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14536323 No.14536323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14536386

Someone at my Church has invited me to join Opus Dei as a supernumerary. Is it a scam and/or a cult

>> No.14536409

Abortion is mostly a religious issue. Atheists don’t see anything wrong with it because they don’t perceive any significant negative consequences

>> No.14536438
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>> No.14536443

Seems legit. From an occult point of view it is very sound.

>> No.14536463

It doesn't check out, and it lacks charity. Certainly, abortion is ritualistic murder and those in power desire such evil. However, most who participate in it are totally blind to both ritual and the occult. And yet, despite their ignorance, they are still themselves. They are not possessed. When you see a woman demanding abortion, you do not see a demon, but the oppressed. You see someone who necessarily suffers greatly, for their actions are far from God. What you see is someone for whom Christ died.

>> No.14536472

Aren't pedos going to Hell? Why are you trying to use this imagery in a Catholic discussion?

>> No.14536504

I don't think the OP implied those seeking abortions are demons, rather than the spirit of one who staunchly supports abortion is diabolically influenced.

>> No.14536513

They sell the dead fetus’ for stem cells. Every time abortion laws are passed there is always legislation to make sure bodies can be kept and sold. It’s a money making capitalist scam (as well as being satanic)

>> No.14536554

The diabolic is not something to trifle with, or speak about in unclear language. The image calls the woman a demon and the very definition of evil. It clearly calls the woman a murderer as judgement, and not as mere matter of fact. Further, it is wrong to say that abortion gives power to occult groups by spiritual action like some kind of negative prayer. No one can give what is not theirs to give.

>> No.14536572

Who here is a dark catholic? You accept all the teachings on will, self-control, the harm of sexual desire and following one's sensual appetites and appreciate the aesthetics, but don't actually believe in God.

>> No.14536579

More people get molested in schools, statistically, by quite a margin. Pedos infest any institution they can have power over children.

>> No.14536585
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the only catholic lit I care about are the ones burned by Elizabeth I.

Accept the kings marriage you Indulgent papists.

>> No.14536592

My problem with Catholicism (traditional), when taken seriously is that it leads to neurosis and despair. It becomes absurd and cosmically horrific once you get the the point of mass damnata. Realistically nobody lives up to the moral standards of the church, and it's cruel to place the burden of eternal morality upon finite and imperfect creatures, who for the most part are driven by biological impulses. I don't have everything figured out, I understand my own weaknesses, and can only hope that God will be merciful rather than vengeful

>> No.14536601

well that is because atheists are usually morally bankrupt, lol. are you defending them?

>> No.14536606

Peterson pseud is the correct word
Isn’t this the entire fucking point? That you inevitably sin so ask for forgiveness, and God grants it?

>> No.14536619

>Isn’t this the entire fucking point? That you inevitably sin so ask for forgiveness, and God grants it?

In traditional Catholicism you're expected to become perfect in this life

>> No.14536676

How is trying to create better humans (eugenics) evil, and why would god want retarded or disabled persons to be born?
Granted not all abortions happen because the child would be disabled of some sort, I'm only talking about the ones that do.

>> No.14536726


You can't prevent something from being born if it's already emerged into existence. This is the Catholic point of view, that birth doesn't start when the baby leaves the womb. Humanities attempts at eugenics tends to do more harm than good, because of ignorance and presumption about the natural order.

>> No.14536851

All these views are false. This section of the Baltimore Catechism is pretty good at explaining in a very basic way the meaning of Grace, Justification, Merits, and Virtues.

>> No.14536869
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Admit it, it's better than Sherlock.

>> No.14536882 [DELETED] 
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Also, take the Chesterton pill.

>> No.14537187 [DELETED] 
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christianity is an evil that is responsible for shattering humanity's connection with life. the psychological damage it has inflicted will take centuries to rectify.

and all catholics are complicit in the rampant pedophilia that is found in their clergy. a sick, ruinous institution all the way through. a sham. you retarded larpers.

>> No.14537202

I’m not defending them because they’re atheists, I’m just saying that within their frame of belief that doesn’t include God, there may be more benefits with abortion than without it. It’s hard to argue against abortion without appealing to God-given moral law

>> No.14537231

Pagan papists.

>> No.14537252

Which study bible should I get?

>> No.14537517

>Atheists don’t see anything wrong with it because they don’t perceive any significant negative consequences
You would be surprised at just how many white agnostics are uncomfortable with or opposed to abortion. Jews are the only ones who don't have a problem with it, they're like 50% of abortion providers or something.

>> No.14537573

when there's money to be made..

>> No.14537606

We should just sterilize people. There, problem solved.

>> No.14537616

Based follower of Jesus

>> No.14537656
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Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14537705

>Using science as some kind of ideological bludgeon to demand people act and think the way you want them to
Tremendously gay post, opinion disregarded

>> No.14537731

Problem removed but not solved.
And my egoistic self wants the human race to continue existing

>> No.14537737

Nice cope

>> No.14537738
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>religiosity stifles scientific innovation

>> No.14537752

In other words, pride comes before the fall. I'd much rather be a simpleton living on a patch of mud with people I liked than be a genius living alone in a technological hellscape of fractured relationships and artificial love.

>> No.14537767


What's next? Buzzfeed?

>> No.14537776

Daily reminder the church rapes children and goes to tremendous efforts to protect pederasts among its ranks.

This happened in Pennsylvania alone:
>The grand jury report was published on August 14, 2018.[36]It showed that 301 priests were accused of sexually abusing more than 1,000 children in the six dioceses and were routinely shuffled from parish to parish in order to avoid scrutiny.[37]The report said there are "likely thousands more victims whose records were lost or who were too afraid to come forward."
>The panel had examined a half-million pages of diocesan documents and interviewed dozens of witnesses. It found that bishops and diocesan leaders aimed to avoid bad publicity and financial liability. Hundreds of known offenders were returned to active ministry after being "laundered" in "treatment facilities".
>Of the more than 300 priests identified in the report, only two were involved in abuse since the year 2008, and both of these had been reported by their dioceses.[43]If the figures from this report are combined with those from the Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown dioceses, the results show that about 8% of the 5,000 priests who served in Pennsylvania during the 70-year period covered by the report were credibly accused of abuse.[43]
>Among the incidents documented by the report were "a priest who raped a young girl in the hospital after she had her tonsils out; a victim tied up and whipped with leather straps by a priest; and another priest who was allowed to stay in ministry after impregnating a young girl and arranging for her to have an abortion."
>The report also stated that some priests in the Diocese of Pittsburgh ran a child porn ring in the 1970s and 1980s and also "used whips, violence and sadism in raping their victims."[44][45]The children who were sexually molested and had their pictures taken for the child porn ring were given gold crosses so they would be recognized by other abusive priests who sought to use them.[45]

All of this in a single U.S. state. One can only begin to imagine the extent of the horror they've caused. The RCC is a cesspool of pederasts.

>> No.14537784
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>What's next? Buzzfeed?

>> No.14537803
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speaking of catholicism and animu

is Heart of Thomas the most catholic chinese comic book out there?

>good catholic boys
>chaste romantic love no lust or lewd shit
>religious themes
>ending similar to Brideshead Revisited with the main character dedicating his live to god to find peace

>> No.14537816

No, opus Dei is one of the most solid groups in existence rn, get to know the member in your area for sure, really solid Catholic men in my experience.

>> No.14537914

Nigger I AM a scientist, I'm a biophysics researcher. Nonlinear cardiac electrodynamics. Most scientists are intolerable autists or overmedicated depressives. Their only hobbies are videogames and drinking. They are not a demographic you want to base your life around emulating you reddit faggot.

>> No.14537915

There is no point where the fetus suddenly stops being a bunch of cells and attains personhood, it is a step by step process where it slowly comes closer and closer to our concept of personhood. Where we put the line is largely arbitrary.

>> No.14537945

I am a scientist therefore I know what most scientists are like therefore you shouldn't base your life around what scientists say because they play videogames

This is the worst post I have seen in months congratulations anon

>> No.14537971

Go shitpost in literally any other thread

>> No.14538013
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Is there any genuine opposition to Catholicism that doesn't ultimately boil down to "I want to jerk off/fuck whores/fuck other men/women and the mean old Church tells me I can't?". I have legitimately never heard anyone object to the Catholic Church in a way that doesn't ultimately boil down to wanting to be a coomer. They dress it up in all this fancy language, but what it boils down to is that they want to get their dicks wet but the Church tells them "no," so they have a sperg fit.

>> No.14538044

You said that since scientists are not personally religious, nobody should be. I said that I know from experience most scientists' personal lives are in shambles and nobody should base their behavior on imitating their lifestyle choices. Incredibly simple points to grasp, you're on a board devoted to reading for fuck's sake.

>> No.14538107

Can you understand that because your colleagues have some personal issues it doesn't mean that it applies to most scientists? You are defending a shitpost right now.

>> No.14538112

You lads read any of Cardinal Sarah's books? I've been thinking of getting "The Power of Silence."

>> No.14538133

I've worked in the private sector and in multiple labs in one of the largest research universities in the western hemisphere. I've met thousands of scientists in all kinds of disciplines. I am also a Catholic.

>> No.14538143

Can you explain why you think scientists are some special class of person we should all strive to imitate

>> No.14538160

And you know the personal lives of "thousands of scientists"? This is getting embarrassing, just admit you said some dumb shit and move on.

>> No.14538171

I don't, that post was pretty dumb. But the Catholic anon's reply was even worse.

>> No.14538183

Pretty much. The urge to coom is powerful

>> No.14538198

I've read The Power of Silence and God or Nothing, both are really powerful, but I'd definitely recommend the Power of Silence first - radical stuff.

>> No.14538209

nope. thats exactly what it is.

>> No.14538214

>They are not a demographic you want to base your life around emulating you reddit faggot.
We should emulate degenerate pederasts instead, am I right?

>> No.14538221

I don't want children getting raped.

>> No.14538230
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Reminder that Cardinal Sarah is extraordinarily based:


>"Sarah is a great mystic. He prays constantly, as if he's under some sort of spell. He's frightening. He's literally frightening," a priest notes.

>> No.14538235

Yeah I remember the passage from Mark where Jesus preached, "Do whatever priests do, for they are also pretty much God"

>> No.14538287

Yes, imagine. These grand juries do not operate in an ordinary way. And never are they interested in putting anyone behind bars. There is no talk of arrests, only restitution. Certainly there have been bad men who are priests. But each of these grand juries treats church officials as always duplicitous and reporters as always believable. The language of the reports is always emotionally charged, peppered with flippancy, sarcasm, and disparaging remarks; while they may be understandable, such a character is unfitting for fact finding reports. In all places, and in all cases, they are not only ignorant but hostile to the faith.

>> No.14538348

what a fucking nice man

>> No.14538398


Cardinal Sarah as the next Pope? What might the odds be?

>> No.14538440

no idea. but with francis it doesn't even feel like we have a pope. i don't think i've had a single role model in my entire life.

>> No.14538464

epic timeless catholicism, thanks anon

>> No.14538468

This level of cope

>> No.14538471

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible. It's just wonderful.

>> No.14538501

I'm gonna double down on my raping cuz of this

>> No.14538516

idk man, he has a point. maybe i'll lay off the raping for a week, you know, just go on norape for a while just to reset.