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File: 25 KB, 225x335, Jonathan-franzen-freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14540628 No.14540628 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this bad boy, ama.

Also, what read next? I got a smaller book to read right after this, and then I'd be down to it.

>> No.14540630

is it as bad as i imagine it to be

>> No.14540650

Well, it's a rather large book (500 in the physicial original edition), but most of it was really entertaining. The characters are so developed, although they change over time. You end up loving some of them.

>> No.14540676

It's been a while since I read it. What parts stood out to you? I thought it was a throughly enjoyable and well written book. Lol'd hard at the son with the bitchy jewish girlfriend in Argentina subplot.

>> No.14540694

I like the parts where they talk about Joey. That episode is really funny, I can agree. The last episode stood out, but bc of how pathetic Walter looks, living down there. He's a lame character, after all. He is just as stupid and destructiuve as Patty, but in a more subtle way.

>> No.14540709

Agreed. His is a masculine stupidity, though. One of misspent energies and lost causes. plus he got cucked.

Funny to think, I probably read this 18 months ago, and the one thing I remember deeply from the novel is how destructive cats are and that they need to be kept inside lol

>> No.14540764

I can agree. Although him getting cucked isn't the worst. Could happen to everybody. The political tour with Lalitha... Now, THAT is lame.

Funny to me, at the beggining I liked Walter and disliked Joey. Then my mind took an 180º turn. lol

>> No.14540806

TIl joey bought a sandwich with his first paycheck

>> No.14540811

Read Purity too. Franzen’s stuff can feel a little formulaic once you’ve read a lot, but that one is a good read too.

>> No.14540850

quick rundown? Is it as long as Freedom?


>> No.14541215


>> No.14541808

That's a nice book

>> No.14542685
