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/lit/ - Literature

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14558840 No.14558840 [Reply] [Original]

>reading goodreads (I know) reviews for classic book
>"Ugh... This book is racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. I felt uncomfortable reading it. 2 out of 5 stars."

>> No.14558844

Always females who leave that shit.

>> No.14558850

Do you think they're instinctively forming a communal culture by learning and adopting this behavior from one another?

>> No.14558852
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>> No.14558871

No I think that they are trying to figure out the particular political motivations of the author and whether or not he is on the ‘right side of history’ instead of just reading the book for what it is. How many women do you know that would rate Keynes and Hayek the same score like I did?

Butterfly isn’t too bad anymore, she says a lot of non-politically charged things, but I know that in general women have been severely affected by targeted brainwashing as the television died in the 00s.

I think this is a good sign it should stay dead :3

>> No.14558873

They're unironically right. You're just a living fossil. Women's liberation is the redemption of humanity.

>> No.14558875

They are neither entirely right nor entirely wrong. By politically charging their message, they render it somewhat inefficient. :3

>> No.14558880
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>reads the symposium
>only men drinking and philosophizing
>only men are worthy lovers since they have a brain to communicate divine ideas

1/5, although being gay is ok and fine, totally not cool to exclude women.

>> No.14558881

Liberation from what? Male creatures gather resources and females breed, that's nature. We are but vessels our genes use to propagate themselves. I don't understand why people need to project their feelings into every aspect of reality. It's like most can't see things aside from that perspective anymore, there's no objectivity and everything is taken as derrogative.

>> No.14558882

>Butterfly isn’t too bad anymore,

>> No.14558889

>haha women don't need liberation let me just shove them into this biological reductionist scheme where they're nothing but cunts and wombs
You petty tyrants are obsolete and thank God for it!

>> No.14558890


>> No.14558894


>> No.14558896
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 1573899013769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. Great read. 10 stars

>> No.14558902

based but wont goodreadfag mods remove it?

>> No.14558911

f a g g o t

>> No.14558915


>> No.14558918

They're shills. Maybe even doing it as classwork.

>> No.14558921

You're obsolete. We, islamic men have positive fertility rate, you don't. Give 100 years and you won't exist anymore.

>> No.14558925
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who's truly the faggot? the well adjusted chad who thrives in the new order vs the literal virgin bitter and twisted 4chan dregs of society

>> No.14558931

your women are westernizing faster than you can warp your kids

>> No.14558935

I don't know. Whatever one you are, I'm guessing.

>> No.14558939

>this counts as a stinging comeback on the board devoted to the english language

>> No.14558940

>the well adjusted chad
that's a myth you retard chads don't benefit from this system either. even women don't, just corporations

>> No.14558941
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Ah. Yep, there it is. You're a faggot, alright.

>> No.14558943

This board is dedicated to shitposting only.

>> No.14558947

>caring what women think

>> No.14559070

I definitely do.

>> No.14559074

Butterfly is shit, fuck off moth.

>> No.14559094

They will be the new barbarians, destroying Rome but admiring it and building shit in the images of fallen Western civilization for the next 2000 years.

>> No.14559259

You haven't answered. Liberation from what?

>> No.14559290

Modern people are fucking retarded and don't deserve attention. Focus on self improvement, laugh when they can't bench their own body weight and humiliate them when they can't comprehend the Classics. They're dogs and cattle, lemmings. Why do you care about their opinions or even get bothered by them? They always existed, but Liberalism gave them a platform to preach their dumb bullshit on. Shame them back into the peasantry where they belong.

>> No.14559294

>yes let's all be low iq retarded shit weaklings with very low self-awareness and cattle minded reactive personalities

>> No.14559297

recommend good misogyny lit

>> No.14559298

Most likely they will just become nihilistic suicidal zoomers with the rest of the trash.

>> No.14559311

Sounds like you're just a seething incel troll who cant get laid

So? its a genuine criticism. We need to unpack the problems of older literature to show how far we have progressed as a society so far and how far we still need to progress.
I dont believe the authors of classics themselves are to blame because they lived in a time where reactionary ideas were socially acceptable, but people need to understand that those ideas have undergone rigorous intellectual vetting and have been proven time and time again to be obsolete and unnecessary

>> No.14559316

thanks for the laugh

>> No.14559326

radfem theory

>> No.14559343

im listening

>> No.14560065

I always got the impression that contemporary authors do this act in an attempt to compete with actually good writers. Then the followers of contemporary authors started acting this way too.

>> No.14560477
File: 143 KB, 618x469, +pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the cross with you unholy whore on Babylon, witch bitch roastie of Solomon
Let the holy fire purify save you from yourself seamon demon.
No need to pay me , i accept only humble gratitude

>> No.14560487

Platon didn't mean sexual love retard