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/lit/ - Literature

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14551147 No.14551147 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14551172
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>> No.14551179


>> No.14551180

every manga is /lit/ manga by the stuff posted in these threads.

>> No.14551191
File: 3.27 MB, 1132x1600, 5vXvHHo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting the legitimately only worthwhile manga ever written (and thats because it relies on german philosophy lol)

>> No.14551261

Found the redditor

>> No.14551300
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>> No.14551304
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>> No.14551307

>found the redditor
the stuff in there is absolute faggotry that was created by a jap with amnesia, constantly writing loopholes that were never solved. i find more amusement reading ubiquitous books endorsed by art hoes than i do wiping my ass with jofag content

>> No.14552462


>> No.14552484

Vagabond is the only true answer, hopefully I'll be able to see how it ends

>> No.14552515
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>> No.14552552 [SPOILER] 
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I would have posted something from the Chimera Ant arc but that is just me.

>> No.14552897
File: 64 KB, 417x378, akunohana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aku No Hana.

>> No.14552909
File: 127 KB, 750x1098, SaikyouDensetsuKurosawa_V1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these
Pic related gave me feels like Steinbeck's books. Not shonen shit

>> No.14553033

Mister Hitler's Holidays

>> No.14553038
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>> No.14553280

Dude why do you shill this so hard.I read up to the second volume and dropped it.I think the kids had just started doing the baseball stunt.Should I keep going?

>> No.14553337

I made this exact question here 2 days ago and was threatened with a ban

>> No.14553369

Yes. You arent even at the meat of it but you're getting there

>> No.14553388

Probably because we had a thread up for at least 4 days with 300 replies about the exact same topic a week ago.

>> No.14553501

Anon speaks the truth

>> No.14553582
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>> No.14553586
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>edgy rapekill-fest
>only worthwhile manga ever written

>> No.14553598
File: 133 KB, 700x1024, Kaze to ki no uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14553618
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You are man of superb taste. While I feel the second half betrayed the narrative themes of the first, it was still the best manga I've ever read.

My second favorite and my choice of /lit/ manga covers is A lollipop or a bullet

>> No.14554007

was good
>eats his own cum


>> No.14554185

aku no hana truly is a masterpiece.
i'm still looking for something that can ease the itch it left.
>read jojo
>read berserk
>read hxh
already have, i find them enjoyable but they really aren't the works of art their respective fanbases prop them up to be
they do have a few notable moments of quality writing, however, such as funny valentine's napkin philosophy, and netero's speech on the nature of mankind. i'm still butthurt over how netero's speech is so quickly discarded in favor of standard shonen garbage writing.
berskerk, however, is just a flashy and fun take on high fantasy, and sadly nothing more.

>> No.14554222

>i'm still looking for something that can ease the itch it left.
I recommended this already ITT but check out A lollipop or a bullet.

>> No.14554227

plebbiters love jojo

>> No.14554270
File: 112 KB, 422x600, 212092l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers have bad taste

>> No.14554293


I'm curious what you thought of Pucci's philosophy? I really enjoyed Stone Ocean way more than I expected. Probably my favourite Jojo part so far. Maybe check out anything by Jiro Taniguchi.

>> No.14554327
File: 91 KB, 330x450, 175398l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one because the kids have sex and because the girls stream of bad decisions leaves her less happy than the boy.

>> No.14554434

thanks for the recommendation anon, i'll give it a chance when i get home.
Pucci's philosophy is ultimately a priest's take on DIO's search for attaining "heaven", acting as his prophet and relaying DIO's "heaven" to mankind in its entirety.
as made visible by Steel Ball Run's reset universe, Araki ended up scrapping what could have been a great ending to DIO's quest for mastery of his fate. in the end, the idea remains, as is tradition with Araki, rushed, incomplete and overall lackluster.
incidentally, that's how i would also describe Stone Ocean in its entirety.
any recommendations on where to start with Jiro Taniguchi?

>> No.14554498


Try A Distant Neighbourhood if you like that go into The Summit of the Gods which is probably his best work.

>> No.14554540

Manga is a visual medium. It is not literature.

>> No.14554541

will do, thanks anon!

>> No.14554563

>he only looks at the pretty pictures and chooses to ignore the underlying themes

>> No.14554662
File: 278 KB, 764x1100, gantz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muta fucking Gantz!

>Tits and sex
>space guns and shiet
>mfucking Samurai swords yo!
>Aliens? Vampires? Americans? Ye sure w/e just jam it all in there why the fuck not lol
>this is awesome! Fuck yea!

And none of this philosophy buuuulshit to mess with your head when you are reading.
Every character in the story is as lost as the reader, every event happens arbitrarily due to the random movement of particles. Any meaning that the reader or the characters desperately try to pull out of the events unfolding around them is just them coping with their random existence in an uncaring universe.

>> No.14554808

Oh yes, the pleb filter of JoJo

>> No.14554977

it's an entirely different medium. that doesn't mean it has no merit, just that it isn not literature.

>> No.14555065

>And none of this philosophy buuuulshit to mess with your head when you are reading.
What about the ending though?

>> No.14555114
File: 55 KB, 708x503, gantz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single time a character (or an entity) claims to know what the fucking fuck is really going on they turn out to be a false prophet or a liar that is just manipulating others with their lies to get them do their bidding
>The series ends with an entity explaining what the fucking fuck is really going on...

ThIs TiMe IT's ThE tHrUtH!!1

>> No.14555286
File: 420 KB, 844x1200, 27394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enami-kun Has a Painful Life
/lit/ incarnate

>> No.14555548

In comic art generally a lot of the underlying themes are told visually like a movie

>> No.14555806

I read it all today and didn't like it as much as I hoped. What did you like it about it?

>> No.14555813

i like the sound of that, any other books about girls suffering?

>> No.14555968 [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 636x990, Nakamura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what I like about Aku no Hana is also my argument on how the second half betrays the established character a narratives. Aku no Hana is like a reverse teen angst story. Instead of growing and creating bonds, the characters devolve and regress and lose their friends. Kasuga and Nakamura’s relationship became so codependent that they become even more incapable of reintegrating into society and would become outcasts together. Kasuga is so obsessed with Nakamura and that being separated from her leaves him hollow. The story follows themes of stagnation and even though he leaves the rusting town, nothing truly changes, as it is simply their flawed characters that causes their misfortune. I understand the desire for a happy ending but i dont think it was appropriate. I believe upon reuniting, Kasuga should have rejected Tokiwa and pursued Nakamura’s abuse and manipulation as it is what completed him, dooming them to continue to stagnate in isolated misery.

Kasuga’s mental state undergoes a great deal of change throughout the story, as his arrogance and irritability accelerate upon interacting with Nakamura, and he becomes obsessed with her and her happiness, so much so he rejects he muse Saeki, who to him represents indulgence and society. Kasuga is at first reluctant to Nakamura’s plans as he resists considerable. As it progresses he is torn between Nakamura and Saeki as seen on the mountain where he eventually chooses Nakamura. He eventually falls for Nakamura and willingly gets abducted by her and agrees to the suicide pact. Kasuga’s obsession and flaws drives his friends away and strains his relationship with his parents. Kasuga’s discontent after the failed suicide attempt and moving away and his still prominent desire to be with Nakamura is what shows the fatality of their relationship, and the inevitability of Kasuga and Nakamura’s self-destructive demands.

Honestly it's a fun and thought provoking romance story about isolation that presents a lot of its themes in it's nuanced characterization.
A lollipop or a bullet

>> No.14555999
File: 770 KB, 636x990, Nakamura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what I like about Aku no Hana is also my argument on how the second half betrays the established character a narratives. Aku no Hana is like a reverse teen angst story. Instead of growing and creating bonds, the characters devolve and regress and lose their friends. Kasuga and Nakamura’s relationship became so codependent that they become even more incapable of reintegrating into society and would become outcasts together. Kasuga is so obsessed with Nakamura and that being separated from her leaves him hollow. The story follows themes of stagnation and even though he leaves the rusting town, nothing truly changes, as it is simply their flawed characters that causes their misfortune. I understand the desire for a happy ending but i dont think it was appropriate. I believe upon reuniting, Kasuga should have rejected Tokiwa and pursued Nakamura’s abuse and manipulation as it is what completed him, dooming them to continue to stagnate in isolated misery.

Kasuga’s mental state undergoes a great deal of change throughout the story, as his arrogance and irritability accelerate upon interacting with Nakamura, and he becomes obsessed with her and her happiness, so much so he rejects he muse Saeki, who to him represents indulgence and society. Kasuga is at first reluctant to Nakamura’s plans as he resists considerable. As it progresses he is torn between Nakamura and Saeki as seen on the mountain where he eventually chooses Nakamura. He eventually falls for Nakamura and willingly gets abducted by her and agrees to the suicide pact. Kasuga’s obsession and flaws drives his friends away and strains his relationship with his parents. Kasuga’s discontent after the failed suicide attempt and moving away and his still prominent desire to be with Nakamura is what shows the fatality of their relationship, and the inevitability of Kasuga and Nakamura’s self-destructive demands.

Honestly it's a fun and thought provoking romance story about isolation that presents a lot of its themes in it's nuanced characterization.
A lollipop or a bullet

>> No.14556151

that's not a manga

>> No.14556310

imo its in the execution of that where it can be kind of weak.

>> No.14556369
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Read the first manga. Got me depressed as fuck. Lowkey scared of starting the sequel since the ending satisfied me. Is Shin Kurosawa worth reading?

>> No.14556468
File: 67 KB, 400x550, tumblr_pf617iOZQe1upe1ufo2_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Heart of Thomas

genuinely reminds me of Brideshead Revisited and made me cry equally as much

>> No.14556481

Only takes an hour to read through

>> No.14556616
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Step aside plebs

>> No.14556731

Is this really better than berserk? I've already watched the monster series.

>> No.14557308


>> No.14557318

Don't read the sequel

>> No.14557339
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>> No.14557498

Are you serious
Only all the way up to Lost Children arc.

>> No.14557500

I can't tell if this is satire or serious on this board anymore.

>> No.14557506

>berskerk, however, is just a flashy and fun take on high fantasy, and sadly nothing more.
I can't believe all the incredible characterization and themes of the Golden Age went entirely over your head.

>> No.14557557
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Based.Thanks for the rec as well.

>> No.14557658
File: 159 KB, 641x1009, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was vintage shoujo and BL manga so /lit/?

I swear they give off a very "literary" feeling that nothing else in their medium quite captures (pic very much related).

>> No.14557684

It’s the schizopost of JoJo

>> No.14558015

What’s the romanization/English translation of the title if you don’t mind anon? I’ve been looking for some literary manga after coming across a few duds recently.

>> No.14558021

The first chapter of Levius isn’t necessarily /lit/ but it’s fucking amazing. The rest of it is still good but you could easily read just that first chapter and come away satisfied.

>> No.14558460

>berskerk, however, is just a flashy and fun take on high fantasy, and sadly nothing more.

For the most part it is but you missed the characters development at the Golden Age arc. That sole arc makes the whole manga truly memorable: the collapse of Griffith and the subsequent betrayal was amazing.

>> No.14558653

The Rose of Versailles

>> No.14559180

I would say it is the best I ever read but it has been a long time since watching berserk and I have read little of the manga. It is much more grown up. The manga is basically scene for scene so it is of the same quality.

In short, yes it is as good if not better than berserk.

>> No.14559183

>>eats his own cum
implying you've never reabsorbed nutrients

>> No.14559194

monster sucks urasawa sucks

>> No.14559238

Your mom sucks

>> No.14559251
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>> No.14559306

Like the first ten episodes anon, when it seemed like it was actually going to go somewhere.

>> No.14559349
File: 578 KB, 859x1209, LOGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the only good anime.
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade
>Berserk 97 (and only because of a few moments)
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Death Note (shut up contrarian)
>Cowboy Bebop

And these, the anime which are not part of the 99% of completely garbage japa-ape girls cartoons with sexually perverse underlying themes, are mostly just children's/young teen entertainment for anyone who isn't a child/young teen. And that's still ignoring the bad or degenerate bits.

>> No.14559360
File: 608 KB, 1017x669, Kircheis and Reinhard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes anime is better than manga. One can watch anime as a father watches his sons cartoons. One can at best read manga while waiting for a haircut.

>> No.14559377


>> No.14559404

My niggas

>> No.14559513

>and made me cry

>> No.14559578

It goes literally everywhere anon, and concludes fantastically.

>> No.14559636

GO WATCH YOUR HOMOEROTIC girl cartoons you dweeb.


le tranny is gay and stupid

>> No.14559671


By the way if you liked DIO and Pucci's conversations during Stone Ocean I suggest checking out Musil's Man Without Qualities. I find them very reminiscent of what Ulrich and his sister Agathe talked about.

>> No.14559685

i hope that you will someday develop your own sense of self instead of living a borrowed identity taken from the worst board on this site.

>> No.14559717


what are you implying?

>> No.14559945


>> No.14560550

Very low quality post anon.

>> No.14561009

anon, you are amazing

>> No.14561470

Nobody gives a shit about shaman king

>> No.14561508

Kuroko no Basket

>> No.14561732

This guy is literally me, what the fuck man?

>> No.14561768

Literally who?

>> No.14562884


>> No.14562891

>Araki forgot LOL!!!!
He never forgot anything, you are just too retarded for a manga

>> No.14562917

I never understood why you guys hate genre fiction but somehow have no problem reading the same shit in the form of manga.

>> No.14564178

I mean would people who hate genre fiction be posting in a manga thread?

>> No.14564837
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My Wife is a Man

>> No.14564913

fuck jojo and jojofags

>> No.14564939
File: 2.18 MB, 2396x3430, 1576584605144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Note is brainlet mallgoth faggotry, no way around it; at least go with Monster for psycho ethics thriller. Also pretty basic selection, there are plenty of genuinely good shows, they just don't rank high on MALor whatever.

>> No.14564950
File: 29 KB, 250x250, ward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna put a ward here cuz im waiting for the asanofag that always comes with his bullshit
>hurr durr oyasumi punpun m-my first depressive manga
>hurr bruh nijigahara holograph is SO deep! i swear its not pretentious

im just gonna remind you, faggot, that i can fucking rape your ass whenever i want. literally my dick is hard only for comnemplating in my mind how you come with your lame ass pretentiousness and elitism to suck asano's dick and then go and pump cum inside your hole; you will become a woman, of course, if asano didnt make you a tranny already

>> No.14565649


>> No.14566410
File: 9 KB, 219x230, 7abd0302456bb4c062eedb3ee7213025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fuck pretentious nihilistic garbage masquerading as art. *exhales cigar smoke*

>> No.14567538

I'll post some recommendations
>The Climber
>Sun-Ken Rock
>Eden: It's an Endless World!
>Ad Astra - Scipio and Hannibal
>All You Need is Kill
>Golden Kamuy
>Attack on Titan