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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 260x400, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1458049 No.1458049 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is /lit/ and not /adv/, but I trust you guys and your opinions more.

Eighteen years old. Have a girlfriend. Small circle of friends with similar interests in lit and vidya. My friends always want to go out and drink and go to movies and stuff, but I rarely want to. For some reason, I just prefer to stay home. Friday night, who the fuck would want to go out? I've been slaving over papers and tests all week.

My mom goes out, too. And as she's leaving, she makes it known that she thinks it's weird that I never want to go out. Is it weird, /lit/? It's not like I NEVER want to go out. I feel like I'm a bad person for staying home, like society frowns upon me.

Why am I fucked up?

Pic related. Plan on reading this tonight, rather than going to see Black Swan with my girlfriend.

>> No.1458061
File: 47 KB, 440x302, darren-aronofsky[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my movie, faggot.

>> No.1458058

Black Swan sucks anyway you are a better man for staying in

>> No.1458064

introversion of course. had a bro from another state come down for a bit, hung out almost all the time during this, but a few days I simply wanted to be alone.

you're fine

>> No.1458074



>> No.1458076

Just because you don't conform to what society classifies as 'normal' doesn't make you a bad person.

Heck, if anything, it just goes to show that people who berate others for being 'weird' are the ones in the wrong.

>> No.1458077

You are fine. don't mind social pressure.

>> No.1458079

>My friends always want to go out and drink and go to movies and stuff
movies are ok but yeah stuff like that is so boring. thats why i dont want normal friends, just like a bff or gf to hang at peoples houses.

>> No.1458080

People need their alone time. Sometimes enough is enough of having to be in the spotlight.

>> No.1458084

I never go, ever. Then again I feel I have Avoidant personality disorder.

Fuck clubs, bars, party's, social scenes all that shit. I do enjoy going to the movies, and get out and hike by myself quite a bit but yeah.

It's overrated.

>> No.1458103

I was the same. Still am at 30 and wholly unapologetic about it.
With girfriend though...hmmm. If it's just you two and not her succubus friends then I would make more of an effort. Although, I do make an effort with mine and it means I have to watch a lot of shit movies and third-rate plays that I could have told her were crap to begin with. But, hey, it's A NIGHT OUT!!??? HEY? YEAH!!!???? THAT'S WHAT COUNTS YEAH!!???? A NIGHT OUT FFFFUUUUUU

>> No.1458109
File: 52 KB, 400x515, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god kid, is this seriously a problem in life? You need to find some real conflict, instead of "blah blah social pressure, blah blah I don't know anything about myself, oh woe is me blah blah".

>> No.1458113

You are probably lying to yourself to give yourself a false sense of individuality, the consummate 21st century introvert ego-stroker par excellence.

Everyone loves to go out on the tear.

>> No.1458119

that's it kid. move to some place where obtaining food and shelter are your primary concerns & be like this guy! Profit!!

>> No.1458124
File: 67 KB, 873x654, Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll definitely help him to stop being such a bitch.

>> No.1458145

you're damn right there, dumpster joe. yes siree. a week 'on the trash' will straighten this kid's ideas out once and for all.


>> No.1458164

I work a dead-end job and couple with my mom's minimum wage to pay for our apartment, if that helps.

>> No.1458166
File: 7 KB, 199x253, TyBrax20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you ever going to backup this 'everyone has the same tastes as the majority or they're lying' stuff?

>> No.1458174



>> No.1458175

Probably lying. Yet here I am, posting on 4chan.

>> No.1458195
File: 258 KB, 788x1285, Smile2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, now stop bitching about little things and man up.

>> No.1458198

Do what you want, dude. I have one really close friend who goes to university outside of my state. His parents live near me, and he's the only person for whom I go out of my way to see. My parents think it's weird too, but few people are worth more time than the likes of Dostoevsky.

Fuck whether or not it's weird. Do what you want. It's not like you're simply ignoring people to shoot heroin.

>> No.1458199

>little things
This is my entire life.
>man up
Says the guy who's also posting on /lit/ on a Saturday night, and pictures of generic anime to boot?

Fuck you.

>> No.1458205

> /lit/ - Trolls With Identities

>> No.1458208

If you really want to look back in ten years on all those fond memories of yourself reading books, browsing 4chan, and watching your friends post pictures of their adventures on facebook, then I guess you're on the right track...

>> No.1458219
File: 23 KB, 400x366, kanye_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in order to look back on 'important memories'
when people pose for paty pix they usually try to make the event look more fun/less awkward than it actually is. sort of like how people say randum things to each other at these same events to create the feeling some interesting things are happening. i hate business classes its the same thing eww.

for example: >>>/soc/232220

actually we already came to a conclusion in the last thread you brought that stuff up. technically you'd be right if everyone was 'perfect' but everyone has issues in their lives no matter how bad they are & so what they prefer/their personalities differ.

>> No.1458226
File: 299 KB, 1024x577, SeductiveSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is my entire life.
Then it is a pathetic life full of pointless drama
>Saturday night

>> No.1458230

>he thinks posing for a photo at a party is a giant conspiracy
Here I was thinking it was having fun and doing what comes naturally around other people. This is like those pictures of facebook photos that have dumb pseudo-psychologically-insightful comments against the phoneys when really all that's happening is that the butthurt basement dweller is making a big deal out of people having fun and having social habits

>> No.1458252

>exaggerates my post in order to disregard every single point
you can't be the life of a party -&- honest.

>doing what comes naturally around other people
what is that exactly? posing for things you find dumb in order to please them? saying your favourite band is The Deftones when it actually isn't?

>This is like those pictures of facebook photos that have dumb pseudo-psychologically-insightful comments against the phoneys when really all that's happening is that the butthurt basement dweller is making a big deal out of people having fun and having social habits
i wouldn't know. don't these 'facebook basement-dwellers' have their own kind of club except they're not the popular kids?

>> No.1458259

I've always been a very shy, introvert person.
Then when I was 13, 14 years of age things started to get really bad. I didn't want to leave my house. I even quit a grade... lost a whole year of school.
I am 20 now, I live alone, I only go out to buy food (I pick 11h on the clock because it has fewer people on the streets, and on the restaurant where I order my food), and go to college. There are times I spend a whole week inside my house, never passing past the door, I live most on pizzas. Two pizzas last 3 days for me (I reheat then on the microwave).
When my friends used to ask me out at school I just said No. They now understand me and never asked again.
I am on vacation and at my parents house. When my mom asks me to dinner outside or something, my heart starts to beat accelerated, I simply hate going outside.
I believed the correct term for my condition is hikikomori (in japanese), agoraphobic.
I read books to compensate my lack of social skills.

>> No.1458258


If the only experiences you have with parties is that they're not that fun or awkward, you might be going to the wrong parties. Maybe I'm in the minority here but I've always found parties/clubs/raves/trips/vegas/friends/sex/drugs to be pretty genuinely fun..

Back in high school, when all I would do is sit in the library by myself and read, I could never shake the feeling that it would be more fulfilling to be out there doing the awesome shit that I was reading about, than to be sitting there reading it. I figured that if a person wanted to be a writer or something, actual experience would be more beneficial than any number of pages read in books. And I find that now to be very true.

So go out and have some fucking fun, shit.

>> No.1458262
File: 12 KB, 500x379, black-swan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when you're blowing off a) a really, really cool movie and b) contact with an human female to read something that, as a /lit/erate, you have surely read before

>> No.1458265
File: 43 KB, 800x533, partyppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think these people are having fun; THINK AGAIN
Every one of these fuckers is putting it on for the benefit of their "FACE BOOK FRIENDS"

You see, not a single person on the planet has fun at a party; everyone simply comes together as bored as they were before they arrived, and they spend the next 4 hours trying to make sure there's no gap in the conversation by dancing, drinking, making out and having sex, playing beer pong, playing strip poker, etc. One more juicy bit of info, of the Q. T of course, is that these parties do not take place and have never occurred on the moon

>> No.1458266

All things in moderation, but to thine own self be true

It's good to socialize every now and then, but I'd say you shouldn't feel like you have to go out constantly just because other people enjoy it more.

>> No.1458268


>> No.1458270

gatorcalibrator confirmed for not the sharpest tool in the shed

>> No.1458272

if you are rich or have a national health service you should ring them or get someone to ring them about it then milk them for therapy + meds. then listen to Kanye West + buy /fa/ clothes.

what is genuinely fun about a rave? the music is 4/4 or aphex twin style repetition & apart from that it's just neons everywhere & drinking. where is the fun?
the only thing i can see being fun about parties is casual sex if you're into that. everything else just seems to be a teaser for that & people like that distraction in case they dont get laid that night.

again bullshit. i didnt say they werent having fun. i said that for a photo people purposely try to make it look really exciting even if the event wasn't. did i strike a nerve or something?

>> No.1458285

so tell me again tybrax how would you know for sure from a photo whether the event was exciting for anyone involved or not?

>> No.1458291

Wow. That was really sad to read.
I used to respect you, d&e, now I just feel sad.

>> No.1458301

Introverts vs extroverts. Epic thread. Everyone thinks the others are lying. Who's right?

>> No.1458306


Raves have literally been some of the best times of my life. They're gatherings of thousands of young PLUR people, dressed in rave gear, the girls all extra slutty, full of nothing but love and happiness. Then you take drugs and dance for hours, living in fucking wonderland for a night. Granted not everyone loves electrohouse/DnB/dubstep like I do, but if you're at a sick stage with a bunch of friends, maybe a couple of pills in, you're going to have the time of your life.

>> No.1458315
File: 58 KB, 852x480, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt basement dweller detected

>> No.1458314

>for a photo people purposely try to make it look really exciting even if the event wasn't.

This is especially true for some reason with large gatherings of Asians. Living around Vancouver means that this is a fairly frequent experience for me, and no matter what is actually happening--subdued banal conversation featuring copious accusations of insanity over drinks and frequent bursts of giggling being the most common thing--in every picture everyone suddenly adopts a ridiculous posture to make sure that the pictures are sooo wacky. Cameras are then passed around the room so that everyone can see just how wacky they is. Upon arriving home, the pictures are uploaded to facebook with a wacky album title, and wacky captions and everyone comments about just how wacky those pictures are.

>> No.1458322


this was my new years. it was epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWU2TgMtcDE&feature=related

>> No.1458326

Have fun being bored out of your skull and pretending to "get it"

Oh well, you'd have the same experience at Black Swan

>> No.1458330

>how would you know for sure
>Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ
i don't think i could. all i'm saying is that people shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to party. and i was quoting a guy saying facebook should make you feel sad because of the 'i love everyone here' poses people are doing.

he's just insecure that he's a man of simple taste & wants to call that universal or something to feel better. i'm not saying the people want to make it look like whoever wasn't there is missing out (well maybe someone might do that for personal reasons - like an ex for example) they're just doing it for in-the-moment reasons like wanting to look like a fun person when it goes online.

i'm not saying people are lying, just someone like OP shouldnt take pics where people intentionally try to show they're really happy as a sign he's missing out.

Actually only D&E thinks people are lying, that would be the introverts. but he might be trolling i'm not too sure.

>> No.1458333

The world is made up of introverts and extroverts. Some people understand this. Sadly most don't (on both sides of the scale). There is nothing wrong with being on either end of the scale.

>> No.1458336


>> No.1458343

ok d&e you can't get out of this one!

>> No.1458344
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Stare7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People still believe in these strict classifications?
>oh but I'm only 40% extrovert
I'm going to spend some time vomiting while you all go take personality tests and compare results.

>> No.1458350


>all i'm saying is that people shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to party
>when people pose for paty pix they usually try to make the event look more fun/less awkward than it actually is.
>all i'm saying is that people shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to party
Hey that is all good, words of the wise and all that, but there is a bit of a danger you may be leading people into thinking social get-togethers are conspiracies given your own skewed and deficient perspective of the world

furthermore, this intro/extrovert classification is dumb

>> No.1458372
File: 7 KB, 520x250, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all despairing.

>> No.1458381
File: 9 KB, 300x225, zetsubou_sayonara_zetsubou_sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zetsubou shitaaaa!

>> No.1458392

>but there is a bit of a danger you may be leading people into thinking social get-togethers are conspiracies
i don't really care if someone thinks that because it's not what i'm saying.

you've still to prove that OP probably/has to be lying to himself.

>> No.1458404

Wikipedia has a pretty good definition of introvert & extrovert. None is 'better'. just different ways of reflecting on the world. Problem is that, like with everything else human, people try to go through situations with the least amount of energy and intelligence. Thus extroverts seem overrated to intros and intros look too dramatic and stuck up to extros.

>> No.1460377

i feel u bro