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/lit/ - Literature

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14578972 No.14578972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14578980

Degeneracy is the right's version of hate speech: an arbitrary justification used to silence speech that harms your fragile worldview

>> No.14578982
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>Degeneracy is the right's version of hate speech: an arbitrary justification used to silence speech that harms your fragile worldview

>> No.14578988

What a dumb claim

>> No.14578991
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>>Degeneracy is the right's version of hate speech: an arbitrary justification used to silence speech that harms your fragile worldview

>> No.14579005

yeah but we're the good guys

>> No.14579007

I'd say that book burning is only really effective when an example of such (degenerate) literature lands in the hands of either a subversive tyrant or a completely brainwashed retard.
I guess the situation experienced by the latter is moreso common in this day and age, the Overton window has shifted so far left that basic rational thinking is frowned upon in favor of 'muh feelz, muh free shit, muh peace'.

>> No.14579020
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>relatively few unironic alt righters and skinheads vs a whole army of SJW and commie sympathizers.

>> No.14579025
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>>>Degeneracy is the right's version of hate speech: an arbitrary justification used to silence speech that harms your fragile worldview

>> No.14579026
File: 70 KB, 800x580, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-30858-001,_Berlin,_Bücherverbrennung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is funny how book burning is now more associated with the Nazis when commies did it too.

>> No.14579055
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Degeneracy is about how someone acts and conducts themselves in society. Hate speech is about what you say. There's a big difference.

>> No.14579064

me not listening is not the same as you being silenced.

>> No.14579074
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>Degeneracy is the right's version of hate speech: an arbitrary justification used to silence speech that harms your fragile worldview

>> No.14579077

It's always about controlling people

>> No.14579081

Kafka, Musil, Heine, Proust, Mann, Doblin, Gide, Passos, Fitzgerald, Huxley, Kastner, London, Hesse, Hugo, Lawrence, Joyce, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Remarque, Roth, Wilde, Zweig -- these were some of the authors burned or banned by what /pol/ considers to be the would-be saviours of Western culture. Even Junger was suppressed. Even National Socialists like Gottfried Benn were suppressed.
There was more "muh free shit" (if by this you mean social safety nets, paternalism, etc.) at the beginning of the 20th century than at the end of it. The idea that "socialism" (by which you mean social democracy) is an ascendant ideology is perversely inaccurate when the history of the past half-century is the history of neoliberal domination. The Nazis were standard bearers of the "free shit" ideology you're shitting on, being more in sympathy with Roosevelt New Dealers than with free market capitalism. The alliance between cultural conservative Christians and capitalist Reaganites is one of the queerest syntheses of recent American political history (and one that is rapidly disintegrating). The evangelicals threw their lot in with the very forces eroding the sacred traditions they were trying to preserve -- probably because they had no alternative, now that the Democrats were more and more becoming the party of Roe v. Wade.

>> No.14579093

>Degeneracy is about how someone acts and conducts themselves in society.
Degeneracy is that which degenerates society. It can be and often is entirely verbal.

>> No.14579125

The fact that liberalism doesn't even try to censor communist, fascist or any kind of subversive literature, allows them to hold their rallies and express their views publicly is the ultimate proof that it has btfo both ideologies to a point of no return

>> No.14579136

Awful thread

>> No.14579143

The only time I've ever been sympathetic to book burning was when fundies we're doing it to Harry Potter. It may have been for the wrong reasons, but it was the right thing to do.

>> No.14579234

I'm not radical enough to the point I wouldn't critisize National Socialists, point being though is that these days people who do support Hitler are either unironic skinheads or reactionary right-wingers who are redpilled on the JQ and want their countries back. I doubt that the latter would favor Hitler's socialism on a theorethical level the same way modern leftists would favor Marxism, hence I mentioned it. Leftists are the main group advocating for 'free shit'-policies, not Right-wingers.

>> No.14579247

Don't forget Magnus Hirschfeld, there's a name to look into if you want to know about the types of 'books' they were 'burning'

>> No.14579252

Half of what they burned was literal child pornography photographed as part of experiments by "liberal" scientists trying to prove that infants can consent to sex

>> No.14580034

I hope you'll slit your wrists before February begins

>> No.14580049

anyone who wants to burn h g wells stuff has to come through me

>> No.14580069

Why? Are you his fucking boyfriend?

>> No.14580120

Why was Jack London burned? lol

>> No.14580128

>people who do support Hitler are either unironic skinheads or reactionary right-wingers who are redpilled on the JQ and want their countries back
Only makes sense for Europeans. Americans don't get to complain.

>> No.14580133

yeah nah bruh

>> No.14580141

damn havent seen a fedorapost in a while

>> No.14580145

If your ideology is so awesome why can't it stand up against some books
Nobody reads anyway.
This is why you guys will always lose is cause you're such spastic autists who over react to fuckin everything. Reminds me of kids who got bullied in elementary school and then would bring a knife and get kicked out or scream slurs or something like "I HATE YOU" and everyone would just laugh at them.