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/lit/ - Literature

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14575979 No.14575979 [Reply] [Original]

about half way and thinking to stop
The Don is just a self indulging POS who should just be locked up for everyones safety
am I just a smooth brain or should i finish it first before throwing judgement?

>> No.14576003

... anon... do you not know what a satire is?

>> No.14576012

Anybody home McFly? Think McFly - before posting utter garbage you fucking stillborn pea bran

>> No.14576019

you are reading it in spanish... right OP?

>> No.14576021


>Weeeh the main character is unlikable

The ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.14576032

no, mi espanol no es tanto bonito
i mean the book is being reverend by many
i just don't see anything worth aspiring for so far

>> No.14576036


>> No.14576039

the guy who set up his wife to get fucked is the greatest piece of literature I've read

>> No.14576053

In all seriousness OP, do you think that a novel should only be about some archetypal figure to aim to?

>> No.14576060

It's a fucking satire you retard
Don quxiote is SUPPOSSED to be a piece of shit because cervantes is taking the piss out of chivalric romances
The Don is also not the only character in the novel, he's the comic relief. Pay attention to the guys he meets on his journey

>> No.14576080

This might help you. Also if you really don’t get it, I would suggest putting it down and picking it up in the future.


>> No.14576099

it's pretty bad, the spanish just wanted to have their own epic because they are racist and were sick of teaching greek, italian, french, german and british literature. very jewy of them desu.

>> No.14576412
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>On Sunday, October 7, 1571 a group of naval forces from Spain, Naples, Sicily, Venice and Genoa, led by Don Juan of Austria, met the Ottoman forces in the Gulf of Lepanto, off of Western Greece. Cervantes’ own ship, the Marquesa, was part of the Christian fleet. When the fighting began Cervantes was very sick, but when his captain insisted he should stay below, he replied, “. . . up to now I have served as a good soldier. I shall not do less on this occasion, even though I am weak and full of fever. It is better that I should fight in the service of God and the king and die for them, than keep under cover.”

>> No.14576483
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Should I read the Edith Grossman or John Rutherford translation?

>> No.14576512

I don't get it, your description of him is correct, but what's your problem with the book?

>> No.14576627


>> No.14577619

>this thing is famous
>I don't like it
>it must be a generational scheme to FOOL everyone into liking it!
What posses midwits to think like this

>> No.14577638

>about half way
Part 2 is structured more tightly than Part 1. Try to push through, OP.

>> No.14577643

Don Quixote
>half the story is other people trying fuck

>> No.14577663
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>Don quxiote is SUPPOSSED to be a piece of shit
He's not a piece of shit, though. He unironically helps a bunch of people (or at least tries to) and his idealism gives him reason to live and go on adventures in a pretty shitty world full of shitty people. He literally dies of depression in the end after returning to 'sanity'. You must be an awfully shitty person to have zero sympathy for one of the most tragic characters in all of literature.

>> No.14577724

Hey remember that one time he assaulted a lady and her train of escorts for no reason

>> No.14577726

>basque subhuman
>no reason

>> No.14577730

it's not famous, it was artificially pumped by anti-white bigots. i explicitly wrote this, why are you trying to read between the lines when i was incredibly clear and direct.

the book itself is trash.

>> No.14577748

I just started today, in Spanish of course

>> No.14577868

you are just a cretin

>> No.14577898

I don’t know how you could have come away with this retarded a take, did you read part 2?

>> No.14577940

>it's not famous
Anon, it's one the oldest, most celebrated, most lauded, most praised, and most influential novels ever. Fucking shakespeare wrote fanfiction for it.
> it was artificially pumped by anti-white bigots.
Anon, the spanish literally invented the concept of whiteness

>> No.14577960

Holy fucking based

>> No.14578418

holy based

>> No.14578437

The Spanish already had their own epic, the Cantar de Mio Cid. It's surprising how illiterate you faggots can be for a literature board

>> No.14579638

What's funny and interesting about Don Quixote is that besides being a madman consumed by his chivalry idealism , he's also wise about a lot of things and Sancho ends up supporting and believing him, giving the impression that he's also tired of the normal way things work in real life.

>> No.14579818

He would hate modern Europe

>> No.14579838

Cervantes was Don Quixote in a way, chad as fuck.

>> No.14580168

Based and Christ King pilled

>> No.14580179

The Don's a hero. You're a faggot.

>> No.14580990

Don Quixote is a hero

>> No.14581245

Dumb brainlet. So many pea brains on /lit/

>> No.14581771

And fucking demolishes a dudes inn multiple times because of dragons or some shit

>> No.14581781

Sancho isn't exactly the pinnacle of genius

>> No.14581870

As well as being a satire, Don Quijote the character is a metaphor for Western civilization as a whole.

>> No.14581878

is that a bad thing?

>> No.14581906

Oh look that word that only brainlets use

>> No.14581926

How can you not sympathise with Don Quixote? He's earnest, charitable, idealistic, vulnerable and ends up being manipulated, beaten and mocked.
Second book is where the novel really shines so persevere.

>> No.14581959
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One of the obvious symptoms of autism is not understanding jokes. Tell me OP, where on the spectrum do you lie?

>> No.14582017

Why would it be?

>> No.14582201

This will become more relevant in the second half, but consider that even though DQ is crazy, his conduct and his admiration for the virtues seemingly has a real value. Maybe if more characters in the book embraced his lifestyle, even though it is divorced from reality, life would better overall. Story of ideality vs reality, we often privilege the latter.

>> No.14582550
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>slowly becoming more and more drawn to being a knight since I finished Don Quixote

>> No.14582601

That’s what Kierkegaard did for me. Perhaps I will give this Cervantes fellow’s book a read...

>> No.14583298
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I liked the first part better than the second, though I loved them both.
What does this mean?