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14537743 No.14537743 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any major plot holes/things that just plain don't make a lick of sense in the Harry Potter series?

>the basilisk travels through the pipes

How BIG are these fucking septic pipes in this castle??!?

>> No.14537750

That isn't an example of a plot hole brainlet. Given that you don't even know what a plot hole is and read harry plebbitor unironically, then you should ask this where you belong reddit.

>> No.14537754
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>I don't understand, therefore, plothole.
>It wasn't spoodfed to me, therefore, plothole.

>> No.14537756

The thing I always liked best about Harry Potter was how well-planned the series was from the beginning.

>> No.14537758

I also mentioned things that merely do not make any sense. Comprehend your reading harder.

>> No.14537818

I'm not sure if this is bait or not, but I think that it's generally true - a lot of foreshadowing. I never cared about fan theories, but I feel like HP is the reason why they are so popular nowadays.

People usually cite Time-Turner as a plot hole but I've never felt like it was one.

>> No.14537862


Well if you were dedicated on doing a whole series of 7 novels spanning across 10 years, you'd kinda HAVE to plan everything out first. I actually believe what she said recently, about how she had planned the twist for Nagini to be human before the first book even came out. She didn't plan every little thing, but a lot of it, yeah.

She spent 5 YEARS fleshing out HP before the first book was finally completed. Because of this, you can have little things in earlier books as clues to what will happen in later books.
In CoS, Harry hides in a cabinet, making sure to leave it open just a crack. This was the vanishing cabinet used in HBP, and had he shut it all the way, he would have been teleported elsewhere. There's also a line in CoS

>Voldemort left a bit of himself in me?
>It certainly seems so.

This was way before horcruxes were revealed. There's still easly-fixable stuff that pisses me off though. Mention of the Playstation before it had hit store shelves, Lupin's transformations not actually matching with the full moon in real life, September 1st somehow ALWAYS being a Monday....

>> No.14537880

The thing that annoys me is that the world is falling apart at every corner. You're right about the story tho

>> No.14537896

>The thing that annoys me is that the world is falling apart at every corner

Do you mean the various things the author have said after the books came out that were....questionable? Or are you referring to how the books get darker as they go?

>> No.14537900
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>> No.14537936

I mean that the whole magic thing is incoherent and doesn't make much sense.
The latest thing I remember was in the new Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie.
They can delete memories using some magic rain even if they don't even touch it, but this one guy is not affected because he's under a roof..
Also muggles should not see magic but children running through walls at a trainstation is perfectly fine.

>> No.14537975
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>nothing can come back from the dead in this series. it is a very important and fundamental rule. magic cannot truly bring the dead back to life
>except for the phoenix, which does this all the time

First is really dumb yeah. I like Fantastic Beasts in general but they're introducing some stuff that's just idiotic. Platform 9 and 3-quarters has spells around it though, so Muggles don't notice. I'd say the magic system in HP is fairly consistent but could be better.

>> No.14537991

The ending of the first book makes no sense. The whole set up is that the castle is guarding some big magical item from an evil wizard, but the protagonists can sneak through it with one year of education? The fuck? That's like if Harvard had an entrance exam but the only questions were ones taught in the first grade. Couldn't continue after that

>> No.14538041

I think the whole trapdoor segment was largely a pretense. Really, Voldemort never could have got the Stone anyway because of the Mirror at the end. The rest was there for show. It's later commented on by Harry that Dumbledore probably WANTED him to go after Voldemort. He was trying to test him because he knows he's going to ultimately have to be the one who defeats him.

Which is irresponsible as fuck of course, but Dumbledore runs things differently. He's less concerned with keeping students safe than he is about making sure his hero-in-training is raised in just such a way. Testing in key areas.

Also during the memory segment in Deathly Hallow, it's revealed he very clearly knew all along that Quirrell was affiliated with Voldemort and just didn't fucking do anything about it because he wanted Harry to face the problem himself.

What really doesn't make sense at the end of Book 1 is when he gets an URGENT owl from the Ministry, and he decides to fly instead of just apparating there.