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14556529 No.14556529 [Reply] [Original]

started reading Dostoiesvki, my first one was Crime and Punishment which I've just finished , what should I follow up with?
really liked it!

>> No.14556550

>what should I follow up with?
The greeks

>> No.14556558
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read them as well

>> No.14556570

people love notes from underground
i brought Crime and Punishment to school with me, haven't started it yet (working on some other stuff) but i was thinking of putting it in the queue
what are some aspects of it you enjoyed a lot

>> No.14556591

>i liked crime and punishment
I thought it was forced, petty drivel. A story with no substance, that could have been told in 50 pages if you dropped all the filler.
Notes from Underground is superior in every way. Go read that. It's not great, but it's as close as Dostoevsky gets to not being a complete literary charlatan.

>> No.14556592

I cant say without spoiling much, besides generic phrases like "its a real page turner", etc

what I really liked is that the story feels "natural" as it were, the characters are all very different in how they speak, act and think

you are shown explicitly what they think and why the act that way, morality is discussed in at least two occasions and given its a topic im interested in the book appeared very enticing

i'll give you a warning however, write down the names and all variations as many characters are called in different ways (ex. Dunia, Duniechka), etc. If you read it throughout a long period names will start to get fuzzy in your mind and you'll forget who did what etc.

(or at least thats my translation)

>> No.14556608

I beleive it is over 600 pages long BECAUSE of the substance, everything is explained and every action , not only does take time to develop but is also backed up by the beliefs of the characters

i Think you are correct, it could be possible to narrate it in less than 100 pàges, but it would lose its soul and appeal, it would become nothing more than a dull... bland avg. story

>> No.14556613

thanks anon i'll keep that in mind

>> No.14556652

Memories from the House of the Dead

>> No.14556691

If you're not bothered about reading all of his books, read Demons, it's like Crime and Punishment. Then, read BK.

If you're reading them all, do it in order.

>> No.14556840

>If you're not bothered about reading all of his books, read Demons, it's like Crime and Punishment. Then, read BK.
What about the Idiot?

Alright, should I go for Notes from the Underground if im not into Philosophy that much?
I mean, in a basic sense I am, but if it starts getting too complex that I should re-read every sentence to understand it correctly I cba honestly. I do this as a hobby to relieve stress

>> No.14557398
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>> No.14557962

I think you should save BK for last, because it's his greatest work. The Idiot is my favorite dosto, so since you've already read C&P I think
>Notes from a dead house
>Notes from underground
Be warned in advance that there are no likeable characters in Demons -every character is basically a puppet for political ideology, taken to extremes. It's the least "dostoevsky-like" book he wrote. BK will be a nice reward for getting through it
After that you can get into his minor works like Gambler, Adolescent, et cetera

>> No.14558128

The Meek One.
The final page is literally better than all of American Psycho

>> No.14558268

Brothers Karamazov is the greatest Dostoevsky book he ever wrote. And It even made me want to be a better person. It was so good I slowed down on the last few pages because I didnt want it to end.

>> No.14558269

You're beyond retarded and an insufferable pseud. I could see you so smugly typing this while laughing at people who read Orwell "The problem with Orwell is...." You're the type of person that would praise Tolstoy while reading only a few of his short stories (most likely for class) most likely The Death of Ivan Ilyich and then pretend to have read Anna Karenina and War and Peace. You probably consider The Iliad to be major literature, but in waning moments admit that it's shallow. You've never read Proust, probably pretended to like or love Milton, criticize Moby Dick without reading it, and mention countless authors that nobody has heard of let alone read to make you sound intelligent and esoteric, presumably some contemporary of Chaucer, Voltaire, or some obscure German philosopher that criticized Goethe. The truth of the matter is that you and everyone else around you knows how much of a fraud you are, and you continuously disappoint everyone with your forced insouciance while then criticizing capitalism for leading to isolation. Even in your weaker moments where you implicitly yearn for affection you can't shed your veneer of malice and respond with a detached pithy that only makes you irritable. You sicken me.