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/lit/ - Literature

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14562132 No.14562132 [Reply] [Original]

You already know what to do

>> No.14562142
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>> No.14562146

i sure do

i will read some more faulkner
thankyou friend

>> No.14562185

i already know what to do you're right, fuck niggers man i can't believe anyone ver decide that niggers should have human rights or whatever the fuclk and i don't even understand why anyone would import them to their country even as slaves only a dirty fucking liberal nigger lover would ever have a nigger for a slave because you'd have to be a liberal faggot to not be disgusted by the mere presence of a nigger even if you own them as property and they do work for you like i don't want to own some smelly lazy monkey under any circumstances they should just be kept on the fucking containment continent that god put them on this is proof that the founding fathers where a bunch of hippy faggots not the real conservatives like everyone says, they fucking loved niggers and thomas jefferson fucked niggers all day long and creamed his nut off in nigger pussy i can't even believe people think the founding fathers were right wing those nigger loving commies would make stalin blush, even stalin probably hated niggers and wouldn't let them into the country this just proves that the founding fathers were weak little bitch men soibois who would let any old nigger into the country if it meant they didn't have to get their hands dirty in the fields or whatever the fuck, i mean imagine letting a nigger prepare your food, might as well just start licking nigger skin to satisfy your nigger lust, might as well just tie up a nigger in a steaming hot room and collect the sweat to drink and siphon into your ass you sick nigger loving fuck goddamn i hate america and i hate the founding fathers who were nigger loving hippy faggots and probably sucked eachother off after they signed the declaration of liberal faggotry those masonic fucks, fuck them and fuck nigers nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.14562237
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Only NPCs care about climate change. It's a route to centralized global institutionalized power for its legitimacy advocates. But let's say it's not. Still, who cares? Supposing we are nearing the tipping point, as darling AOC and wise Greta have said, along with all their priests, what are we to do? Reverse it? How? Nobody has this answer. We do not understand where the pyramids came from. We know almost nothing about space. We don't even, as far as mainstream society is concerned, have a halfway decent understanding of the meaning of life. We can't even say how humans arrived on earth. My great grandfather is a monkey? Offensive lie. No he is not. Yours may be, but mine is not, you monkey derived bastard. Yet, we are to solve a problem so much larger than our understanding of the basic tenets of that problem. They will say the basic foundation is rudimentary science, the dumbed down numbers for the average idiot. A temperature figure, a bottom left to upper right chart, and so on. But if the world is to end, truly, and it is due to our behavior, maybe it should. Maybe that is the right way. I am not aware of more beautiful planets than earth. Considering the state of the modern human brain, we hardly deserve this one. Considering the state of the modern human spirit, if media and pop culture is any representation, which it isn't, we deserve the slow fate of extinction by degrees. God is real, and he is kind, but we are not and we are stupid to boot. Maybe climate change is real, then. But who are you to stand against God's plan? Seems a waste of time. Reversing climate change, then, may be an issue of healing our sick culture, our disgusting communal spirit. The belief that science will do it for us is lazy and atheistic hubris. And the only way to move forward on this issue is the acknowledge the great lies embedded in our history. Wooden doors on gas chambers? Absurd.

>> No.14562443
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>> No.14562470

More like stream of genius


>> No.14562836

I'm currently listening to There is Love in You by Four Tet, I am feeling the texture of my keys as I tap them down, doing so I remember that texture is not an intrinsic property of those keys but an appearance that I have constructed, social construct, gender construct, toy construction blox, I remember the lower ground of my city's department store (I've never referred to it as "my city" before, how strange!) the city of God, city of dreams, Meep city, shitty, witty, Wittgenstein, Gertrude Stein, stein for stone, deep underground, deep, Y co-ordinate blocks, stone blocks, the rock of ages upon which all my hope is founded, the transcendental unreachable stone.

>> No.14563176

I should really be working right now. I have to write an essay and I made the excuse to browse /lit/ because it's tangentially related to that. Now I've wasted 3 hours and the essay sounds like shit. I keep convincing myself that I'll do next hour, and ironically that's exactly what the essay is about, our distorted sense of the future and how it applies to the American dream. Oh god oh fuck i'm gonna fail. It's really weird that I'm living out right now what I'm criticizing in my essay and am completely conscious about it, but just lack the will to change it. Maybe somehow I can apply this experience to my writing?

>> No.14563207

i don't know man right now i'm just worried the weed edibles i've made are not going to kicking in and spend 2g of some fine grass on that shit so i'm a bit nervous it has been one hour and thirteen minutes since i've eat them i don't know

>> No.14563214

no one cares. write your essay, faggot

>> No.14564259
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Stupid peepeepoopoo board stupid reading stupid stupid go outside go outside be nice no need read to be nice no need read to be. Need read to make self bigger than other mind but heart still small. Need talk to make heart big be nice. Need turn off pc need go outside. Need do chores need clean need think need sleep need eat. No need shitty peepeepoopoo 4channel.

>> No.14564387

Ok I wrote the essay.

>> No.14564986

Here is my philosophy im just gnna lay it on you like this so basically we wuz the guys that were chlling likking hangig out with the boys hoo haa nigga well aniway we gotta get down to business enough messing eround (clers throught) er hem so basically wat di fock iz goin oh her mon hahahahahahahahaha nIGGAER

>> No.14565172

Takes a long breath—

I don’t know, man. I don’t know.

Shakes his head, leans forward and stares at the ground.


>> No.14565950
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good job