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14582682 No.14582682 [Reply] [Original]

Would Aldous Huxley welcome pic related? Was soma supposed to be a bad or a good thing in Brave New World?

>> No.14582842

genetic engineering in sci-fi
>stronger better humans whose sole problem is that their hubris has made them dangerous
genetic engineering in real life
>literally dehumanizing the proletariat

>> No.14582846

It already exists. It's called belief in God and prayer.

>> No.14582867
File: 53 KB, 500x436, got-polio-me-neither-thanks-science-or-diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus-43911699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here come all of the religitards who are going to explain to us how taking a pill that creates a certain cognitive state is an illegitimate means of procuring that state because we're not all just a bunch of chemicals even though that's literally what all consciousness is.

I'll wait.

>> No.14582878

do you just watch Bill Nye or have you read any spiritual text? if you had youd understand what's wrong with your thinking

>> No.14582887

t. bugman

>> No.14582909

Don’t forget addiction, the ruination of the soul, and eventually, death.

>> No.14582910

If you can't see the difference between polio and loneliness, you really should kys.
Guess since I'm unhappy I should drink and take drugs every day until I die?

>> No.14582920

thank you for my mutilated penis, dr. goldstein.

>> No.14582932

Materialism is poop and a false monism.

>> No.14582933

The whole civilized society in BNW was supposed to illustrate how being artificially happy and complacent all the time would lead to degradation of values until we simply consumed and avoided anything mildly uncomfortable. When John comes to the civilized world, he is shocked by how little they care of relationships, art, heroics, etc. They traded in their freedom for a lifetime of cheap comfort.

>> No.14582954
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>or have you read any spiritual text? if you had youd understand what's wrong with your thinking
and i'm sure you going to be able to satisfactorily explain to me exactly what's wrong with it ...mhmm?

>d-don't cure this thing that i use to define myself by
>i-it'll make me less special :(

kek cry more you don't deserve an intact penis

You can';t prove that which is why you didn't

>> No.14582962

All knowledge comes from God.

>> No.14582969

Wew! Obviously the implied discrepancy here is that there ought to be no need for a pill to cure something which has such obvious natural and direct fix, namely socialization, community. The very act of working on a pill for loneliness shores up and highlights an ideological defensiveness. Whatever corrosions the modern world have inflicted on social bonds, leading to this fragmented, isolating culture that is so clearly devastating to public mental health, is beyond solving without calling into question that order , hedged up by extremely powerful and wealthy technology firms who maintain a system of smoke and mirrors dividing people under the false pretenses of bringing us together. Facebook, in true Orwellian fashion, evangelizes about bringing people together and fostering community, when all it does instead is impose walls, divisions, antagonisms and illusions. A pill for loneliness, who might fund such a research program? True community, true purpose, true engagement, would leave these digital monkey traps in the dust.

>> No.14582973

Bad, you can't numb all your problems away.

>> No.14582974

science is gay, faggot

>> No.14582986

Perhaps the same could be said of depression and anxiety. While not entirely generated by modern civilization and its anti-human qualities, anxiety and depression are certainly less common when one lives in a tranquil, safe and naturally beautiful environment, free of constant social and economic pressures, known and accepted by a transparent community where the roles and positions are known, with enough freedom to make ones own way in life but enough structure to keep oneself from getting too lost in that freedom, without the constant barrage of signals meant to guilt, shame and coax you into living a more sexualized, lax lifestyle, but of course pills, pills can abate this whole tendency, shore up the civilization, provide a palliative for the psychological corrosion that is taken as a normal byproduct for the way things are.

>> No.14582997

>socialization, community
These impede economic growth, peon.

>> No.14583062

So much the worse for economic growth.

>> No.14583120
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>>d-don't cure this thing that i use to define myself by
Note the word "cure". Loneliness is now an illness, huh? Look at this pure bugman thinking - science comes up with a pill, and whatever the pill is for suddenly retroactively becomes an illness.
You know what I do when I feel lonely? I go out and have a drink with friends and enjoy myself and talk about interesting things. Miraculous, isn't it? We really need an expensive pill to replace that, it would be so much simpler that way. Stupid evolution thought people should stick together, socialize and collaborate, but corporate capitalism knows better!

>> No.14583389
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It was supposed to be bad, man.

>> No.14583413

That drug already exists. It's called heroin and it's awesome.

>> No.14583464

never trust scientists

>> No.14583840
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>> No.14583846

Good, this will help my reduce the struggle I have in maintaining my ascetic regime of lifting weights and reading sacred texts at the top of a mountain.

>> No.14583847

take the pill goy

>> No.14583853

Polio is asymptomatic in 95% of the infected. Severe irreversible paralysis only afflicted less than 1% of those infected. Thanking science for popular misconception is not scientific at all but reddit.

>> No.14583869

Will it also end obsessive crushes?

>> No.14583881

Silence, bugman.

>> No.14583890
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>> No.14583918
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>d-don't cure this thing that i use to define myself by
>i-it'll make me less special :(

the logical conclusion of this thinking is a society of atomized individuals living in a sedentary state within confines of their rooms and taking pills/using technology to """cure""" any """ailment" they encounter. want sex? just take the sex pill, man! want human contact? just bond with this antropomorphic robot, man! this is incidentally what liberalism always strived for though its fathers certainly had good intentions and couldn't have possibly anticipated the trajectory their thought would follow.

>> No.14583920

Ive got a question that I've never learned the answer to; Brave New World was published in the 1930s- The muscle relaxer Soma (Carisoprodol) which is highly abused, was approved for medical use in 1959. Why did the drug companies call it Soma? I mean I obviously doubt it's a nod to the society-controlling pill in Brave New World but is there some common source for the origin of the name Soma?

>> No.14583923

What if you want to believe but cant?

>> No.14583935

Probably a coincidence. It's a word for a ritual drink in Persia and India. According to wikipedia, it's in the Vedic traditions, along with usage in Zoroastrianism.
But it's also a Greek word. All three of those things come from Indo-European roots, though.
But I would assume the real drug is just some name they adapted, whereas Huxley used it in a symbolical inversion.

>> No.14583952

This is an is/ought thing.

>> No.14583985

I would take it.
If there was a drug like MDMA that didn't have any negative side effects or a comedown and could operate 24/7 I would take that too.

Why you attach such importance to natural human functions, I don't understand. I suspect you would not hesitate to take medication for chlamydia or cancer or any other natural illness, so why do you reject this?

>> No.14584001

>social pains like depression

>> No.14584011


So you take your pill. Hurray, you cured lonelines. You're still alone.

>> No.14584012

DMT, psilocybin etc. would be my solutions. Instead you want an industrial loop pattern to repeat human lives according to a set of ideals and models that only benefit the organism group we know as mold.
The true inhabitants of our cities and secular societies. After all, those ancient religitards believed in beauty, trustworthiness and truth, and human dignity. Can you imagine? A world where the architect does not worship his ego or his own understanding - but beauty beyond and the importance of the people who, instead of suffering, would benefit from his work.

But alas, Ape cattle storage units don't have to be so hospitable or artfully crafted. Grey cubes on top of one another is all mold needs.

>> No.14584028

Its called Euthanasia

>> No.14584079
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>> No.14584086

based b8 m8

>> No.14584109

i'd rather die of polio at 30 in a rooted and loving pre-modern community than live to 100 in modernity

>> No.14584176

>science does good thing
>therefore science only does good things

>> No.14584210


>> No.14584267

the fuck? You don't need a pill just take mushrooms lol

>> No.14584657
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>> No.14584667

Economic growth in this current milieu basically just means more money for billionaires. The average worker sees no benefit from it.

>> No.14584673

Can I take them in pill form?

>> No.14584703

>magic lol
as if that's an adequate explanation

>> No.14584715

not quite practical cos 4-7 grams is a lot of pills, but technically you can.

>> No.14584719

Only atheitards care about "cognitive states", because atheitards are NPC's.

Religitards care about choices made, not your useless fee-fees.

>> No.14584727

Nice inversion gymnastics

>> No.14584747

>because atheitards are NPC
it's literally the opposite. most religitards follow their childhood programming without question all their lives. people become atheists by methodically examining the assumptions of their culture. consciousness is unnecessary for the former and essential for the latter, this religitards are (as good as) NPC's

>> No.14584753
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>> No.14584757

Hey tard: *you're* the one who literally believes that you're "just a bunch of chemicals" with "biological programming".

You're an NPC by your own damned admission.

>> No.14584758

Depends which culture you're from.
Many euro countries the drones are the hedonistic atheistic liberals.

>> No.14584760

>claims which cannot be proven false
that is not what falsifiability means

>> No.14584765

Yes please. I will never find anyone who loves me or will give me intimacy. If I could take a pill to get rid of the pain, that would be fantastic.

Call me a bugman, a onions drinking loser, I don't care, I don't want to suffer anymore.

>> No.14584771

I'm very uncomfortable with the modern fixation on trying to fix symptoms rather than the causes of them. These feelings are supposed to tell you something.

>> No.14584788

The feeling is telling you to buy product/watch movie and consume weed/alcohol

>> No.14584796

It makes sense to focus on alleviating symptoms, when the cause is impossible to change. I'm not asserting this to be the case, but that's literally the assumption behind this line of thought. Existence is so hollow and dreadful that the only hope for peace, let alone happiness, is to turn away from it by any means necessary.

>> No.14584807

Yes but those symptoms are caused by things that are incredibly profitable and useful to the elites like social media and technology and wageslavery, so shut up and consoom

>> No.14584819

stop asking questions, bug.

>> No.14584828

>I don't want to suffer anymore.
go outside then

>> No.14584837


>> No.14584940

Wow another fucking pill.

>> No.14584946

I’m not religious, but taking a pill to deal with loneliness is fucking pathetic.

>> No.14584955

One pill to fix all your ailes and desires:
The drion pill

>> No.14584960

checked, going to buy product

>> No.14584969

Consume responsibly :)

>> No.14584984

There is hope for the mutilated...

>> No.14584990

You are not allowed to change (unless the change comes from your masters) or question the prevailing system or its framework. Know your place, slave.

>> No.14584991

Really. But they do not want us to listen!

>> No.14585000

Michel Houellebecq is the true successor to Aldous Huxley.

>> No.14585015

>Guess since I'm unhappy I should drink and take drugs every day until I die?
Unironically yes

>> No.14585022

They're called books

>> No.14585028

Yet in the same breath these people go on and on about overpopulation being one of the biggest problems facing da erf.

>> No.14585068

Don't think so. The guy liked lsd(or was it mescaline?)which is not a happy pill

>> No.14585073

I bet you unironically love starwars

>> No.14585075

8/10 bait

>> No.14585098

Taking into account that some people do not find any problem with being alone(or even seek so) and this pill would reduce or eliminate the negative consequences of being alone, is it that different from taking alcohol to feel better around social environments?(and without accounting for social pressure in that context)

>> No.14585120

Do people really feel bad when they're alone? I've never been able to empathize with that. There's nothing as pleasant as spending a whole day taking care of myself without anyone else being around to ruin it.

>> No.14585130

>Existence is so hollow and dreadful that we have to say its bad to feel it hollow and dreadful.
when the scientist fever pass we´ll see this ingenuous and stupid bastards as what they really are. the same old naive search for the "paradise" with the new scientist technique.

>> No.14585135


Would you be able to tell the difference between being introvert and having social anxiety?

>> No.14585136

Daily reminder that the grinding progress of technocapital is much more powerful than internet bellyaching, the next generation will take these pills and build a culture around them and love them more than they love any author, and you will be left in the dark, disregarded, and probably stamped evil for giving any of this the stink-eye.

Exactly. 1. Create anxiety and alienation 2. Capitalize on anxiety and alienation.
Defeats the whole fucking purpose if you make people actually happy, lmao it's like curing diabetics what's the fucking point.

>> No.14585249

>if you make people actually happy,
people have too much faith in politics. practically saying unhappiness is a product of capitalism. there is no environment where there is no unhappy people. nor capitalist nor any other system.
capitalism dont create anxiety and alienation. in every culture they have marginalized and outcast. in every culture the social pressure is the main force. thats all. its not something capitalism create.

>> No.14585287

Yes, like you I can't understand why, but there are people who can't deal with loneliness.

>> No.14585317

Capitalism doesn't create alienation, but it amplifies it to turn a profit

I have very little faith that these pills will actually work, if they ever get made

>> No.14585328

Unhappiness isn't entirely a product of capitalism, of course, but most people living alone in work camps surely hasn't made anything better. Nibba I understand suffering is woven into the human condition, but some situations are better than others.
Saying "there are no political solutions" is a colossal fucking resignation. Not saying that's what you're saying, but some do. It's powerlessness in verbal form, taking your will and your power to shape the world around you and beating it to death with your own feigned sense of worldly wisdom.
Also, there are lots of different forms a capitalistic society can take, some better than others.

I'm just being histrionic baby, slept badly last night.

>> No.14585344


>> No.14585352

>slept badly last night
Pretty sure they make pills for that

>> No.14585356


>> No.14585439

>Unhappiness isn't entirely a product of capitalism
that is like saying. "life isnt entirely a product of capitalism". or "happiness isnt entirely a product of capitalism". it isnt a product of capitalism. thats all. its a fucking sentimental concept. maybe you refer to the superfitial conceptual specific concept unhappiness have in capitalism compared to any other time or space. but i think is superficial attribute some kind of creation to capitalism for that. the unhappiness remains in every situation. adapt to every situation. but every society have his hopes.

>Saying "there are no political solutions" is a colossal fucking resignation.
the problem here is that unhappiness is not a problem. politics can make it a problem. but is a total abstract problem that you dont gonna resolve politically. i mean... you are giving false hopes to people if you say "i know one social form where unhappiness will not exist".

>> No.14585456

nah it's called mmorpgs

>> No.14585460

>if it's not materialism its magic lol
As if that's an adequate refutation

>> No.14585469

>People mutilated their genitalia and create vaginas
>this is good! doctor said it!

>pill for loners
>noooo theres more than biology! *wojack onion rage*

>> No.14585471

Not that guy but you seem to be strawmanning pretty hard at the end there.
Do you think the current problem of loneliness and atomization is something that is inevitable with technological advancement or is it something about our system that feeds into that.

>> No.14585485

>Capitalism doesn't create alienation, but it amplifies it to turn a profit
i agree. but i dont think capitalism amplifies it.
its the same as always. i think the problem here is dont understand psychiatry. the project of psychiatry will exist in any other society. the moral project to make people feel happy, "cured" or "the salvation" when they dont feel as part of the society. that exists in every time. basically i think this kind of pseud religious projects arise and will arise in every society. capitalism dont amplify nothing. that kind of things amplify alone without help. capitalism make profit of that amplification, but dont create the amplification. or that is what i think.

>> No.14585496

Fuck alcohol too

>> No.14585499

>loneliness and atomization
i think is not a modern problem. its like when here in lit people complain about the bad quality of actual literature. but in all times the 90% of literature is shit. loneliness will always exist because is an intrinsic part of being an individual.

>> No.14585507

My man, I didn't say loneliness didn't exist.
I'm saying it's worse than ever if you look at how many friends people have/ the family falling apart.

>> No.14585513

what's your explanation

>> No.14585529

in a capitalist society the capitalist does anything they can to improve profit. If they have to tell pregnant mothers no to pee for 8 hours they will, if they trick little kids into gambling they will, if they have to set nets to stop workers from killing themselves they will, they do all those things.
Alienating people is much easier and has always been a cornerstone of increasing profit. You're not supposed to interact with co-workers because you might set up an union, you're supposed to work more hours than actually needed and then work at home to mold your life around work, they'll discriminate between workers to keep you competing to be the best generic replaceable clog. All that promotes never before known levels of alienation.

>> No.14585531

>it's worse than ever
i deny that.

>> No.14585546

since when was "loneliness" a pathology? i guess fucking anything can be pathologized in this bugworld. cant wait for the great minds at the guardian to start asking "why not a pill for poverty?" or "why not a pill for liberalism?" in all earnestness i'd support the latter but only in suppository form

>> No.14585555

You used to live with your family for most of your life. You didn't stow away your mother in an elderly home because she's too burdensome.
Mothers were at home to look after the child instead of putting the child in day care.
Families used to stick together instead of splitting up, a fact even you can't deny.
People used to go to their place of worship and have contact that way.
Many other examples.

>> No.14585577

>does anything they can to improve profit
i didnt deny that. but the wish is not always enought to achieve something. capitalists can make a religion and they can lose millions in the process. but psychiatry evolve naturally and thanks to that now capitalists have the niche of promising people to be cured and saved of his own unhappiness and void. but that promise existed in every era. mostly in religions. do you think psychiatry is a capitalist movement and that its roots are the economic profit?. i doubt it. its a moral project. and every society have that kind of moral "salvation" projects. the capitalist just use this niche psychiatry magically is creating.

>> No.14585588

magic lol

>> No.14585601

you have an absurd idealized visions of the past. there is divorce, fight, scold and unhappiness in every family or in the 90% of families since always. the fact that you try to put the blame of every actual unhappiness because families are not so close toghether as before is pathetic. you are glorifying the hipocrisy. every family have maggots. before, now, and after. every place is a hive of resentment in general. there is happiness and joy too. but dont forget that.

>> No.14585623

I'm starting to think you're too dumb to even argue with. Add to that your insulting to compensate for you having no argument.
You're strawmanning up and down the entire thread, stinking up the place.
I never said that marriages were perfect before.
I never said parents didn't fight with their children. I never said everyone was happy before modernity.

You would like to think I say that because then you have an easy target to yell at. I am saying that despite all the horrors of the past people still stuck with their family more than they do today.

Name me a period you think people were more lonely, faggot. And add arguments to your position while you're at it.

>> No.14585631

Since ever??
>Feelings of isolation can have a serious detrimental effect on one's mental and physical health. Loneliness can be a risk factor for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, among other critical diseases. Lonely people are also twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

At the root, isolation compromises immunity, increases the production of stress hormones, and is harmful to sleep. All of this feeds chronic inflammation, which lowers immunity to the degree that lonely people even suffer more from the common cold. Loneliness can be a chronic stress condition that ages the body and causes damage to overall well-being.

Can't wait for the great minds at /lit/ to start asking "why not a pill for retardation?", idiot.


>> No.14585652

>Aldous Huxley died on the same day as JFK after his wife shot him up with 200 micrograms of LSD in two doses an hour apart.
>LSD was used in the CIA's MKULTRA program, which created a patsy for the murder in the form of Lee Harvey Oswald.

None of that fucking matters, though.

No, he wouldn't have been supportive of that, as he didn't have as much trouble with loneliness as his brother seemed to have, and he may just have promoted LSD as the cure for loneliness.

I read Brave New World in jail, and I thought it sounded awesome. Free drugs, free sex, and defined roles all sounded great at the time.

>> No.14585686

now go down the list of adverse side affects your nigger pills have, pharmacuck

>> No.14585696

The list includes what you MAY get. You'll get fewer side effects than those listed, although sometimes what you get really sucks. SSRI's turn me into a raving lunatic with a mean streak.

>> No.14585699

>unironically being on SSRI's

>> No.14585705

your argument is that when family stick toghether is the same as more happy. and if not toghether, less hapy. isnt that your argument?
i say they are the same miserable.
if your argument is that they are less lonely because they are in a family, you are the disingenuous here. stick to a shitty family its not an advantage from any perspective.

>Loneliness can be a risk factor for heart disease,
only if you confuse loneliness with sedentarism and eat like shit. i mean. lfor fucks sake, loneliness cant create a heart disease. you fuckers believe every shit you read in a psued scientific journal.

>> No.14585716

>your argument is that when family stick toghether is the same as more happy
You are 100% wrong. You simply do not understand my argument.
We are arguing loneliness you fucking dirt brain, not happiness.
Get out of the thread you monkey

>> No.14585717

>but psychiatry evolve naturally
no it didn't?
Like, are you going to say big pharma is a conspiracy theory and that drug companies don't push doctors to sell their brand of pills and chemist to stop work on new drugs to find new uses to medicines so they can re issue patents?

If work life makes you misserable (absurd hours, no job security, crunch time, wages that haven't changed in decades, bizarre rules that change without notice) they'll tell you your head is broken and you need to also pay for medicine that will eventually make you better once you rotate through enough of them.

I'm not saying it never existed, I'm saying it's extremely easy to see how they profit from alienation and how easy it can be exploited.

>> No.14585719


this is bait in case you didn't know

>> No.14585741

Why is loneliness even a problem that would want to be cured? If anything, modern society is designed to MAKE you lonely so you fill the void with temporary things.

>> No.14585748

It wouldn't cure actual loneliness. Just the feeling of loneliness.

>> No.14585772

Nah. I quit Paxil a year and a half ago. The withdrawal was brutal. It was like every bad thing I'd ever said or done was cascading down upon my consciousness all at once, constantly. It lasted two months, and it was worse than going off morphine, alcohol, or benzos. Fuck SSRI's.

>> No.14585776


I'm saying that the 'feeling' of loneliness is what causes you to act in the first place. There is no objective loneliness that can be measured, some people even enjoy their solitude.

>> No.14585782

This is mostly true, and I was a psychiatric patient most of my adult life.

>> No.14585783

I'm not so sure. You'd still enjoy talking with your fellow wagies about the new Avengers I think.
What else are you going to spend money on? Your wife and kids? haha

>> No.14585807

Do normal adults actually watch capeshit?

>> No.14585811

Yes it's the biggest movie ever made if I remember
They don't pump out 30 capeshit movies a year for just the nerds. And at my work it's nearly the only thing people can talk about
Movies and shows they watched over the weekend.

>> No.14585820

Nerd shit is mainstream now

>> No.14585831
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Holy shit. I can't imagine adults actually talking about that without wanting to beat the fuck out of them. Without my ethos, there's no point in living in this world any further.

>> No.14585846


>> No.14585855

This but unironically

>> No.14585875


I don't do that now because those movies suck and my fellow wagies are retarded. Office conversation is worthless.

But anyway, all I'm trying to say is that even if they're successful, its going to cause more problems than it fixes. You worry about 'loneliness' today, you have a problem with people with burnt out nervous systems not spending money and killing others. The negative energy boils over. You already see it with the antidepressant kids...all potential school shooters...

>> No.14585879

you can feel loneliness inside a family. in case you didnt understand my post.

you have a misunderstanding about my argument.
i didnt say they dont make profit.
i say psychiatry is a process created by the same necessity of "cure" and "salvation" of the inner void and unhappiness as every other religion or moral or whatever. and that necessity will exist in every society. and that niche is always filled with power in every era. the capitalist put the hands in this. but they put it in every profitable endeavor.
the faith people have in psychiatry is not created by capitalist nor amplify by it. is a more complex process that have a more simple cause in the faith this era have in science. again, my argument is not that they dont make profit of that. but that they dont need to amplify it. the people literally want this. why people believe in religion?. i think its a more complex question than because evil capitalism.
capitalists didn´t make the faith people have in psychiatry. which is the base to everything else. included the profit.

>> No.14585892

I think it's simpler than that. Many people believe doctors to be authority figures and automatically believe what they say and do what they tell them to do.

>> No.14585906

better said. i only try to explain why doctors are authority figures. (not because capitalism..) but maybe its not necessary.

>> No.14585954

Antidepressants alone don't create a school shooter, although they may make someone act strange, which automatically makes a normie think, "omg he's gonna shoot up the school lol." You need to remember that the student in question has to have the means and ability to carry out a shooting.

>> No.14585960

Well, you were right about therapy becoming almost like a religion.

>> No.14585976

My buddy’s a cop, and (anecdote, but whatever) he’s never been to a suicide that wasn’t a person coming off SSRI’s. Shit turns your death drive to 11, would not be surprised if they’re a contributing factor to that kind of antisocial behavior.
It’s a cliche, but it’s neo-Confession.

>> No.14586000

That's interesting. I was the one that posted about going off Paxil and it being the worst thing I've ever withdrawn from. Oddly, I wanted to live more. I came to the conclusion that the only thing that could possibly be making me as suicidal as I was was the very drug that was supposed to help that, so I quit. It was hell, but now I'm not suicidal anymore.

Second point: You're right. It really is like the Priesthood.

>> No.14586013

Every weekend I go home to the family house, I spend my weekend there, no tech, me and the family, we tell stories every night at the dinnertable, we get drunk, we play games, we laugh like fools, and the next day we wake up envigorated, ready for wathever may come, there is nothing that reassures your purpose as habitual social connection with your most loved ones.

To think I missed out on this because of technology all my teenagehood. To think capitalism rewards this atomization since it increases profits, to think I am obliged to play this game, to think that Ted was right, it's all so tiresome.

>> No.14586033

I didn't discover the internet until college, and then the World Wide Web hadn't come online yet, so I grew up with rotary phones. Everyone had a landline, and that was the way you normally talked to someone at a distance unless it were important, in which case you'd send a letter. USENET, as basic as it was, actually sucked me away from social life.

>> No.14586063

>I spend my weekend there,
try to spend a year or two with your "loved ones" and after that you come here and talk about it.

>> No.14586070

Yes, I watched one of the Avenger movies when I was visiting my sister. One guy went from calm to angry when small a noise barely went over the sound of the movie. Its bizarre how those movies make people act.

>> No.14586099

“The family is a haven in a heartless world.”

>> No.14586109

I went to go see that Endgame movie because I live next to a movie theatre. An adult man with a big beard was sobbing next to me when Iron Man died.
Felt surreal.

>> No.14586160

What the fuck. Sometimes I feel completely at odds with the world

>> No.14586243

Yeah, but you’ve gotta check that feeling sometimes. There’s enough good people with their heads on straight, I think. Conscientious, solid individuals living borderline heroic lives all around us.
Oddballs just grab our attention a little easier.

>> No.14586335

I cry easily. I've cried when looking at paintings or like Toy Story 3 but nothing in the MCU has elicited that type of emotion/sympathy/empathy and I like comics

>> No.14586370

Heh, welcome to the club. But in all seriousness, pursue the path and you will be surprised at what you find. Pray, read your Bible, try to act as Christ commands and shocking things will happen.

>> No.14586387

Extremely true post.

>> No.14586450

This is the problem with modern technological and psychological advancements. Just a bunch of quick and easy “fixes” that don’t resolve anything and never actually get to the root of the problem.

>> No.14586468

I'm not big on Neetch, but the Last Man speech realy stuck with me

>> No.14586480

I believe and pray but am still lonely. I think God wants me to be lonely. Not yet sure why tho

>> No.14586490

>extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
I never really understood this. What makes evidence extraordinary? Shouldnt proof be proof without need for extravagance? Can you quantify or qualify either a claim or evidence as extraordinary? Always seemed like a meme statement to me

>> No.14586498

Tell you what, it took two years of real loneliness to restore value to human relations for this narcissist. I love my friends and family now, didn’t before.
Couldn’t have done that without being cut off from everyone to think on things.
It’ll work out, anon.

>> No.14586531
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Solitude is like a comfy blanket.

>> No.14586541

I had a similar experience. Total isolation for about a year. Would often go a week or two without talking to a single person. I really did find Christ then, but i'm still lonely frequently.

>> No.14586545

Why don't people just go outside?

>> No.14586561

Alright, I'll give it an honest shot instead of just insulting you and passing the buck.

Realize that the maxim of all industrial and scientific progress has been the optimization of processes. We improve our science so that it may be more predictive, so that we are less prone to mistakes that induce societal unhappiness. We create things like the telegraph in order to shrink the distance between people, increasing their happiness now that they don't have to wait on the pony express to speak to their loved ones.
Now, imagine for a second that you were perfectly content riding you horse from town to town, thanks to some degenerate pill. No one would go through the mental and physical hardships required to invent automobiles in we were perfectly content with horse drawn carriages, snail mail, the inability of the poor to travel due to the expense of buying a horse etc. These happiness pills, should they ever exist, will end progress, because there simply isn't a point in improving reality when you can make living in an imperfect world blissful.

Now the obvious rebuttal is whether or not there is intrinsic value in progress. You must ask whether or not the point of progress is to maximize happiness, and if this is the case, then maybe the entirety of human history was simply leading up to the point where we as a species created a happiness pill and turned everyone into drooling idiots who never feel anything except pleasure.

>> No.14586575

I don’t know what to tell you other than good luck. I’m in a similar situation myself. Just gotta believe that this is temporary.

>> No.14586586

I just can't get into that capeshit. It all looks fake and gay and childish, and it seems that anyone over about 15 who watches it should be hanged, drawn, and quartered, although with the shortage of qualified headsmen, I'd settle for death by Mexican cartel. Those guys are great with knives and axes and acid.

Ah, the voice of conformity.

>> No.14586603

That's almost the plot of "Brain Candy," a movie starring The Kids In The Hall. You're assuming everyone would be taking this drug, when in fact, it probably wouldn't be more than the number of Americans on antidepressants right now, which is 1 out of 8, if memory serves.

>> No.14586640

How many americans are scared of the numerous side effects of antidepressants? How many avoid antidepressants because of the stigma? Don't think of the BlissPill as an SSRI. There exists no man who can say that he experiences no displeasure. If there existed a pill that can eradicate not only negative thoughts, but physical and mental pain all the while actively placing the taker in a permanent state of bliss, the pill would see near universal use. Even if its use were limited to 60% of the population, you've effectively taken 60% of the world out of the game. Any art, literature, or technological innovations that could have been mined from this source, will never be produced, simply because there wont be any impetus to produce it.

>> No.14586663

You're talking about a different drug than a cure for loneliness. You're talking about something like opium. I can tell you from personal experience that opium does almost what you say, but it's a bitch to get off of. It's like two or three weeks of a bad flu. Antidepressants are worse. Having taken them, I'm terrified by the side effects I've experienced in the past, so I'm one of those Americans "scared of the numerous side effects of antidepressants."

>> No.14586676

The loneliness pill is to me, a symptom of a greater societal sickness. We've killed religion, which was a tool, and replaced the hammer with a block of wood. We chase chemical lobotomies instead of fixing he physical flaws that create the need for said lobotomies.

>> No.14586685

If that’s what conformity sounds like, I guess I’m a conformist.
There are an awful lot of people whose lives are not given value by their taste in media, but by other things, like how good a father they can be to the children they can only see on weekends. Go volunteer at a hospice and see how important the habits of Star Wars fans actually are outside of a Vietnamese DFW-appraising forum. In fact, I’d really recommend it. That’s all I was saying. More good people than onions-people in the world by a wide margin, no need to despair.

Simulacrum’s scary shit, man.

>> No.14586686 [DELETED] 
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>pic related

>> No.14586697

>tfw you realize that the absurdity of that pill means those other 'conditions' are also untreatable with pills.

industry is to much for humans.

>> No.14586732

I've volunteered as a phlebotomist at a free clinic. In a situation like that, nothing about the person except their body matters. Well, you do have to be professional and try to put them at ease and pay attention to their emotions, but sometimes I needed to ignore all that and just plunge the needle in to get the job done.

The sad thing about doing that was that a woman came in one day for an HIV test. She was positive for hepatitis A and C, and she was an IV drug user with what I'd call "crunchy" feeling veins. None of the phlebotomists wanted to touch her, and neither did any of the nurses. They said as much in front of her. I simply said, "I'll do it," gloved up, and stuck her as quickly and efficiently as possible. I think I might have said something like "Don't worry. This won't hurt much. It'll be okay." Even some of these "heroes" can be cruel hearted bastards sometimes.

>> No.14586751 [DELETED] 

>The second branch of the social passions is that which administers to society in general. With regard to this, I observe, that society, merely as society, without any particular heightenings, gives us no positive pleasure in the enjoyment; but absolute and entire solitude, that is, the total and perpetual exclu
sion from all society, is as great a positive pain as can almost be conceived. Therefore in the balance between the pleasure of general society, and the pain of absolute solitude, pain is the predominant idea. But the pleasure of any particular social enjoyment outweighs very considerably the uneasiness caused by the want of that particular enjoyment; so that the strongest sensations relative to the habitudes of particular society are sensations of pleasure. Good company, lively conversations, and the endearments of friendship, fill the mind with great pleasure; a temporary solitude, on the other hand, is itself agreeable. This may perhaps prove that we are creatures designed for contemplation as well as action; since solitude as well as society has its pleasures; as from the former observation we may discern, that an entire life of solitude contradicts the purposes of our being, since death itself is scarcely an idea of more terror.

>> No.14586769

>The second branch of the social passions is that which administers to society in general. With regard to this, I observe, that society, merely as society, without any particular heightenings, gives us no positive pleasure in the enjoyment; but absolute and entire solitude, that is, the total and perpetual exclusion from all society, is as great a positive pain as can almost be conceived. Therefore in the balance between the pleasure of general society, and the pain of absolute solitude, pain is the predominant idea. But the pleasure of any particular social enjoyment outweighs very considerably the uneasiness caused by the want of that particular enjoyment; so that the strongest sensations relative to the habitudes of particular society are sensations of pleasure. Good company, lively conversations, and the endearments of friendship, fill the mind with great pleasure; a temporary solitude, on the other hand, is itself agreeable. This may perhaps prove that we are creatures designed for contemplation as well as action; since solitude as well as society has its pleasures; as from the former observation we may discern, that an entire life of solitude contradicts the purposes of our being, since death itself is scarcely an idea of more terror.

>> No.14586808

can you expand on consciousness? Because as a neuroscience and philosophy of mind PhD I believe you have very little knowledge of what you are saying.

>> No.14586823

>when in fact, it probably wouldn't be more than the number of Americans on antidepressants right now, which is 1 out of 8, if memory serves.

the prescription rate of anti-depressants (actually medications for mental 'disorders' in general) has been going up for a long time...

>> No.14586863
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>Because as a neuroscience and philosophy of mind PhD I
lmao the larp is real.

if you were any of those you'd know that materialism (or at least naturalism) is a given and no one of importance doubts that chemicophysical processes are the cause of consciousness.

I'm sure you know about David Pearce and his work as well as the interest that most Stanford departments of computational neuroscience/psychology have in it. Those are some pretty heavy-duty and thorough explications of the mind-body "problem".

>> No.14586869

I wouldn’t characterize you as a cruel-hearted bastard, sounds like you helped her. Unless you got off on that, in which case I don’t know what to tell ya.

Either way, kudos and good post.

>> No.14586898

>Pill for loneliness makes you more lonely

Doctors: that's just how it is at first, that means it's working

>> No.14586946

>I wouldn’t characterize you as a cruel-hearted bastard,
I'm really not.

>sounds like you helped her.
I did, and I did it as professionally and quickly as possible so she could get out of there. Then I went and cried.

Unless you got off on that, in which case I don’t know what to tell ya.
Absolutely not. The only one I "got off" on was a morbidly obese man who weighed at least 300 lbs. who flat out told me, "You won't get any blood. No one does." So I put a tourniquet on him, had him make a fist, and I closed my eyes and used my fingers to find a vein. Most people who have to draw blood just look for a bluish color and/or a raised area in the right places and aim for that. I was going in blind. I had to stick the entire 1.5 inch needle into his upper arm, but I struck blood and collected the required number of tubes. After I finished, he asked, "Are you a doctor?" I said, "No, I'm just a lowly phlebotomist." Actually, I didn't even have a certification. I'd taken a hematology class that included lots of practice on other students and was halfway through a lab tech degree. That one I really enjoyed because it turned out so well for me and the patient.

>Either way, kudos and good post.
Thank you!

>> No.14586975

>We chase chemical lobotomies instead of fixing he physical flaws that create the need for said lobotomies
nailed it

>> No.14587008

>we need you to work until 10 tommorow, john
>what? you say that the continued isolation depresses you?
>there are pills for that, goy. now go!

>> No.14587024

Yeah, those SSRI's and SNRI's take three to six weeks to kick in according to the Physician's Desk Reference, which is just a collection of PPI's, or Physician's Package Inserts. They're the only drugs I can think of that take that long for someone to feel an effect. Then they only work for about a third of patients. I actually had a psychiatrist who told me that Seroquel had antidepressant effects at about 300 mg. I've taken 25 mg of Seroquel before very briefly, and that shit knocked me out cold for ten hours. I told her that Seroquel wasn't indicated for me because I wasn't psychotic, nor did I have bipolar disorder type I, so I wasn't going to take it. She kept pushing it, and finally dropped me as a patient. Lots of psychiatrists seem like borderline stupid people who just squeaked by in med school.

>> No.14587028
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Hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks, please.

>> No.14587079

I dont know, but your comment made me laugh like a motherfucker. Something about the deadpan way you immediately concluded that the movie influenced his behavior, lmao

>> No.14587094

Nothing wrong with being an oddball; in this era, it’s probably a good thing.

>> No.14587119

But there are also positive effects to such a development, the most important is that it will further sate all desire of the physiologically botched. In a few decades, we will have videogames so immersive and pills that solve so many "problems" that those who fully indulge at the expense of their influence on the world will die, and keep their sick lineage from perverting the breeding of the healthy. This is already happening with Western hedonism.

>> No.14587128

>actually happy
The pills would make them actually happy.

>> No.14587133

If you came out of brave new world thinking soma (as it exists in the novel) could be a good thing then you are a veritable smooth brain.

What made the world dystopic was that there was no purpose to anything, people existed as machines and were kept sedated by soma, there was no real art, there was no development beyond what would make them more efficient as a civilisation.

I also read Island by Huxley, he kind of infuses Eastern philosophy with western philosophy to make his ideal world, where he endorses the occasional use of (what I'm guessing is) mushrooms/LSD as a means of achieving mindfulness and recognising existence. I'm too much of a pussy to do LSD because I'd probably go insane knowing my high dopamine brain. I didn't really like it because it contested my beliefs, and it was sorta boring at times, but I do think it was valuable for me at the time of my life when I read it. In the book he talks about the hypocrisy of saying " prevention is better than cure", but ignoring the fact that cigarettes, alcogol, fatty foods and a range of social factors cause a myriad of physical/mental illnesses for which we try find a cure, when prevention would be easier (with less harmful side effects). As such, soma is a cure, not a prevention, this drug for loneliness is a cure, not a prevention.

>> No.14587151

A cure is a prevention: it prevents symptoms of weakness. The actual anulling of weakness is only possible by changing millieu.

>> No.14587161

Pill to remove chemical side effects when?

>> No.14587205

you have so much faith in science you dont understand this is just a phase. there is a believe behind taking pills. people sooner or later invent another form to disconver "the truth" and science and his materialism become just a phase, some old fashionable faith we candidly believe. there is no definitive knowledge.

>> No.14587223

I would argue that a cure endeavours to remove the symptoms of weakness; you can't prevent what's already happening. With that said, there are no ideal cures in the medical world, the best things we have are vaccines which I would label as preventions.

I assent with your general stance, and I'm particularly fond of the way you articulated it.

>> No.14587246

Medicine was a mistake

>> No.14587263

You have no understanding of medicine, and it sounds like you're hinting at some kind of ideology.

>> No.14587273

True, kind of leap of logic on my part. But there was also people getting beaten up because they spoiled the plot. The obsession of bugmen with superhero movies is slightly exaggerated but real.

>> No.14587288

I wouldn't call a staph infection a "weakness." It's something bad or unfortunate that has happened to someone. Nowadays, it usually can be cured, but unfortunately, MRSA and VRSA have developed and spread, and they're very hard to deal with.

People got physically assaulted for spoiling the plot of a capeshit film? That's utterly ridiculous.

>> No.14587492

Current trends show a continued decrease in average IQ as the unintelligent vastly out-reproduce the intelligent. We are currently breeding are race of servile low IQ consumer slaves not genetic ubermensch.

>> No.14587506

If you are naturally anxious to the point of serious discomfort, and you really enjoy sex, Brave New World sounded pretty cool.

I'm guessing Huxley was one of those people involved in that particular wave of Orientalism that ushered in New Age "philosophy." He was really into Buddhism, but I believe he was an atheist. He died from cancer caused by cigarettes, and since he couldn't talk with laryngeal cancer, he wrote a note to his wife to instruct her to inject him with LSD as he was on his deathbed. He died ripped to the tits, tripping balls.

>> No.14587512

Yeah well, I'm sure you can save us.

>> No.14587872

Just smoke weed if you're that sad LMAO

>> No.14588128

Yeah, LMAO. LMAO indeed, my reefer mad chum. Gives you the giggles, does it not?

>> No.14588623

suffering is an essential part of the human condition

>> No.14588987

>Whatever corrosions the modern world have inflicted on social bonds, leading to this fragmented, isolating culture that is so clearly devastating to public mental health, is beyond solving without calling into question that order

This is why they're trying to make a pill. The industries run on pain points and illness

>True community, true purpose, true engagement, would leave these digital monkey traps in the dust

Exactly. The corp's job is to make money first. You're well being is something that can and will be sacrificed if it means profit.

>> No.14589125

There is no salvation. Only persistent cycles of generation and degeneration until the inevitable extinction of humanity occurs.

>> No.14589324

fuck it
give me the bluepill ive had enough

>> No.14589452

What they aren't saying (because they aren't aware they believe it) is that anything that furthers the extinction of native Europeans and their descendants is a good thing. They are the ones that stand up for criminals just for being black, or women just because they are women, etc.
A truly great society should be secular paleo-liberterianism socially, and economically non-collectively utilitarian.

>> No.14589469

Long term sleep drug use has side effects that sometimes include even worse insomnia.

>> No.14589515

Our habits are impacted by mood. People who feel like shit don't take care of themselves causing a feedback loop, hence why 4chan still exists.

>> No.14589544

It only works if everyone does it, and the economic infrastructure of our lives has made that harder and harder every day. Online shopping, kiosks, social media, etc. all of it takes away the little reasons for leaving the house that kept doing so a habit.

>> No.14589545

Reddit: The Post: The Movie: The Faggot

>> No.14589559

If you'd ever deeply explored spiritualism with an open mind, stern analysis, and intellectual maturity, you wouldn't need a pill to end your loneliness in the first place. You're half a life, justifying your vacant incompleteness with a vacant analysis of incomplete science, unsurprisingly incapable of recognizing that materialism cannot solve the problem that is materialism itself.

Even if we're ultimately nothing but chemicals, my spiritual learning has allowed me to free myself (mostly) from the burdens of the self which in turn achieves a highly stable chemical balance that trends me towards satisfaction and happiness, all the the low, low cost of participating in something I was already doing. You, on the other hand, have to work a job you likely don't care for to purchase routine inoculations against chemical imbalances you are forcing on yourself with your irrational deathgrip on self-induced suffering.
If nothing else, I have more free time and money than you. Certainly, a materialist should be able to appreciate that, if a materialist can actually appreciate anything at all.