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File: 262 KB, 1200x1200, noam-chomsky-37616-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14584023 No.14584023 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you realize he was right?

>> No.14584026

Now is the time for Selena Gomez and Emma Watson to move around me as well :3

I am currently in a threesome with two awesome women and Butterfly, and now I require Emma Watson and Selena Gomez to come to my locations as well. Just thinking about it makes me excited because I know they will see this somehow and I know they will come. I would prefer you not be a lesbian

Thank you!

>> No.14584031

When we got lied into Iraq by the mainstream media

>> No.14584038

never, because he's wrong

>> No.14584069

He is by far the greatest intellectual and moral thinker of the last century. His clarity in explanation, depth and recall of historic knowledge as well as contributions cement this.

I have also never seen him do poorly in a debate. I recommend you watch the way he destroyed the formidable William F Buckle in their debate on Vietnam.

>> No.14584076

When my family got sent to the killing fields. No more rarly sleep time!

>> No.14584084

I can't say that he was "right" but he helped me understand why the generation that hated the vietnam war somehow entered the iraq war. also universal grammar and twin language gave me confidence in a general human connection, which has helped me greatly in traveling to places where I don't speak the language.

>> No.14584117

20 or somethign

>> No.14584165

t. redditor with a bookshelf filled only with naomi wolf and chomsky books

>> No.14584206

lol he's not the greatest but comparing him to naomi wolf? if america fights iran I can't wait to see how you refute why he thinks we shouldn't.

>> No.14584211

all he does is made you jaded about the state of world politics

>> No.14584222

Noam is the left-wing equivalent of the right-wing libertarian "facts, science, reason, logic" guy. His (lack of) understanding of post-structuralism is embrassing. The fact that he hasn't altered his poltical beliefs since he was a teenager even more so. The cognitive dissonance he must experience reconciling his (incorrect) linguistic theory with his politics is the cherry on top.

>> No.14584254

can you do some quick math adding up all the civilian casualties of wars america chose to enter for reasons besides defending it's borders since ww2? Divide the total number of foreign lives lost over seas by american lives lost and that number and you might come up with a big enough number to make it through your thick skull.

I love my country. democrats are less associated with international war and are associated with higher GDP.

no one chooses where they are born, so the country with the lowest civilian death count wins.

>> No.14584268

I wonder if Noam will ever talk about his ethnic kin dancing a few kms away from the WTC on 9/11 that were there to "document the event".

>> No.14584277

>it's the chomsky defener anon

>> No.14584281

Almost thought it was Bernie Sanders.
All those Jews look the same

>> No.14584283

look, even though your media bubble is bouncing around the inside of mine like a ping pong ball, can you do the quick math? Assume I'm a israele, you should be able to disprove me with the body counts right? Use duckduckgo, I'm waiting.

>> No.14584288

A child's understanding of geopolitics.
>for reasons besides defending it's borders
The USA is an empire. War in the middle east is a matter of governance for it. For all intents and purposes, the middle east is the USA's borders. I have my misgivings, but they're little more nuanced than reducing geopolitical strategy to bunch of liberal platitudes the average soccer mom holds ("war bad durrrrr").

>> No.14584292

Never read him. Knowing what I know about him, I think I'd just be pissed off reading him.

>> No.14584300

I'm not the anon you were responding to. I'm pointing out that Noam seems to make a lot of convenient omissions. As to your request to the other anon, that you've also made to me, I really don't care about "body counts" since its a consequence of a causal chain preceding it. What I care about is arrogant morons like yourself who can't distinguish between proximate causes (America and its allies invading places that don't matter) and ultimate causes (Zionist and Jewish elites manipulating domestic American politics for the purposes of destroying their local enemies).

>> No.14584306

He's not worth your time unless you're a stalwart ideologue.

>> No.14584308

my boy it's so simple. you didn't pick your parents. you could have been born in any random place in the world. policy that minimizes civilian death tolls is superior for ensuring your survival in that case. what happens globally when death tolls are reduced? would that be good policy?

>> No.14584310

source for

Zionist and Jewish elites manipulating domestic American politics for the purposes of destroying their local enemies

as a counterpoint?

>> No.14584318

What you're calling for is a globe-spanning formal empire with an absolute sovereign. And yes, I'm unironically all for it.

>> No.14584324

so to go full circle, does noam chomsky bring us closer to that idea?

>> No.14584331

Unintentionally. In the same way that breaking something brings us closer to that thing being fixed.

>> No.14584337
File: 38 KB, 338x499, j 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source do you have a source, i say do you have a peer reviewed scientific source?
You sound like a fucking sperg redditor tbqh. Were you even paying attention to the whole Epstein thing? Have you been paying attention to Trump and his relationship with the Israelis? As to a "source", what source are you looking for? A primary source like the neocon's "A Clean Break"? Or something like Oded Yinon's paper (the so-called "yinon plan")? Or a secondary source like pic related out there on neocons, the israel lobby, and their relationship to Israel?

>> No.14584354

yes all of that

>> No.14584363

>resorting to calling anyone who defends one of the most important and successful intellectual titans in history a 'defener'
>This is the best anti-Chomsky-fags have because they know that their actual arguments against him don't stand up to scrutiny and they have to throw shit around implying that you ought to see him as am embarrassing pseud despite how solidly well acknowledged his legacy is

The guys in the LotR thread were at least clever by constructing an ambiguous but accurate parody of the guy's style of argumentation, by there are a crowd of dishonest niggas here who try to get people to ignore everything he actually wrote and said outside a few cherry-picked points and shy away whenever anyone actually ask people to read any book he wrote. These are the tactics these people have to resort to. Imagine people going "lol, Kant is wrong, just don't bother reading him because everything he said has been refuted, just trust me bro", because that's what people here are doing with Chomsky.

>> No.14584387

this is a pretty embarrassing post

>> No.14584392

yeah man we just have to love each other

>> No.14584397

>one of the most important and successful intellectual titans in history

>> No.14584818


>> No.14584904

who the FUCK is this annoying as fuck Chomsky-poster? Is it you butterfly?

>> No.14584916

This. Also what kind of anarchist lives I one of the richest zip codes in the USA?

>> No.14584922


>> No.14584929

>you could have been born in any random place in the world.

Are you really this stupid? People are born THE ONLY place they can be born. How could you with your genetic identity be born anywhere other than to your parents where they lived at the time of your birth?

>> No.14584948

when i realized he was part of Manufacturing Consent all along

>> No.14584952

by that logic there's a higher probability of you being born a bacteria or an ant, that means we should maximize bacteria or ant welfare

>> No.14584958
File: 11 KB, 220x320, 220px-CartesianLinguistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right about philosophy/cog sci
>right about politics/economics
>right about history
>right about the media
>right about language
one of the most based men of all time

>> No.14585004

He seems to appear in every Chomsky thread. Noticed him months ago.

>> No.14585013

>america bad
Guy may have seemed relevent when i was a teenager but lol.

>> No.14585486

Literally controlled OP

>> No.14585492

16, and i have dropped him

>> No.14585500

when I was around 15 years old

>> No.14585759

Why does him not being what they consider to be an anarchist wrong?

>> No.14585800

Then I turned 25 and realized that he was wrong about almost everything but his linguistic works.

>> No.14585815

how can anybody watch the foucault/chomsky debate and not immediately drop noam in the trash? he's like middle school level political theory

>> No.14585839

This is all true. He disregard for post structuralism really is his downfall imo. But he got me into Alex Carey who has been an influence on me despite that I think they both overstate the effects of American propaganda.

>> No.14585856

>wrong about linguistics
>wrong about politics
He's obviously not stupid but still an anglo-autist.

>> No.14585859

Not wrong about politics. Literally impossible to argue against his politics

>> No.14585860

he is an anglo, he can't genetically into even structuralism, much less post

>> No.14585865

>impossible to argue against an anarchist
that's cause anarchism is not even a coherent position, they are not even wrong

>> No.14585877

>I don't like it means it's not coherent

>> No.14585895

it's just magical thinking about free subjects

>> No.14585907

No anarchism is a legitimately incoherent belief. It is physically impossible to not have a State apparatus of some form, as any de-facto hierarchy instantaneously forms into the State as a result,. His linguistic philosophy was also disproven by people literally just existing so...yeah.

>> No.14585916


Most of them.

>> No.14585924

wow holy shit you should write this down all these years of anarchist thinkers and no one thought "hey isn't this just a state again"

>> No.14585946

>impossible to not have a State apparatus of some form
depending on what you mean by "state," Chomsky and most anarchists wouldn't even necessarily disagree
>any de-facto hierarchy instantaneously forms into the State as a result
>His linguistic philosophy was also disproven

>> No.14585965

I realized he was wrong when he lied about wars for oil. The US is a Janissary force for Israel

>> No.14586030

let's see, ummm - because he HIMSELF stated that he considers himself an anarchist?

>> No.14586043
File: 250 KB, 1080x859, Screenshot_20200122-134323__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14586092

so they are against a word, but not about any real structure beyond the word?

>> No.14586113

>writes introductions to Rocker and Guerin
>consistently mentions Bakunin and Kropotkin
>not an anarchist
he's not an anarchist, sure, but that is against his own admission that he IS one. he's a covert Marxist-Leninist

>> No.14586185

let's stop being silly please, he's no kind of Leninist. he's a Libertarian (Reformist) Marxist, if you really want to stick a label on him.

>> No.14586190

He's just a coward that'll bitch and moan, but ultimately do exactly as the system tells him to do while he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars giving lectures on bullshit and being a tenured professor at MIT.

>> No.14586208

he repeatedly praised Lenin's State and Revolution which is what Leninism is actually about as opposed to the Stalinist reading of Lenin. the point is he's not an anarchist by any sensible definition of it.

>> No.14586223
File: 963 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200122-141731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14586252

yes, that even further reinforces my claim. here he not only praises Lenin but also reveals that he is not an anarchist, his statement that Lenin's 1917 writings are "almost anarchist" prove that beyond any doubt. in a parallel universe where Lenins is "almost anarchist" Chomsky would surely pass for an anarchist himself but we know that Lenin is hardly "almost anarchist" and by extension neither is Chomsky since he considers him to be one.

>> No.14586266


>> No.14586267

i remember for the longest time i thought he was some kind of genius. that was until i saw him trying to talk about science (chemistry specifically if i remember right) and i finally knew he was just talking out of his ass. i forget exactly what was said but im gonna try and look it up later

>> No.14586275

why are you pretending you don't know how to read

>> No.14586279

not an argument