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File: 55 KB, 500x497, EKwG9YRWwAA6gkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14569470 No.14569470 [Reply] [Original]

Come up with an aphorism or personalized quote and I'll rate it out of 10 on prose and content. Be as deep / prentious as you see fit.

>> No.14569472

And so I said to myself, why the fuck should I care about a cat-poster's opinion?

>> No.14569480

Because I'm giving you the option of being freely pretentious without having to justify it to yourself. The trade-off is that I get to rate or berate it.

4/10 prose
6/10 content, + for skeptical attitude

>> No.14569492

OP is bored.

>> No.14569514

+ Factual and accurate

5/10 prose,
6/10 content

>> No.14569559

It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm the fucking chinaman.

>> No.14569750

Man exists only to run from his death.

>> No.14569753
File: 126 KB, 1000x667, otterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shed thy skin and rest upon a rock, for that is the balm of eternal life.

>> No.14569764

A wet hunter and a dry fisherman are a sorry sight.

>> No.14569773

What ever happens, happens.

>> No.14569784

OP is a faggot.

>> No.14569819

Trying to assess wether or not your reality is the truth is futile as it is the only thing you can live by anyway.

>> No.14569848

This is nice, but fishermen shouldn't get wet. I'll fix it.
A wet hunter and a dry scubadiving-dolphin-spear-fisher are a sorry sight.

>> No.14569855
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I'll fill in for OP
3/10 Prose
7/10 Content
Based post but cringe quote
I wrote this
8/10 prose
8/10 content
Breddy gud
6/10 prose
10/10 content
0/10 prose
0/10 content
10/10 prose
10/10 content
5/10 prose
9/10 content
good meaning but could be stated better

>> No.14569871
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>> No.14569872

Life is what they then to go where one's life may be go.

>> No.14569877

Having Goodness without GOD means 0.

>> No.14569881

life's a bitch and then you die
that's why we get high
cause you never know
when you're going to go

>> No.14569886

It is often said it is what it is. Equally true is when it isn't what it isn't.

>> No.14569931

Money will only amplify ones prospective of happiness.

>> No.14569943

Take what you want but pay for it.

>> No.14569974

Being a nobody is a privilege. Enjoy it, enjoy it while you still can. You won’t always get to be a nobody.

>> No.14569978

what? who is this for?

>> No.14569995

The first will be the last but the last won't always be the first.

>> No.14570005

If you will forgive someone, first inflict a hurt on him.

>> No.14570017


>> No.14570072

"God I wish that were me"

Best used whenever something bad happens

Or just go full basic bitch and say "haha same"

>> No.14570141

One is not humbled by the accomplishments of a genius, but by the life of an ordinary man

>> No.14570183

God didn't choose me, God gave me a choice.

>> No.14570202
File: 5 KB, 224x224, funny cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of reckoning mother fuckers. Sorry for taking so long I was busy doing fuckall.
7/10 prose,
8/10 content

Trite repetition of a concept everyone repeats a 1000 times over.
6/10 prose,
6/10 content

Getting ecclesiastes vibes off this, +
8/10 prose,
7/10 content

Life affirming but not overplayed.
7/10 prose,
7/10 content

Universal truth, based.
10/10 prose,
10/10 content

6/10 prose,
5/10 content

Don't steal my role faggot. I see the rationale though.
6/10 prose
7/10 content

Based but sorta clichéd. If it had context the prose might be more fitting, but I don't know it.
6/10 prose
8/10 content

Breadpilled and raised.
10/10 prose,
10/10 content

Self-aggrandizing and preaching.
4/10 prose,
5/10 content

Don't like Nas
4/10 prose,
6/10 content

t. Parmenides
7/10 prose,
6/10 content

Unsure what this means
6/10 prose,
4/10 content

Econ101 with anon
6/10 prose,
6/10 content

Old alchoholic man off the street corner type talk. Homely but not terse.
6/10 prose,
7/10 content

Humility is found where you don't look for it
6/10 prose,
7/10 content

>> No.14570206

Late addition but I'll do you anyway. Extremely based.
7/10 prose,
9/10 content

>> No.14570245

There is no braver man than he who dares to lift the veil

>> No.14570472

My name is Buck, and I'm here to talk.

>> No.14570506

When life gives you shit, make mushrooms.

>> No.14570540

If I live too long, I'm afraid I'll die

>> No.14570545

Honestly, I am terrified of being eminently quotable. What acts will be done in the name of what I say, good or bad, can never be justified by the word of it.

>> No.14570550

Every leaf a person, every tree a family.

>> No.14570639

I have a couple of these that I repeat to myself while trying to create a personal motto. ‘You are another person’, ‘Nothing changes but never believe it’, ‘keep nothing hidden’

>> No.14570700

>tell me about a man's convictions, and you'll have shown me nothing but a series of reactions to outside stimuli pressed by circumstances. Tell me about a man's anime waifu, and you'll have shown me the deepest corners of his heart
I am not smart, please no bully

>> No.14570717

Revenge is enflavored upon a still chest.

>> No.14570739

To strive toward Logos is man's most liberating quest.

>> No.14570750

Forgiveness is the greatest form of bravery.

>> No.14570784

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

>> No.14570792

The antisemitivity of a nation can be measured by how transgedered it has become.

>> No.14570793

More cichlid than cliche.

>> No.14570832
File: 79 KB, 660x660, funny cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round two boys let's fucking go
6/10 prose,
7/10 content

3/10 prose
10/10 content

3/10 prose,
4/10 content

5/10 prose
6/10 content

Gonna be my senior quote
7/10 prose,
8/10 content

Family tree
4/10 prose,
4/10 content

Doing combined review of your shitt
6/10 prose,
7/10 content
Quite good keep doing introspection

Shorten the first bit and you got something
6/10 prose,
7/10 content

6/10 prose,
5/10 content

Unimpressive prose, nice message
5/10 prose,
7/10 content

8/10 prose,
6/10 content

Not original so I won't rate it, but a good quote nonetheless.


>> No.14570873
File: 7 KB, 277x182, funny cat 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to sleep, but here are some of my personal quotes. Feel free to tear into me as you see fit.

>With the arrival of the night leaves the warmth of the sun. The young despair.
>There's the doer, the done and the done-upon.

>> No.14570879

Never strive for happiness. One who is truly happy has no reason to move forward.

>> No.14570900

I have an intense desire to make beautiful things that nobody will ever see or remember. I find the concept of throwing hard made creations into an uncaring void intensely romantic despite how obviously self destructive it is.

I have great hopes that my life will be among these things.

>> No.14570911

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.14570934
File: 578 KB, 900x905, 1-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born to shit, forced to wipe.

>> No.14570961
File: 396 KB, 1080x1075, 20200120_002446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live hard during the good times so you can live good during hard times.

>> No.14571017

The first step to getting rid of termites is paying your tithes.

>> No.14571187

As kids, we are taught to say sorry for our mistakes, but never are we taught to feel sorry.

>> No.14571194

I know not what tomorrow will bring

>> No.14571199

>A wet land creature is a sorry sight.

>> No.14571202

Vagueness is the soil of myth

>> No.14571237

I must have read this somewhere before. Or maybe I was thinking it myself.
Same here. Like tears in the rain. Seeing beauty bounce off unseen, gliding away like water off an oily cloth, gives me shivers, and it's a good and deathly feeling.

>> No.14571348


If you remain in the middle of the road, you will be run over

>> No.14571382
File: 775 KB, 2048x1724, 1558031715312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only one enemy remained; two, if you counted God.

>> No.14571388

"Why is my dick so small and why am I so alone?"
"Fuck Sparrows. Gay ass fucking birds"

>> No.14571391

Don't make the same mistake twice unless it's worth it

>> No.14571410
File: 6 KB, 249x250, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I conceive good aphorisms like anon's ITT? I feel like I've conjured few over the years but immediately forgotten about them because of my COOMING addiction, should I keep a journal with quotable phrases?

>> No.14571417

Start with "Cooming kills the mind"

>> No.14571418

Well actually..

>> No.14571424

That’s what I have been doing. The iron rule- you can write whatever you want, you can even draw doodles- is to date and timestamp every single entry. Wear a digital watch. Buy a couple of cheap digital watches. Now I can read back through my journals and still put it all in context via time. Every entry must belong to some timestamp. You must be able to reliably track the development of your own thought, not lose your ‘train of thought’ so to speak.

>> No.14571450

memes are the opiate of the masses (also oxycodone and heroin)

>> No.14571452

whore the zeep an'd zzzzame an'd zame of aheet on sh-sheet a shit to whore from lord but warlord to zeep the wh-- of from zeep no aheet also sling=shot hothot The .

>> No.14571474

based Nas poster

>> No.14571478

Epic. Dosto?

>> No.14571494

Can't grind the axe without the stone of conflict.

When there is a rain of blood, best to keep an umbrella of reasonable doubt.

Birds don't fly for joy when they must go south.

Why buy the whore when marriage might be cheaper?

Cattle never ask questions and remain in the pasture. Thus they are ruled.

The sadness felt now is rehearsal for the anguish of tomorrow.

People are like amorphous clouds passing by. Very few take memorable forms.

>> No.14571592

I am all the love in the world.

>> No.14571609

Juvenile tricks of misfits deceive the vindicated audience of one.

>> No.14572189

From Strangers by Dave Davies

From The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

From Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis

From A Sportsman's Sketches by Turgenev

>> No.14572233

"A very clear question is already an answer"
"The greatest invention of all times: the question mark"
"Some problems have no solution, should have no solution, and are not problems"
"I was wise in my childhood. Then i grew up and started believing in fairy tales."
"There are no coincidences in history"
"The purpose of sleeping is to wake up. (The purpose of waking up is unknown)"
"God speaks clearly only when he (she?) shuts up."
"Common sense is increasingly uncommon"
"We understand what we don't know. We don't even know what we understand."
"A fiction is not a lie"
"Science makes the invisible visible, art makes the visible invisible"
"The real failure is when you stop trying"
"Humankind is rapidly becoming a footnote in the history of technology "
"It is time to stop pretending that it is time to stop pretending: pretending is the only thing we do, and we do it well."
"Life progresses one funeral at a time"
"Technology is the way of dealing with the world so that we don't have to deal with it"
"'Is' is"
"Nothing causes anything, but everything causes nothing."
"The most overlooked invention in the history of humankind is the equal sign."
"Most of the 'profound truths' in history have, sooner or later, been proven to be false"
"We are secretely spying while being secretely spied on"
"When the impossible happens, everybody has a very simple explanation for why it was inevitable".
"Art is a meaning generator"
"God is a geek who made a lot of money with his invention and now only occasionally cares about the business plan"
"A good book is a book that tells me something about myself that i didn't know, and there are an infinite number of such books"
"Our lives are parables of parables of parables of parables of..."
"Are we the toilet or the plunger?"

>> No.14572243
File: 62 KB, 940x1024, Thinking retard pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We learn from the past, but the past also learns from us.

>> No.14572267

>Feel free to tear into me as you see fit.
>no one replies
Guess you shouldn't of insulted the one guy rating.

>> No.14572283

Your first sentence doesn't make sense

>> No.14572295

This is some a scanner darkly type stuff.

>> No.14572305

I felt this too hard for my own good.

I agree in the sense that you need a vague question in order for a myth to be created.

Bretty gud

The fuck do you mean by it?

Based and stoicpilled

That's inspiring.

Best one itt.


Close second best itt.

>my entry
If life is but a joke, one must not extend it for too long.

>> No.14572314

>scanner darkly

>The fuck do you mean by it?
art shouldn't be explained.

>> No.14572322

In this life, all is as I see fit; all is well, all is not well. All Is. As I say. As I will.

>> No.14572329

All good art is objective. A subjective piece of scrap paper cannot be art, for all that hail it as such do not have hands with which to touch, eyes with which to see and a heart with which to feel.

>> No.14572363

God does not exist, did not exist, and will not exist. There, I said it. The truth denied in our day and age by so many.

>> No.14572371

God does exist, did exist, and will exist. There, I said it. The truth denied in our day and age by so many.

>> No.14572384

Live to love, love to life

>> No.14572393
File: 262 KB, 1598x900, shj-at-science-march-1598x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a follower of Humanistic Judaism, I think we should fight for animal rights. As individuals, as a collection of nations, and more importantly, as decent people... I support the right of animals to consent to sex! Will you stand with us?

>> No.14572398

>Science = Facts, and Facts = Truth.
Based. I will take this as my life motto.

>> No.14572400

Only the brokenhearted seek to define love.

>> No.14572411

Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.

>> No.14572412

Love does not exist and cannot be seen.
Love is merely a random collection of atoms bumping around in your skull.
Love was used as a justification of horrendous crimes.
It is time we abandon it...

>> No.14572479

some good ones here

>> No.14572528


>> No.14572668

I haven't seen the next Oscar Wilde here.

>> No.14573066

Sounds like a 15 year old whose parents made go to Church.

>> No.14573077

Every human emotion is a random collection of atoms bumping around your skull. Shall we abandon it all then?

>> No.14573113

Time can't be held. She moves with or without you.

It's much easier to face the difficulties of challenge than to suffer regrets without them.

Life is paid for with death. Consciousness with nothingness.

The sun will always rise until the day it dies.

The shoes wear you in the case of superficiality.

Best to smell the roses before they wilt.

The world is not ideal. If it were, neither you or I might exist.

Justice is equal when no corruption enters the process. Else a judge puts away a good man for the scent of filthy money.

Pray to God all you like. While you do that, I will pray to action.

What is it from love that you demand? Wasn't the simple state of being loved enough?

When you work with machines, be careful not to become one.

>> No.14573203

judge a woman by your eye, dig a grave in which to lie

>> No.14573227

If you find yourself crawling in your skin, it has come time to shed it.