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14575788 No.14575788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does image trump action? are ugly people evil? is universal beauty universal good.

>> No.14575799

Schizophrenic retard.

>> No.14575837

why do all leftoid genderqueer talking heads on YT have this teenage girl moodlighting going on?

>> No.14575855

because she has the aesthetics that btfo right wing bigots

>> No.14575858

>why does image trump action?
Because of how narcissistic the modern world is, particularly as a byproduct if social media where you put up appearance rather than truth
>are ugly people evil?
Not necessarily but they are inferior in at least looks and therefore quite probably more
>is universal beauty universal good?
Define universal beauty. Do you mean beauty that would be accepted as beautiful by all who perceived it? I don’t know if such a thing can exist, could you elaborate or explain more clearly?

>> No.14575864

>why do these immature people do things that you’d expect from these other immature people
They’re immature people

>> No.14575865

who cares. right wing bigots are the internet equivalent of talk radio - i assumed nobody actually watched them talk...

>> No.14575874
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>is universal beauty universal good.

>> No.14575895

Aesthetics are everything

>> No.14575912
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>> No.14575941

This is a gay effeminate way of thinking about things.

>> No.14575948

Because to them girl = teenage girl. They equate youth and the pleasures of the flesh / attention with femininity

and they want to live the life of the teenage girl they missed out on, which they imagine to be full of slumber parties and sex with hunky boys

>> No.14575958

Beauty is a correspondence to measure and form.
Measure and Form in their Absolute perfection are the Good itself
The closer to the good, the more beautiful. Goodness manifests in beauty

>> No.14575994

Because you and most posters here are American and you've been brainwashed to be unable to look past image.
This mentality is what leads people to think, for instance, that Hollywood actors have any say or understanding of serious political/philosophical issues, beyond any other random person.

>> No.14576035
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woah woah woah. cool it with the xenophobic prejudice my dude, why don't you speak in your native language if you feel so strongly about this? are we also too stupid to translate? imagine attacking someone based purely on the piece of dirt they are born. here is a chinese girl who was donated plastic surgery to fix her face. are the chinese all americans now? thats over 2 billion people ur starting to exclude from the conversation. maybe ur the brainwashed one, if you think image isn't a serious issue.

>> No.14576041

the good is what all things desire
all desire beauty

>> No.14576052

>are ugly people evil
Yes. See kalos kai agathos.

>> No.14576057

Only based answers in this thread.

>> No.14576513

True. This is one of those opinions that justifies the 95/145+ IQ alliance

>> No.14576531

phrenology is real, and a sickness of the soul is visible in the face and body. note that there are ugly people with a sense of goodness about them, whereas the tranny in op looks like a haggard spider, ill intentions

>> No.14576563

Hail to your dubs

>> No.14576589

Post your face

>> No.14576604
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>> No.14576606
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>> No.14576615

>why does image trump action?
nigga what hahahaha are you drunk?

>> No.14576623

People can be cruel and shallow, ugly people are 2nd class citizens in society. Obviously there are non bad ugly people and theres plenty of psychopaths, bullies, idiots e.t.c who are good looking.

>> No.14576643

I think physiognomy is real too (I think you meant that not phrenology) but what you said is kinda contradictory. If there can be a "sense of goodness" around some and not other ugly people it makes it hard to claim that ugly=bad/evil in a majority of cases, which is the point of physiognomy. I think it's more about unexplained or difficult to articulate variables, for example a certain creasing pattern around the eyes indicating a hateful or conniving personality.

Actually, A.I. is beginning to be able to pick up on these "intangibles", which is why the conditioning about the evil of something absurd as A.I. prejudice started a few years ago. Though you can be absolutely sure that it will be employed by governments and big corporations in the near future (in fact it has already begun).

>> No.14576724
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it works the other way around, its you who is being biologically being inhibited from empathizing with ugly people/things, primarily cultivated out of protection (ugly looking things often killed.) just look at how easy it is to love a purebred dog or cute cat over their respective mongrel and bald types.

>> No.14576752

>why does image trump action
I read this thinking you were using the word "trump" to refer to Trump and was confused as to what this sentence was supposed to mean.

>> No.14576956

Why is Hontra so cute brehs..it's not fair.

>> No.14576981

>psychoanalyzing someone over colored lights on a recording set

>> No.14577140
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>> No.14577159

He isn't wrong tho.

>> No.14577167

Yes they are

>> No.14577169

Because contra has big meaty arms and boyish face without all the makeup and lighting

>> No.14577216

Okay, show me one trans MtF who acts their age and not some teeny-bopper fantasy? These people are desperate for attention, and no one gets more attention than young girls, so that is who they try to emulate. You don't see tranny's trying to drive a minivan of kids to soccer practice or fold laundry in sweat pants. That's what real women who can ovulate do, not a mentally ill 30 something man with a hole where his cock used to be.

>> No.14577252

Theres one in ops pic
>REAL women drive minivans and do laundry
i dont want to just namecall you an incel but where in the world do you even get this idea?
If youre inatead asking why trans women tend to act overly feminine, instead of trying to deconstruct them from your point of view, how about you listen to trans women explain it, which migjt be difficult for you since in your eyes theyre mentally ill men

>> No.14577265

1)broke: being a tranny, justifying your sexual perversions through reddit tier appeals to ''science'' and muh ''human rights'', insisting you are a ''real'' woman

2)woke: admitting you are an incel faggot who grew up without a father figure and contracted mental illness from jacking off to anime/ ended up that way from being Horribly Raped and Molested

3)bespoke: citing Baudrillard, Judith Butler, Jaques Lacan and the philosophies of gender accelerationism to rationalise your identity(literally same as 2 but makes you look way cooler)

>> No.14577270

if I wrote out a transcript of one of these videos the substance of argumentation would be shown to be absolutely invalid, incredible this dude has so many followers

>> No.14577287


>> No.14577301

>incredible this female has so many followers
do you have autism friend? OP is literally asking this ITT.

>> No.14577303

this isnt related to what i said
im not trans if thats what you were implying

everyones worldview is fundamentally shaped by their experiences, and certain experiences are unique to different genders, race, you name it. Neither you nor i are exceptions to this.
When you dont understand trans people, you may resort to the most reasonable explanations from the perspective of a (presumably) cis man, the same way i did
However, same as in my case, there are simply some things that do not occur to you unless explained by a different perspective.
If you arent at the very least willing to give trans people a real and fair chance to explain their identity to you, then how can you so confidently cling to your own conceived notions of them?

>> No.14577309

Do it bro. For /lit/.

>> No.14577317

>trans people
Who said they are people?

>> No.14577318

I didn’t read OP’s post, fag

>> No.14577320

They don't have the kids, and they haven't given up on life like those women did. But most women want to be in that youthful stage because society tells them their clock is ticking faster and they'll become worthless eventually. Transgender people didn't even get the chance to have those teen moments they thought they couldn't have, so they overcompensate. Just like you when you listen to dead music and do things only you like.

>> No.14577326

When are they going to explain how genital mutilation is supposed to convince someone that they changed gender when everything on earth is telling them otherwise, including the mutilation itself.

>> No.14577335

I Have too much dignity to sit through an hour of affectation and troonspeak

>> No.14577340

1) Being sexually repressed doesn't make you superior in your dumb fetishes to someone else and transgenders aren't turning female because they think it's hot.
2) Transgenderism can't be chalked up to one bad day and many transgenders had the good conservative fathers who you think are good and still became trans so how did they fail?
3) What do you use to rationalize your anonymous internet snobbishness?

>> No.14577347

Then shut your fucking mouth.

"I'd do it but I just can't bear it."

Sounds more like your mind recognized a challenge and then you copped out as is probably your habit.

>> No.14577354

irate, girlboy?

>> No.14577360
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>when you listen to dead music
I do not listen to music.
>do things only you like
All things I like, God likes.

>> No.14577368

Is your head really so deeply snug in your own ass that you had to make "u mad bro?" sound classier. I've seen Contrapoints and instantly disagreed with it. Clearly it's an art project with someone trying to live photoshop themselves into womanhood, but I never made the claim that I could easily refute the points, and If I had I wouldn't bitch out the moment someone says I should follow up on that claim.

>> No.14577384

>I do not listen to music.

Yeah, i'm sure sniffing your own flatulence is ambiance enough for you?

>All tthings I like, God likes.

What, covering up baby rapes or killing some country family's son so you can keep supporting Israel?

>> No.14577413

I’ll do it if you get on your knees and beg for it like a dog

>> No.14577420

You wouldn't even do it for pay, because it doesn't give you that intellectual superiority high that you come here for if you actually have to risk failing.

>> No.14577429

She looked better before

>> No.14577451

Literal bots are making threads that people reply to now.

>> No.14577459

Youtube produces automatic transcripts.

>> No.14577476

he outlines it all, started off as a typical apolitical college boy and got brainwashed by a feminist theory class. It spiraled downwards from there
outstanding line, "brainwashing is just education you disagree with"
another casualty of the American college system

>> No.14577484

great, I don't even need to do it
take a look at this

You boys, you're very rational, aren't you?
I suppose I was too.
I admit that these days rationality,
it's something I struggle with,
both as a biological female and as a Pisces moon.
But when I decided I wanted
to make a video for men, ContraPoints For Him
I started brushing up on my reasoning skills because
I wanna be so
f*cking rational for you.
So to prepare for this video
I read Newton's Principia Mathematica,
Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,
and of course the philosophical classic,
The Rational Male by Rollo Caliente.
So my mind is well-lubricated and I'm ready
for what I have no doubt
will be a penetrating intellectual
Look, I wanna play by your rules, okay?
So there will be no emotions in this video.
I will present my arguments in strict logical form,
relying only on facts, reason, evidence,
and deductive proof.
(Grindr notification)
(Grindr notification)
(Grindr notification)
(Grindr notification)
Actually, you know what?
F*ck that.
Let's listen to house music and do sex drugs!
(upbeat music)
I'm pandering to the male gaze!
Oh, and the male straights.
God I love attention!
Hey gorg.
Hey gorg.
Hey gorg.
Okay, I'm ready.
Let's crack open a cold one boys.
My hands are too pretty to open the can.
I need a man to do it for me.

>> No.14577520

>this is the foremost leftist philosopher of the 21st century

>> No.14577567

for every substantive sentence there are two pages of this perverse mockery, making it difficult to discern a purpose other than onanism

>> No.14577576


>> No.14577630

Who the FUCK ever said this?

Funny how this tranny can write perverse mockery but never sound as pretentious as yourself.

>> No.14577639

should have figured you were a leftist lmao

>> No.14577667
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epic trolling leftards, upvoted

>> No.14577676

Being jaded because your crush doesn't fucking like you doesn't make you right wing.

>> No.14577678

>Who the FUCK ever said this?
Prominent leftists on the internet.

>> No.14577690

Who are they?

>> No.14577705

>tfw you thought the beginning was just a parody of the typical pitiful state of the average tranny but it actually turned out to be real
I don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.14577731

This. Based and aestheticspilled. Beauty in all its forms is good. It should not be used as a means for prejudice, but there is nothing wrong with celebrating beauty either.

>> No.14577758

Maybe Hollywood actors are right. None of what comes out of the official channels of politics passes for reasoned thought. I think Brad Pitt would do a better job than Trump. Everyone loves him so if he was assassinated people would not just go about their business, they would demand action, so he couldn't be easily controlled.

>> No.14577806

because of nic refn

>> No.14577809
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>> No.14577815

Looks are everything and determine every aspect of your life (unless you're a 180IQ turboautist).

>> No.14577833


>> No.14577837

Truth is by its nature aesthetic. God is the perfect architect and truth is the blueprint to his masterpiece. If something is not beautiful, it is not true.

>> No.14577894

Being a human is giving up on life? OK CUNT

>> No.14577915

Are you a femoid?

>> No.14577924

i want to see her liquor collection and dick

>> No.14577926

I think he got the chop a year ago

>> No.14577932

How long till the truth settles in and he is consumed by regret?

>> No.14577951

once you're in this deep there is no coming back out, he knows it implicitly

>> No.14577953

He could have been a chad.

Why are faggots usually good looking men, but dykes are ugly women?

>> No.14577965

Probably, only beauty and wealth really matter. Most cope ideologies reject this.

>> No.14578117

proof? I thought he just had that asian face surgery to make himself look more neotenous

>> No.14578216

OP is having a stroke but beauty is genuinely the highest and only innate good. It extends past beauty of form to beauty of spirit and of action too, though. A life well-lived is a life that possesses narrative beauty when viewed in its totality.

>> No.14578662

based and comedypilled

>> No.14578680


>> No.14578956

Yes, therefore Fascism is the best ideology

>> No.14578977

>i dont want to just namecall you an incel but where in the world do you even get this idea?
I have a mother who is a normal women and not a mentally ill man.

>> No.14579023

>they haven't given up on life like those women did.
Yeah, because life is all about trying to recreate a non-existent big city lifestyle that is promoted by large corporations on TV. Family and traditions are what give our lives meaning--not virtue signaling among your dipshit friends in a coffee shop while you swipe through tinder looking for a guy who will fulfill your distorted expectations of what life should be about. Women today are more miserable than ever and it is all because they have had feminist propaganda shoved down their throats since they were toddlers.

>> No.14579048

What is beautiful is subjective, however, even when all of this is the case.

>> No.14579094

>all women are exactly like my mother

>> No.14579232
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All mothers are exactly my women.

>> No.14579236

Very apt image choice, Contrapoints might be the definition of image over action. Everything Contrapoints has ever said has been in service of cultivating aesthetic, arguments and reasoning have no universal merit. You can just believe and do whatever you want as long as you look good doing it. Thats why they spend all their money on image and 90% of their videos are comedic pot shots intertwined with elaborate set pieces

>> No.14579282

who are the 'straight guys' having sex with these people

>> No.14579305

They used to be handsome.

>> No.14579415

Sexually deprived deviants or very effeminate, impressionable "men".

>> No.14579431

Beauty is the inner image of the Good. Beauty, truth, and proportion are the gateways to the knowledge of the Good. While the One itself becomes less known the closer we approach.

>> No.14579456

I once heard a guy on the bus rant about how even "hood niggas" we're doing it.

>> No.14579476

fucking keek