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14566372 No.14566372 [Reply] [Original]

Should I write in English or in my native tongue?

>> No.14566381

Both, translate everything you write

>> No.14566393

whats your native tongue?

>> No.14566416

swither between the two, as the paralytic walks a straight line.

>> No.14566677

That... that sounds like a lot of work anon
I've been thinking about writing works in multiple languages. I also know French at an okay level. Writing a book in three or four languages would surely filter the brainlets.

>> No.14566695

> Deutsch!
Oh. It's a more interesting discussion when the language whose insignificance is attributable to colonialism. In this case it's just insignificant because it's insignificant. Write whatever you want.

>> No.14566718

lmao please be memeing

>> No.14566727


belt up, burger queen, what comes pouring out of you people is beneath description, let alone recognition.
we spend our lives hopping from tadpole to tadpole, avoiding an endless torrent of fetid american slop and oh, here you come to carelessly plop out another heaving load like the demented livestock you are.
you scum. you cunt. you cyst

>> No.14566738

Yep, write in English instead for sure.

>> No.14566845


>> No.14566853


cheers, i was going for an aussie dog man-meets-david mitchell sort of mash.

>> No.14566952

Write in both, why limit yourself? It’s 2020, diversity is a big deal. Utilize it

>> No.14566976

Don't listen to illiterate burgers, English is not elegant, pick either German or French (probably the former if you're not yet proficient in the latter).