid attack

>> No.14588142

You just take the time dor yourself. 200 pages in 3 weeks is honestly really not much.

>> No.14588150

Yes, you fag. Also RIP Christopher.

>> No.14589118

I would recommend what inspired Tolkien:

The Völsunga saga


The Poetic Edda

The Kalevala

There were some modern authors as well that Tolkien drew inspiration from for The Hobbit, if you do a little research you'll have a sizeable collection of books.

>> No.14589234

Based. King of Elfland's Daughter is a must read.
Practice. Practice. Gatta practice. I bought a 50th anniversary edition of LotR last week (all 3 in one plus a 300page appendix/index) and I've finished it almost twice over already.

>> No.14589237

Gormenghast is a master piece but it's nowhere near the same vein as LotR.

>> No.14590279

>There are more 70-74 years old men than 20-24 years old
I didin't know we were so screwed up.

>> No.14590296

> that pic
Goodbye Italy, we hardly knew ye.