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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 224 KB, 1280x853, podshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14562047 No.14562047 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think this was inspired by Foucault's Panopticon?

>> No.14562068

Don't you mean Bentham's Panopticon?

>> No.14562071

Is this that accommodation startup where people can have no privacy whatsoever?

>> No.14562187

There is no such thing as privacy in the first place. God sees everything.

>> No.14562196

yuppies are so fucking dumb

>> No.14562205

Ive been to a psych ward twice and there was more privacy

>> No.14562233

Isn't privacy a meme?

>> No.14562249

I guess it’s a company that provides cheap accommodation provided you renounce privacy. I think they give some meme reasons why this is so but I’m pretty sure it’s because they don’t want young people having sex like crazy in these boxes. No privacy means more control.

>> No.14562253

Looks pretty comfy desu
I would rather live in one of these than, say, a claustrophobic college dorm

>> No.14562256

no blinds on the window?

>> No.14562266

That would encourage masturbation and sex.

>> No.14562269

It's probably alternative housing in San Fransisco where you can live cheaply on $2000 a month rent rather than $4000.

If God created everything why would he have to "see" it?

>> No.14562277

Omnipotence and omnipresence.

>> No.14562283

Thank God

>> No.14562286

If he's omnipotent he doesn't have to be "watching"

>> No.14562300

>have to
Retard detected.

>> No.14562325
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Is this cultural appropriation?

>> No.14562335
File: 76 KB, 860x574, podshare-2a.jpg.860x0_q70_crop-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like they have any, they probably tweet or Instagram what they had for lunch.

>> No.14562347

This is seriously dystopian.

>> No.14562351

$1000 a month for rent is dystopian.

>> No.14562359

Why do americans have so little self-respect that they submit themselves to literal concentration camps which cost more than a high-end flat in Europe?

>> No.14562364

This would work if it was gender-segregated and sexual attraction segregated.

>> No.14562370

it's only $1350 a month bro

>> No.14562391

Fuck, that’s an insane amount for these shitty beds. I’m so sorry for these guys.

>> No.14562423

you are all going to be shocked when you find out what religion the people who run this company are.

>> No.14562455

Jaysus how much of an oversocialised bugman hive person do you have to be to enjoy living there?
Is that an accurate number? You’ve got to be joking

>> No.14562460

t. fly-over retard that has a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on a $17,000 "house" that he will collect his disability checks in the rest of his life.

>> No.14562461

I'm more inclined to view it as their attempt to connect with others, modelling it on the last time they felt truly part of a community: school. The whole thing is arranged like a school camp's accommodations. The openness and chalkboards for sharing names facilitates friendly interaction. I imagine they also have regular activities, such as scheduled movie or games nights to further integrate new members and break the ice.

You have to take into account that bugmen do not value privacy, so its loss is no matter to them. Their devices are loaded with proprietary spyware, and they dismiss anyone with an interest in cybersecurity or privacy as a neo-Nazi hiding from justice. Living openly like this might even make them feel reassured: if they ever wonder if some guy is an incel/MGTOW/Nazi/Drumpf voter, they can just go through their stuff.

For these bugmen, this is a very exciting and fun proposal. They get to be a kid again! They get to hang out with cool, like-minded people all day and always have someone to play games with, watch capeshit or discuss the latest onions latte or whatever the fuck they do. They don't see it as a nightmare, because their values are so far skewed from an ordinary person's.

>> No.14562466
File: 87 KB, 770x773, good deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing wrong with this.

it is the free market at work.

>> No.14562485

Honestly that would be utter hell for me. Diogenes had life right, socialising is an evil

>> No.14562493

Diogenes lived in front of everyone, he would have liked this.

>> No.14562499
File: 37 KB, 685x456, methode_times_prodmigration_web_bin_4db85408-6b1e-3f03-803c-8f602153f3eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I basically live like this now. The rent is hard to beat (impossible), and I can put money away while also going to school.

Four more months and I'm leaving this shit city behind. I figure that if I can put away ten grand between know and the end of the summer that will be enough to buy a plane ticket and start a new life in Europe. My line of work gives me a lot of practice dissecting documents and putting them back together, and I've been playing around with doctoring an old passport of mine. I already falsified "transcripts" when I "transferred" into my current school, so I need to figure out if I'm more of a "Harvard" or a "Yale" before I start my new life in Southern France or Italy.

Yeah poverty sucks, but a living situation like this is bearable if you have an escape plan. Also these living situations are common in hostels, and lend themselves well to having lots of sex with naive backpacker chicks.

>> No.14562508

You meant young Londoner not stupid enough to fall for the “buying a house” meme and certainly not indignant enough to submit himself to what amounts to, frankly, near-PoW conditions. Defending these lodgings is pure corporate cuckoldry.

>> No.14562555

Rent should be $5000 a month in any major urban center. $10000/month for global cities like London is acceptable. It is only fair for the amenities offered and opportunities present. $1000 a month to have the privilege of living there? That's a pretty fucking good deal if you ask me. I'll tell you what your problem is. You are ENTITLED, and have an entitlement mentality. You think you deserve to have all this for free?

>> No.14562572

Based termite

>> No.14562573

>literal bugman hive

>> No.14562596

uhhhh you need to go back to /pol/

>> No.14562619

If it were up to me people should be forced to live in pods and have the privilege to work 15 hours a day for me and make me filthy rich

>> No.14562620

At least they have some kind of barrier

>> No.14562623

This is why I have always hated weekend /lit/. This is when the high school retards and bugmen are on the website. If this was a weekday thread, it would be the most active by far because it would be mostly NEETs commenting on this spectacle. Instead, you have retards that live with their parents and think they are going to make big bucks when they grow up and they don't care about important topics like this. Fuck 4chan on the weekends. Just cumbrains and people with easy lives.

>> No.14562627


>> No.14562649

>important topics like this

>> No.14562651

>Pacha's face when he realizes he has to listen to some zoomer hippie yell and play guitar when all he wants to do is play his eroges in peace

>> No.14562671

Everyone should have the right to an affordable home, it’s called dignity. But appears that you’re so deep into capitalist ideology that, as far as you’re concerned, one should be even thankful for paying insane amounts of money for just a bed. There are cities in Germany where you pay 300€/month for a decent apartment, and the universities there are way better than anything LA or the whole Bay Area has to offer.

>> No.14562714

Cope. People are nothing but cattle and should be treated as such. You would be an idiot for not milking the money out of those who think 1300$ a month for a bed is reasonable.

>> No.14562730

This looks really uncomfy, I'd probably mentally crack staying in one of these places

>> No.14562735


>> No.14562742

>"This is dystopian"
he said, as if living arrangements like this haven't been common in dorms and barracks since forever

>> No.14562750


>> No.14562757

The cost of housing is very important. It is not right to have to spend 25% to 75% of your monthly salary on rent.

>> No.14562767

>almost all white people

Where's the melting pot ?

>> No.14562811
File: 94 KB, 946x711, brazil-pernambuco-prison-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying half the price for similar living situations on the other side of town.
Welcome to america 2.0

>> No.14562822

$700 a month for that is still very expensive.

>> No.14562842
File: 717 KB, 638x780, Stalag der Zukunft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that it was inspired by Auschwitz.

>> No.14562869

For anyone who disagrees with this anon: if the people are not cattle, why do they not resist? Unions, voting for reformation, refusing to purchase from unethical companies, refusing to settle for poor wages/living conditions... they say that they oppose the system, yet in everything they do, they support it.

And before anyone posts that comic, there is an intergalactic void between the necessary contributions to this system made by just living in society, and those the ordinary person chooses to make. Nobody needs a yearly iPhone upgrade. Nobody needs air pods at all. And nobody needs to buy official (Disney) Baby Yoda paraphernalia from Amazon ever.

Where is their so-called dignity every time they have to consoom? The truth is that they're all dirty little paypigs and I think most of them actually get off on it. Capitalism is the largest BDSM orgy in history.

>> No.14562898

>Brazilian prisons have doors and private sleeping pods
>Americans don't even have a curtain to hang over their cuckshed
The state of freedom.

>> No.14562899

They can't resist because they'll go to jail. The only form of legal resistance is non-participation, by opting out of society and instead taking up residence in housing authority projects, and rural areas.

>> No.14562935
File: 29 KB, 970x620, db4b9z2-2c531eb9-1a1a-436d-bdfd-0671dc43ce94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda looks like a hostel
comfy would do mdma in and go out with my new friends who would steal all my stuff and leave while I'm unresponsive on the floor

>> No.14563021

What do you eat? I never see any kitchens in these places, do you eat out for literally every meal? How is that saving money?

>> No.14563037

Water boiler and instant ramen my dude. all you need.

>> No.14563050

Operating at 10% mental capacity due to malnutrition is probably what made you think your situation is beneficial in the first place.

>> No.14563061

While we're on this note, wtf is up with corporations adopting huge wall-less spaces and lumping in every department together under the same roof? I pity everyone who works in such environments and needs to talk to clients on the phone daily or do any kind of accounting / bookkeeping work.

>> No.14563069

Bunk beds or hostels?

>> No.14563076
File: 3.64 MB, 2918x1999, 159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a ~600sqft two room apartment with six people crammed into it. The living room (where I live) has been converted into a bedroom by strategically hanging a curtain and some plastic tarp over the entrance. The guy I share my room with goes back to his hometown every weekend for work, and I work and study full-time during the week, so we barely see each other. We all share a tiny kitchen, although I use my own utensils/plates/bowls because the communal stuff is constantly covered in grime. Often I do spend five dollars on some pre-made packaged food, since I don't have time to cook during the week, and otherwise I prepare a bunch of box-meals with rice, beans,and chicken during the weekend. I put away about $500 every month. My biggest expense is maybe carrot juice, which keeps me healthy but costs a lot.

>> No.14563085

>My biggest expense is maybe carrot juice
???? Just eat carrots

>> No.14563087

Shit or crap?

>> No.14563092

Where do you coom?

>> No.14563144

In my used boxers on the weekend. I don't even have the energy to get an erection Monday-Friday.

I do that too, but the juice is a small pleasure and relatively inexpensive. I'm pulling around $500 every week, so I don't mind treating myself. Sometimes I'll go out Friday and Saturday nights and sell joints and cheap imported cigarettes to drunk people on the street and in an hour or two I've got enough money for a beer and kebab, or even to pay the entrance fee for a strip club. These small pleasures are important, because they keep me sane and give me a reason to not just sit at home smoking pot and watching old movies all weekend long.

>> No.14563171
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1572098717992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14563182


>> No.14563193

>they'll go to jail
if this is their big fear then their situation was never all that objectionable to them to begin with. they are cattle.

>> No.14563219

it's evidence that the free market need to die.

>> No.14563227

If you don't like it, then move to Venezuela.

>> No.14563236

>if you don't like a poorly run, shit society move to this other poorly run, shit society

>> No.14563246

Either exclamation is inappropriate here.

>> No.14563269

The GDP increase of the apartment income disagrees.

>> No.14563275

Diogenes was a mentally ill hobo

>> No.14563291

this is what gets me the most, why the fuck aren't there curtains

>> No.14563292
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad. caged animals. when they get the urge to rebel, the system feeds them some pre-scripted grievance to rebel over so it doesn't harm the system. like "racism" or "sexism" etc.

>> No.14563468

>t. based podposter

>> No.14563535


>> No.14563597
File: 94 KB, 650x866, 1579360584935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wage cage
>soi cell
>pox box

>> No.14563606
File: 612 KB, 1024x1451, getenframed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14563610

More like Foucault was writing about things that existed in real life

>> No.14563617

Its more like Walden, rich people LARPing as living "authentically"

>> No.14563627

>rich people
oh wow, a classist appears. moment someone says this, you know they are usually racist and homophobic too

>> No.14563836

Yeah, against ebil straight white men.
Or are you being serious? What kind of faggot university do you go to where this is an issue in your life?

>> No.14563851

Thank you

>> No.14564370

i don't get the big deal. they're just hostels with nicer beds/areas. it's not unusual to live in a hostel short-term if you're moving to a new city, between places, or looking for a job.
based. I live in a microstudio. i just finished rigging it out, it looks like some of those minimalist apartment inspo photos. cheapest rent in the city and it's 100% my own, private bathroom too. i refuse to share a toilet, i do that enough at work and it's disgusting. 160 sq ft. it's very open and airy because i have fewer possessions than most (but not a one-backpack hippy dipshit.) and no ladder. some of them are lofted and you need to climb a ladder to get to bed, but i'm not about that shit.
i don't have a full kitchen. there's a shared one but i don't like using it because it's upstairs. imagine if every time you went to grab something from the fridge or shelf while cooking, you had to run up and down a flight of stairs to do so. it's awful. i make most of my meals in a ricecooker and almost never eat out. if i do cook on the shared stove i make stuff that takes only a few minutes, like seared meat. you can make almost anything in a ricecooker.
>I put away about $500 every month
I put away more than that, dont' have roommates, and my job is shit. are you a literal burger flipper?

>> No.14564383

Bug man post.

>> No.14564390

Uni is a meme

>> No.14564404

That’s part of the reason for the cringe and explicit ugliness and sexual deviancy of these whypippo
They obviously don’t want minorities around, but how to ward the minorities off and not get criticism?
With gayness

>> No.14564410


>> No.14564415

Wagie muzzle

>> No.14564418

No I don't believe so. If the purpose was to control these individuals through observation then I'd say yes. However bugmen who choose to live in these bughouses are already as docile and controllable as you could possibly hope for.

>> No.14564588

Visual surveillance is also overrated in the era of social media, everyone having a cellphone (camera, and private comms) and snitching being normalised and encouraged.
The nu-new-left has normalised this garbage social media callout shit after being activated by liberals to fight national socialists.

>> No.14564603

Millennials were a mistake.

>> No.14564605

To be fair, I should say that tumblr was doing callout shit earlier. It just really went into overdrive when normalfags (including our rulers) got spooked.

>> No.14564628

You have to buy your own curtain.

>> No.14564666

>muh number sez system good

>> No.14564673

zoomers shall inherit the earth

>> No.14564674

The what?

>> No.14564688

Honestly if I could somehow buy an address to use (pretty much a requirement for everything even if you can do everything online), I would not live in a place like this unless it were very cheap. I would just go homeless. Spend my time wherever, carry around a bag, and have a few possessions hidden.

>> No.14564799

Based vagabond

>> No.14565069

>. they're just hostels
It would be ok if they just didn't dress it up in cultish and pretentious startupspeak and have a bunch of weird rules.

>> No.14565141

>San Francisco real estate
>free market
kys retards

>> No.14565173

Literally no university in all of Europe much less Germany is better than Berkeley or Stanford.

>> No.14565201

>no university in all of Europe
there's oxbridge and eth

>> No.14565338

This just made me sad.

>> No.14565437

You. Nude. On a bunk bed in a hostel. Somewhere in South-East Asia.

>> No.14565901

$50/night for a bed
God, what are hotel prices in California then?

>> No.14565924


>> No.14565988

>speculating about imaginary ideological friend
Niggas in high school stay off this site

>> No.14565992


>> No.14565996


>> No.14566006

Societies of control n shit

>> No.14566021


That's more than the mortgage on a proper house in most places. You have to be insane to rent a bed at that price.

>> No.14566669

in $100/mo i would expect this place to also serve food

>> No.14566749

t. delusional retard that doesn't understand free markets, coping that free markets are fucking people over, the cope, the post, the cope cope cope cope cope and cope.

>> No.14566753

The market disagrees, retard.

>> No.14566773

>...Codi Vore climbing the ladder to get to my ass

>> No.14567045


>> No.14567101


>> No.14567118

Same here. The accommodations were actually quite humane compared to this human rabbit hutch.

>> No.14567131

a free market supposes perfect information
you sir, are a brainlet

>> No.14567153
File: 31 KB, 525x350, aswb-practice-exam-scantron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that the modern educational system isn't totally dystopian.
PASS THE TEST YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! Upvote the right answers on Mindbook or enjoy working at Burger King for the rest of your life, you stupid prole! Sell yourself into debt slavery to avoid poverty!

>> No.14567173

Something like 75% of real estate in SF has rent controls, but somehow it is the free markets fault?

>> No.14567182

I fucking love how little privacy you get in public places.
Go to the library, everything is set up so that you have zero calm. So if your house is problematic you're better off hurling yourself off a cliff seeing as everyone outside knows anything you're doing.

'Oh hey Sarah what's that that you're looking at? BDSM Shotacon Oneesan Big Tiddy Milkers', mkay' that's pretty interesting.'

>> No.14567187

not comparable, offensive too

>> No.14567197

these make good coom booths if you put curtains in the windows
on that note, can you coom in the OP bunk pod hostel?

>> No.14567203

easily comparable and no it's not. post tits.

>> No.14567318

Perfect information can only exist in a non-market economy, i.e. fully state owned.

>> No.14567324

Sarah shouldn't be looking at that.

>> No.14567361

They're paying that premium to be "where the action is" in a major city. Chances are their wages are inflated to reflect this as well, leading to a running battle between the cost of living and wages. If rent continues to increase, more people are pushed out of the metropolitan areas, requiring employers to raise wages in order to sustain enough employees to remain operational.

It's a losing proposition and a good reason why many major cities are declining. NYC loses 300 residents a day and half of the luxury condos that have been made in the past 5 years remain unsold. San Francisco has become so rent-inflated that 100k annual is a subsistence income.

It creates an untenable inflationary race where wages must keep going up in order for people to afford to work in the area, and then you have $20 dollar loaves of bread etc (an exaggeration but not by much.) Eventually the businesses won't be afford to pay workers enough and the city's economy will collapse.

>> No.14567411

kek good photoshop, did laugh

>> No.14567441

There's one point missing from this discussion. This people probably have the option of getting a normal apartment but <i>choose</i> to live in this co-op spaces out of a desire for community living. They're not just paying for a bed, they're probably also paying for a whole facility that facilitates socializing and meeting others who are part of the arrangement.

>> No.14567460

>free market
>no one is allowed to build any high capacity housing due to restrictive zoning
How is it a free market if the government is preventing supply from being created?

>> No.14567466

This is irrelevant dude. You can argue that people need to socialize because we are social animals yadda yadda, but people need privacy too. I’ve never seen photos of the rest of these “facilities” and I doubt they exist

>> No.14567583

It's not irrelevant if what I say is true. And if it does not apply to the place depicted in these photos, these kinds of community living spaces I'm talking about do in fact exist and have become trendy in recent years as an alternative to living in a rodent and cockroach infested shoebox for a comparable rent. These people are paying to live in a maintained community living space which probably provides appliances and necessities that they would have otherwise have to get themselves or would be difficult to obtain like washing machines, dish washers, etc. The space also probably has various social events and outings planned so that you have a chance to make friends and do stuff rather than just be a lonely transplant in a new city.

It's not for everybody but these people probably elect to live like this.