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14570480 No.14570480 [Reply] [Original]

Do protestants really

>> No.14570590
File: 142 KB, 900x600, American religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really do!

>> No.14570599

how was Jesus physically and socially?

>> No.14570645

My grandfather used to mail this guy money

>> No.14570649
File: 7 KB, 189x250, Wojak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to kill all the protestant gredgrubs and reestablish Reich church

>> No.14570653

fuck off

>> No.14570960

You gotta understand anon, some people have issues getting their kids to read God's word.
As a child, I told my dad to his face I would not make my family go to church when I was older. Fortunately I realized I was being a whiney little cunt and needed to get right with Jesus.
After I got saved though, I did not start reading my Bible daily for a couple more years, of which I am ashamed when I consider it.
Theyre just tryin to get them to read it and apply it to their lives and hopefully they will accept Christ, at least some are tryin for that. Some Im sure are looking to make a quick buck and it infuriates me

>> No.14570974


>> No.14570982

physically: ripped
socially: top-dog

>> No.14571000

>tithing 10% of your income to the richest entity on the planet
>getting molested
>empty pews
>commie pope
>praying to Mary
>getting molested
Yeah, I’d rather have cringey zoomer crap

>> No.14571013

i actually chuckled pretty hard when all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to fuck those angels

>> No.14571124

He was an outcast and a literal virgin who lived with his mom ranting about the jews. and they killed Him for it. he was ripped though

>> No.14571172

Am I gonna have to dump this again?

>> No.14571402

There are teen catholic bibles too

>> No.14571423

That Bible is published by Zondervan, which is a publishing company owned by HarperCollins. It is a "Christian" publishing division of a secular company and is not a church or even parachurch organization.

>> No.14571437
File: 20 KB, 328x499, 41RB44qgnIL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you'd like to see a high quality Protestant Bible published by an actual Christian publishing company, here you go:

>> No.14572082

Pls eo

>> No.14573430

I’m uploading what I have to a MEGA, give me a second

>> No.14573441

So still protestant

>> No.14573458

Fucking Prots.

>> No.14573479


Would Protestants really take Christ less seriously if he didn't have a shredded, bulging, muscley body?

Like the rest of it doesn't count if his pecs were lame?

>> No.14573483

>Do protestants really
Veggie Tales, yes.

>> No.14573490

Fuck off.

>> No.14574729

He probably had a sick physique.

>> No.14574847

I had this when I was younger (now 20) no bamboozle

>> No.14574900

>join the family power structure anon... become your father anon... do you really think you could know something we don't...anon?

>> No.14574981

Its not about family power structure. It was about listening to Jesus when he called me and begging forgiveness.

And anyway, my point was some kids don't wanna read the Bible, so parents buy them this stuff to try and get em to read it

>> No.14575028

And who represented the voice of Christ in your young mind? Father, Pastor, etc., no?
Could you be begging forgiveness from your father for this kind of thing:
>Fortunately I realized I was being a whiney little cunt and needed to get right with Jesus.

>> No.14575064

>literally telling you to break one of the ten commandments on the cover

Guys should check out the "Adventure Bible" which I have actually seen in a church. The cover looks like some cartoon Disney shit, I wonder how long before they censor Jesus dying

Oh and don't forget, blacks are humans too! -Protestants

>> No.14575182

>>literally telling you to break one of the ten commandments on the cover

>> No.14575195

>Jesus was a /pol/ gymcel
I buy it.

>> No.14575201

Doodling. Thou shalt have no image means any picture as well

>> No.14575218

>This is what Wahhabist actually believe
You read the Bible? There were images on the Hebrew temple.

>> No.14575231

True, and David robbed Uzziah the Hittite

>> No.14575279

Firstly, no, he didn't. You're confused, and I don't know what event in the Old Testament you're referring to.

Secondly, what's your point? God literally instructed people to build those images in/on the temple.

>> No.14575296

He did not instruct them to build the temple images, he instructed the cherubim on the tabernacle and ark images. David steals the wife of a man (Uriah or Uzziah) and gets chastised by God. No images are to be anywhere holy, ever. The cherubim are a lot like God telling people to slaughter whole cities, women and children (read the book of Joshua), not something to be taken lightly as sinless.

>> No.14575301

Since no religion is true, none of them is a reflection of truth. It is not surprising that their doctrines adapt to their economic environment

>> No.14575347

>And who represented the voice of Christ in your young mind?
Jesus himself I'd say
But of course to those who don't believe that concept seems strange.

>> No.14575355

>Doodling. Thou shalt have no image means any picture as well
>anon criticizes doodling
>posts on a Mongolian basketweaving image board

>> No.14575363

I'm not Jesus bro, but if I was publishing a Bible you can bet it wouldn't fucking promote not reading it

>> No.14575398 [DELETED] 

Again, have you actually read the Old Testament?

>He did not instruct them to build the temple images
Fair enough. God only instructed the tabernacle stuff.

I suppose if you think that Solomon was committing some sort of sin, by creating graven images. And the Hebrew priesthood totally forgot about this, and never removed the images, for almost a thousand years of temple worship.

It obviously isn't equivalent to David's adultery. David committed that in secret, and then David repented of his sin. Implying that the Jewish priesthood were always wrong to include images in worship (which they did, so long as the tabernacle, and then the temple existed).

You're making a much stronger claim.

>No images are to be anywhere holy, ever.
Except the images you mentioned.

>The cherubim are a lot like God telling people to slaughter whole cities, women and children (read the book of Joshua), not something to be taken lightly as sinless.
Does God ever claim that "slaughtering whole cities" during war is a sin?

He obviously does claim that image worship is a sin. And nobody in the Old Testament ever seems to question the use of images in tabernacle/temple worship.

Also, I'm not sure the book of Joshua takes slaughtering cities "lightly". It's a pretty heavy book, regardless.

>> No.14575421

Again, have you actually read the Old Testament?

>He did not instruct them to build the temple images
Fair enough. God only instructed the tabernacle stuff.

I suppose you think that Solomon was committing some sort of sin, by using images in worship. And the Hebrew priesthood totally forgot about this, and never removed the images, for almost a thousand years of temple worship.

It obviously isn't equivalent to David's adultery. David committed that sin in secret, and then David repented of his sin. It was always clearly identified as sin. You're implying that the Jewish priesthood were always wrong to include images in worship (which they always did, so long as the tabernacle, and then the temple existed).

You're making a much stronger claim.

>No images are to be anywhere holy, ever.
Except the images you mentioned. Which are literally located in the "holy of hollies".

>The cherubim are a lot like God telling people to slaughter whole cities, women and children (read the book of Joshua), not something to be taken lightly as sinless.
Does God ever claim that "slaughtering whole cities" during war is a sin?

He obviously does claim that image worship is a sin. And nobody in the Old Testament ever seems to question the use of images in tabernacle/temple worship.

Also, I'm not sure the book of Joshua takes slaughtering cities "lightly". It's a pretty heavy book, regardless of your perspective.

>> No.14575430

Mankind has believed in a creator for centuries. He sent His books to men in the languages of their people and in the context of their societies. The Torah to the Jews, The Gospel to the Jews to correct their corruption of His word, and the glorious Koran to the Arabs in their rich language which was the most fitting for God's rich religion of faith and mercy.

You are lost, like that of a man in a cave who thinks that the shadows and the darkness are his life. The messengers are those who left the cave by the guidance of their Lord and saw the true world and rushed back to the cave to warn you that those dark caverns aren't the world. Yet you cling to its rocks. Fear God and hold yourself to account before you are risen again after death like the flowers and the crops after their deaths through the winter and into the summer. This is how God sets forth His examples to the knowledgeable. Allahu Akbar.

>> No.14575444

1. If you are not warned of a sin, you are not guilty of it. Solomon did such in all devotion to God, he probably loved pomegranates.
2. No murder except in holy cities
3. No he does not, but allowing images to be used in such a way is certianly sinful

Before you mention that the idiots that made this publication weren't guilty of knowledge, Jesus said those who did not know will be beaten with few stripes

>> No.14575452

>You are lost, like that of a man in a cave who thinks that the shadows and the darkness are his life.

Are you Plato-memeing?

>> No.14575492
File: 164 KB, 1200x918, Memri+tv+part+19_622ff5_6416122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are not warned of a sin, you are not guilty of it.
That's not how sin works.

Murder was still murder, even before Muhammad came along. (Or Jesus, or Moses, or whoever founded any religion). Theft was still theft. Adultery was still adultery. Even monkeys get angry if you do this stuff to them. (not quite like pic related, but still)

>No he does not, but allowing images to be used in such a way is certianly sinful
Can God command people to sin? Because in your interpretation, God is commanding people to sin.

>You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and one and a half cubits wide. You shall make two cherubim of gold, make them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub at one end and one cherub at the other end; you shall make the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at its two ends. The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat. You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony which I will give to you. There I will meet with you; and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak to you about all that I will give you in commandment for the sons of Israel