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/lit/ - Literature

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14547718 No.14547718 [Reply] [Original]

Kat's dad is apparently a big reader. She seems to love him a lot. How is it to have a dad who reads? How is it to have a dad?

Does having reader parents facilitate the development of a reading habit? In that case can I blame the terrible upbringing of most people in my generation for the fact no one reads?

>> No.14547727
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>> No.14547745


>> No.14547756

How can something so beautiful come out of such a weird dude?

>> No.14547781

He probably jerks off to her constantly

>> No.14547800

God thank you, you made my day complete

>> No.14547808

I was joking but after watching some of the video, he definitely wants to fuck her so badly. Jeez https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2vJ51iFyQ7U

>> No.14547822
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>> No.14547884
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>> No.14547888

Stop projecting, anon.

>> No.14547948

>tfw you will never consume her

>> No.14547959
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what books does he read? "How to raise a whore daughter" ?

>> No.14547969

>dad read tolkien to me every night when I was little
>mom had a personal library ranging from Little House on the Prairie to Economic books
>grandpa had books on esoteric interests and philosophy
Your family definitely influences your reading habits. My mom's rule was that for every hour I read I was allowed a half hour of screen time. Needless to say, I gained a lifelong appreciation for reading.

>> No.14547993

My father likes to pretend he's well read. The only thing he reads are tabloid newspapers. That said, if he's going out somewhere, he'll go out of his way to buy broadsheet newspapers which I assume he thinks gives off the impression of intelligence and class.

It's actually quite pathetic.

>> No.14548009

yes lots lots and endless 20th century literary fiction, and a lot of art history and philosophy of art, and my much older brother has stacks and stacks of political and economic stuff and dozens on the history of Ireland

>> No.14548013

my parents drink every night and unironically watch shit like two and a half men.

I love them so much.

>> No.14548019

My mom made me read books and then write essays on the themes. If I refused I lost computer and TV privileges. Definitely helps having a parent involved.

>> No.14548032

My dad does the same. He hasn’t read a book, other than 2-3 young adult books my mom gives him a year, in a long time, but constantly feels the need to jump on people when they mispronounce a word or he feels a different word would have suited better. The ironic thing is I have to dumb down my vocabulary with him to not cause a fight. He also dislikes every classic because they’re racist and boring. He called 1984 anti-Semitic, even though he never read it. Is your dad Jewish? Mine is and every stereotype rings true.

>> No.14548038

why wouldn't you want to fuck your daughter? she looks like a combination of your wife, the person you probably fuck the most, and yourself, the person whose face you've spent the most time studying over the years

>> No.14548040

He also takes the New York Times as gospel

>> No.14548046

I got a boner watching and waiting for them to kiss, so I’m not saying he’s wrong lol

>> No.14548065
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Why is Kat a whore?

I though we came to a consensus in the last thread that her hymen is still intact. She's likely scared of men.

>> No.14548084

My mom pushed reading hard on me when I was younger and encouraged my interests in the arts despite not being that invested in them herself. My dad never read at all and still doesn’t, so he never really gave a shit.

I wound up missing the Harry Potter train as well because I thought wizards were lame and I wanted to read more challenging shit, but I have no idea where that drive to read harder material came from.

>> No.14548142
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>I though we came to a consensus in the last thread that her hymen is still intact. She's likely scared of men.
This is bait, right? You guys aren't seriously retarded enough to think that this (probably coalburning) whore is a virgin, RIGHT?


Say this mantra out loud. Then say it twenty more times, then fifty more times. ALL women are whores who will fuck and suck any man who they deem hot enough to pin them down and fuck their pussies. I don't care if the girl is young, old, extroverted, introverted, atheist, christian, smart, dumb, slutty, innocent, cute, ugly, thin, fat, traditional, progressive, on the inside ALL women are WHORES, CUMSLUTS, and PROSTITUTES.

And while all women are whores, do you know who the biggest whores are? E THOTS who can't just be irl sluts but have to go online and beg for attention and money from sniveling little beta male FAGGOTS like the people on this board. Quit fucking licking the feet of these vapid cunts. I'd rather have a board filled with a billion tripfags, Guenon posters, and sneed posters than deal with a another stupid fucking E THOT THREAD. I hate you faggots. Get castrated. Die. Die today. Fuck you.

>> No.14548164
File: 34 KB, 600x600, ssam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically true and fun post to read, thank you friend

>tfw it finally sinks in that ALL women are whores given the opportunity, and all that matters is that some haven't been given the opportunity yet

>> No.14548191

Shalom. Try to give him something that is not racist or "anti-Semitic". I find that Moby-Dick has a very bright portrayal of the characters who aren't from Western countries (though I am only at page 200).

My father reads comics and my mother mostly women's books (not classics but not YA). I could say that she inspired me a lot to read but I don't recall anything more than her reading Harry Potter that could've interested me to read. She tried to make me quit the YA genre by introducing me to Tolkien but I never wanted to read the books. Towards the age of 13 I got my first PC and I played Vidya everyday until the age of 18. At eighteen I recognized that I wasn't as smart as I thought I was so I tried to look back upon what I did that made me "smart" and I was disappointed to realize that I used to read at all times. So I found /lit/ and I didn't start with the Greeks but I started with the highschool essentials. I am happy I did that and I am sorry for the blog post.

>> No.14548201


>> No.14548204

Lol I thought Jews were smart

>> No.14548219

Nope. That's the whole point of this thread.

>> No.14548223
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I can only remember my dad reading two books during my entire life.
Lightning by Dean Koontz
Insomnia by Stephen King

He also tried to read pic related, but said it was too stupid and gave up. Still hope for the old man.

>> No.14548265

she's pretty average and that's probably not her biological father

>> No.14548270

my parents are illiterate

>> No.14548313

She looks exactly like him.

Stop coming up with your cuck fetishes here, please.

>> No.14548344
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Also, if you'd not bang this until you couldn't walk anymore, you're likely gay.

Check yourself.

>> No.14548392

>that's probably not her biological father

She has his nose, dimpled chin, lips, eye color, etc - There's definitely his daughter. Nerdy looking guys tend to make qt daughters I've noticed.

>> No.14548406


Also, anyone know how old she is?

>> No.14548412

I would be a brainlet if it weren’t for my for inherited IQ, both parents have read hundreds of books including most of Dostoevsky’s and Tolstoy’s works

>> No.14548436

Rare based incel post

>> No.14548445
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I think I read somewhere that children who have their parents read to them have a far better performance in school - something to do with the exposure which is equivalent to schooling/practice anyway.

on another note
>sitting on bus
>was reading some random paper on my phone
>some old boomer sits next to me
>continue reading
>scroll and zoom in on some diagram
>notice boomer sees me reading
>he pulls out his smartphone and opens the browser
>starts 'reading' the Guardian
>he spend the rest of his journey skimming through the top headlines
>when opens an article he skims through the bold text and looks at the pictures
>constantly has squinty face trying to look like a wise old man
>he leaves bus and we make eye contact for a second
>mfw two thirds of the country are midwits like him

>> No.14548460

My father read 2-3 books a week according to my mother, but he died when I was in middle school so I don't remember much. My mother reads a lot of old religious/hippy stuff and non-fiction related to her profession. Sometimes my mom and I would read the same books and discuss them.

>> No.14548488

i want to get fucked by her dad so much oh my fucking god

>> No.14548518

Makes videos for attention from strangers online.

Yeah I can promise you she's getting absolutely destroyed weekly at minimum.

>> No.14548533

I get off about thinking of how her cute little reading brain would totally shut off during sex as she forgets to think about anything but the pleasure

>> No.14548559

Legal. It doesn't matter.

It's said she's either 19 or 20, so too old to groom, but not too old to sugar.

Sadly she has a stable family, so she will likely not cave in to advances from older men.

>> No.14548619


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14548662
File: 336 KB, 1080x1282, 74599497_546896572830198_6450406908260787323_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I acquire a gf like these qt "booktubers"? Do nerdy girls too, want Chad? I want one, it's NOT fair

>> No.14548745

Who calls their father by his first name?

>> No.14548804

Bookstores maybe?

>> No.14548813

I wanna coom in her hair.

>> No.14548858

They are ALL lesbians..
All of them

>> No.14548900

No, they are both borderline illiterate cavemen, extended family too.

>> No.14548929

Maybe his father posts here

>> No.14548958

Bototm of the barrel trash women. Go to the YA section of your bookstore.

>> No.14549077

holy based

>> No.14549089

effeminate people have effeminate daughters.

>> No.14549108

my dad watches cnn and reads cnn.

>> No.14549221

No, neither of them, but they were very good people and the best parents that they could be and encouraged my interest, buying me used books whenever they could
I'm not sure why or how I picked up reading, perhaps because I was basically an only child and lived a solitary existence

I've always liked and been good at reading, writing, history, though neither of my parents were college graduates

I just read/write for fun though, I study science and math. It goes without saying that they know even less about those subjects, but at least they encouraged me to learn

With younger parents (40 and under) I see today, they couldn't care less and just give their young children pieces of technology to pacify them (tablets, phones, vidya), which is clearly ruining their cognitive abilities and attention spans. I'm not sure if they just don't care or aren't aware themselves. A lot of these are immigrants (legal or otherwise...usually the latter), quite young themselves, and have infinitely more children than educated folk, because they can't control themselves and because they probably see children as a meal ticket and are incentivized to breed as they get money from the government. While they can't provide for their children financially (the taxpayer does), they can't stimulate them intellectually either and have no thought about who they are bringing into this world - a very selfish act. It's just creating more dummies. I'm not especially smart or anything, I'm a brainlet honestly, but as a millennial I can see that zoomers are absolutely fucked, as is society as a whole. It's incredibly depressing. Kaczynski was right about everything

/autism rant

>> No.14549242

Her dad read A confederacy of Dunces, Great Gatsby, The Catcher in The Rye, A tale of two cities...
To bad everything else he read was Dan Brown, Harry POTTER and Stephen King...

>> No.14549418


>> No.14549427
File: 146 KB, 861x960, 1579058022498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad used to be a good reader when he was young. He had lots of book on esoteric stuff and mythology, and also the complete works of Jules Verne (his favorite author?). Now he is just a coping christian that wants to live in the woods.
My mom has never been a good reader, but she likes to own books. She bought a lot of books to my sister, but it was me who read them.

>> No.14549466

You don't?

>> No.14549490

My dad is a quintessential STEM guy who doesn’t read (at least not literature), mom used to be a literature teacher in the old country and reads both in both English and our native language

>> No.14549536

Great post

>> No.14549537

My dad doesn't read, he just buys expensive photography books of architecture, which sit idly in his house. He doesn't care about anything, least of all literature or anything like that. Feeling is beyond him.
My mother, though not a big reader herself, read to me constantly as a child and taught me to read and write early on. I appreciate the fact that she did that for me more than anything else in the world.

>> No.14549550

Your father is alright

>> No.14549553

Same, my earliest memories are my mom teaching me how to read in Turkish and English before I started school. I have a really vivid and comfy memory of stumbling over the word “portakal” (orange) and her gently correcting me

>> No.14549563

My dad read me The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings as a lad and this probably was a big part of my love for reading. He still borrows books from me. Recently he took The Dwarf and loved it.

>> No.14549568

My father died before I was born, and my mother dropped out of school in the 9th grade. She has horrible dyslexia. Functionally illiterate. I used to read books to her in grade school.

>> No.14549596

My mom reads like a two books a week. This week she read A Gentleman in Moscow and hated it (too moralistic she told me), and she read Serotonin by Houellebecq and loved it. I wish I loved reading as much as my mom does; she has an amazing capacity for reading.

Anyways, she got my dad into reading and he read all 6 volumes of My Struggle by Knausgaard, and now I buy him books for Christmas and his birthday. He works as a social economist so one year I bought Piketty's Capital and he read it from cover to cover. I was so impressed. One year I bought him Hamsun's The Growth of the Soil, and this year (2019) I got him Anabasis for his birthday and the first vol. of In Search of Lost Time. He only reads what I buy him, but he seems to enjoy it and it has greatly improved our relationship. It has also made it way easier for me to buy him presents.

>> No.14549615

both my parents haven’t read a book since high school. My mom bought 50 shades of gray one time but I’m pretty sure she didn’t read half of it. It’s pretty sad because I was reading when I was 3 but it never became a hobby of mine. I’m now the 19 year old thinker meme.

>> No.14549623


>> No.14549643

i don't recall my father reading anything other than newspapers
my mother reads sometimes, but mostly light reading stuff
they are working class people who had tough lives. having time to read is a modern phenomenon.

>> No.14549678

Imagine being so virgin that you have to reproduce in order to talk to someone about books

>> No.14549713

My dad used to read a bit when he was my age and younger - classics and the sort; enough to have an idea of classic lit. He then studied photography around my age, an interest since he was a teen, and ended up focusing more and more on that after he became a father. Nowadays he just buys expensive photography books and grins cheekily whenever I accuse him of 'only looking at the pictures'.

>> No.14549925

>Her dad read A confederacy of Dunces, Great Gatsby, The Catcher in The Rye, A tale of two cities...
Yeah probably in high school or college. Definitely not recently. He's a rich Jew with a huge house and a horny daughter.

>> No.14549972

Never realized she was Jewish until I saw her dad... I always thought she was just weird looking

>> No.14549990

>why wouldn't you want to fuck your daughter? she looks like a combination of your wife, the person you probably fuck the SECOND most, and yourself, the person you probably fuck the MOST

>> No.14550693

my family are a bunch of morons. my grandpas read nothing but newspapers and never read to me, my grannies read only catholic shit and only read some of the bible when i was preschool, my parents bought some unvaluable books so they can put it on a shelf and forget about them and watch tv (im the only one with a maturity test passed and used to study in my family). i started buying books and reading in highschool and they would always laugh me down when saw reading or trying to have a conversation. i only read books because i listened to libertarian podcasts and vlogs and they all made books appear superior source of knowledge to me

>> No.14550779

pick one
>parent who reads Tom Clancy and Ayn Rand only
>parent who doesn't read at all

>> No.14550781

My father is a pastor and I literally grew up reading the King James Bible and theological books for fun since things like Harry Potter were banned from our house. Honestly I’m kind of grateful in the end.

>> No.14550850

My dad's a Lacanian, im a Jungian

>> No.14550949

based and thotpilled

>> No.14551367

>father hasn't read a book since high school
>mother only reads shitty crimefiction paperbacks and newage spirit-rocks garbage
idk if it's worse to read shit or to not read at all.

irl I don't know a single person who reads actual literature. I've met hundreds of people and none of them read. why the fuck do you think i have to come to this shithole?

>> No.14551380


Mom loves Tolstoy, I idolize Dostoevsky

>> No.14551409

One of my friends doesn't read at all, and another only reads books by communist revolutionaries.

>> No.14551448

My dad mostly just read mystery and horror. He started throwing King books at me in high school.

Given that I knew he read outside of a school environment and provided me some material that my young head found palatable, I would say him being a reader parent was the only reason I eventually started reading books on my own accord.

>> No.14551531

>do your parents read?
Yes, both read a lot, my father reads mostly pulpy genre fiction especially detective novels, though he likes some literary fiction, I got him into reading Dumas when I was a teenager, he likes to read the same things as me sometimes to discuss it. My mother is an avid reader, mostly of literary fiction but also of some biographies and sappier pop stuff in recent years.
>How is it to have a dad who reads?
Pretty good as even if most of what he reads is genre fiction it makes him a more interesting person to talk to than someone who just watches tv due to improved vocabulary and processing.
>How is it to have a dad?
Nice to be supported by someone, though he probably could’ve been a better role model he’s better than none, I also discuss music and the Jews with him.
>Does having reader parents facilitate the development of a reading habit?
Yes because they will encourage you more to read than parents who do not read themselves, plus growing up in a house with hundreds of books gives good access for someone starting to read more, I wouldn’t read so much if my mother didn’t encourage it so much, I only wish that they had encouraged me to read philosophy when I was younger but they don’t read much of that themselves. I will strongly encourage my own children to read.
>In that case can I blame the terrible upbringing of most people in my generation for the fact no one reads
You are correct to do so.
Also want to say that I love my parents very much and am very grateful for their upbringing

>> No.14552100

My mother would read sometimes but mostly watch tv like the Boomer she was. Now I'm stuck living with my father and step mother and they watch tv constantly. Thay embody everything wrong with Boomers and I hate them.
I had to be out of any school for a year before I cloud enjoy books.

>> No.14552134



t. Rogerian

>> No.14552138

>wanting to wife this sloot and further her father's poor genetics

>> No.14552729

Does she talk about the Bitcoin bounty an Anon posted for pics of her bare feet?

>> No.14552779

How much Bitcoin is at stake?

>> No.14552797

She looks just like him.

>> No.14552801

Cat, are you able to turn book pages with your toes, hahaha?

>> No.14553021

>idk if it's worse to read shit or to not read at all.
To read shit

>> No.14553469

Only the Lidl flyer and sports newspapers

>> No.14553542
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no but she called some of u faggots out on twitter

>> No.14553590

I might have what he seeks. Link?

>> No.14553715

Yeah we never getting feet pics now, Anons.

>> No.14553722

Barts Simpsons?

>> No.14553761
File: 11 KB, 467x180, she.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is >she specifying >her pronouns now

>> No.14553784

This woman looks like such a dweeby geek and has stupid glasses. I wouldn't even spit on this cunt.

>> No.14553788

Kat is a certified lesbian.

>> No.14553805

She's signalling to Footsexuals that she maintains her feet femininely. She's no diesel grunge lesbo

>> No.14553887

I've never seen my father read a book, though he has advanced degrees. He only ever reads the obits. My mother reads books about art.

>> No.14553899

having to use the "right" pronouns for trannies wasn't enough of a shibboleth so now they make normal people specify their own pronouns too

>> No.14553901

My dad doesn't read at all. My mom will read some absolute meme-tier stuff. Tons of self-help books. Even one of those books with "f*ck" in the title. I remember thinking she was super-literate when I was younger because she could read a Harry Potter book in a day. I've never even seen the Harry Potter movies, so I couldn't tell you if that's actually impressive or not; but it's still hundreds of pages.

My mom is the reason I got into reading. She rarely gave me any positive attention. But I noticed that she liked the idea of me being well-read, so I took up reading just for the goal of getting mom to like me. It didn't work out too well. There was no positive stimuli when I actually finished a book, and the reward was exclusively limited to when we were checking out at the bookstore. She made a remark about me buying books without reading them, and to this day I have a complex about buying books because I'm afraid I won't read them quickly. As I got older, I retained that work ethic mindset towards reading; but I'm aware of how important books are for knowledge, so I still read every day.

To be honest, my family are complete morons, white trash. It's definitely affected my personality. Sometimes I come across as extremely egotistic because of how much I insult the intelligence of the hoi polloi, but that's not really the case. I'm very aware that there are major ideas in science, philosophy, and mathematics which I am totally unaware of. And I basically worship people if they display even the slightest bit of intelligence or competence. The idea of having someone to talk to or rely on, never mind that person being a parent who loves you unconditionally, is completely foreign to me.

>> No.14554555

Faggot jannies won't delete this. They probably ost here anyways