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/lit/ - Literature

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1458107 No.1458107 [Reply] [Original]

I need your novel recommendations /lit/. I'd consider myself relatively intelligent and quite literate. However, I feel I have not been reading NEARLY as much as I would like to. This is partly due to skipping so many classes during high school, but also because I simply didn't feel like it and am a lazy fuck. So, give me some must-read ideas. I probably have not read them.

Interests include: Science (with an emphasis on astronomy), technology, philosophy, and fantasy (LotR-esque). I am also a sucker for covert, spy, and CIA type shit. Other than that I really have no prejudices except for possibly crime novels (unless it's insanely good, then go ahead).

>> No.1458118
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Yume Miru Kusuri.

Look it up on google, download it, torrent it, read it.

Cry and laugh through the whole thing.

Visual Novels > Books > Anime > Television Shows > Comic Books and Manga > Movies > Video Games

>> No.1458123
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>> No.1458127


Forever flawed because there's no wincest storyline.

>> No.1458135

Yeah, it would have been even better if there was a romance option with Aya. At least you get a little side-story with her, but it never developed into full sex.

It's the funniest part of the game though.

>> No.1458170

Baby's first VN

>> No.1458172

Also the best VN ever made.

Deal with it.

The first is always the best.

>> No.1458189

>Science (with an emphasis on astronomy), technology, philosophy,

Umberto Eco is what you want, anon. Focault's Pendulum is a good place to start. It's a bit thick and difficult at first, but struggle through the first chapter or so and it gets easier. The whole book is science mixed with philosophy and technology. There are conspiracies and spies but not hokey CSI type stuff. It's a great read, lots of fun, and very rewarding. Enjoy!

>> No.1458443

>OP wants a novel
>you suggest a cartoon

>> No.1458444

With fire and sword its an excellent read

>> No.1458450
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>> No.1458468
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pic related
Im enjoying Bill Brysons history of everything

>> No.1458478

There's a thread that we're trying to sticky that has links to lots of books, 1001 books to read before you die, top 100 alltime etc why don't you check it out and see what you fancy?

I'm currently reading The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon on a side note. It's pretty cool...

>> No.1458487
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Read Things Fall Apart.

It's like Avatar, except the natives are horrible savages, the white people are dicks and there are no good people whatsoever.

>> No.1458489

Read Quotations from Glorious Chairman. Party members shall grow stronger with the red book.

>> No.1458506
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>> No.1458529

>LotR-esque fantasy

read Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
pick up Shadow and Claw (the first half) to see if you like it, but you should

>> No.1458533
File: 103 KB, 344x344, vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this three times and disliked it more every time.

Anyway OP.... Pic Related.
Vonnegut sounds up your alley. Can be as quick and simple a read or as interesting a read as you'd like.

>> No.1458549

>Matt Ridley

Red Queen is so much better, not that Genome is bad..

>> No.1458552

tell me moar

>> No.1458560

This thread needs more love for Eco.

>> No.1458564

They are three books written by Mervyn Peake. Just look it up, lazy.