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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 912x912, vocaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14554181 No.14554181 [Reply] [Original]

Read a section from your favorite book


>> No.14554196

Blow your nose

>> No.14554257

Here's mine, and yes I'm a mouth breather

>> No.14554338

I was a little sick
But here another https://vocaroo.com/8g23ZU1lK3n

Nice voice
what do you mean by " month breather " how is relevant to your voice

>> No.14554365

Oh I feel like a mumble a lot. I want to practice more since I enjoy speaking and would like to do more public speaking type things

>> No.14554653


>> No.14554660

>Monthnigger's chance of proving he/she's not a tranny
>nowhere to be seen

>> No.14554747
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>> No.14554762

fuck off, /lit/ is a board for men (male).

>> No.14554765

Very cute and pleasant voice

>> No.14554769

cute laugh .

>> No.14554778

What are you saying?

>> No.14554796

https://www.irishcultureandcustoms.com/Poetry/FlannOBrien.html a poem by flann obrien.Sorry my shit diction

>> No.14554801


>> No.14554820

It's also a board for nihilists.

>> No.14554833

I'm well aware lel. I do enjoy mishima though, although I don't know if his work could be really consisted nihilistic since he had a lot of passion in his goal to bring back traditionalism. Also to write gay as fuck books. Forbidden colors is still one of my faves

>> No.14554868

Swineburne's Hymn to Proserpina

>> No.14554904

Mic is bad, voice is worse.

>> No.14555155

british faggot

>> No.14555165


>> No.14555203


Guys don't be hostile to women on this board. Even if you're 100% selfish, having more women in these spaces means more potential friends/girlfriends for you. Plus more varied perspectives.

Don't work against your own interests

>> No.14555206

>having more women in these spaces means more potential friends/girlfriends for you.
yeah i remember all those girls i dated browsing forums, so cool. i got dozens of girlfriends that way by posting on forums <3 this is really something that happens often actually, banging girls from /lit/

>> No.14555218

show tits

>> No.14555238

I imagine it's what English sounds like to non English speakers.

Nice poem though.

>> No.14555259

Do honestly think a women have any intellectual contribution to this board ?

What amazing perspective you think we will get from a normie and thin skin gender ?

>> No.14555285
File: 3.72 MB, 3200x3200, cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14555316

Why the supreme gentleman I ask?

>> No.14555321

You sound cute :)

>> No.14555331

Is there a screencap of relationships started on 4chan? This is for purposes of scientifical understanding only.

>> No.14555336

I have found the best way to do public speaking without mumbling is to not use filler words. It is better to just stop talking and be quite for a few moments to gather your thoughts than it is to mubmle or say "ummm" while you prepare in your mind what you are about to say. That way whenever you are speaking you know clearly what it is you are going to say and you can say it in a clear and level tone without mumbling or using filler words. Just a tip I have learned while doing public speaking in college.

>> No.14555348


>> No.14555352

Is that... a human female?

>> No.14555355
File: 955 B, 20x20, 1557931139398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gets the noggin joggin' innit

>> No.14555361


>> No.14555366
File: 16 KB, 373x373, 1576025168287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a chubby kike.

>> No.14555367

marry me?

>> No.14555370

But I don't like being lonely :(

>> No.14555378


>> No.14555390

>you will never be a young woman
>you will never be able to get infinite attention from men just for your voice
>you will never have an innate aura that attracts attention from men, regardless of the quality/content of your actual contributions
>you will never be an instant celebrity and receive infinite free (You)'s just for showing up to any forum or venue
>you will never experience this blessed dream, for 5-10 brief years before you get old


>> No.14555396



>> No.14555406


>> No.14555411
File: 105 KB, 800x568, early 30s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14555418
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>> No.14555432

white women age like milk

>> No.14555441

I don't have a mic.

>> No.14555447

she looks more attractive on the right, only thing that got worse is her lips

>> No.14555448

you're right, better to just keep having the same guenonthread over and over

>> No.14555454

guenonfag is bad exactly because he behaves like a woman

>attention whore
>doesn't fit in/can't understand board culture
>can't be anonymous, has to impose his real persona on people

QED women and guenonfag are both garbage

>> No.14555456
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>> No.14555458
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1574402985953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's certainly a handsome woman! Men prefer a mature, "distinguished" looking gal. A few wrinkles just mean she's experienced and wise, which is what really attracts a man!

>> No.14555470

She'd have looked okay if she had gotten into fitness. Now she just looks fat.

>> No.14555472

hi please be my gf please om begging you im gonna go insane i havent toucghed a woman in 3 years

>> No.14555502

Worth it for the end.

>> No.14555510


This, has nothing to with age and everything with cheeseburgers.

>> No.14555516

>yeah i remember all those girls i dated browsing forums
I lost my virginity to a girl I met on a forum (not 4chan). Plenty of people get together on lefty discords. Why do you think that is?
The reason that doesn't happen more often in here is because women are ostracized af, so they either don't post or simply don't ever reveal they're a woman

>What amazing perspective you think we will get from a normie
We get a million shit takes from men as well. Also, even if women are normies compared to men. There are still plenty of non-normie women.

>thin skin gender
You're the one who wants to ostracize an entire group of people because you're afraid they will mess with the supposed "purity" of this board. You might want to reconsider who has the thin skin in this situation

>> No.14555535
File: 30 KB, 500x551, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one who wants to ostracize an entire group of people because you're afraid they will mess with the supposed "purity" of this board.


>> No.14555538

>Plenty of people get together on lefty discords.
Because you're trying to advance some kind of insane ideal which will never happen.

Discord is terrible also. I think Butterfly living around me and stuff is a good sign and a step in the right direction. All you need to realize is that reality is always changing. Clinging to any sort of social norms is asinine. Realize that and also realize for these reasons Marxist Communism will never happen and everyone will be happy. :3

>> No.14555561


Name that book

>> No.14555576

Is this you? Voice sounds the same and given the subject matter
we talked on slsk, my name was crumchy

>> No.14555578

i think in general women get uglier as they age but the example you posted really wasn't a good one. that lady didn't look bad, i think she might've got some surgery and that was literally the only obviously ugly thing about her

>> No.14555583
File: 6 KB, 235x214, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not want to ostracize women or care about the "purity" of the board . there is a reason why niggers and women do not go on 4chan an it because of their hatred of minority . women get offended and will leave once that hear anything misogynistic .

honestly after all my years of shitposting I seen more niggers than female use there minority status for more yous .

>> No.14555591

>imagine pretending to be a woman on a mongolian basket weaving forum just to get replies
all trannies must fucking hang

>> No.14555634

>Plenty of people get together on lefty discords. Why do you think that is?
Because leftists are degenerates?

>> No.14555692 [DELETED] 

guess where im from

>> No.14555701

guess where im from


>> No.14555716

you sound fat

>> No.14555746


>> No.14555747

I like you

>> No.14555774

>Because you're trying to advance some kind of insane ideal which will never happen
Galaxy brain take

>women get offended and will leave once that hear anything misogynistic
That's why we shouldn't be mysogynistic

>honestly after all my years of shitposting I seen more niggers than female use there minority status for more yous
People like you are what give them more yous to begin with. You're a walking contradiction

>> No.14555794

>Galaxy brain take
It is because what's essentially going on is that you are allies in a 'cause' instead of caring about who the individual person is.

The only reason you are together is because you consider yourself as part of some 'collectivity' instead of having the woman consider you as a miraculous ideal. :3

Anyway it doesn't matter to me, I am actually speaking to Butterfly IRL, and will be speaking to her every hour today.

>> No.14555809

Congratulations anon, I knew you would get her eventually!

>> No.14555950

There is something bigger going on than you even realize. She is helping me along with something very important. She herself is a very nice woman.

>> No.14556046
File: 1.84 MB, 4128x1908, 20200115_131943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh anon...
I am the nigger who his race for (yous)

>> No.14556097
File: 99 KB, 746x512, weep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.14556260

>Why do you think that is?
male feminists, they become leftoids and hang around leftoid circles to meet women and those women are so unlikeable that normalfag men wouldn't want them, thus...
>The reason that doesn't happen more often in here is because women are ostracized af,
no, women inherently do not approach like men and they wouldn't come here because this place gives the impression of being unsafe and foreign territory, all non-leftoid spaces do by the nature of being more male dominated.
>We get a million shit takes from men as well. Also, even if women are normies compared to men
and women do not even have the possibility of having a decent original take, so there is no reason to shit up the board further.
>There are still plenty of non-normie women.
>believing this
>You're the one who wants to ostracize an entire group of people because you're afraid they will mess with the supposed "purity" of this board
nothing about that is thin skinned, you even provided a good reason for supporting a boys club that has nothing to do with skin thickness.

show your tits or gtfo, bitch

>> No.14556275

she looked significantly worse than before, are you that bad at noticing lighting differences' effects or are you just fucking blind? nigga look at her eyes she looks awful.

>> No.14556295

so youre saying it's women whoj ust are thin skinned? keep your own thoughts straight retard. sounds like it's their problem not ours. if i liked a site i would still use it despite female users saying meanie things about men.

>> No.14556342

unironically and literally kill you're self

>> No.14556360

kot ready to attack

>> No.14556388
File: 81 KB, 720x433, siii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmm... I'm so glad I'm surrounded by men... we need to back to the great days of ancient Greece where men and only worked out naked and wrestled...

>> No.14556407


>> No.14556425


>> No.14556440

>trilled r's

>> No.14556452


>> No.14556462

I think a large problem with the modern world is gender desegregated spaces, especially educational ones. And for exactly this mentality. A woman entering into a group of men doing stuff inevitably turns at least some of those men into morons who can no longer do the thing the group exists for. Sometimes it's very obvious flirting or aggression directed at the woman and sometimes it's more subtle but it happens in every gender desegregated space and it's really a problem.

>> No.14556467

Does it involve Molotov cocktails?

>> No.14556479

There may be a grain of truth to your thesis in the abstract, but /lit/ is 99% shitposting from people who don't even read. A bit of coquetry is not going to spoil anything.

>> No.14556491

holy fucking basado

>> No.14556568

No but for some reason the way people act sometimes you'd think they were expecting it or something.

It involves God, for one.

>> No.14556585

- Notes from the Underground by Elliot Rogers

>> No.14556600

What does degenerate mean exactly?

>they become leftoids and hang around leftoid circles to meet women and those women are so unlikeable that normalfag men wouldn't want them
Source on this one? I know "leftoid" women who are quite attractive and not unlikeable

>because this place gives the impression of being unsafe and foreign territory
I wonder why

>all non-leftoid spaces do by the nature of being more male dominated
Cheerleading is a "not-leftoid" space yet it's full of women.Spaces who classify themselves in opposition to the left are male dominated because they tend to harbor shitty attitudes towards women. So women tend to avoid these spaces. Which is perfectly reasonable. The solution is to stop harboring shitty attitudes toward women.

Like these ones:
>women do not even have the possibility of having a decent original take
>believing this
And again, you should try to argue with facts instead of fee fees

>you even provided a good reason for supporting a boys club that has nothing to do with skin thickness
Where exactly?

>keep your own thoughts straight retard. sounds like it's their problem not ours. if i liked a site i would still use it despite female users saying meanie things about men
You seem a bit unhinged bud. I'm sure you spend a lot of your time on TERF subreddits

>A woman entering into a group of men doing stuff inevitably turns at least some of those men into morons who can no longer do the thing the group exists for.
Hating and deifying women are two sides of the same coin. And both these things happen because of 1. shitty attitudes toward women and 2. Sexual scarcity, which my solution would help to fix

>> No.14556604

if you were 5% better at rolling your r's this would be great

>> No.14556624

that one's just angle, her jaw didn't actually widen and her 21 year old face would look the same if it was pointing the same way

>> No.14556627

not even close

>> No.14556637
File: 255 KB, 886x1175, elisha_cuthbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556654

>It involves God, for one.
God as in Yahweh?

>> No.14556673


>> No.14556705


>> No.14556714

>girls post
>get 500 replies
>thread becomes about subject of girls in general
>neverending trickle of "plz be my gf haha ironically but also unironically haha plz reply jk but really plz?" replies

Women are so disruptive that their mere presence is enough to destabilize a thread.

>> No.14556741

I don't understand what I'm supposed to make of this

>> No.14556755

If women are disruptive then why is it that the only disruption you cite is the ill-implemented mating behaviours of beta male coomers?

>> No.14556763

Sounds like socially retarded men is the problem, not women.

>> No.14556768
File: 74 KB, 800x637, streets-paris-france-vintage-hand-drawn-illustration-54845041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556789


>> No.14556908


>> No.14556911


>> No.14557034

>Hating and deifying women are two sides of the same coin. And both these things happen because of 1. shitty attitudes toward women and 2. Sexual scarcity, which my solution would help to fix
Except that from birth men have no gender segregated spaces and this problem persists. It's probably biological and isn't going to be solved by letting girls join the boy scouts

>> No.14557233

yes, /lit/ has a lot of females
it's incidentally also one of the worst boards, and it's a pretty low standard to begin with

>> No.14557309

Where dis from (without googling it)?

>> No.14557320

Fuck, wrong link. Here's mine.

>> No.14557334

show ass and balls pls

>> No.14557804

absolutely cringe faggotry anon

>> No.14557814

i hope you also blame women when men are disruptive to their communities.

>> No.14559102

based and princepiĺled

>> No.14559866

must suck to not have any arguments

Usually men's disruption is intentional. Which is not the case here

>> No.14559983

Women shouldn't post on 4chan. They ruin the vibe.

>> No.14559985

Which youtube video did you use for voice training? Asking for a friend :)

>> No.14560723

Because i find him funny .
my twisted world is my favorite book

>> No.14560833


Is the person telling us to post something new on /lit/, to be original? That's kind of difficult.

>> No.14560870
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>> No.14560943

Are you deaf? He's clearly a Muslim pretending to be British

>> No.14561293


It's possible to be both a Muslim and British, one's a religion and the other is a nationality.

>> No.14561308
File: 75 KB, 482x427, suxazyocnb441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14561313

It's the coomers. It has always been the coomers. Men are incapable of platonic camaraderie with the opposite sex, which is why feminine attributes are paramount in the formation of a well-rounded human being.

>> No.14561321

you sound kind of like an aspie

>> No.14561610
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 1579375466319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one's a religion and the other is a nationality

Islam isn't really a religion, just as "british" isn't really a nationality.

>> No.14561795

are you the girl who did the thirlwell reviews!! if so i love him and your collection is amazing

here's my excerpt from ficciones by borges... sorry if i sound weird lol

>> No.14561803

I love that you exist

>> No.14561808

you are one pathetic cunt

>> No.14561836

ZOMG a grill???!!!

>> No.14561843

Nothing's wrong about liking people who are into the same things you like more so if they are rare

>> No.14561873

gay accent but based

>> No.14562177

and yet you always come off like a spiteful women when you incessantly whine about Guenonfag, how humorous

>> No.14563152

are you kidding me??


>> No.14563634


>> No.14563638

This isent tumblr holy shit fuck off, all of you

>> No.14563766

i haven't read this book since high school, but i'm currently reading a DFW book and his writing doesn't live on the breath very well. I tried reading a passage and couldn't find where to breathe. so here's Catcher's opening few lines, instead.

>> No.14564130

You have a great voice.

>> No.14564732

Your voice is very soothing

>> No.14564745
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>> No.14564770

she looks just like this qt girl who works at the gas station in my town. God i want to impregnate her. i want her to tuck my son into bed at night and buy him orange juice when he gets a cold. FUCK

>> No.14564778


>> No.14564803
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1567479116241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14564940

>more potential friends/girlfriends

Women only make good friends because of the possibility that they may offer you pussy, or at the very least, that they will compliment you and give you the confidence to go out and get pussy. Women and men cannot be "just friends" and one will always feel something more (typically the man, unless you're a chad like me in which case the ladies are all besotted with you, entreating you to fulfill their every sexual desire, but I'm too invested in my own spiritual enlightenment to care for such trivialities as the carnal pleasures).

Furthermore, the idea of meeting a "potential gf" on 4chan is a foolish road to pursue. I met a girl here once, she ended up being a horrible person who treated me horribly. And that's provided you even garner female attention. Most of you (us) are losers, or on the bottom of the social ladder, there is no way for us to make ourselves remotely appealing to a female, we browse 4chan, more people are aware that anyone who browses this sit is a failure, weird, or an asshole. I like to think I'm a failure and weird, but not an asshole, though my honest and sometimes straightforward diction gives off an air of callousness and aloofness.

anyway here's my contribution to the dick waggling show, wow I hope a girl likes my voice and marries me teehee

>> No.14564999

thats a lot of irony you're hiding behind. personally, i've been isolated for so long that i genuinely don't give a fuck about social dynamics and whatever games you normies like to play. its just nice to talk to another person no matter who they are.

>> No.14565150


>> No.14565246

https://voca.ro/iLM0g2BaMZq tried to make it a lil interesting to listen to

>> No.14565306


Two things:

1. Where is the GABAGOOL vocaroo poster?

2. Someone upload the original CUNNY recording again.


>> No.14565359

This is no good. Please post man-hate diatribes and act like you're my gf. I was an abusive gf because I need to be reminded that I'm a pathetic failure and also a man, which is bad. Men are subhuman.

>> No.14565389

I will not say what I don't believe anon

>> No.14565701
File: 169 KB, 1200x800, 2457657427245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14565703

why does she look terrible sometimes but mostly in pictures

>> No.14565794
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1040, 1555644086270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys this is my favorite quote! i hope you enjoy!, https://voca.ro/kFs0Ep0kRXQ

holy shit

>> No.14565796

i have no idea what you just said but i do know i am turned on

>> No.14565811
File: 78 KB, 798x490, 1554826928442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was pleasant, A for effort. if you were called on to read and read like this in class i would totally try my hardest to be friends with you

>> No.14566264


>> No.14566778

;-; thank u

>> No.14568044

Now we're citing 8th grade memes as if they where actual arguments. Maybe this board does need a purge.

>> No.14568115


My voice is lame and English is not my first language

>> No.14568356
File: 56 KB, 574x694, 1575313314519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

>> No.14568438

Adult men shouldn't be playing "games" in the first place. Grow up.

>> No.14568459
File: 27 KB, 474x632, itsm e greogr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done

>> No.14569226
File: 392 KB, 1486x1500, 314556458_bd5dd6cb-c646-4398-80b9-1c8689faf279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
