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14555521 No.14555521 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on schizotypal personality disorder? Any anons here that have it and take medication for it? Just got prescribed some antipsychotics and really don’t know how to feel about any of this. I’d talk to friends and family but I don’t have any, and I already asked my psych and doc about it but they just told me no alcohol.

>> No.14555775

I’ve been treated for Schizoaffective disorder with antipsychotics (among others). Ask me what you want to know, I’ll try to answer any concerns as accurately as possible.

>> No.14555789

Antipsychotics are a chemical lobotomy. When a psychiatrist ever prescribes you psychiatric medication, you should prescribe him a bullet to the head.

>> No.14555807

I would agree for the most part. Antipsychotic use should certainly be withheld until a severely delirious or dangerous psychotic patient needs to be immediately stabilized. In a lot of cases, lower dose long term therapy is appropriate. I assume you also believe that these medications are grossly over prescribed. I would agree

>> No.14555833

read Eckart Tolle , start practising meditation or some form of it
You can influence your chemistry with your attention ,you're not your mind but the observer beyond thoughts/emotions

>> No.14555874

All those meaningless diagnoses say nothing more than "you don't function to you optimal efficiency in the capitalist consumption machine." There is no such thing as "Schizotypal" and there never will be. You are just a normal human being with his own set of unique personality quirks that are not as common. Change society to fit you, not you to fit society. I'm am so saddened by all the young people I see who live on medication like a constant anaesthetization.

>> No.14555965

Does reality become any more ‘normal’ when you take them? Like, do you feel more connected to the people around you and less so estranged? Does the paranoia go away? Can you make friends and have lasting relationships? Does your mind feel as sharp? What exactly has medication helped with the most? Is it worth being medicated for schizotypal? I generally am unhappy with who I am and my inability to conform to a more normal lifestyle. I’d really like it if I could keep friends and gfs around without splitting through paranoia. Being alone only is nice for a while. I wish I had someone I was close with.

>> No.14555980

I’m already depressed and want to die. Medication is my last ditch effort after getting /fit/, reading /lit/ and developing my own metaphysics, having a job (got fired due to paranoia), have hobbies like writing and building stuff. I still defective, like I’m attractive and can make friends, but I just can’t. Something is clinically wrong with me and I good medication finally solves it. Either that or I’ll just kill myself if things don’t change.

>> No.14555996

If I’m normal, then why am I so sad and depressed all the time? Why can’t I develop lasting relationships with friends and family? I try to be normal. It’s all I’ve ever done. I don’t know if it’s truly just me or the world we live in. I’ve read all through esoteric philosophy, religion, the POMOs, Traditionalists, eastern and western philosophy’s; nothing has helped me ‘fit in’ like I want. After all this I just try and accept that maybe I’m not made to be the person I want to be. Acceptance only works so far. Then I just get sad again that everyone else does what I wish I could do just fine.

>> No.14556011

Ironically Eckhart Tolle was the first author I read three years ago in an attempt to fix myself. Didn’t do anything after I realized it’s just self-hypnosis, trying to meditate the feeling of loneliness away.

>> No.14556012

RD Laing;s The Divided Self
Alexander Lowen's The Betrayal of the Body


>> No.14556037

Schizoid is different than schizotypal. I’ve also read RD Laing already, but thanks for the other one.

>> No.14556052

>read all through esoteric philosophy, religion, the POMOs, Traditionalists, eastern and western philosophy’s

>nothing has helped me ‘fit in’ like I want

Pro tip: normies haven't read those things, they will not help one 'fit in'. You are asking a site that serves as an outlet for just such type of men, men for whom the world rubs too raw. Do you want to know the truth about fitting in? Become assertively stupid. It's how you signal allegiance to the matriarchy: no thinking allowed

This comment >>14556012 was me and after reading your follow ups, I take it back; these aren't what you need

>> No.14556066
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" Ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμὴ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τούτου."

>> No.14556073

I can tell from your questions you certainly have a lot more of the “negative” symptoms of the disorder, those being more social and personality based (hence personality disorder). I have most of the the negative symptoms as well, but I also have the “positive” symptoms: hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. So it seems you have one of those. I was treated on a max dose of Olanzapine for about a year before I got off them and on to something safer. A lot of my weirder thoughts, the things that made me think very much about my own existence and perceive things oddly, actually got somewhat worse after medication but this may not be the case for you. Medication is very bad for treating negative symptoms, this is just a sad shortcoming of modern pharmacology. Most of your relationship problems may or may not get better. I certainly didn’t get more social. But like I said, we have similar yet very different disorders, and medication is wildly different for varying people

>> No.14556082

Maybe I shouldn’t say ‘fit in’, because I don’t necessarily want to be a normie. Rather, I would like to be able to do normie things. I possess all of the capabilities, yet internally something about my personality continually self-sabotages my attempts. This is usually paranoia of some sorts that people who know me always try to take advantage of me and use me. My goal is just to stop being paranoid and go about the social milieu in a deeper fashion. I don’t have social anxiety, I’m not afraid of people. Ironically I’m most comfortable around strangers and performing in front of them for lack of fear that they know how to manipulate me.

>> No.14556128

So you mean fly under the radar. 'Fit in' isn't the wrong word in that case, you just mean long enough to reap rewards in the profane world, after which you can retreat back to solitude and 4chan.

>people who know me always try to take advantage of me and use me
You're not paranoid, that's normal. We're all swimming in the same mire of our fallen state, have you not heard of "crabs in a bucket"? The real trip is catching yourself engaging in those behaviors, sabotaging others' without even intending to... well, intending at a conscious level; as there's always more going on beneath the surface

>> No.14556134

Since you are faced with a society that is naturally absurd and you see the consequences of it. Far the contary, anyone who ISN'T depressed in the modern world, or hasn't been at some time, is the person that should truly be diagnosed. Your depression has nothing to do with your introspection in itself, but rather what the introspection naturally leads to. The Doctor simply wishes to tell you that such things don't exist and that you should be blissfully ignorant. I will let you decide what is best.

>> No.14556140

>got fired due to paranoia
what happened?

>> No.14556195

> You're not paranoid, that's normal.
Is it normal to think my cat and dog are plotting against me?
If being smart means I see through the bullshit and become depressed Id rather be dumb and happy. Life sucks and knowing better doesn’t help. Your advice sounds like cope for people like me to try and mitigate the stress.
Thought my coworkers and bosses were conspiring against me after I was a couple minutes late for a few days in a row. Stopped showing up after that and got fired.

>> No.14556204

Damn, sounds rough anon. Don't know about a specific book on the disorder, but many books on clinical psychology can help define what it is. You're searching for a definition or something that could help you better understand your predicament ?

>> No.14556219

If you want to be happy then I don't know why you are even on here. 4chan is literally the worst place you could be on for mental health. It reinforces negative thoughts and dehumanizes social interaction. You have no one but yourself to blame if you remain on this site. Stop pitying yourself since its very clear you are doing so

>> No.14556223

you're missing the next pannell...

chad lures wojak out to the mountains in order to rape him.........

>> No.14556298

>Is it normal to think my cat and dog are plotting against me?
My dog is more likely to prance around the yard and want to play when the neighbor's dogs are jealous/suffering. Man domesticated animals in his own image. Would you really be surprised if they were more than eat/sleep/fetch machines?

To be honest, if plain old spending time outside of your house isn't cutting it, I don't know what will help with paranoia.

Take a daily walk for 30 minutes or more, even with the best pills money can buy, you should still be outside a lot.

>> No.14556344

>t. big pharma and glownigger paid psychiatrist

>> No.14556355

I’m on here because I still desire social interaction. Real world is much harder to deal with because of paranoia. I still get paranoid posting on here and will need to take weeklong breaks so as to make sure no one is stalking me somehow.

>> No.14556356

I said nothing about taking drugs, far the contrary. You are replying to the wrong person it seems.

>> No.14556357
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>Depression is normal!
>Depression is a signifier of uniqueness!

If you're depressed you're probably lacking along a major dimension of life quality.

Do you have freinds? Do you have a job? Do you have a place to live that isnt tyranized by idiots? Do you have a close romantic relationship? Do you have hobbies? Do you have an ultimate direction for your life articulated?

If you're lacking in any more than three of those areas, then you're depressed because you've got a serious problem. Not because you're a unique and beautiful snowflake. Although you may well be.

>> No.14556365

Governments can track you online better than anyone can in real life. Your government can see every post linked to your IP if they wanted to. Posting on 4chan is not social interaction anyways. There is no human connection. For all you know I could be a chat bot.

>> No.14556367

How to find friends, hobbies, and a purpose?

>> No.14556373

> If you're lacking in any more than three of those areas, then you're depressed because you've got a serious problem
I know I’m depressed because I can’t attain the basic things you mention. And I can’t obtain them due to some underlying mental process which consistently sabotages what conscious me wants. This is why I made the thread: to figure out how or if there are any books or hidden things that professionals don’t know or have forgotten about. I’m desperate to fix myself.

>> No.14556441

Until you have experienced psychosis you should shut your mouth, you are ignorant.

My delusions are paranoia, like I'm being followed and watched and sent messages through everyday things like a song on the radio. Any anti-psychotics they gave me immediately made these symptoms dissolve away within an hour. The first time I took one it was a revelation because I had been convinced for months that I was being suddenly m systematically stalked. But the side effects were terrible, so I stopped. Just the knowledge that the delusions could disappear with a pill helped me convince myself they aren't real. I went from 75% believing the thoughts to about 10%. My only medication is low dose lithium, which is a mood stabilizer

>> No.14556443


>> No.14556475

>schizotypal personality disorder
Is called being a human being.

>> No.14556505

You just described a low dose DPH trip. I was able to recieve clear voice transmissions from my desk-fan and I couldn't shake the perception of everybody walking around outside glaring directly at me (also spiders and spooky shadow people). I guess like your anti-psychotic revelation my taking "pro-psychotics" opened my eyes to a different subjective experience. It's a bummer knowing that there are people who are persistently in that state.

If I take a personality disorder test I consistently get schizoid and schizotypal. I wouldn't say either are "disorders" for me I'm pretty comfortable with myself and I get along fine with living life. I think it's actually just autism.

>> No.14556557

>It's a bummer knowing that there are people who are persistently in that state

Yeah it is. I'm lucky that my first psychosis happened late in life. The earlier it happens, the worse you condition probably is. In my case I am "high functioning" and had the wherewithal and money to go to a professional instead of getting committed or doing something crazy. Very lucky to be able to do that. Before it all happened I've actually been friends with schizophrenic people and never truly understood what they were going through even then. Now I get it and understanding that people are going through life every day feeling worse than I ever did is humbling. Mental illness is not "glown"*gger" pharma conspiracy like some retard redpilled 20 year old thinks, it's an actual living hell for people with bad schizo / bipolar / psychotic depression

>> No.14556574

>I wouldn't say either are "disorders" for me I'm pretty comfortable with myself and I get along fine with living life. I think it's actually just autism
Schizoid and schizotypal are pretty different but you should get checked out if you have insurance. I believe 30% of schizophrenics also meet the DSM requirements for autism. The categories are all vague and there is a spectrum between bipolar - schizo and autism - schizo. The names just describe different symptoms. In schizo and bipolar they can measure actual brain damage. It is not a thing you can think yourself out of. But anyways, I suggest getting checked now because earlier detection can save you heart ache in the future, let you know what to treat if you develop psychosis under stress, and if it is bad, early treatment can prevent it from progressing into something more severe. There are theories that each psychotic episode causes permanent damage

>> No.14556581

I really appreciate your insight. I don’t know anyone with any real extensive mental illness beyond minor depression and anxiety, so when the doc told me I’m Schizotypal it was nerve racking. Is there any way to connect with other people with this? I’ve tried NAMI but I live in such a rural and poor area that it’s a worthless effort.

>> No.14556614

Nah, this unit is functioning well, gainfully employed, and satisfied socially. I got all the mental health stuff out of the way, way back in highschool. I was treated for Depression and Social anxiety. (CBD, escitalopram regimen) . I use autism in the imprecise and dumb 4chan way, which was obviously dumb in a place with actual mental health discussion going on.

>> No.14556622

What drug OP?

>> No.14556631

Oh come on you giant pussy

>> No.14556642

Not him, but it's important to not let yourself obsess or fret over a diagnosis like this. The most useful treatment I got was Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Teaching yourself how to tell yourself to snap out of your negative thought patterns and feelings is what ultimately "cures" these things.
It's not scientific but I viewed my personality disorders as "bad programming" and viewed it as debugging my brain/being.

>> No.14556646

Based, glad to hear you are doing well

>> No.14556647

Stop messing with this guy, seriously

>> No.14556667 [DELETED] 

This. I was prescribed them as a young teenager and thankfully after a year or too I flushed them down the toilet and never took them again. I feel like they may have done some irreparable damage to me, mostly to my memory and I regret ever taking them. Ive been off of them for over a decade now and my life is great. Psychiatrists are way too overzealous when it comes to handing out medication. IMO no one should be given any brain altering pills without at least 2 or 3 years of therapy and diagnostics, especially when it comes to kids and teenagers.

>> No.14556683

This. I was prescribed them as a young teenager and thankfully after a year or two I flushed them down the toilet and never took them again. I feel like they may have done some irreparable damage to me, mostly to my memory and I regret ever taking them. Ive been off of them for over a decade now and my life is great. Psychiatrists are way too overzealous when it comes to handing out medication. IMO no one should be given any brain altering pills without a few years of therapy and diagnostics, especially when it comes to kids and teenagers

>> No.14556690


>> No.14556701

My friend took wellbutrin and lexapro for an extremely brief period and feels like they permanently altered his entire psyche and even that they "killed his soul"

>> No.14556862

Be willing to fail in the pursuit of the attainment of those things.

>> No.14557602

Ive got 1.5/7 of those things, am I fucked? Sometimes I think that I am literally living in a personal torture dimension designed explicitly to extract the most pain and fear out of me as possible, other times I feel completely at peace thinking everything is in its right place. Wouldn’t the best thing for me to do be isolating from the rest of the world so Im not a burden on anyone? I dont mean self pity, but if I really am fucked, its better for me to just put myself out of both the gene pool and reality that all others live in. As pathetic as it might sound, that would probably be the closest thing to my ultimate direction in life.

>> No.14557769

Dude you are WAY overestimating the rest of humanity. I'll share with you something a mentor told me in private:

"don't worry about mistreating other people, or about getting mistreated by them, you are all in the same boat, or rather to say in the same water out of boat practicing futile efforts to hold on on each other - no need to make their life harder without a reason but also no need to support them anyhow"

>> No.14557778

All of this shit is made up

>> No.14557816

what do you do if a girl said she wasn't ready for a date even though you said it wouldn't be a date?

>> No.14557952


>> No.14558007

See: "My Case for Retributive Action" by Thomas Ligotti, although that was a guy with crippling anxiety and agoraphobia. A cathartic read for anybody who's had shitty, useless shrinks.

>> No.14558066

She probably doesn't like you.

>> No.14558731

This, "mental health" and all that shit is just formal structuring to justify subduing people – don't fall for any of that shit.

>> No.14558784

I just spend most of my free time reading japanese hentai comics and it has made my life much better than all the other things i had tried.

>> No.14558842

Clinical psychologist here. If you dont feel ready for therapy yet go and read cant hurt me by david goggins. Its a self help book but its a good one.

>> No.14559405
File: 83 KB, 550x837, 9200000092445001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out

>> No.14559411

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hSrIKWtZEQ

>> No.14559474


How would feelings be induced by Phenomena?

>> No.14559543

>And I can’t obtain them due to some underlying mental process which consistently sabotages what conscious me wants.
special snowflake who needs therapy

>> No.14559582

>special snowflake who needs therapy
Psychopath who needs to be physically removed from society.

>> No.14559607

>everyone in the dailymail comments section is a psychopath

>> No.14559632

schizoid here, doing an internship in psychiatry.
antipsychotics are for delirious and or dangerous people, i never prescribe them to slightly different, weird people.

btw would totally be friends with you. Don't let them leure you into being normal, you just have to know your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to not look like crazy.

>> No.14559668

>btw would totally be friends with you. Don't let them leure you into being normal, you just have to know your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to not look like crazy.
This is like a gay guy complimenting someone who just got rejected by another girl

>> No.14559823

how exactly do antipsychs help someone with schizoid? what was his reasoning? seems counterproductive

>> No.14559843

>delirious and or dangerous people
>slightly different, weird people

What's the difference

>> No.14559847

oh my bad, i thought you said schizoid, totally different

>> No.14560410

You may not have friends (wich is maybe better than having false friends), but there are people that will consider you truly and hope for you to be better.

The label is practical to convey informations fast, but you should focus on what makes the label, the "symptoms", the caracteristics.

Why do I do this? Why do I do that? Am I willing to this or that?
Medication could only be useful as a support if there is a real layer on top of it, a layer of understanding yourself and the world.

There are things you think, and there are reasons to why you think them. Find someone not judging you, not just saying he's helping you, but that is really helping you.

Allow yourself to take command of yourself, and judge the results of what is happening during your therapy, in the large sense of the word. Your healing. Are you really ill? Do you feel bad? How do you feel? Do you feel something? Have you ever only felt that?

Allow yourself to chose what is good for you, and don't be ashamed. What makes you going further? What is your goal? Do you have a goal? You are allowed to chose for yourself, you are allowed to judge what seems to work for you, and what is not. You are allowed to have your own opinion, and your own judgement.

When you seek help on the external, you will face different opinions. Some weak, some strongs. But never forget that no matter the size of the opinion, it can either hurt you, or heal you.

Allow yourself to think for yourself, be honnest with yourself, and have compassion for yourself. You can find the good outside, if you allow yourself to take your own commands and chose what is good and bad for you.

>> No.14560457

I don't know if it's normal, but I know it's logical. There's a reason to everything.

I am sharing my love with you anon. I don't have a lot but I believe you deserve it. If you don't want it it's ok, I hope you will get better and find the solutions. Good luck to you, you can do it.

>> No.14561967

based chad

>> No.14561990


>> No.14562238


>> No.14562808

>start pretending to be crazy just out of boredom and to take the piss out of people
>they're actually starting to suspect I'm crazy
I think I'm going to go deeper with the act now, might as well. Any tips/recs?

>> No.14562874

Uhh I frown and grimace at people without making eye contact or initiating conversation. I also begin breathing deeply when stressed and my eyebrows twitch. Not that I mean to but some people turn out like this.