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14553065 No.14553065 [Reply] [Original]

I read 24 pages today

>> No.14553072

Congrats, Anon!

>> No.14553102

Well done

Read some more

>> No.14553103
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I read 124 pages today

>> No.14553173
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>I read 24 pages today

>> No.14553203

I’m happy anon. You’re doing great, and that time you spent reading those pages was, I’m sure, enriching and fun. I hope it’s a great story and you keep with it!

>> No.14553210

Thatta boy!

>> No.14553269


>> No.14553271

0 for me

>> No.14553348

I woke up 3 hours ago, read 55 pages so far. Gonna continue all day and long into the night. Hope you anons have a great friday and a lovely weekend.

>> No.14553372
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Nice. On average how many pages you usually read in a day?

>> No.14553374

I've only recently started reading again, so for a long time it was 0. Now that I'm actively reading it's usually at 50-100.

>> No.14553380

From your original post I got the impression you're some übermensch who reads 18 hours a day, everyday.

>> No.14553391

You could've read just 1 page of the bible instead.

>> No.14553421

Who said it wasn't 24 pages of the Bible?

>> No.14553486
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I've read 0

>> No.14553816
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>tfw read 1-2 chapters a day depending on chapter length
how do i improve my focus here?

>> No.14553821
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>> No.14553838

I'm at work so 0 for me so far

>> No.14553857


It isn't the best work of fiction to be honest

>> No.14554673
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>> No.14554724

I love/hate anime so goddamn much

>> No.14554731

Of what?

>> No.14555230
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i have read 0(ZERO[NADA]) pages this year

>> No.14555236

Someone please give him Hegels Phenomenology

>> No.14555265

>tfw I have read 332 pages in the last three days

>> No.14555282

How the fuck do you do this shit? Do you do anything other than reading?

>> No.14555597

Updating, now at around 230 pages for the day. Gonna get some food and snacks. Haven't decided on what to read next.

>> No.14555607

What did you read?

>> No.14555771

70 pages of Herodotus and Treasure Island from start to finish. I'm still somewhat struggling with Histories whenever there's a flood of names/description/geography but when it's good I love it. Treasure Island was solid childrens lit, engaging all the way through. Thinking about reading some Holmes after dinner.

>> No.14556044

>How the fuck do you do this shit?
Planning and I just put my mind to it, I guess

I divided the book in 3 parts, so I had the goal to read at least 110 pages every day. To do that and to still understand and retain the knowledge i had acquired (I was reading a history book), I was aiming to read between 10-15 pages per hour. At the end of the day, it took me about 9 hours to read all the 110 pages.
I just did that for 3 days.

>Do you do anything other than reading?
not in these last three days

>> No.14556103

still me
I think the trick is to take short breaks (maybe a 5-10min break) between the 10-15 pages, and to also break the final goal (110p/day) in smaller "bite-size" goals (10-15p/hour)

>9 hours (of reading time)
not counting the breaks and other basic needs

>> No.14556177

Have yet to read today, still at the ole slave wage store. Have to down 50 pages and then write for 2 hours. Goal is to have 3 books read a month, which seems reasonable, especially for retention. Good job OP, keep reading throughout these months

>> No.14556289

Phew. I read 2 books today.

>> No.14556311

For the first time in my life I have read more than 100 pages in one sitting today. Just over 3h of constant reading without loosing focus. Don't lose hope brothers, if a fool like me can do it so can you friends. Read a page today so that you can read two tomorrow!

>> No.14556321

god, imagine licking that sweat

>> No.14556329
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>> No.14556338

How long did it take?

>> No.14556339
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I read around 50 pages today, I finished a book :D

>> No.14556346

what are you still doing on this board

>> No.14556378

wanted to read 40 pages today but napped for sev. hours
feels bad man

>> No.14556386


>> No.14556392

>doesn't track reading amount by number of words.

Still proud anon.

>> No.14556970
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I wrote two pages of a play today.

>> No.14557017

is this the noob containment thread? i just finished half of the blade runner book

>> No.14557255

theres a book? the movie was so boring that I cannot even fathom how boring the book would be

>> No.14558079

what's the play about?

>> No.14558137

I've read zero but I'm writing... I hope

>> No.14558197

Great job, Anon!