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14566401 No.14566401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14566432

Weird choice of story to make into a film

>> No.14566519

Who cares, Lovecraft is absolute trash.

>> No.14566525

I always thought any adaptation of it should be done in black and white, if it promptly had to be done.

>> No.14566527


>> No.14566533

All the Lovecraft adaptations make me realize how 90% of the Lovecraft readers don't understand his work.

>> No.14566536

say sike right now you fucking roach

>> No.14566538

Nah I’m good. Enjoy being a retarded tasteless high schooler though.

>> No.14566540

>see purple

>> No.14566545

please explain his work

>> No.14566573


Enjoy reading Stephen King you fucking troglodyte.
It's a personal experience. It's not made for mass public consumption.

>> No.14566585
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>It's a personal experience. It's not made for mass public consumption.

>> No.14566592


t. Niggeryazidi

Lovechad is king. Colour out of space not one of my favs though

>> No.14566596

Who said I read Stephen king? You’re grasping at straws here bud. But good try.

>It’s a personal experience. It’s not made for mass public consumption.
Hahaha you’re such a fucking idiot. “Muh secret esoteric meaning that is too deep for you to grasp”. Absolutely pathetic. The only obscurity or inaccessibility in Lovecraft is his amateur, over-written purple prose. Once you parse through his try-hard fan fiction writing style there’s nothing profound to his fiction. The only thing separating you from people who “don’t get it” is that you’re emotionally and mentally stunted and most people to want to waste time wading through shit prose for empty entertainment.

>> No.14566597

People read his stuff for "muh scares" and "muh uncomprehending cosmic entities", but all those stuff are just backdrop to the actual stories and themes. There's a reason Lovecraft never went into details, when it came to all the alien stuff, because all of it is trivial. When you make an adaptation all about Cthulhu or the cosmic mystery itself, you are just jerking around a meaningless part of the source material.

>> No.14566600


Theres a weard spanish adaptation of shadow over innsmouth, but instead of innsmouth its on a isolated spanish island and a couple strand their on a wrecked ship.
The man gets to fuck a mermaid princess but his gf is raped by a group of fish-men.

>> No.14566604

Sounds pretty hot.

>> No.14566609


Well, the first and foremost thing about Lovecrafts work is hating niggers. After that comes hating chinks, and then italians, though at the bottom of the barrel lie the yazidi devil worshippers and their Dutch puppetmasters.

>> No.14566616
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the absolute state of lovecraftfags

seethe more

>> No.14566623


Lovecraft is full of horrible sex, but i still cant fathom how edward derby got his virginity taken by his deceased father-in-law (the thing on the doorstep)

Thats pure chaos right there.

>> No.14566626

I think it was portuguese... I can't remember its name tho

>> No.14566628


it is. torrent should still exist somewhere.
film is called 'dagon' by the way. it's not bad, but the sfx are dated

>> No.14566645


>> No.14566660

what are the actual stories and themes then? If I recall correctly most of his protagonists didn't even have names. So what are the stories about if not weird shit and aliens?

>> No.14566668

>AHHHHH IT'S PURPLE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.14566674


Quantum physics, post-cyclopean architecture, unapoligetic racism and anglocentricism, mind-control incest, and other high IQ topics

>> No.14566676
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>> No.14566683

It's on tubi.tv for free too

>> No.14566694


who would you have gone for, squidlington north or el basico espagnola?

>> No.14566714



>> No.14566787

as someone who reads Lovecraft, I think you have a skewed image of his work.

>> No.14566899
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>indescribable colour
>it's pink

>> No.14566922

Its purple you dum dum

>> No.14566946


>as a r*dditor

fuck off and let the big boys talk ok?

>> No.14566963

>normie: what is cosmic horror
>it varies but the fundamental premise is that there are whole aspects or dimensions of reality that dwarf our present naive conceptions of it, and that the the real cosmos is a vast and scary place, possibly even filled with intelligences and wills that are completely alien to ours, completely uncanny and of totally different scales and orders of magnitude, it's sort of like trying to replicate the terrifying sublime feeling of staring into an unfathomable abyss, of being humbled by something so much more powerful than you that it forces a higher-order conception of reality on you in an instant, giving you a kind of vertigo, and often this vertigo is tinged with the eerie sense of dealing with uncanny and malevolent intelligences behind it or latent in it
>normie: so it's when a thing with tentacle might kill you?

why can't there be any good cosmic horror media that capture the slow burn feeling of reading a genuinely good cosmic horror story? anyone remember the movie event horizon, which starts out with this inherently eerie idea of "if the ship is vanishing into another dimension and then reappearing in our familiar dimension, what exactly is the nature of the other dimension?", and within 40 minutes the answer is "slasher movie"

>> No.14566965

Who cares you weed smoking Jew
Colours are b*llshit anyway

>> No.14566973
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it's got Nic Cage in it, so it will be amazing.
If you haven't seen Mandy, check it out

>> No.14567008

>high school
Whatever you say bud. You get triggered by niggerman?

>> No.14567068


Good taste anon

>> No.14567202

This this this this

They should have made it in black and white so that the colour would have been a fog of an indefinite shade of grey.
I knew they were gonna make it some gay colour like purple.
This is so retarded

>> No.14567393

For the same reason why virtually all aliens in Star Wars are creatures with humanoid bodies with human thoughts. As a human, it's impossible to write outside the perspective of something with a human consciousness, and any attempt to try write a nonhuman character only brings it back within the domain of human consciousness. There is nothing alien that originates from human consciousness, our consciousness. This is why all humanoid aliens and those written from a first person pov have human qualities, and why most space scifi authors suck. Lovecraft knew this and did his best to illustrate this point. A breakaway from consciousness is a breakaway from humanity itself, hence madness.

>> No.14567708

Mandy was deliberately really superficial, but not in a way I could get behind. I just thought it was lame because it didn't go the distance to be something really cool, ala Scott Pilgrim vs the Psych Cenobites inside a pulp scifi paperback cover.

>> No.14567721

Annihilation I think succeeds at getting closer to depicting the philosophy of cosmic "horror" in a visual form. The last of the Southern Reach books, Acceptance, I think does this as well. Confusion and dissatisfaction are evoked where genre conventions would have you expect corny slasher or jump scare touches.

>> No.14568118

if anyone, looks like it’s the seething Lovetards that got triggered

>> No.14569115

the horrid doesn't come from the incomprehensible monsters, it comes from the universe that creates them and the fact that we can't even begin to understand our reality, humanity's tenuous position in the stories mimics our position in nature and the inescapable monsters represent everything we can't control that could easily kill us all.

>> No.14569168

can someone post the picture of the cat with the "HELP ME LOVECRAAAFT"

>> No.14569518

Why do people always miss the part where he explains that the only reason why the call it a colour is because the have nothing else to associate it with?

>> No.14569544

The Idea of Lovecraft > Lovecraft

>> No.14569661
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>> No.14569669
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> Of all my work, they choose one that is literally impossible to recreate on film. Astounding

>> No.14569988

dude, get back to being dead and shit, you're creeping me out

>> No.14570353


>> No.14570988

No one else can describe an open countryside and somehow turn it into palpable anxiety. His stories don't mean anything. They are abstract wordplay. But they are beautiful displays of pathos, and it's difficult to figure out what makes them work

>> No.14571050

sorry you have to live with retardism dude, hopefully one day you get better

>> No.14571057

i think 90% of people who say they like lovecraft think cosmic horror amounts to tentacles and eyeballs and miss everything else

>> No.14571064

no he's 100% correct

>> No.14571072

What's your favourite Lovecraft story lads? For me it's "The music of Erich Zahn".

>> No.14571146

The shadow out of Time, followed by The Whisperer in Darkness.

>> No.14572007

>The Whisperer in Darkness.
I liked the general direction of this story but the end was too predictable.

>> No.14572035

>Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product.

>> No.14572063


Dreams in witchhouse + shadow over innsmouth + the temple (nautical horror)


>> No.14572068


Did he "go insaaaneee?".
Hmm. Yes, I see

>> No.14572119

>the temple (nautical horror)
I love the way the narrator shittalks the non-Prussians in the submarine "he was a typical effeminate Rhinelander".

>> No.14572302

There’s a short story from the perspective of the alien from The Thing (1982) that illustrates your idea about nonhuman consciousness in a very interesting, even chilling way: http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/watts_01_10/

>> No.14572312

Oh nononono

>> No.14572316

>OMG it’s an indescribable colour!
>is purple

>> No.14572659

That was great. Disturbing images and a lot of meaning. Really liked brain as a tumor, the centralisation part and the one about loneliness. Thanks anon

>> No.14572679

It's probably still more entertaining than this one

>> No.14572699

Unironically one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I watched plenty of garbage films.

>> No.14572888


Still true to this day. Rhineland is full of cucks and niggers

>> No.14573111

this is what I thought when I originally read them

>> No.14573382

That movie was dogshit. Far too aware of how cheesy it was trying to be to the effect of making the whole thing extremely mundane, typical 21st century cynicism. The seemingly ever-present contrapoints colour scheme only increased the astronomical levels of obnoxiousness.

>> No.14573522


Very nice

>> No.14573586

I think it’s possible to do justice if you have contemplated metaphysics for a bit. What are the limits of our intelligence, than make an extrapolated concept, like how we can mathematically describe a 4 dimensional object, but can not comprehend it. Or maybe how one would make a 2 dimensional crosfram of something 3D.

Create a crosssection if the unknown that may be displayed in the known. Of course you cannot think of what the unknown is but you can make a vague crossection if it that alludes to something’s much graver.

I hope I explained that well.

>> No.14573633

Rim of the Morning by William Sloane is still my favourite Cosmic Horror. Like, you know the reveal is coming from page 1, but that makes it so much worse as you read through the recounting of events and know that nothing you can do will prevent what’s going to happen and the characters are coming to the conclusion too slowly to stop it.

>> No.14574395

Idk what the fuck you're talking about. If that's a reference I have not watched it.

>> No.14575465

Whisperer in Darkness and (of course) Shadow over Innsmouth are my favourites so far, but I still have a lot to read.

>> No.14575475

for a second i thought nic cage wrote a book

>> No.14575482

My favorite deep cut is Ex Oblivione. Beautiful story. I have a lot of it memorized since it is so short

>> No.14575489

it already exits Its in german though

>> No.14575515

Color out of Space and Notes on Sir Arthur Jerym and His Family

>> No.14575557

Shadow over Innsmouth is overrated and Lovecraft would agree with me. More than half of the story is a guy explaining the whole backstory in an unreadable accent.

>> No.14575603


Annihilation did it better, even it wasn't officially Color out of Space

>> No.14575676

universe big and uncaring
people small and insignificant
fear of the unknown

that's pretty much it

>> No.14575818


>> No.14576720

I generally prefer his short dream cycle stories. My favourites are Polaris, The white Ship and especially The quest of Iranon.

>> No.14576751

poor mans under the skin

>> No.14577875

Under the skin is overrated anyway

>> No.14577952

This was great, Lovecraft was never high art, it was pulpy shlock. Films like Reanimator, From Beyond, Dagon and now this are great adaptations.

I’m pretty sure the entire lovecraft fandom is people who enjoy the stories and get hyped up about how “unsettling” or “existential crisis inducing” they are, without ever feeling much more than piqued interest and brief introspection about the ideas presented. BUT they *think* that the books would be utterly mind blowing for regular dumb people, not realising that they themselves are completely regular.

Has anyone ever read Lovecraft and been affected for days afterwards? Had any great shift in worldly perspective? No. But his fans act as if they do, great works of litriture that destroy conventional understanding.

They are enjoyable pop corn trash. An attempt to make a high budget, art-y film would be an embarrassing disaster.

>> No.14578039

Wasn't there a black and white adaptation some 10 years ago?

>> No.14578073

I was correct

>> No.14578404


The temple made me sleep bad desu

>> No.14578515

i would say the quest for unknown kadath assuming familiarity with his other stories, the music of erich zahn as a stand alone.

>> No.14578527

watts's books are decent as well, prettygood at describing the thought process of somebody who cant even begin to comprehend those around him.

>> No.14578674

Lovecraft is mainly literal horror that doesn't translate well onto the screen.
But there are some decent attempts.