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14558406 No.14558406 [Reply] [Original]

So, I just read this book. Manhood is basically fucked unless, the author says: "muh globalization and feminism must stop"

but every serious thinking person knows what this really means is civilization and modern tech must collapse so we can revert back to the stone age.

I was interested to learn that the author is a big bear homo.

Any thoughts?

>> No.14558429

Who cares, fuck your manhood. Lose your unfounded ego and submit to your function in the emerging noosphere superorganism of higher civilization. This has been 15,000 years in the making. It's bigger than your little squishy brain insecurities. You're a cell now

>> No.14558435

top kek. i like the way you say that.

>> No.14558437

It'd be nice if anyone would agree with him. They won't because he's a fucking lunatic with zero awareness of the people around him. Misogyny can only take you so far.
Not that you'd ever know, Anon. I doubt you could even be rude to a woman who was actively castrating you.

>> No.14558461

>I am weak and unexceptional and therefore everyone else must be as well
I'm sorry you're so bland.

>> No.14558462

what do us men do now?
is it actually that bad? i thought men were cool in the renaissance era?

>> No.14558467
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I sincerely believe it would be best if you killed yourself. I'm not saying that out of some frustrated struggle to properly articulate how much I disagree with you. I really do believe you should kill yourself. I really, really do. Congrats if you're baiting, but my point still stands for anyone who read your post and agrees with you. Please kill yourself.

>> No.14558470

Holy brainlet, way to completely miss the point lmao

>> No.14558472
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No, that's not what it means. It has never meant "we must go back 100%". The issue with Judeo-Bolshevist ideology is that it is an unnatural order. It is entirely based on the internal fantasy of incels that were angry and poor. Globalization of technology and energy is one thing. Intentionally creating artificial wars and other problems in order to mix and destroy diversity of human races is another (this is the issue). Equally, 'feminism' is anti-feminine. It has the same properties of destruction of diversity in gender, i.e., unnatural. Nobody is saying that we should go back to beating women and forcing them to be in the kitchen. But on the other hand they shouldn't be shamed for wanting to be caretakers of house and family. Judeo-Bolshevist propaganda forces women to abandon their choices and only follow 'feminism'.

The current status quo is literally against that advancement. You must be a very special person not to see this.

'Misogyny' according to whom? Nobody is forcing women to do anything, besides feminism.

>> No.14558497

WAIT!!!! I agree that the destruction of manhood and manly virtue is a terrible thing and I agree with the author. But i'm just saying the author's conclusions are naive.

the only way manhood (and all of humanity for that matter) can be saved is for humans to reject civilization and for civilization to collapse.

>> No.14558502

HAHAHA coping, useless, "I don't read and I'm completely unaware of the present with zero historical perspective" losers seething hard
>Status quo against this
Lmao no. I don't think you understand the post. They power players have been building up to this since ww1 and have been seeing there vision come into obvious fruitation since the emergence of the internet. This is their God

>> No.14558504

Oh I know that. That's why I disagree with the author. I should have made this clear in the OP. The only way to save manhood (and all of humanity and all human morals and traits) is for civilization to collapse and for us to regress technologically. Nothing short of that will save these precious things. Not to mention saving our freedom.

>> No.14558537

>Nobody is saying that we should go back to beating women and forcing them to be in the kitchen.
The more you actually study history, literature, and read firsthand accounts instead of relying on the heavily filtered and framed interpretations of retards, the more you'll realize that female abuse/oppression was the exception and not the norm even in ancient societies. Women and men had clearly defined roles because it was the most effective way to run a civilization in a much harsher world than ours and we have falsely equated that with abuse. One half of the human race was not constantly abusing the other half while sharing a home and family and society with them for all of history up until the past few decades, but even the suggestion that's not the case these days is treated like saying the sky is fucking orange. It's fucking amazing how we've managed to revise thousands of years of history in such a short time. Scary shit.

>> No.14558549

The technoindustrial society is by no means some eusocial human hive.

>> No.14558567

I don't think you understand the 'power players' at all and what they want.

>> No.14558578

Industrial society isn't some complete disconnect from previous forms of human structures, it's only a heightened form of the complex state society that emerged following the agricultural revolution. Civilization itself is the new evolutionary manifestation of the universe. Industrial civilization (and I put 13-14th century northern Italy, 17th century Netherlands, and 18th century Bengal in this) is this superorganism gaining a dominant foothold like homo sapiens did in the biosphere 100k years ago. The internet is leading it into it's version of the "creation" of human consciousness. We are cells. I actually originally came to this conclusion before anything else by studying urban development. I'm becoming an architect so I can do my part and facilitate the physicality it still needs before the leap

>> No.14558591
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>consciously feeding the techno-industrial system

wow. you're a monster.

>> No.14558603

Civilization has always been a curse. But because of objective conditions we were launched on this trajectory. that doesn't one should submit to it and try to cope by projecting your own quasi-religious fantasy. it means you try to destroy the curse.

It would be far far easier than you realize, impossible to restart, and after it's gone the world will be saved. But I suppose it's more comfy to have your own religion and your sweet design gig and your comfy conformist accepting life.

>> No.14558611

true, and well said. when there were kings, there were king-mothers. there were queens. and there were princesses.

every society likes to think of itself as the best that ever has existed. and our modern industrial society has it's own self-congratulating myths to uses to paint prior society's as inferior.

Is anyone thinking deeply about this stuff anymore??

>> No.14558615

How do I learn to stop worrying and come to love or even worship the Hive?

>> No.14558619
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It's one of those, huh?

>> No.14558630

you become a cuck-slave and swallow 300 loads and cut off your ball sack.

>> No.14558646

I like being alive. I'm happy for the evolutionary process that led to my organic creation. That process wasn't fun for everyone involved, idk why this one should be different. You can fight it but be prepared to be treated like a virus. I also really really really like civilization and everything it constitutes. It's what drove my interest in history, art, and architecture as a child and economics as an adult. Once I understood this the world has become extremely fun to observe and experience

>> No.14558658

ur deluded. and the earth won't be inhabitable if civ and tech continues. so it's a matter of your own survival as well as all higher order forms of life.

>> No.14558662

Nobody is stopping you from living out your hunter gatherer LARP. You can even go halfway and join the numerous pastoralist societies around the world that still exists and will be left alone. But you won't. That means actually accepting that your convictions are just a cope for your mental illness/failures/cowardness/virginity/whatever

>> No.14558665

btw, this uninhabitability will happen through the very same "evolutionary process" your so enthralled about.

>> No.14558674

>will be left alone.

I see we aren't the most educated for someone who professes to like history. It's actually amusing to watch you completely ignore all history of growth of civ and industry displacing native ways, the current world pressures, and even the tech "evolutionary process" that you love.

>> No.14558676

It will be easily inhabitable for the small amounts of organic people needed to keep the machine going. Nobody ever said this is supposed to be for everyone. They'll have their use for now but will continuously compound into dead weight once it reaches it's critical point. It's not about us as people

>> No.14558679

Who else is excited for the coming war between augmented transhumans and trad LARPers?

>> No.14558680

I actually feel bad for you. Anything real or meaningful is just a video game fantasy. you literally have been so sheltered and brainwashed by the industrial system your whole life that you cannot even conceive of real freedom aside from days off from work.

>> No.14558686

>civilization and modern tech must collapse so we can revert back to the stone age.
Nah we can have those and still oppress women. Look at saudi arabia.

>> No.14558694

ok criminal. well, it was nice getting to know the depths of your criminal apathy. you put a whole new meaning to hannah arendt's "the banality of evil"!

>> No.14558697
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>> No.14558701

no. Actual geographic boundaries and the people that inhabit them that are currently left alone will be left alone because there is no use for them. Civilization colonizes for it's survival not just because it can. We are rapidly approaching the extent the physical resources of the planet that can be used, there isn't some far off discovery waiting to happen that will push industrial society to move into the Sahara, Canadian North, parts of central asia, and huge tracts of jungle in central Africa. We already know what's there and there's nothing useful. Native cultures are dying by choice. People are purposefully leaving that way of life and finding the nearest metropolis. It isn't some invader

>> No.14558719

Shut the fuck up idiot. You were born into 20th century western civilization literally communicating on the internet. Yes it's a fucking LARP to think you're going to go into the woods and casually figure out prehistoric living. Try doing that without the initial benefits of civilization and have fun dying in three days. Knowledge in that way of life is extremely complex and is passed down hundreds of generations to be instilled in childhood. You think you're the first idiot to think about doing this? Go look up euro expeditions into the Inuit North filled with the brightest minds of Europe starving to death because they couldn't figure out how to hunt seals

>> No.14558726
File: 1.64 MB, 4800x7200, Anti-Tech Revolution Hydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no use for them
>are rapidly approaching the extent the physical resources of the planet that can be used

Under CURRENT technological development. But when extrapolating into the future, you have to remember that the industrial system's technological level will increase exponentially. Competition among self-propagating systems will lead to ever and ever more nooks and crevices exploited for power EVEN IN THINGS THAT DON'T CURRENTLY HAVE VALUE. Just as oil was once useless and therefore not exploited, once the technical means were required and the system reached a level of technical complexity that it needed it, oil all over the world was ruthlessly exploited. The same holds true for everything, from minerals, to rare-earths, to plants and even air and water.

Regarding choice: nothing you say is true in the slightest. Native life ways are being squeezed out economically and practically in every way. The world is an integrated system. What happens to rivers, and animal populations and the atmosphere as well as resource extraction impacts globally. You are seriously deluded on this point. All of anthropology and all history of natives past and news now confirms this.

>> No.14558727


>> No.14558738

thanks I've read it.

>> No.14558751


when you say

>Nobody is stopping you from living out your hunter gatherer LARP. You can even go halfway and join the numerous pastoralist societies around the world that still exists and will be left alone.

you're just sort of bullshitting?

>> No.14558767

Well, that was enlightening. good night.

>> No.14558780

Nope. I never said it was going to be successful, just that nobody will stop you from attempting to live out your ideology. The fact that it will miserably fail is exactly why it's a LARP and why your complaints are absurd offering no alternative solutions to the problems you cry about. You don't like civilization, ok(this is wrong, you very clearly do but whatever I'll go with it). You try living outside of it and fail, ok. So what now? Compound the misery like your hero? for what reason? If you actually cared about humanity you would be pragmatic and do the most good within your circumstances.
But like I said, you can just go halfway and live in the wilderness or become a pastoralist. This is easy af for a driven person

>> No.14559076

Can anyone recommend books on this mindset?

>> No.14559079

Delusions are so comfy, wish I could embrace them

>> No.14559081
File: 36 KB, 328x500, 51hylzZ85KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think that a beginning of response to the crises of meaning and virility that western men go through is found in this book (pic).

>> No.14559164

says the guy reading self-help books on masculinity