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14552477 No.14552477 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, did 4chan provide you a better education than high school?

I don't just mean learning about books on here, but learning to refine arguments, learning logic and rhetoric, getting help and advice.

In terms of efficiency of education, how does it stack up against your high school?

>> No.14552503

Rich kid schools are better than poor kid schools.
4chan is open source sewer of trolls and the occasional gem.
Unironically it gets us writing practice and little more (than nice book recs of course)

>> No.14552517


>> No.14552522

>Unironically, did 4chan provide you a better education than high school?
I lurk a lot on the chans but don't post much so I haven't gotten much practice in writing. I have been working on my image collection and part of my new self improvement that I am going to work on will include posting more instead of just lurking all the time and therefore gain some writing practice, of which I am sorely in need.

>> No.14552524
File: 910 KB, 288x248, B43DE762-CD68-40F0-8F5E-A872F884AA62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check. They’re alright.

>> No.14552537

well, your writing seems good just judging by that brief post.

i suspect you're not a brainlet. congrats.

>> No.14552540

My highschool wasn't perfect but if it was 4chan IRL I think I would have developed another mental condition.

>> No.14552561

This place is like a combination university insane asylum.
I've learned some things.

>> No.14552576

Yes, in all seriousness.

>> No.14552593

nice eye nazi

>> No.14552604

if it wasn't for /g/ in 2011 I probably wouldn't be making 80k a year for an Alexa top 30 website.

>> No.14552609


>> No.14552630

Yes, highschool is a waste of time. I learnt more from 4chan (t-thanks bros).

>> No.14552634

Thanks fren

>> No.14552643

It is the insane asylum for the autistic. You have the very best of the autists and the very worst of them. Together it forms a creature both terrible and beautiful yet difficult to comprehend.

>> No.14552652

You probably shouldn't be thanking us...

>> No.14552693

4chan is like a collective AI. It would be create if the could program a sex-bot with a 4chan brain.

If they did, would you make love to it? Make love to 4chan? to express your love and thanks.

>> No.14552740
File: 10 KB, 190x272, 425787757839878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i unironically gained a ton of wisdom and im a hs dropout

>> No.14552772


>> No.14552781

thanks anon

>> No.14552826

Yes but only because I forgot everything I was taught in school.

>> No.14552860

hs is awful so 4ch is better

>> No.14552916

and maybe, depends how it looks

>> No.14552932

School is far more impure

>> No.14552939

Damn nice eyeball

>> No.14552946

who asked shut upp

>> No.14552985


>> No.14553003

Turned me into a Nazi. I'm not even white.

>> No.14553024

The opposite. It provided me with detailed knowledge on topics no one gives two fucks about IRL and compulsion to mention irrelevant trivia. Also I tend to mention Jews way too often, even if I didn't even fall for the memes.

>> No.14553093 [DELETED] 

Yeah, this explains everything. Fuck you zoomers. Fuck you.

>> No.14553108

Now this explains everything about the state of this board. Fuck you zoomers. Fuck you.

>> No.14553112
File: 377 KB, 400x521, yudkowsky bayes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to high school
>not taking the autodidacticism red pill

>> No.14553142

Yes, unironically. I didn't have a good high school education and I never went to college but I consider myself pretty well-read from browsing this site for nearly 10 years now. It's like how Malcolm X was once asked what his alma mater was, and he replied: "Books." 4chan is my alma mater.

>> No.14553284

Lol this website is shit. I love it but it's definitely a bad habit. Going out and gaining life experience put not only this site into perspective, but also a bunch of navel gazing philosophy and debate skills I picked up on here.

>> No.14553736

Back from 2015 to 2017 before dumbass ignorant zoomers flooded the website en masse, yes, I did learn a hell of a lot more than I did in high school and than I do here now.

But you newfags are completely fucked and you just have no idea how totally useless the posts these days are compared to even just a few years back. Everyone who knew anything got sick of all the bullshit and left. This place is dead and a cesspool. It's almost a complete waste of time.

>> No.14553766

I love reading this post every year. I think the content barely changed in this decade.

>> No.14553781

>all his followers ever become landians or join a polycule
>non of his projects come to fruition
>the rapidly cooling memory of his harry potter fan fiction is all that he will be remembered for

>> No.14553823

Barely educated lowerclass criminal here.
It's a good start but after a couple months a given board either provides no gain or has a negative influence. Certainly being animalistically tugged along by memes and reaction to memes is not a benefit. Social media, that includes imageboards, trains a fairly closed and algorithmic mind which is inferior to a mind that goes without. I would say a well-formed mind is more important in education than facts and ideas.

Also you're likely to get a veneer of an education. Simple memes dressed up as legitimate and thoughtful discourse when they are far from it. If you don't rapidly move beyond a board's usual posts, which are basic permutations likely to drive you mad if can't escape, then unfortunately you've been mentally castrated.

>> No.14553885

>I think the content barely changed in this decade.
of course you would