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14582934 No.14582934 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to meditate today so you may achieve the Buddha body of emanation

>> No.14582936

books on how to meditate? I've never done it.

>> No.14582950

you definitely don't need a book. the most common technique is to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. you will eventually have your focus drift away from your breath. upon realizing this, calmly return your focus on your breath. it's more difficult than it sounds though. start by doing a single minute if that's all you can do. work your way up after that

>> No.14583123

The first time I did it I was able to do it 40 minutes before a mosquito came into the room and I had to stop
The second time I did it like an hour easily
The third time I struggled to get past 20 minutes
Then I struggled to get past 15 minutes
Then I quit

>> No.14583137

yeah stories like this are actually rather common. this is why it seems to be better to ease into it and form the habit instead of diving in the deep end.

>> No.14583174

I'm not even sure there are mental phenomena.




I can sit for about an hour.

I found it beneficial.

>> No.14584140

If you took up running would you just straight up start running for an hour? You should start with 5 minutes per day and build it up.

Takes quite some practice to realise your thoughts are drifting. You should see your thoughts and emotions as a train coming into the station, simply observe the train and do not get on.

>> No.14584145

Is the Buddha body ripped?

>> No.14584163

Surely you have seen pictures/statues of the Buddha?

>> No.14584261

Is the Buddha body the same as the Buddha's body?

>> No.14584265

Thank you anon

>> No.14584359

The emanation body (nirmanakaya) is the form of the Buddha that appears in the world to teach people the path to liberation. The enjoyment (or bliss) body (sambhogakaya) is the celestial body of the Buddha to which contemplation can ascend.

>> No.14584378
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Hey guys, what type of meditation did I experience? Posted it in another thread, and seems to be more similar to Mahayana Buddhism.

>huh, I laid on my bed and meditated today and I got extremely strong feels of energy pulsating in my body, it felt synonymous with euphoria. Reasserting my experience in the now, I see the good everywhere and am at a natural state. My muscles have been massaged and relaxed also. I still occasionally feel buzz's from this energy. And to be clear, I don't regularly meditate. More so on an intuitive basis. It's amazing to feel emotion in ones body.
>Though there is something of the tragedy to be wanted.

>I laid down, focused, the room began to spin ferociously(as is a trait I have had since childhood when I am still, and comes without intent but can be stopped completely by it) and all the great experience only known by itself. The amazing thing was that I retained complete ego-consciousness.
>This is like only the fourth time I've tried meditating so I guess I'm lucky. The first time I just sat down in a random meditative position, decided to listen to a Hindu mantra(not that I've read any Hinduism but I figured why not, I know it has great value), chose Hare Krishna because Krishna was the god I most liked and new, listened to it and have only its song be in my mind. On the third try after a couple of weeks I got a sudden stream of energy from above into myself and it was bliss, no desires, no ego, however its power jolted me back into ego and it straight away ceased. That was quite a while ago, sometime last year or the before. This time however I just laid on my bed and focused(telling my unconscious to tell me it's secrets), light off, night time, you know the rest. Like a physical mana ran through my body and affirmed(and rejuvenated) it. Such pleasure! It should be known a very mild form of "spiritual psychosis" I have been experiencing this past week. I have also been accidentally preparing to "release" the unconscious for about a month or so now. So I have been on the edge of the unconscious for a little while, ready to burst forth.
>My body felt, for lack of better word, weak after it but full of pleasure. Like after a divine massage, but needing to stretch.

>> No.14584446


>> No.14584547

Only knowledge can bring about liberation and enlightenment, as it is only knowledge which is mutually exclusive with and opposed to ignorance, just as light is to darkness. Meditation belongs to the sphere of action, which can exist without any opposition alongside ignorance, unlike knowledge. Furthermore, anything produced via an action such as meditation is a produced result and is hence non-eternal; being non-eternal there can be no permanent liberation from samsara or transmigratory existence attained via meditation but only temporary states which one inevitably returns from

>> No.14584686

>you definitely don't need a book
You need a guide or a teacher or a book or something if you want to go beyond simple breathing meditation. Unless ofcourse, you're one of those "I need meditation for stress relief" guy, in which case, breathing meditation would suffice mostly.

>> No.14584689

Can no one tell me what this meditation was?

I thought you guys studied these texts.

>> No.14584692

How the fuck do you meditate? Even when I'm not thinking I'm technically thinking, it's just so many layers deep of mindgames that I don't consciously immediately recognize it.

Someone help me

>> No.14584695


>> No.14584697
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Meditation is meaningless without Right-View. If you meditate without Right-View then you're just doing it to "feel good" and if that is the case then you are better off getting a 24/7 morphine drip.

>> No.14584712

i have no clue man, totally different from my experience. i'd suggest just reposting it over and over until someone answers. make a thread, even, fuck it

>> No.14584721

>i have no clue man, totally different from my experience.
And what was your experience?

>i'd suggest just reposting it over and over until someone answers. make a thread, even, fu
Will do.

>> No.14584728

Can mediation lead to right-view?

>> No.14584736


Isnt that the whole point.

>> No.14584741

>And what was your experience?
well all i heard about meditation was that it was *good* and that you basically just try to focus your mind in the present. i don't know if i have ADHD but just can't do it. i end up playing mindgames, every image that touches my retinas inspires thought, and at best i just end up having unconscious, unfocused thoughts that i eventually become conscious of

>> No.14584744

Technically it could but for us regular mere mortals? No.

>> No.14584754

I think something you can do as a beginner is to come up with a talisman of some sort and focus all your attention on that.

Ie. Picture a ball in your head not movimg and just look at it. Or just focus on your breathing. The idea is to focus all your thoughts on one specific object and nothing else. Stand still mentally, and let any random thoughts roll over your mind. Eventually you can move on away from the talisman.

Someone correct me if the idea of using a talisman is poison. Seems to work for me

>> No.14584759

You have to actively deny those thoughts that come to you. Its not like a passive thing that your mind will do on its own biologically. Takes effort.

>> No.14584764

i am and all it does is dig a a hole so deep that i cant see my own feet. like i just have subconscious thoughts instead (which my conscious mind only realizes after the fact). there's no escape

>> No.14584769

im the anon you replied to and that's my main goal during meditation. usually i focus on the breath rather than anything. i could be doing it right if the goal isn't to actually to totally separate outward from inward

>> No.14584775

It's called bipolar disorder.

>> No.14584799

lol anon meditation isn't just don't-think. Even within Theravada Buddhism which that is most similar to it is not just that, and the process to it is not just that either. Without going into any specific meditations just try a mantra to focus your mind, and make that your interest.

I also have ADHD and so I do what I want,we have high Ne, it is our natural function so to speak. Bugmen try to train us with their bugmen mentality, reading boring texts 24/7 with no creative ability, do what you want. I did meditation because I wanted it. Flick a lighter, close your eyes and hold that image in your head for as long and realistic as possible. Intrusion of other thoughts is not bad, just you shouldn't care about them and casually continue to will your intent. This builds mental strength and focus. It also depends whether you want to remove or maintain ego consciousness.

Stop doing things like masturbation as well, you can still meditate while doing things like that, but it will make it much much more
difficult. And by all means impossible to achieve more complex meditations. It's also wrong.

>> No.14584802


>> No.14584816

>I also have ADHD and so I do what I want,we have high Ne,

what is Ne?

>> No.14584830

A Jungian term, it stands for extroverted intuition and is not to be taken literally but rather a framing point of psychological character and from there identified with.

MBTI made that mistake. Just read Jung's A Theory of Types. A big book.

>> No.14585223

I really don't know what happened to you, but I sort of understand what it is that you're talking about. The one thing we have in common is that we both laid on our beds to meditate. Do you lay down as if you were going to sleep to meditate, anon? I'm curious.

>> No.14585275

Yes, though facing upwards un-moving with a constant change of breathing techniques which I didn't realise I was doing at first. Breathing incredibly fast in repetition to stopping breathing. My heart was also beating very fast.

All the other times I just sat down however eastern meditater's looked like they did and felt no breathing.

>> No.14585293

i'm finally able to direct blood flow towards my penis and cause erections at will without any sort of sexual stimulation or arousal

>> No.14585380


>> No.14585476

Oh, I wondered about similarity but our experiences were pretty different. I wonder if you just hyperventilated and triggered some kind of a druglike response -- just saying that because of how you described your breathing.

In my experience, my breathing was constant, but everything in me was fighting against continuing to meditate. Really, that was the embodiment of what I felt, the hardest inner struggle that even continued when I was swept up in the mental tornado of my thoughts at the time. Eventually I felt like I fully lost awareness of myself and woke up feeling like there was no reason to keep my eyes closed. I felt like I had risen from the dead, my mind felt crystal clear and my body felt like I had been dropped in a vat of serotonin. This feeling would taper off, but not before it lasting for several days. What is most interesting to me is that this feeling can replicated, though I have failed to reach the same kind of intensity my last few attempts.

>> No.14585481

ill try my friend thank you

>> No.14585509

>just saying that because of how you described your breathing.
No it felt much more ritualistic, such techniques are common.

>What is most interesting to me is that this feeling can replicated, though I have failed to reach the same kind of intensity my last few attempts.
Seems meditation is quite different for everyone, but would you say you ever felt something physically?

>> No.14585616

That feeling I described with the metaphor of falling into a vat of serotonin is a physical feeling, yes. It's hard to pin it down, but if I could ascribe it a few key aspects they'd look something like this:

>A long lasting feeling of physical, body-wide pleasure. Not so intense it was like an orgasmic euphoria where one can't do anything but orgasm, however.

>Pure calmness. Pretty much no anxiety in my mind, no racing thoughts, nothing but what I wanted to think about.

>A mental feeling of distance between myself and the world. Not so much that I couldn't feel anything (I laughed a few times that I can remember), but enough that I felt like my feelings were extremely stable.

>Stronger willpower

Some of this is innate to successful meditation, or so I've heard. But I never really heard anyone talk about how profound those benefits can be in exact terms. It's possible I just never looked hard enough.

>> No.14585774

This is great news! Google kundalini awakening if you want to know more about whats happening. If you are interested in meditating more, The Mind Illuminated is a good place to start.

May god bless you

>> No.14585819

Hmmm, thank you anon.

Will do anon. But could you explain it yourself, like the purpose?

God bless you as well anon.

>> No.14585882

I am afraid of my Kundalini. It feels premature, and I feel that is not my culture. Of course it is only one image of a somewhat universal truth but then why call it Kundalini then?

I feel that the tragedy is yet willing, and this needs sustenance. I cannot live a boring life! I am an artist!!!

>> No.14585900

Perhaps reflect on your reactions to the kundalini without judgement. Just note the fear, anxiety and doubt and let it be.

>> No.14585953

Mega based anon, thanks for the reply! I’ll give it more goes

>> No.14585991

Life became beautiful, but almost boringly.

Good luck anon.

>> No.14586119

A man who meditates to become a Buddha is like a man who dances to sleep.

>> No.14586664

that is deep

>> No.14586720
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>all those armchair meditators on /lit/
pretty annoying desu

>> No.14586839

>meditating with the goal of bullshit mystical shit
>in 2020
it depends on your goals. For gaylightenment read Culadasa's The Mind Illuminated
>implying you need some kind of qualification for a simple mind exercise
the average monk in the west knows about as much as a pretentious /lit/ard

>> No.14586992

Fap. The serenity of mind you reaches during the climax is the most relaxing path to enlightment.