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14553982 No.14553982 [Reply] [Original]

Books about being an incel loser please. Especially if it's about female incels.

>> No.14554003

your diary desu

>> No.14554079

Whatever by Houellebecq

I like the part where the handsome guy mocks the stupid ugly one - " you will never be a woman's sexual fantasy."

>> No.14554084
File: 48 KB, 320x481, D3081723-7A07-494F-99B0-AC4F04A7E991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an albino, a mulatto, a mosquito, my libido
Song about outcasts and his (most likely loser) squeeze becomes anthem for chads and stacys to party to

>> No.14554101

>has not had sex in over two years

Doesn't count

>> No.14554127

>female incels.
Better read sci-fi

>> No.14554217

As a female incel, I am deeply offended.

>> No.14554235

>female incel
lmao good bait

>> No.14554237

>female incels.

>> No.14554350

I'm female and the only kind of sex I can get is casual sex, no one wants a romantic relationship with me, but I have never enjoyed casual sex and so I'm celibate until someone wants to date me

If incel isn't the right term for me, what is?

>> No.14554363


>> No.14554375

R u an uggo?

>> No.14554476

Not all sex is equal. Especially for women.

>> No.14554480


>> No.14554753

Find an uggo bf. Just drop your standards ffs

>> No.14554800
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obvious Houellebecq as well

>> No.14554835

Even ugly guys want qt gfs. Believe me I've tried, and I dropped my standards so low.

>> No.14554863

My Twisted World is the only real thing, everything else incel literature written by Chads.

>> No.14554902

Are you overweight or just not typically good looking?

>> No.14555028

Face the facts, there are no "incel" books. Even books about the most ugly, outcast people have a main character interacting with the opposite sex. Houellbecq is not an incel author by any means. He is just in the tradition of decadent writers like Rimbaud. His characters still have sex and are generally coombrains.

The very idea of an incel is a product of a very recent age. One simply couldn't be a hikki a couple of decades ago before the internet. Plus, online dating didn't exist which has centralized the sexual capital of society.

If you want this sort of book, you will have to write it yourself.

>> No.14555387

We've had incels for years now, how come no one has produced a novel

>> No.14555404

If you are frusturated enough to classify yourself as an incel, it is extremely unlikely that you will have the motivation to write a full novel, much less a good one of any artistic value. It's the same reason why libidinal degeneracy is so muted and faked in books. A real author who is the scum of the earth wouldn't even have the ability to concentrate long enough to write something of value.

>> No.14555413

Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Chapter 7: Love and Hypnotism

>> No.14555582
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oh god... is- is that...HOONI??? *face turns red* *smoke comes out of ears* panting uncontrollably hummina hummina *clicks heels and uses secret rocket boots* AWOOGA *flies into space* WAHOO!!! *hits head on moon* yOWCHIE MAMA *bounces back to earth* yippee! *jumping up and down while bashing his head in with a hammer* *cums so hard dick and balls fly off body*

>> No.14556023

>the only type of sex i can get
You aren't an incel bitch stop complaining

>> No.14556112
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, D6FC6DB6-BCB2-44D9-839F-862BC9D8433D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it’s true. Femcels DO NOT exist. Meanwhile “femcels” have casual sex an incel struggles to get any female attention at all

>> No.14556156

Wrong. Whatever and Atomised are definitely incel books (the biologist in Atomised). The decadentism you mention is more proper of Platform, and of just one of the main characters of Atomised. Even though the protagonist of Whatever is not an incel himself, one of the main characters, Tisserand, is one. Besides, there are long monologues about being an incel. What else do you want? A mass shooting a la Elliot Rodger?

>> No.14556166

I like uggos, they really know how to please a man

>> No.14556173

Yep, it's definitely good bait like >>14554235

>> No.14556176
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>> No.14556265

he was still a faggot

>> No.14556323

Notes from the underground is true incel literature.

>> No.14556610

>they really know how to please a man
how if they've rarely been given the chance to
do you mean in the boring sense like all women are as in they're extremely subservient due to the fact that they have zero self worth?

>> No.14556645

What did she mean by this? What can't he keep on doing?

>> No.14557024

Yes just think of all the demeaning shit they'll do for attention

>> No.14557031

Mein Kampf

>> No.14557032

Spanking it to the hot sexy nuns

>> No.14557043

>Yes just think of all the demeaning shit they'll do for attention
how do you cope if you're like this as a male

>> No.14557062


>> No.14557098
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>tfw you think about the sexual revolution and its consequences.

>> No.14557130

How easily would houellebecq get bullied if he tried working in the trades or teaching year 12/13s in the UK?

>> No.14557144

>i can have sex pretty much on a whim
>im incel

you must be injured in the head

>> No.14557182
File: 306 KB, 1024x449, 7rat62jtodi31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially if it's about female incels.
There are no female incels.

>> No.14557188
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>> No.14557587 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 1046x700, moose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no incel books.

Think of a moose. A moose can fuck your shit up. He can probably take down a tree with a headbutt if he really wants to.
Now, what could drive such a powerful animal, such an absolute fucking unit, to ram his head against the head of a fellow?
What could be this strong drive that would make him not only risk his life, but risk his life while trying to take down another animal from the same species?

Perhaps those play a role, but you know the answer. Reproduction. Sexual drive. Nature has, over more than a billion years, selected males to do stupid competitive and risky behavior and expect sexual opportunities in return. This sex drive is strong enough that males will kill other males for it even if this makes no sense for the survival of the species. This has been so violently selected for that even extremely powerful animals like this still often kill each other for the slightest chance of access to partners.

Sex doesn't randomly feel good. Companionship doesn't randomly feel good.
Imagine how long it took natural selection to hone this powerful sex drive before it got to the point where a naked hairless ape was willing to jump in front of a saber-tooth to fetch food for his partner.

For all the culture and society mankind created, it's not that easy to turn those honed drives off. So you get perfectly civilized men that look at a picture of a naked woman, and these drives will spring up making them do all manners of things, like buying bath water from streamers or competing to see who is the most woke male feminist on twitter. They will swear it's not about their sex drive, but it is.

Incels are the sad consequence of this. If incels could choose, they would probably choose to turn off all of those honed instincts, because not finding companionship and not being sexually attractive will inevitably lead to frustration if we consider what was discussed above. For an incel moose this is not too relevant since his consciousness is limited. He will feel some frustration and die off. For an incel human however, he will be very aware of this frustration, and there really is nothing to do about it. There is no solution besides perhaps getting lucky and eventually finding a partner. This doesn't really make for a a compelling narrative, so no one will write about it.

Houllebecq's characters, for instance, are either sexually frustrated ugly man that somehow just keep getting women in their lives, or Tisserand. Tisserand is the only incel, but the book is not about him, and he mostly just gets dehumanized and killed off uneventufully like the barely conscious incel moose.

>> No.14557621

Not him, the other guy who ends up dying in a car crash

>> No.14557643

My Twisted World is unironically an OK book. It has a tragic bildungsroman structure, and the way Rodger includes certain details so that they build up gradually over the course of the novel is actually quite effective. I have no sympathy for what he did, but by the end of it you do kinda feel for him. It's still clearly written by an amateur, but for something by a mass shooter its surprising good.

>> No.14557649

Prostitution was more normalized back then, not necessarily in the sense that you might go to the brothel yourself (although many would have) but say you were in the army, they would bring in whores for you to fuck etc. etc. so a lot of guys would have lost their virginities that way

>> No.14557709


>> No.14558095
File: 19 KB, 312x475, D154492D-3DCD-44CF-A907-A66C58C8E5CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m Thinking of Ending things is a short, recently published book. As literary fiction it’s not very good but it does such a great job painting a picture of a young man whose convinced he’s smarter than everyone else, who frames his flaws as exaggerated positives, etc that it makes me unsure of whether the author is doing a satire or is actually a reddit pseud.
You can see a lot of parallels between the mindset of the guy and incels

>> No.14558713

Incels are pretty hard on themselves most of the time, they're not narcissists. The narcissistic ones are more likely to be become mass murderers, while the average incel hates themselves and is more likely to commit suicide.

>> No.14558737
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>> No.14558750

oblomov is the only one I can remember
there are however a lot of movies with incel characters

>> No.14558900

But casual sex for me feels like nothing, if anything it is disgusting. So why would I be happy about that

>> No.14558912
File: 26 KB, 407x648, 9789639116665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is EXACTLY what you seek

>> No.14560165

Can you name some?

>> No.14560230

>The very idea of an incel is a product of a very recent age. One simply couldn't be a hikki a couple of decades ago before the internet. Plus, online dating didn't exist which has centralized the sexual capital of society.
That's false. Incels in the 90s just didn't make a fuss on the internet, and were suffering in silence, playing videogames and magic the gathering.
I don't think hypergamy is particularly higher now then a few decades back.
Chad wasn't on tinder, but was the quaterback of the football team or the local rock band lead singer.

>> No.14561374

Everything written by Italo Svevo

>> No.14561378

pic better be unrelated

>> No.14561411
File: 1.73 MB, 639x346, Angery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can get is casual sex
I hate you.

>> No.14561421

Because it means people at least find you fuckable. Imagine not even having that, AND being guaranteed to die alone. Christ, people like you are clueless.