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/lit/ - Literature

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14583749 No.14583749 [Reply] [Original]

All the enjoyable moments are spread out between hours of pointless shit that could be summed up in a few pages.
It just takes up so much of your time.

>> No.14583762

Amen. Watch Nickelodeon instead!

>> No.14583766

Skim those books for the high points if that helps.

>> No.14583783
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Cool. Now get the fuck off my board

>> No.14583795

do ssris cure depressive brain fog? will I read better or worse on them?

>> No.14583883

>All the enjoyable moments are spread out between hours of pointless shit
Literally how all of life works

>> No.14583891
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Read books you like better, retard. It shouldn't take more than 10-12 cumlative hours to read a 200-300 page book. Read something that holds your attention all the way through. There really are lots of books out there suited for everyone.

>> No.14583896

my attention span is fucked by years of internet and drug abuse yet i can still enjoy a good book, how devastated is your poor brain?

>> No.14583906

I find it so hard to find good books.

I read two amazing books about 3 months ago and since then it's been 2-3/5s ever since

>> No.14583912

>There really are lots of books out there
And even more horrible shitty books, and you gotta spend up to 10-12 hours to find out if it's a shitty one or not. Annoying hobby.

>> No.14583942

why is it I only like books when I'm at the last 3rd which I finish in a day? and it takes me like a month for 1st 2 3rds

>> No.14583949

They turn your brain to mush and it is nigh impossible to get off them. Stay away.

>> No.14583973
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Hey OP, I totally agree with this guy >>14583766. What I do is a really clever tactic to absorb the most powerful thibg on the planet. Knowledge.

Here's one trick I am gonna show you that'll change your world. Just take whatever book you want to learn from, and skim, and I mean skim, the first page. Just blast through it. Then what I want you to do is really quickly flip through to find any bullet poibts or headers and just read those. Great, now read the last page of the book. Most bools put up their hypothesis in the first page. They usually jave a conclusion too. And they often make their points with the headers of each chapter and then explain what they mean in that chapter. This is a great way to skip 99% of the effort and gain all of the knowledge. I read for 5 hours a day and I have read thousands of books using this method. I hope this helps you anon, and if you want more, I do also offer courses. Great, I'll see you guys in the next video.

>> No.14583978

But I enjoy reading and I don't consider it a slog. What now? Maybe you should just find a new hobby since it seems like you're forcing it.

>> No.14584034

titles of the amazing books?

>> No.14584154

you dont deserve literature
shit takes TIME