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/lit/ - Literature

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14576997 No.14576997 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14577019

The top two results will be Christian and Irreligious, but most of the "Christians" are actually just pretending so they can fit in with all the other fake meme Christians.

>> No.14577043

Agnostic Jungian Pagan

>> No.14577048

So basically a faggot.

>> No.14577058

/lit/ is a Guenonian Traditionalist board

>> No.14577059
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Yeah it was 3 votes for each (Christian and irreligious) and now 1 additional for Christian and then two consecutive for Judaism which may be someone intentionally messing up the poll for the lulz

>> No.14577074

Lots of gaythiest bugmen here.

>> No.14577082

Laughing at the state of Buddhist / Hindu spammers

>> No.14577085

Go read The Red Book. Jung was religious would call you a faggot that blindly hates God. "Whether summoned or not, God will be present"

>> No.14577099
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>No Jainism

>> No.14577105

>Labels and mental gymnastics of a tranny
God is good and we're all Christians, stop trying so hard to blasphemous and accept Christ.

>> No.14577170

its okay to hate god because god clearly hates us.
to think god is good is extremely naive.
only a hateful and malicious god would do what he did to Job, for example.

>> No.14577188

>mental gymnastics
Literally a christian trying to explain the existence of evil outside of god

>> No.14577222

mmmmm... Gnostic?

>> No.14577240

i chose 'other' as i only belong to the cult of Art.

>> No.14577286

This. My only faith is in beauty

>> No.14577292
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>> No.14577299
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/lit/ is the Catholic channel of 4chan

>> No.14577523

I get it

>> No.14577545

Triple Pauline Catholic Ultimate S Overloaded Excel.exe X-COM Saiyan Star

>> No.14578431

Buddhism isn't a religion.

>> No.14578552

Raised Catholic, became disillusioned with the Church and churchgoers, have doctrinal issues surrounding papal supremacy and apostolic succession, currently studying the Bible in more depth and doing some searching to try and figure shit out. Still very much so a Christian.

>> No.14578560

How about becoming Orthodox?

>> No.14578567

The religion of datamining

>> No.14578568


>> No.14578579
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Weak atheist. There is no valid reason to be a believer.

>> No.14578590

Except that ultimately either there is a "God" or not; thus 50/50, thus a matter of faith Atheist or not

>> No.14578593

Yes, that is definitely how statistics work.

>> No.14578614

The probabilities are unknowable to you and thus becomes a binary

>> No.14578621

Also you probably have immature and undeveloped notions of God, are you still at the skydaddy r/atheism phase?

>> No.14578638
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>> No.14578643

I'm not the guy you're responding to but what ''immature and undeveloped notions of God'' do you mean? I don't believe in God but I do not browse Reddit nor proclaim myself an Atheist since most people who do are stuck up cunts who think themselves better than religious people.

I was raised Christian though and am therefore baptised. So should I be wrong I would still be going to Heaven as Jesus died for all our sins and God welcomes all his children. Would not go so far as to call myself a Buddhist (not a religion by the way) but I have found peace of mind in its teachings.

>> No.14578663

That can be simplified further,

Relative to your beliefs/ wishes either something good/ bad happens to you after death.

For example, as an atheist, if your optimal post-death experience is eternal peaceful nothingness, either it happens or it doesn't, therefore again it is still a 50/50 gamble and a matter of faith.

>> No.14578723

Been reading up on it a lot but the only orthodox priests and services that I know of in Ireland are in Dublin, about 4 hours away. Havent gotten around to going yet.

>> No.14578729

Reluctant agnostic cultural Christian open-minded to other religions

>> No.14578773


Ultimately it is something unknowable and higher than ourselves that can't be articulated but can be felt. There is obviously no objectively correct notion of god, it is a somewhat relative abstract concept that can be plugged into various spiritual frameworks. This concept is anthropomorphised to help people grasp certain concepts and give them an anchor in a relativistic world.

One thing i'm sure of is that evil and the abyss exists, even if it is only an evolutionary perception caused by electro-chemical signals in our brain. This can be assigned as a badness unit vector with a dual and opposite goodness unit vector.

As stated previously all forms of faith are ultimately 50/50 binary's. We know there is suffering in the world, unimaginable needless suffering, what does it mean to exist in this imperfect plane of existence. Why? Because however abstract and/or relative there is some Good in the world. There wouldn't be any Goodness without any Badness as a datum. Without either of these "unitary vectors" there would just be unconscious unfeeling nothing. Or if there was nothing but infinite Goodness, it would be saccharine. What unknowable higher place does our Natural Goodness and Morality come from. Who knows? We don't need to know.

As the universe is split 50/50, Goodness and Badness, having faith in net Goodness is a 50/50 binary. All we need is faith in our inner Goodness and Morality - the ability to overcome our inner Satan - and have faith in natural goodness of wider being. All we can do is alleviate unnecessary suffering within our sphere of influence. Ultimately this is in vain as we will never eradicate suffering entirely but we can balance the scales in a Good direction.

Faith in Good is rational, perhaps god is unknowable goodness.

This framework can be plugged in to any faith based system.

We aren't supposed to look at the sonne, just enjoy it's rays. Be aware of the projectionist but enjoy the film as you're in the theatre until the end. Have faith in the directors vision and innate goodliness.


>> No.14579019

Yeah pretending everyone I disagree with is pretending helps my mental health too

>> No.14579244
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>tfw mormon master race

>> No.14579572

I'm not a Christian, I'm a Catholic

>> No.14579685

Great picture, saved. Thanks anon


Meme Christianity is still better than Atheism. If if they don't really believe in God they will still favour a society based on Christian values.

>> No.14579772
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Confuso-daoist communitarian marxist is my preferred religious denomination, but other will do...