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14546474 No.14546474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dude the environment! We need to help it maaaaaan! Humans are killing mother earth duuuuude!
The Earth can handle its own shit. Humans are under this delusion we have any influence, good or bad, over the Earth. We don't. The Earth has always gone through periods of heating up and cooling down, nothing humans can do will affect or change this process. It's been TWO HUNDRED YEARS, there's fucking trees older than our use of fossil fuels.

The climate changes, like everything else, it's a fact of life. And if the Earth changes into a place inhospitable to humans then that doesn't mean the Earth is ruined, the Earth doesn't exist for humans we're just squatting here. It's going to change whether we like it or not. Climate change activism is one giant fucking con job and you're a fucking idiot if you fall for it. No, I don't trust the "science". Fuck scientists, fuck research, fuck data. Why? Because they're all so easily corrupted you have to assume everyone is corrupt. What kind of fucking child would acknowledge how easy and common it is to withhold funding or bribe someone to give you the results you want and then turn around and say "oh well we have to believe everything until it's proven we shouldn't because assuming everyone is corrupt is just paranoid"?

It's a tainted well, you can't trust any of them. And NO, all of them circlejerking is NOT PROOF. They all used to say smoking was good for your health not so long ago, you REALLY think they've suddenly become immune to influence?

>> No.14546476

Cultish behavior aside, what could be more conservative than conservation?

>> No.14546485

Humans are already living outside of nature, we're an abomination, our attempts at "conservation" always fall into two categories: interfering in species nature has decided will go extinct or trying to minimise the damage humans cause to species by blocking off rivers or cutting down forrests.

>> No.14546489

So I guess you read the last chapter of Jurassic park and now you're parroting Ian Malcolm?

>> No.14546495

What is there to lose by trying to not pollute the Earth and conserve species vs. what is there to gain? Even if the Earth can handle its own shit as you so eloquently stated would you rather have the air quality of China or Iceland?

>> No.14546498

>What is there to lose by trying to not pollute the Earth
That's not an excuse for brainwashing humanity into consuming bugs and paying higher taxes to fight the climate change boogeyman.

>> No.14546525

>The Earth can handle its own shit. Humans are under this delusion we have any influence, good or bad, over the Earth. We don't.
This is weird moralising language, not sober analysis. Are you going to lecture bacteria on how arrogant they are for influencing the climate despite being so tiny and microscopic?
>It's a tainted well, you can't trust any of them. And NO, all of them circlejerking is NOT PROOF. They all used to say smoking was good for your health not so long ago, you REALLY think they've suddenly become immune to influence?
That may be the case, but why does that mean the inverse position is better or more accurate? There are vested interests promoting climate denial as well. Exxon-Mobil's own in-house scientists concluded that anthropogenic climate change was happening in the 80s, but the company kept it quiet and continued promoting denial.

>> No.14546533

>Exxon-Mobil's own in-house scientists concluded that anthropogenic climate change was happening in the 80s
So what? That doesn't prove anything.

>> No.14546546

Well you are implying that climate change is a result of corruption, and here is an example of scientists who have no incentives to promote the consensus coming to the same conclusion. The company promoting climate denial out of self-interest didn't actually believe in it.

>> No.14546553

>And if the Earth changes into a place inhospitable to humans then that doesn't mean the Earth is ruined, the Earth doesn't exist for humans we're just squatting here.
Yeah believe it or not, humans want to live and so they want the earth to be hospitable to humans. Weird huh? This whole post is a schizophrenic strawman

>> No.14546565

>Well you are implying that climate change is a result of corruption
No, I said climate change is real, man made climate change is a myth and so is any science supporting it.
>and here is an example of scientists who have no incentives to promote the consensus
That doesn't make them instantly right either, sure it's more likely but I still don't trust anything they say because I don't trust any study, whether it supports my argument or not.

>> No.14546569
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>tfw you enjoy watching nature btfo humans

>> No.14546571

>Yeah believe it or not, humans want to live and so they want the earth to be hospitable to humans. Weird huh?
Fuck humans and fuck you, I hope you freeze to death faggot.

>> No.14546590

Time to sage this low quality schizo bait.

>> No.14546599

>I don't like your thread but I'm a narcissist so I have to make a post telling you I don't like your thread haha stay mad
Grow up

>> No.14546602


>> No.14546609

Obviously life will persist in some form, you're not arguing against anything.
>It's been TWO HUNDRED YEARS, there's fucking trees older than our use of fossil fuels.
Utterly valid argument. It's unusual how much damage we've done in two hundred years to be sure, the fact that not much time has passed means nothing against the severity of the damage because we obviously have the means to do such damage. A handful of nukes can kill all the trees in a day, for instance.

>Fuck scientists, fuck research, fuck data. Why? Because they're all so easily corrupted you have to assume everyone is corrupt. What kind of fucking child would acknowledge how easy and common it is to withhold funding or bribe someone
In isolated instances, yes. 99% consensus among a community which thrives on contradicting itself, no. Besides, scientists are more motivated by truth seeking than most demographics. It's the nature of the work, and it lacks other motives. If you want to grow fat on the fruits of political corruption you don't spend a decade in school to set yourself up for a laborious career in a hypercompetitive environment. You just go into fucking politics, or at least something easier to break into.

Not to mention the infinite safeguards against false information. Since motherfucking when has science cared what politics has to say?

>Climate change activism is one giant fucking con job and you're a fucking idiot if you fall for it.
You have two sides. One stands to lose incredible amounts of money and public support if they agree with climate change. The other has the scientific community at it's side. You're arbitrarily assuming the latter must be the conspiracy.

Now I'm not sure if you're trolling, but if you're not, holy shit dude. You're on another level

>> No.14546612

>a community which thrives on contradicting itself

The only people who get paid are the ones who say man made climate change is real.

>> No.14546614

Fucking explain to me how this is /lit/ related.

>> No.14546631

Except all the scientists who get bankrolled by coal companies.

>> No.14546636

And the ones who get bankrolled by the governments and pro man made climate change groups outnumber them 1000 to 1.

>> No.14546641

Here in Australia our government is climate skepticist, but our scientists are not.

>> No.14546642

>Humans are already living outside of nature
Absolutely impossible.

>> No.14546645

Which you're saying based on LITERALLY NOTHING. You form radical beliefs, concerning a matter with actual world-shifting stakes, based on NOTHING. Are you mentally I'll?

Let me show you what a source looks like:


>Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*:

>"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver." (2009)2

>"Based on well-established evidence, about 97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening." (2014)3

>"The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2011), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013) and the U.S. Global Change Research Program (Melillo et al., 2014) that global climate has warmed in response to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases ... Human activities (mainly greenhouse-gas emissions) are the dominant cause of the rapid warming since the middle 1900s (IPCC, 2013)." (2015)9

The scope of this apparent "conspiracy" would be beyond all precedence. It makes no sense. Not that what makes sense matters at all to someone who says "fuck science". Yeah, fuck that thing that is the most refined form of empiricism, it's not only ALL a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy by HALF OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. You'd think they'd put that money into WINNING AN ELECTION.

>> No.14546662
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>The climate changes, like everything else, it's a fact of life. And if the Earth changes into a place inhospitable to humans then that doesn't mean the Earth is ruined, the Earth doesn't exist for humans we're just squatting here.
>just die lmao
Fantastic argument

>> No.14546671

>Which you're saying based on LITERALLY NOTHING
Everyone in society is ruled by money. Everyone.

>> No.14546673

>Let me show you what a source looks like
I already told you, I don't care about your corrupt gay shit. I'm not reading any of that trash.

Yes, please die. Humans don't matter.

>> No.14546699

>corrupt gay shit.
>not reading any of that trash.
You must be trolling, either way you're a real cunt and it freaks me out that people like you exist and participate in democracy. I didn't think I cared about any of this until now, but you genuinely upset me. You're poison

>> No.14546702

Can someone calculate the money it would cost to effectively bribe 97% of the scientific community

>> No.14546716

>people like you exist and participate in democracy
Why are you acting as if a vote is a genuine expression of power?
HINT: if it was, we'd have restrictions on it.

>> No.14546731

>You must be trolling
NASA is a joke.

You know why NASA never reuses 90% of the rockets? Because governors and senators in the state where they build them want repeat business. They don't want to build one rocket to fly 100 times, they want 100 rockets for their population to have a job to go to.

>> No.14546740

The NASA source is bogus though - see their (90% of xxx agrees) cites an biased article that didnt include any specific scientists only specific institutions, which didnt include anything the researcher claimed to be (Oil funded)

>> No.14546742
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>I didn't think I cared about any of this until now, but you genuinely upset me. You're poison
God, todays children are so fucking delicate. A CONVERSATION upset you? I'm "poison" because I don't toe the line of your liberal arts professors beliefs? Get a grip on reality.

>> No.14546743

"We're not saying we won't hire your company again to do a study if you don't give us the answer we want *wink* *wink*" - US Gov

>> No.14546753

flowers are starting to bloom in january faggot. the tropics are experiencing mega droughts. extreme weather events become more common. in europe, constant cold is needed for its native vegetation, otherwise members of the species that would otherwise be halted or mostly killed during winter, are free to do whatever. stink bugs, beetles, various pathogens. all it takes is one year of mostly failed crops and people like you will realize their stupidity.

>> No.14546754

pleb misunderstanding of the issue. It's not that the vote doesn't have power, it's that the power is heavily mitigated and checked by various systems, not to mention guided. The general public won't discern who they should vote for, they vote for who they're presented with, so they're easy to control. Theoretically, if the population become informed and discerning overnight then they would express power through the vote, and focusing more on local elections as such.

>You know why NASA never reuses 90% of the rockets? Because governors and senators in the state where they build them want repeat business. They don't want to build one rocket to fly 100 times, they want 100 rockets for their population to have a job to go to.
You can make up whatever lazy, unsubstantiated bullshit you want, there are no limits for you and I don't see the point in reasoning with you.

>> No.14546757

>Things that has happened before happens now, but its our fault so feel bad about it the post

>> No.14546761

what was the last time you saw peach trees flower in january? have you even planted one tree in your life? do you think that all the permafrost melting away will have no effect on the planet?

>> No.14546768

everyone gonna die and we still have people saying "im not af fuckin liberal, climate change not real, liberal believe climate change."

>> No.14546776

>enviormental changes
>releases old viruses, changes the temperature of the water ways aka changes global enviorment

Did you read what I wrote? Changes to the global enviorment happen, with or without human involvement. Nothing stays the same forever, faulting people for this is nonsensical unless you have an actuall solution.
But usually your solutions boil down to >pay tax and eat bug

Instead of anhilating africa and Asia, making garbage dumping capital offense and planting trees at strategic locations

>> No.14546779


>> No.14546783

No idea what you tried to say here

>> No.14546784

>The Earth isn't static so eat bugs and pay more taxes to make it artificially static goy

>> No.14546789

Exactly kek

>> No.14546793

Sad samefag.

>> No.14546796

>corrupt bought out shill projects

>> No.14546799

>God, todays children are so fucking delicate. A CONVERSATION upset you? I'm "poison" because I don't toe the line of your liberal arts professors beliefs?
Yes, I feel upset at this conversation. I'm a pretty dispassionate person, but I can get angry over issues of rare importance, moreso when people are being willfully irrational.
I don't think that's a bad quality on my part.
When I say you're poison, I don't mean "I'm really mad and I need a way to vent that", no, I actually believe that with my rational parts. To think like you do and be unable to consider a possibility to which he's politically opposed, concerning such a potentially important issue, means you are quite literally a detriment to any human community except one that requires religious obedience and is able to inspire that in you.
Considering the stakes of the climate change issue, it's especially problematic that it's possible for people to promote this sort of misinformation amongst themselves. You are also an exemplification of a grotesque fact about the modern world... That people with virtually infinite access to information still won't bother to step outside their corral. Also, that someone can so casually throw rationality in the trash and dismiss the merits of science, I do get triggered over that. If you don't find that respectable... Why would I even give a shit? You just some dumb weeb who's on the wrong board. Your opinions bother me, indeed, but your opinions about me don't.

>> No.14546827

> cites an biased article
1. Which was the biased article
2. How was it biased
3. How did you determine it to be biased

>that didnt include any specific scientists only specific institutions
1. This is how science works
2. Why wouldn't this be how science works
3. Why is this a problem
4. How would it not be less credible for it to be coming from individual scientists

> which didnt include anything the researcher claimed to be (Oil funded)
This doesn't make any sense syntactically. Rephrase your sentence according to the conventions of the english language, please, and perhaps provide some backup while you're at it.

>> No.14546831

op has admitted he is a nihilist with no basis for his beliefs, he just wants to battle imaginary "jews", why are you still replying lmao

>> No.14546842

The biased article in question is the one that claims 90% of scientists agree

I wont bother with your other points

>> No.14546848

>Instead of anhilating africa and Asia
oh so you're a poltards, should've said so from the start. I'll take into consideration your reading comprehension.
Africa contributes fuck all to greenhouse gases, they're too poor. Places like India pollute mostly because they're kept poor in classic imperialistic fashion by the rich countries. You'll start believing once this shit storm reaches your doorstep.

>> No.14546849

ah ok just a troll
what a meaningful life you must lead bro, I'll think about you the next time I get laid no homo

>> No.14546855

Please go back to tumblr, whore

>> No.14546868

please go back to a time when your parents were proud of you, sperg

>> No.14546869

If you're going to invade this website at least assimilate, tranny.

>> No.14546877

ok retard

>> No.14546884

Has Tumblr shut down because you are hanging out here? This place tends to have gore webms you know

>> No.14546891
File: 34 KB, 488x563, hitchens asking god for strength intensifies 3cda85f880514d4e6d0fdddd0640a845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genghis khan killed so many people the earth cooled down

>> No.14546899

ok retard

>> No.14546900

conservation of what? The environment, tradition and economic and political stability are all different things. To conserve one of them may cost you another.

>> No.14546901

all of those are contingent on the environment, the way things are going

>> No.14546903

I am Just asking dude, no need to be rude :( out here we are all frens

>> No.14546905

I will excuse you for ambivalence towards fossil fuels but use of plastics, pesticides and other inorganic chemicals are actual problems

>> No.14546906
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this entirely a question of empirical science? How the fuck is any of what OP talks about a topic of discussion for a literature board?

>> No.14546910

Exactly, people tend to forget that there are more to enviorent than just weather

>> No.14546912

sir this is a literature board

>> No.14546916

Oh fuck off you daft cunt

>> No.14546922

>discussing literature on a perennialist transexual forum
it pisses me off too much, I do not even care about warming, it is insignificant to inorganic pollution which is largely irreversible yet city dwelling illiterates will only cry about muh fossil fuels because of gr*ta th*nberg

>> No.14546925

haha yeah I don't know dude I've never had a tumblr, and I've been here for years. That's how I know you're not from /lit/, which is why you're coming at me with this lame gatekeeping bullshit - I already told you you're not from this board and apparently that really bothered you and you're trying to come back at me with the same shit. As if 4chan veteran status would matter to anyone else. You suck at trolling.

How does it feel, to take on the lowest of tasks and fail? How does it feel to be made insecure by the people you were trying to troll?

To think, all this time you could have spent improving yourself, learning something, developing yourself to be more fit for the outside world, instead you're trolling on /lit/ about climate change, and failing.

Billions of years of evolution have led up to you. Your ancestors toiled to enable your existence, and here you are, bullshitting to strangers on the internet just to salvage your ego, so far gone that you think accusing someone of being from a different website is a meaningful insult. Damn

>> No.14546972

I got the impression you were from tumblr based on How you responded to the other guy

>> No.14546978

Eh, what can you do

>> No.14546990

>be liberal
>"radical change is good!"
>planet changes radically

>> No.14547001

I lol'd

>> No.14547145

What a colossal retard

>> No.14547155

>Haha, only idiots would disagree with what the government, media and education systems have told us, they NEVER lie to us

>> No.14547180

The ice caps were supposed to be gone 10 years ago and Florida is supposed to be half-sunk into the sea. Quit being hyperbolic.

>> No.14547184

cringe. Go sperg out somewhere else

>> No.14547296

I wonder how many people shouting "the Earth is fine" have a degree of a valuable kind (i.e. not in the humanities). Really gets the noggin joggin......