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/lit/ - Literature

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14538424 No.14538424 [Reply] [Original]

The genre doesn't really matter, i'm looking for something that will bring a tear to my eye, something that wakes up the deepest feelings in a human being, nostalgia is well welcomed.

Just don't bring up any romance bullshit, please.
Thank you!.

>> No.14538512
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>> No.14538542
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>> No.14540180

Beautiful as in beautiful ideas or beautiful imagery?

>> No.14540501
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Not really one of the most beautiful ones but one of the most newer ones. Somehow Neil gaiman managed to write a book that portrayes the childlike wonder and awe about the mystical world so well.

>> No.14540547

Try Good Old Neon by DFW. It's a short story about recognizing what it means to be true to who you are and it talks about the nature of our connection with others

>> No.14540863

The Power of One, by Bryce Courtenay.

I still think about Grandpa Chook and Doc.

>> No.14540868

The Outsiders
by S.E. Hinton

>> No.14540880

the bible

>> No.14540978
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>> No.14541065


>> No.14541231

Beautiful in terms of describing things, would be cool if the action was taking place in a idealized world, sweetened to the maximum.

>> No.14541246

The book of disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
Spring Torrents - Turguenev
Ada or Ardor - Nabokov

To my taste and extent of books read

>> No.14541253

You know I dont really see it talked about in this context much but Im currently rereading V. by Pynchon and some of the passeges are really taking my breath away. The pedophile actors segment in Stencils 8 impersonations has really made an impression in particular

>> No.14541339

I think Suttree is a beautiful book. Maybe a little too tragic and somber, but in the end I think that makes it more beautiful.

>> No.14541373

If you like nature writing JA Baker’s the peregrine is top of the line beautiful. It’s misanthropic in that nothing human other than a seldomly recognized narrator known as the watcher is in it. Yet the dude’s love of detail and of trying to see a peregrine and to see like a peregrine is beautiful in like an extra human way

>> No.14541730

How does it compare to this other stuff? I have Child of God and Blood Meridian, and I've seen the movies of The Road and No Country For Old Men.
I'm assuming it's less grim.

>> No.14542615

Any ideas of a book fitting this description?

>> No.14542633
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>> No.14543010

Not him, but it is more like Blood Meridian than Child of God. It's definitely grim in places, but it has real heart. Probably tied for first with BM and superior to anything he did after those

>> No.14543013

Cider With Rosie

>> No.14543125

Gormenghast if you're into gothic architecture.

>> No.14543140

Try this short story:


>> No.14543753

Try Stopping on Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

>> No.14543779

One's Self I Sing-By Walt Whitman

One’s-Self I sing, a simple separate person,
Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.

Of physiology from top to toe I sing,
Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for the Muse, I say the Form complete is worthier far,
The Female equally with the Male I sing.

Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,
Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine,
The Modern Man I sing.

>> No.14544189

No, not really.

I'm looking for a book like i said, that will a bring a tear to my eye, something that will make me feel melancholic/nostalgic. I just want to read something beautiful, in every possible sense of it. Something pure, lucid, just otherwordly.

>> No.14544898

Siddartha ... Siddhartha... Whatever. Good ass book

>> No.14544909

the god of small things

>> No.14544982

Unironically, the Bible. I get tears still from time to time.

>> No.14545067

ada is beautiful but the characters are intentionally repulsive as fuck, wouldn't call it a tearjerker or anything

>> No.14545194

Unironically, how???

>> No.14545226

I'm not who post that, but I also find beuty in bible that makes me cry. The love between brother, the sadness and reconfortation in God (Psalms), the forgiveness, ETC.

>> No.14545324

when you have an IQ above 90

>> No.14545786

Read Gormenghast.

>> No.14545942

All Laurie Lee books desu

>> No.14546174

The Summer Book by Tove Jansson

Simple and sweet. Try to get a copy with her original illustrations for maximum comfiness.

>> No.14546326

Life of Pi. Martel was amazing at setting the scene.

>> No.14546331

last of the mohicans

>> No.14546351


>> No.14546484

The Crossing, McCarthy
Augustus, Williams
Brothers Karamazov, Dosto

>> No.14546733


Neil Gayman

>> No.14546847

But /lit/ has no sense of aesthetics or beauty

>> No.14546863

The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Bible