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/lit/ - Literature

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14567067 No.14567067 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't read the starter kit or the Meme Trilogy, you don't belong on this board.

>> No.14567179
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Bump because this needs to be seen.

>> No.14567335

Why would I read all this trash when I can just start with the Greeks?

>> No.14567347

Where is behead all satans?

>> No.14567404


>> No.14567587

Take off Slaughterhouse Five and Catch 22 and replace Of Mice and Men with Grapes of Wrath.

>> No.14567604

I read more than half of them, mostly because of school but some because of curiosity. Don't be a gatekeeping faggot because nobody gives a shit about your criteria. Sage.

>> No.14567608

Based. I still might try to read them all though

>> No.14567618

its the other way around. you dont belong here if you havent skipped all that shit.

>> No.14567627

What books make up the Meme Trilogy?

>> No.14567642

Has literally anyone read Cuckoo's Nest? I never see it even mentioned on this board, barely in any other contexts either.
I also now see that the title of it is messed up on the chart.

>> No.14567646

It won't hurt. As a US fag these book titles are super familiar and lauded so it wouldn't be a waste of time.

>> No.14567647

Any reason I might want to read Fear and Loathing? Doesn't seem to be worth my time over other books of the same genre/period.

>> No.14567682

A bunch of well known, critically acclaimed books, all at an 8th grade reading level. Every other drone, barely human cunt has read all of those, this is like less than half of a bare minimun. Faggot.
>unironically using the world gatekeeping
Go dilate

>> No.14567685

IJ, GR, Ulysses

>> No.14567687

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14567711

this is just high school reading OP, your standards for this board are pedestrian

>> No.14567734

I have read 10 of those titles. I'm dubious about 1984 because Animal Farm was so fucking boring.

>> No.14567773

that pic is bottom of the barrel basic bitch anglo school reading, I don't have to read all that to feel secure about my tastes

>> No.14567786

Literally read all of those in High School and Middle School.

>> No.14567809

I've read like none of them.

I would actually recommend you don't read some of them at all, really. I think American Psycho could be bad for your mental health.

I would recommend Fahrenheit 451 though. I always do. :3

>> No.14567837

1984 is much more interesting than Animal Farm

>> No.14567847
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1984 is just a needlessly prolonged version of Animal Farm's thesis with a plot ripped from We.

>> No.14567854

Pretty much, but they suit each other well.

>> No.14567859

What's a better word for gatekeeping, Dr Professor Surgeon General PhD?

>> No.14567862

Siddhartha is not even that great. I don't get the hype

>> No.14567895


>> No.14567907

i submit to no measure i myself have not set. i will never read infinite jest because i don't want to.



>> No.14567909

It's a start for this board. You cannot deny how disgusting this board has become.

>> No.14567915

Why do retards make these gay charts?

>> No.14567919

Please leave

>> No.14567923


A world without /tv/ and /his/ is like a world without rats and cockroaches - apparently better off, but the ecosystem has been badly disrupted and consequences will never be the same again.

>> No.14568174

why whould any non-american care about this pile of mediocrity?

>> No.14568230

it really doesn't

>> No.14568244

you're right i can't post on the internet about books if I haven't read the Boomer Canon.

>> No.14568313

You can do both, chump

>> No.14568321

Legitimately illiterate holy shit

>> No.14568345

Picture of Dorian Gray is the only one you need to bother with there.

>> No.14568582
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>> No.14568591
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>> No.14568633

These are all more or less high school material. The only difference? Everything except TKIM, FaL, TIM, and TAoHF were unsurprising twists. If you judge your standards by the majority of what's on the chart, you've got a lot of free thinking to do.

>> No.14568660


>> No.14569958


>> No.14569986

cant even find this on libgen

>> No.14570004

Anglo literature isn't important and I refuse to engage with it. Stop pretending your mediocre countries are capable of producing great literature and that one has to read it in order to be /lit/, this is especially true of American literature but also of English literature. FUCK OFF ANGLO SCUM, YOUR LITERATURE SUCKS AND ISN'T IMPORTANT. LEARN GREEK AND FRENCH ALREADY YOU UNEDUCATED RAT BARBARIAN FOOLS.

>> No.14570054

ive only read 4 books from that list and never read and of the meme trilogy. lmao get bent fagtron

literal garbage

1984 is boring but not the snoozefest that animal farm is. its preachy so be prepared for that

>> No.14570091

Based. This is the better alternative. Sadly, however, the state of the board needs some basic material. Otherwise it may continue as the shit it is.

>> No.14570922

>unironically using the word dilate

>> No.14570936

>unironically using the word zoomer
hey boomer stfu

>> No.14570938

>unironically using the word zoomer

>> No.14571265

Not reading a work by pynchon, schopenhauer, hegel, and a greek, or two is more accurate desu.

>> No.14571406

Is this just "books everyone read in highschool"core?

>> No.14571421

Yeah it's pretty good

>> No.14571518

I liked the movie, how's the book?

>> No.14571837

A clockwork orange is for faggots

>> No.14572048

its better than half the books on that chart

>> No.14572565

Mfw >French
Not even one text worth reading in the original French.

>> No.14572609

Why do Americans insist on making us read the shit they were assigned in high school?

>> No.14572810

>typo in cuckoo’s nest
>no blood meridian
Your list is bad.

>> No.14573127

Beat it already punks

>> No.14573734

Moby Dick instead of Infinite Jest would make more sense.

>> No.14573759

why would i read all that anglo trash

>> No.14574970
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>Anglo literature isn't important and I refuse to engage with it.
lol... There are single centuries of anglo literature which dwarf the entire French bibliography. Angloids are the de facto literary culture and anyone that says otherwise is a complete moron.
Just for starters.

Surely you don't mean modern Greek.

Honestly English and Spanish offer the most literary value short of learning dead languages. What kind of idiot learns French?

>> No.14575350

Very similar, but a little more misogynistic, and I don't think that scene where they steal the car and leave the hospital happens.

Also chief is the narrator (can't remember if that's the case in the movie or not), so reading his paranoid delusions and comparing them with the reality of the situation (a giant combine coming to grind up people and make them all the same, wires coming out of the walls watching him) makes for a real treat.

Ultimately I think Kesey was more out there than he was insightful, but his book provides a nice perspective (he was actually a drugged out janitor at a 60's mental hospital, and a lot of the characters are based on his experience, before he went off to live his radical life).

>> No.14575361

You forgot Poe

An McCarthy

And Cooper

>> No.14575438

because they were originally written inn what is (for the most part) our native language and they are keystones of our culture, pseud

>> No.14575512

No it wouldn't.
> The trilogy itself is comprised of the three most distinct examples of modernist, post-modernist, and new sincerity literature thus far written. They represent the pinnacle of contemporary literature so far achieved up to the current age.
The Whale is too old.

>> No.14575519

>What kind of idiot learns French?
Every single educated Anglo before the 1960s or so.

>> No.14575533

All that copeposting he did just to get BTFO'd by a single sentence lmao

>> No.14576263

there are at most 3 books in that image worth reading

>> No.14576341

>reading sci-fi
Just no.

And at least half a dozen books on that list can be safely ignored.

>> No.14576388

>retarded opinion

>> No.14576633

Yeah, it's pretty good. I didn't like the movie as much, but it was pretty good too.

>> No.14576657

Yes. Read 70% of these in high school.

>> No.14576660

>my dick

>> No.14576677

That should have been the sticky image

>> No.14576683

It's a fun read. One of my favorite books. Worth your time, I read it in a couple hours my first read

>> No.14576780

Unironically want to read this just to say I have

>> No.14577679

i dont give a fuck about your tongue or culture you fat bastard