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/lit/ - Literature

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14582675 No.14582675 [Reply] [Original]

Authors who write the same book everytime. Think Bernhard, Murakami, Houellebecq, Sebald. Who else is there?

>> No.14583192



>> No.14583544

literally anybody

>> No.14583577


>> No.14583752

Who doesn't, desu? Can't think of any.

>> No.14583760

Joyce writes vastly different books.
>literally anybody
Not John WIlliams. Or McCarthy.

>> No.14583773

John Williams. Stoner is a campus novel set in the early 20th century, Butcher's Crossing is a Western set in the late 19th century, Augustus is a historical novel set in Ancient Rome.

>> No.14583806

I’d have to say Hesse, even though I love every single on of his books

>> No.14584944

where to start with Hesse?

>> No.14584983

How do we define different books then? Because Joyce writes with a lot of the same elements. There's the unity of setting. The first three books all share characters. The emphasis on linguistic experimentation. Like any good author his books feel the same because he has his style and his preoccupations. I haven't read Williams but McCarthy does too, not really in an overwhelmingly different way than Murakami or Houellebecq.

>> No.14585006

Dubliners and Finnegans Wake are vastly different books, while all of Berhard novels feel samey. McCarthy too. Child of God and All the Pretty Horses are quite different, or Blood Meridian and Suttree, as opposed to Whatever and Atomised by Houellebecq.

>> No.14585023

how does every protagonist in a murakami book end up having sex
it's absurd

>> No.14585025

Dumb thread. Do you really have nothing better to do in your free time?

>> No.14585030
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