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File: 65 KB, 469x417, tolle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14580006 No.14580006 [Reply] [Original]

There's only Now

>> No.14580113

And yet the present moment constanly fades away, besides the fact that it's just the product of your pathetic sensory perception and mental biases.

>> No.14580140
File: 8 KB, 249x202, tolle5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fades away into what? Time is an illusion only now is real.

>> No.14580217
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 3610a7fd-065e-4a8e-8a00-035362d615c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no. You can't perceive singular things.

Imagine what it would be like to see only the color yellow ever since you were born. You wouldn't see anything. Because you'd have nothing to contrast it to. You notice yellow because it's contrasted with non-yellow things.
The same applies to time. You necessarily perceive a relation of different instances. The present only makes sense when contrasted with the past and the future.

Saying only "now" exists is dumb to begin with. Because time doesn't exist in the way a chair exists. It's a necessary component of all other objects of knowledge that come from empirical perception.

Saying the "now" is all that you experience is equally dumb. Because, for reasons said above, to be conscious of such an experience would be impossible.

>> No.14580233

I don't think the formless constitutes a moment.

>> No.14580253
File: 13 KB, 480x360, tolle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of psychological time which implies duality and separation from separate moment.
Now is all there is its the current you dont perceive but tune yourself into

>> No.14580273

You can have awareness without sense data that lasts a moment.

>> No.14580614

Tolle is a chad who is capable of original thought but the quack asian that rides his coattails is a loon.

>> No.14580720

I dont feel nearly the same peace from her but be that as it may some enjoy her as well.
The beauty of Tolle is not informational but his grounding in kingdom of god that draws you to it not further away with more concepts.

>> No.14581246

no, he's a hippie alan watts tier life coach for normies
>There's only Now
you don't fucking say. How profound

>> No.14581268

>Time is an illusion
no, it can be observed, measured and even calculated. Retarded comments like this is what give humanities a bad rep, and further confirms that tolle fanboys are new age airheads who just discovered the cool alt-spirituality

>> No.14581291
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>> No.14581629
File: 69 KB, 1032x475, tolle 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. thoughtcucked
Not the same context or even close.
Even if Buddha or Jesus was alive today people would still be retards and dismiss without ever hearing the message ''ugggghhh itssss just new age broo'' read Tao te Ching ,Meister Eckhart sermons , Sufism , advaita vedanta ...
Dont thought cuck yourselves lads.

>> No.14581791

what a stupid meme buzzword
>says something extremely retarded
>muh context
if the first Buddha was born in the 20th century people would listen to him cause he would've been the founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If Jesus was born in the 20th century he'd be either a respected writer and political activist, or an infamous lolcow for believing he's the son of God. In any case he'd probably be crucified for being brave enough to call out the barbaric cultures of the Middle East. The fact that you'd even suggest that this mediocre syncretist is comparable to Siddhartha and Jesus says a lot about your retardation and fanaticism. I hope you're just underage and not dumb enough to ride his dick this hard.

>> No.14581935

Damn Greta is getting old and beardy

>> No.14581971

>your post
This is your brain on ego retardation. Any external doing is pointless without inner union with absolute .
You dont understand because you never meditated,practised any spirituality or had satori experience therefore completely lost in Maya ignorance . If you do you would know Tolle is direct path god.

They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you."

He said to them, "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."
"Don't give what is holy to dogs, for they might throw them upon the manure pile.''
"Whoever has ears let him hear"
Gospel of Thomas
>not gonna make ,much luck in next reincarnation timmy

>> No.14582097

>This is your brain on ego retardation. Any external doing is pointless without inner union with absolute .
this is your brain on new age bullshit faggotry
>You dont understand because you never meditated,
I have.
>practised any spirituality or had satori experience therefore completely lost in Maya ignorance
ah yes, the enlightened /lit/ shitposter. Your "spirituality" is dishonest garbage, and you should feel ashamed. You're worse than a christcuck. But what can you expect from someone who dickrides a lukewarm author who is both a christuck AND a hipster mystic. To need this amount of excessive cope, you must be a real mental case

>> No.14582136

No, mindfulness is gay and also extremely over blown with fake results

>> No.14582244

McMindfulness is gay, mindfulness is not. Read the book McMindfulness. Scientists, monks, academics and other authorities on the subject agree that western minfulness has been overhyped and corrupted, and it's making it harder to separate the bullshit claims from the real scientific facts. Basically the same thing that happened to weed with memetrepeneurs calling it a miracle drug and giving it a bad rep

>> No.14582310
File: 107 KB, 645x1000, brainlet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugghhh ancient egyptians are new ego broo
Literally just read Tao te Ching and Meister Eckhart Tolle teaches the same thing his method not much of a method but is direct experience and connection with absolute. You can find same patterns with any mystic path
Stop being thoughtcucked look within and you will see all roads lead to rome.

>> No.14582344

I googled this guy and found nothing but good things said of him, which concerns me because typically with "new religious movements" that means that they have a well-funded and -organized PR operation and we won't know the truth until the rape victims start spilling out of the seams or they start putting Salmonella in Sizzler salad bars. Some anon spill the beans, nobody with this much of a cult of personality could be a benign figure.

>> No.14582401

>Ughhh straman *drools*
>Literally just read Tao te Ching
I already did, currently reading Zhuangzi, better than the distilled bullshit written by Eckhack Tool and not even that hard to understand if you find the right translation
>his method not much of a method but is direct experience and connection with absolute
experiential knowledge is literally the de facto way of most popular eastern spirituality, I still don't understand why the power of nowTM version is so special and important to you
>You can find same patterns with any mystic path
exactly, except Tolle's is a pleb path for the lazy. Tao te Ching is short and so is Sitting in Oblivion and the Zen Manual. Hell even the gist of the Pali canon has very accessible translations. There's literally zero need to read a less rewarding, less accurate and less authentic westernized version of eastern philosophies, much less to defend it this hard

>> No.14582412

I really doubt he's an extreme cultist, he's just a capitalist that appeals to the "atheist but spiritual" types. An entrepreneur just like John Kabat Zinn, that british guy who made Headspace, etc.

>> No.14582539

>his is your brain on new age bullshit faggotry

This is your ego not the real you anon

>> No.14582556

god i love my ego. Not killing it any time soon

>> No.14582575

That’s also your ego

>> No.14582606
File: 451 KB, 2000x1000, tolle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing Tao and surrender in now is the same
Anon i really cant even ...
Maybe just stop reading and practise until you reach kensho experience
I like Tolles work as hes extremely humble as well as beauty and simplicity in his work .The quality of spiritual texts is not in new information added but the divinity of the text as a pointer to liberation .Not about its content but the sweetness of teachings .
>less accurate and less authentic
His basing it on his experience not priory knowledge.
He went from nobody below poverty to biggest spiritual figure, literally the universe is on his side .
I searched for any valid criticism but the worst i found was just retardation of ''hur dur its already written before nothing new'' or ''hes just new age i can only learn from 2000year old dead masters' no valid refutation

>> No.14582621

What are Tolle's metaphysical statements?

>> No.14582622

Typical 68er New Age guy making bank off of repackaged Taoist aphorisms and Zen koans, but this time with the twist of being Jesus-flavored?
Why are you insisting on calling this man you have never met your master? It's weird. Your master should be God, not your teacher.

>> No.14582696

yeah, this is it pretty much. But he tries to tone down the Jesus flavor because he knows most of his readers are atheists who want to say they have exotic spiritual wisdom
>>Not realizing Tao and surrender in now is the same
if they're the same why are you riding Tolle's dick and giving him sheckels instead of just sticking to primary sources?
>Not about its content but the sweetness of teachings
christ, this is the most new age magic crystal faggot post I've ever read. You sound like the most cartoony stereotypical Portland incense burner. Can't believe your kind actually browses this board. I'll leave you with your defensive fanboyism since it's very clearly a big form of cope you can't live without
>hur dur its already written before nothing new''
it's not just "nothing new", some of the deeper philosophical teachings he draws from are lost in his amateur translation and his meticulous syncretist cherrypicking. You get an overview of everything but none of the core of anything really, and what do you end up with? sweet nothings.
>His basing it on his experience not priory knowledge.
so you're basing what you yourself claim is an experiential knowledge on HIS knowledge? can't you see the contradictions here?
I'm not gonna waste more time with you, Tolle himself would be more receptive to criticism of his work than you are.

>> No.14582702

Where did i say this?
He even points that hes just a mere pointer to the moon not the moon itself in that statement i know enough .
Even Osho who was more controvertial was of similar teachings as Eckhart disregarding and leaving all beliefs .
Which is the same as Meister Eckhart thought to reach divinity we must practise inner poverty.
I dont trust or give value to anything except personal experience of divinity and i can recognize it in others its sort of an initiation into a certain subculture

>> No.14582747
File: 143 KB, 618x469, +pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah a 'murican dealing with such lowly creatures of intelligence is not easy task.
>Primary sources
Where do you think they got it from except personal experience?
>Raise your assemblage point beyond brainlet tier and reach satori experience then comeback,good luck lad

>> No.14582866

>Where do you think they got it from except personal experience?
then what's the point of reading and worshipping your hippie preacher, dumb frogposter?
>reach satori experience
does this egoistic bragging about satori involve going to Tolle's house and sucking his oriental tier microdick until he gives you the seed of enlightenment? cause i'm not interested. Very funny how you keep touting about reading tao te ching (which you clearly didn't read, but it's ok because meister tolle read it for you) then you start bragging about satori which is completely different and isn't even a taoist concept. Typical of imbeciles like you who generalize and treat all eastern philosophies as an all you can eat buffet

>> No.14582892

>Where did i [call Eckhart Tolle 'master']?
"Meister" is a title. It is German for "Master." The theologian commonly known as "Meister Eckhart" was named Eckhart von Hochheim. People called him "Meister" because he was a teacher in a theological school (similar to how you likely referred to your teachers as "Mr./Mrs. So-and-so" when you were in school).
>He even points that hes just a mere pointer to the moon not the moon itself in that statement i know enough.
Osho/Rajneesh/whatever they are calling him now said the same shit. He said he was encouraging his students to rebel rather than to become carbon copies of him and so was not a teacher with a teaching, just pointing to the truth. Of course, it was bullshit.
>Even Osho who was more controvertial was of similar teachings as Eckhart disregarding and leaving all beliefs.
Osho lived a life of luxury on the backs of his followers, stole a community from its residents and turned the local police force into his personal goons, and perpetrated the first and largest bioterrorist attack in the history of the United States. You are not helping your case.
>Which is the same as Meister Eckhart thought to reach divinity we must practise inner poverty
Meister Eckhart was a Domincan. The Dominican virtue of inner poverty, poverty of spirit, or however you wish to call it refers to humility. Does Echkhart Tolle lead a humble lifestyle? Putting himself forward as a spiritual guide for the masses? His claims regarding his inner transformation match many others' claims regarding enlightenment or awakening and his followers all seem to get that impression from him. He says he doesn't have time for such terms, though, just like Osho did, so clearly he is not cultivating an image to appeal to his followers and potential converts. This seems very fishy to me.
>I dont trust or give value to anything except personal experience of divinity and i can recognize it in others its sort of an initiation into a certain subculture
The New Age impresario Ken Wilber (who currently promotes Eckhart Tolle, last I checked) says more or less this same thing, yet he has consistently found himself promoting creeps like "Adi Da" and "Genpo Roshi." What subculture do you mean?

>> No.14582921

Just imagine the neurotic behavior in this guys private life, so he can keep up with that facade

>> No.14582993

Stop projecting so hard anon if you're craving dick constantly which is showing its a good time to practise detachment and inner alchemy.

If you actually had experiences and progress you would see the similarity between schools that its quite alike pointing to same destination using different cultural templates .
>This would be clear to you but how do you explain sugar to a retard that never tasted sugar?
What can i say more luck in next reincarnation >>14582892
It was his inner group , osho didnt spend much time outside meditation. Meister Eckhart spoke of inner poverty only detachment of self matters while external do not so i no way is Tolle living contrary to this.
Explain to me this how does a noname below poverty become the biggest teacher in the world? Surely this is the biggest proof in action of spirits effect on matter for they said true sages can impact the whole world if they so wished.
Subculture of recognizing truth within everywhere whether new or old teachers .

>> No.14583104

Does Eckhart Tolle talk about "inner alchemy?" You know this is Taoist terminology and the things you are referring to have little to do with Taoist inner alchemy, right?
>It was his inner group , osho didnt spend much time outside mediation
I don't believe that at all. Did Osho not spend any time driving his fleet of Rolls-Royces? The claim that it was only Sheela is about as credible as the claim that OJ didn't murder his wife or that Manson was not involved in the planning of the Helter Skelter murders.
>Meister Eckhart spoke of inner poverty only detachment of self matters while external do not so i no way is Tolle living contrary to this.
He has a net worth of 70,000,000 USD. This is not detachment of self. This is greed, which is incompatible with humility.
>Explain to me this how does a noname below poverty become the biggest teacher in the world? Surely this is the biggest proof in action of spirits effect on matter for they said true sages can impact the whole world if they so wished.
1. I'm pretty sure Eckhart Tolle is not "the biggest teacher in the world." Besides that, he was published by a New Age publisher the same way all New Age authors are. He made connections in the New Age social circles and pulled strings to get his writings published. His big break that made him famous was being featured by Oprah, who found him through some Hollywood celebrity New Ager social circle the same way all other American media celebrities seem to find their way into various religious movements the average person has never heard of. Being featured in O! magazine because you were able to make connections in the world of New Age publishers and satsang guru worshipers is not the action of the spirit, God, or any other entity.
2. This is literally the "prosperity gospel" espoused by American televangelist profiteers, with a New Age flavor. As I said above, this is greed rather than humility. Eckhart von Hochheim was a Dominican and as such would have been against the "prosperity gospel."
2. Who are "they?" Who says these things?
>Subculture of recognizing truth within everywhere whether new or old teachers .
You are capable of recognizing truth in a way that I am not? How? Describe your subculture to me. Why do you need a master to understand these things? Or are you not calling Eckhart Tolle your master anymore?

>> No.14583213
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So by your logic if you appreciate the art of an artists he is your master?
The same way i enjoy teachings of noble vessels its simply appreciating ones work not getting attached to it as we can ultimately only trust our experiences of absolute.

>> No.14583248

Appreciating the work of an artist is not the same as referring to a teacher as a noble vessel. You think you are thinking independently, but you are not. That is what is so insidious about this. It's not teaching you to simply defer and shut up, but rather to believe that you are independently choosing this. If you would like to be in a cult then I cannot stop you, but please consider Tolle's teachings in light of those of cult leaders such as Ryuho Okawa, Osho, Adi Da, or Shoko Asahara. You will find many similarities you will not find in mainstream religious teachers and theologians.

>> No.14583337

>pathetically dickrides some preacher for an entire thread
>no u
is that all you could come up with?
>If you actually had experiences and progress you would see the similarity between schools
I know the similarities, because I've read some of the primary sources. Your experience is being obsessed with a businessman and being deluded into thinking you've actually accomplished something besides making an abhorrent thread on 4channel. Your "rebuttals" are always crying that i have no experience, yet everything you cite in your neurotic defense is Meister Eckhart did buzzword this and that.
>What can i say more luck in next reincarnation
daoists don't believe in reincarnation, confused retard. Tolle should've taught you that.
>Explain to me this how does a noname below poverty become the biggest teacher in the world?
by making bank selling books to nutcases like you

>> No.14584556
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>downie looking new age snake oil merchant trying to style himself after meister eckhart
into the lake of fire he goes