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File: 79 KB, 674x506, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14570542 No.14570542 [Reply] [Original]

What job should I get if this guy has convinced me material pursuit causes suffering and discontent

>> No.14570560

He has also convinced me of the same thing. What I've planned to do is that I'm pursuing a high paying career for a few years (less than 5), and then, when I've saved enough money that covers my absolute basic necessities, I will resign and devote myself to the arts. A few years of hardship I think is a good enough price to pay for a lifetime of contentment.

>> No.14570566
File: 51 KB, 474x700, 9E5591D8-40DA-40E4-B1A0-CAC0B04C5A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570572

I would kill for some interest free capital. What job are you thinking?

>> No.14570578

Five years of what? How long is it supposed to last?

>> No.14570580

Majored in plant sciences. All the Ag jobs are corporate. Lumberjack or fisherman, are best job for solitude in nature

>> No.14570584

You've read(or actually not) Arthur Schopenhauer yet you can't think for yourself ?
God kill yourself.

>> No.14570587

Programming. It comes naturally to my autistic mind so it's at least better than other jobs.

>> No.14570605
File: 102 KB, 1080x277, 20200120_000140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have time to read

>> No.14570610

Lol Ive tried. Not sure how to make money off it tho

>> No.14570662

I said less than five, illiterate cunt. It's supposed to last so long as U.S. economy lasts.
Come on man. How do people usually make money off it? They get a job at a corporation.

>> No.14570682

No need for name calling.
So programming for under five years is supposed to last you long enough till the US economy implodes?
I see it coming to, no one knows when, but what then once it does?

>> No.14570689
File: 461 KB, 1147x645, 34F462DF-9627-4BA7-A716-E68EB0838336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Have you read this?
can you design an app for me/us?

>> No.14570720

Isn't his new book coming out soon? I have it on my wishlist.

>> No.14570727

Why would anyone engage in "material pursuit" beyond what's needed for well-being? Seems like a no-brainer.

>> No.14570731
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1564793719412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14570764

This is the only real one where you don't need to worry about bills, or acquiring stuff, living arrangements and other hell to fret over.

>> No.14570771

What about Lighthouse Keeper?

>> No.14570802

Makes sense but Schopenhauer certainly wouldn't approve of a general priest. It's monk or bust.

>> No.14570810

Jesuit priest is basically a funded Schopenhauer existence. No diocesan duties.

>> No.14570817

But you'd have to pretend to believe in Judeo-Christian god, so not Schopenhauer.

>> No.14570819

Very limited and hard to get position that usually is alternated either shiftly as is the norm now or every few months, meaning you need to use the money you've accumulated to stay during the downtime. Still need to worry about bills and eating and potentially losing everything.

>> No.14570840

Schop respected secluded monks or mystics of various religions. As long as you rejected/denied life Schop considered you wise regardless of the belief that brought you to that conclusion.

>> No.14570846

Where did you hear about a new book? What’s it cover?

>> No.14570869

This one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1583677771/

"Few authors are able to write cogently in both the scientific and the economic spheres. Even fewer possess the intellectual scope needed to address science and economics at a macro as well as a micro level. But Paul Cockshott, using the dual lenses of Marxist economics and technological advance, has managed to pull off a stunningly acute critical perspective of human history, from pre-agricultural societies to the present. In How the World Works, Cockshott connects scientific, economic, and societal strands to produce a sweeping and detailed work of historical analysis. This book will astound readers of all backgrounds and ages; it will also will engage scholars of history, science, and economics for years to come."

Looks like it comes out tomorrow (Tues).

>> No.14570890

Yes but it's not exactly Schopenhauer. Only Buddhist monks, artists, and Schopenhauerian philosophers (if they still exist) are really having the "Schopenhauer existence."

>> No.14570895

>Only Buddhist monks
He never said "only Buddhist monks"

>> No.14570898

I didn't say that he said "only Buddhist monks". The "only" also applies to artists and philosophers as well.

>> No.14570908
File: 161 KB, 1098x1693, 5259C4F5-166D-4360-9259-B0B7581EBB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great!
Must get back into his yt vids

>> No.14571047

Yeah, he's a very smart guy. Brings a fresh perspective to the same old topics. What kind of app are you developing?

>> No.14571107

The kind the book advocates. A voucher app

>> No.14571158

*breaks butterfly's neck in literally one second*
Fucking BITCH.

>> No.14571164

One that doesn't pay well

>> No.14571234

Thank you.

>> No.14572175

How do I become monk?

>> No.14573280

Become a priest, then touch some kids. The church will send you away to a nice serene monastery.

>> No.14573294

contract killer

>> No.14573351

Read Buddhism and become a monk -- since the idea of material pursuit causing suffering stems from that; Schopenhauer was fond of the religion.

>> No.14573406


>> No.14573418

NEET is the modern era monk

>> No.14574473

What's a timberman want with being a wickie?

>> No.14574499

minimal labor for maximum pay like the rest of us