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/lit/ - Literature

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14563793 No.14563793 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading /lit/?

>> No.14563824
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>> No.14563841
File: 20 KB, 198x300, fleece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets sent on an impossible mission
>first place he gets to is filled with women no men
>has origies and then leaves to get back on track
>gets the help of a qt gothgf witch
>returns home and becomes king
I'm enjoying myself

>> No.14564027
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Pic related is super interesting.
I hate reading.
It's a taxing endevour.
But last summer I quit my job and needed something to do. So I bought a few books cause why not. I was browsing /k/ and realized I might be interested in military non-fiction.
Well I started reading books on guerrilla warfare and I was hooked.
I'm 27 years old. I have ADHD and Epilepsy. Always hated reading. Never been able to concentrate long enough. Only ever finished 3 books including the Bible which I read along with in church.
But now I've been reading nearly non stop and am on the last chapter of pic related.

So glad I found the motivation to read.

>> No.14564031

good. im happy for you, enjoy!

>> No.14565096
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>> No.14565267
File: 108 KB, 400x613, 9781840221862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "don't read it in english" and "that edition sucks"

I got it for like 3,5$ on a book fair in another country. English isn't even my native language.

>> No.14565449
File: 12 KB, 177x285, les miserables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14565481
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>> No.14565629
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great book.

>> No.14565656
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reading the second story "roadside picnic" right now

>> No.14566228
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made me sad

>> No.14566238
File: 25 KB, 305x499, JAHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I post this all the time but I'm not meming, I am reading it right now. Or re-reading it, rather. Comfiest book imo

>> No.14566243

Yer self aggrandizement thread rn desu op ftfy ftw ok

>> No.14566248

Whoa I didn't know desu filtered to desu

In Scotland skirts are considered manlier than pants. I once married a Scottish woman and said I'm wearing the pants in this relationship, she goes Go ahead

>> No.14566281

I'm in the middle of it, shit is dope

>> No.14566370
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>> No.14566390

finished that and kafka on the shore the last couple weeks. i just got through the first book of 1Q84. i haven't liked any of the endings so far but he has such a vivid imagination and his style makes for an easy read so i keep going

>> No.14566710

Too bad brothers k is unfinished book.

>> No.14566866
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Right now, nothing. But going to work through some poetry to improve my writing.

Picked this one up, probably wont read it anytime soon, may interest you OP. Hopefully going to pick up the Cambridge World History set next month maybe.

>> No.14566945

the stand atm

>> No.14566990
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Studying for the CISSP

I'm definitely going to read yours in my spare time though. I read an exerpt from British Battles on Land and Sea by Jason Grant a while ago and it opened my eyes as to how ruthless the English were to us Scots and how similar it is to how the English treated the natives here in Canada.

>> No.14567004
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>> No.14567265
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Better than what I expected from a journalist penning some pop-history. I enjoy the somber tone, the structure and the details on inter and intra party squabbling in the immediate aftermath of the war.