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14536874 No.14536874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wake shit shower eat work eat drive home eat shit sleep in empty bed

Is this all there is to life? I’d much rather cease right this moment than to experience this dreadful nightmare thousands of times over until eventual death.

>> No.14536919

ye but sometimes the shit you take feels really good

>> No.14536933

if you get a nice and small, tight knit social circle, it becomes more bearable. especially if you all do drugs together.

>> No.14536940

>Shit twice a day

Yes I see your problem

>> No.14536943

fuck community, only art matters. Abandon life and dedicate yourself to your labors.

>> No.14536953

I do all of those things except that none of them are core or even party to my sense of identity. Seems like you have some personal development to do, and society isn't to blame for your lack of putting in the effort to cultivate for yourself what is good to you. Rather it sounds like an attempted cope that life didn't deliver you meaning on a platter, which is the intrinsic mentality of the career consumer.

>> No.14536958

>implying you can't have an artist ring of friends who dislike society as much as you

>> No.14536959

what's the /lit/ natural habit? id say every other day

>> No.14536980

why are you spending so much time shitting

>> No.14537253

How do I develop the drive to cultivate myself and my surrounding? It feels like I’ve been exhausted of any real drive ever since I became a teenager.

>> No.14537570

Yes or once a day at most.

>> No.14537594

This is why you must go /unabomber/ to retain your sanity and soul. Leave this society. Leave everything behind. Live on the land, feed off the land, meditate, read. This shit that is considered to be "life" by the majority is absolutely not worth it. Dedicate yourself to something actually meaningful.

>> No.14537783
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99:4.3.True religion is a meaningful way of living dynamically face to face with the commonplace realities of everyday life.

100:0.1.THE experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each is augmented through the achievement of all.

100:0.2.Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists. Love supplies the soil for religious growth—an objective lure in the place of subjective gratification—yet it yields the supreme subjective satisfaction. And religion ennobles the commonplace drudgery of daily living.

>> No.14537847

Yes, this is all there is. Adult life is drudgery and boredom while you wait to die.

What escape could there be?

>> No.14538242
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>> No.14538585

Only thing that bothers me eating, shitting and cleaning myself. Sleep is fine because dreaming is cool and being awake 24/7 would be maddeningly boring.

>> No.14538636
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you can'1t be a misanthrope and love art, art is the most human thing there is.
the real redpill is
>fuck art, only living matters
and living in a cabin with no electricity and running water.

>> No.14538651

t. malnourished manlets

>> No.14538702

pretty much illegal/impossible in most places. sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.14538742

My advice is to find some way to live with society instead of being "in" society.

Move back in with your parents, save up, pay off a cheap reliable car. Save up again, maybe buy a trailer or a tiny house or whatever. Slap that on some land. Maybe rent it out? Whatever. Solar panels. Some shit. I don't know.

It's what I've been doing. Everything's saved up, I'm just unsure if I should take the leap or not.

>> No.14538807

well I'm not in commierica, and also I'm not huh, you know, A FUCKING KEK!! holy shit are you serious? I don't even know how to respond to that.

>> No.14538813

How to deal with the feeling that there are so many films and series that you will never be able to watch, books and articles that you will never be able to read, albums that you will never be able to listen to, games that you will never be able to play, theorems that you will never be able to demonstrate, codes that you will never be able to program, trips that you will never be able to make, works of art that you will never be able to contemplate, contents that you will never be able to enjoy, instruments and languages that you will never learn, debates that will never begin, texts that will never be written, interests you will not have, creations you will not create, social experiences and life situations you will never live, contributions to humanity that will not be achieved ...

To the point of being unable to start anything, of having the inability and lack of motivation to do anything, to continue with any commitment and responsibility?

>> No.14538822

What’s the point if any of this?

>> No.14538838

how am i cucked? i literally tried to live in the wild and got arrested.

>> No.14538855

you're to do it in your own land dummy, not be a hobo.

>> No.14538868

supposed to do it*

>> No.14538886

you still get arrested if you do that.

>> No.14538946

>find a woman
>work on a task or a project that is fulfilling
>music, lit, film etc... are more accessible than ever before
>there is no activity as timeless or as relaxing than shooting shit with your friends.
>You can talk to strangers and get a glimpse of their world view
>places and countries you can explore and the different cultures you can experience
The world is filled with never-ending possibilities. You're an unimaginative bum.

>> No.14538969

yeah, if you're a cuck

>> No.14539362

>just coom and consoom, bro
fuck off bugman

>> No.14539426

Sometimes I think I’ll never be happy because I’ll always want more. I genuinely don’t care about women or status or material possessions anymore. They’re good to have, but certainly no god to bow down before and live your life for. I want to witness all the timelines, and see civilizations rise and fall and stars burn and die. It’s depressing how as humans we’re left so blinded and deafened by both the world around us and the society we create for ourselves.
>tfw you will never achieve godhood

>> No.14539444

What do you do with your time?

>> No.14539465

bide it

>> No.14539626

Well, you could try like...reading a book or having friends.

>> No.14539739

Then do it. No one asked you to live. There are a million wageslave drones who will take your place right noe.

>> No.14540928

Is this all? Yes.

>> No.14540970

Most of what you said is very appealing, but there's the downside that you'll go buttfuck nuts without a good social circle

>> No.14540973

How to deal with the feeling that there are so many films and series that you will never be able to watch, books and articles that you will never be able to read, albums that you will never be able to listen to, games that you will never be able to play, theorems that you will never be able to demonstrate, codes that you will never be able to program, trips that you will never be able to make, works of art that you will never be able to contemplate, contents that you will never be able to enjoy, instruments and languages that you will never learn, debates that will never begin, texts that will never be written, interests you will not have, creations you will not create, social experiences and life situations you will never live, contributions to humanity that will not be achieved ...

>> No.14541409

Meh only 1% of any media I like are actually good. Rest are trash. Solution for you is have better taste.

>> No.14541455

Start making shit or do something that gives your life meaning, once you start to contribute, you will be rewarded. Who cares if that doesn't come in recognition, stabilising your emotional life is arguably more important

>> No.14541483

>world view

marketing make-believe chit chat, go wild do stuff #YOLO

>> No.14541781

Have sex, incel

>> No.14541930

I deal with it by not being a faggot and learning how to prioritize.

>> No.14541950

>Start making shit
cool so if i like learn cabinetry will that give my life meaning? or do i have a better bet with pottery?
>or do something that gives your life meaning
yeah bro i'll just go pick up some meaning at the meaning store on my way home from work
or maybe i'll find some more meaningful friends or contribute to something meaningful, like donating to teach africans javascript or send them tshirts or something
actually, why don't you tell me, what do you do that's got so much meaning, exactly?

>> No.14541988

You tell me

>> No.14541999

>Wake shit shower
Dropped. Don’t even talk to me unless you shower before bed not after. You deserve to live in your dirty ass bed.

>> No.14542018

even showered I wake up sweaty and a bit greasy, so check your privileges, mkeyyy

>> No.14542029

Don’t worry, I will, thank you for reminding me to self reflect nigger.

It still will decrease the aids level of your bed since it will only be (you) juice and only collected during a period of inactivity.

>> No.14542216

Fuck all the noise desu. I'm so sick of everything =(

>> No.14542230

imagine shitting more than 4 times per week

>> No.14542250

>be me
>travel a lot
>stool habit changes with location
>France = 2 shits / week
>Italy = 3,5 shits / week
>Switzerland = 14,2 shits / week

>> No.14542405

read and go /out/side

>> No.14542509

Read lots of history books. Become familiar with the historical culture and traditions of your peoples. And not just the big, easy historical points and events - the intricacies and daily lived experience of those peoples. Come to regard yourself as a part of that continuity. You will be able to better contextualise your life and will develop a greater sense of belonging to a tradition.

>> No.14543764

If tomorow police falsely accused you of having dr*g in your luggage and you went to a brazilian jail you would give a kidney just to be as you are now, so enjoy it.

>> No.14543826

that will be my bed time thought. Good night, anons!

>> No.14543846

Seek God, read the bible. I wish the best for you and God bless us all.

>> No.14544104

once a week baby /lit/ is an /opiategang/ board

>> No.14544138

You mean since you started masturbating, anon

>> No.14544160

>Bro! Can you tell me how to live a fulfilling life?
Do you want me to hold your hand throughout your entire life you slave?

>> No.14544251
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I've got a job that lets me listen to audiobooks. It's not that bad. Although I also go to community college full time, so I am pulling 12 hour days four days a week. If I couldn't listen to audiobooks I think I'd go crazy from the mental stagnation of it all. Almost all my old friends are either dead or in prison, and I haven't made new friends yet (nor do I really have time to). I'm in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend, but we want completely different things in life so I don't think it will work out. I live in an apartment/sharehouse with five immigrants,we are two to a room, and a thin layer of grime covers everything in the house.

Slowly but surely I think I'm going crazy. I'm fairly sure my soul died years ago, alongside my dreams, and most days I feel dead inside. Listening to Moby Dick has convinced me however that I am in the prime age (early-mid twenties) to go out and have manly adventures. Especially consider that I've got basically nothing going for me in life, it's not hard to get more rock bottom than this.

There's a surprising amount of opportunities out there. An old friend of mine is making 3k a week with a highschool diploma working in oil mining. Tree planting, working on boats, most seasonal work really, is high intensity adventure and pays decent. My plan is to get a camp job for the beginning of the summer, then doing wildland firefighting for the end of it, and wrapping up the season by mushroom hunting over the last year's burn sights, then taking the money I've made and buying a plane ticket to Ethiopia.

Maybe it's all a big fantasy, but it's the only thing getting me through the day.

>> No.14544464

>what do you do that's got so much meaning, exactly?
>or maybe i'll find some more meaningful friends
you just answered your own question retard

>> No.14544532

OP, work out, eat nice healthy food. Live in the woods, garden, farm, try to acquire a wife and potentially children. Work on things, like cars or do woodworking or make something like a sword or something you want to keep. Perhaps go and socialize with others at clubs or in a learning environment such as a dance class, a chess class, or a gaming group or something, get active and stay active. If you are working too much find a way to minimize it via moving or saving money to buy your own property, and then all you have to pay is taxes.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.14544546

that's a good plan. Get out of the white class hell hole honestly. You've got a good plan though. Also perhaps add getting fit to that aswell. Working out makes you feel so good and is a great break from all of it. It's like drugs but so much better, the dopamine you feel from it, you finally feel normal for once. Anyway best of luck brother! You've got this

>> No.14544633

The absolute state of FREEDOM

>> No.14545083

this actually i don't have enough time

>> No.14545587
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Thanks bro. I do work out a lot, it's a fun way to pass the time and also keep my sleep schedule and mental state in regular order.
I just can't wait for spring to come so I can take off and put this bullshit life behind me. Part of me thinks I'm just running from my problems, but it's sure as hell better than wallowing in these problems. Besides, all the general "solutions" (find a career, take out student loans, start paying off a house, knock up your gf and settle down) all seem like a guaranteed 30+ years of slavery without escape.

>> No.14545617
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bro stop being cringe

>> No.14545760

Are you a toddler?

>> No.14546182

This cracked me up

>> No.14546342

>sleep in empty bed
but you are in the bed?

>> No.14546347

That’s why it’s empty

>> No.14546359
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Im glad you asked
Option1.Look within , universe is trying to teach you lessons but you must search within ,practise awareness even during daily activities
Option2 Go full fightclub , create an alter of hypermasculinity to pull you out of feminine emasculated bitchtits consoooomer self, eventually realizing to become the buddha u must kill the buddha and killing the ideology that gave you purpose and therefore finding liberation without needing any concept or external materials.

>> No.14546361

You were supposed to have children.

>> No.14546600

The only way you can deal with it is believing in the Christian heaven, since you'll have an infinite amount of time to experience all that you want. Alternatively, there are some other views that make your problem obsolete, e.g. some theosophians claim that there exists a library of experiences (which obviously includes books read, games played etc.).
I share the same sentiments as you. Glad to see someone who isn't fixated on one or two mediums and whose appreciation goes much wider.

>> No.14547299

>holy shit guys is there all there is to life omg???
you must be one retarded motherfucker because the only reason existence have any meaning at all is BECAUSE of its reverse

>> No.14547467

Says someone that's been an adult for... 6 years, I'm guessing? Grow up, if your life is just marking time until death, then it's no one's fault but your own. Neither the universe nor society care about it one way or another.

>> No.14548404

Muh children meme