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/lit/ - Literature

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14535897 No.14535897 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14535971

A women who smells like an old book

>> No.14535983

futa shemale sword fighting

>> No.14535988

futa on male

>> No.14535992

redtube > categories > milf > most favored, monthly

>> No.14536011
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>> No.14536014

Erotic fiction

>> No.14536027
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Urethral vore giantesses in historical settings.

>> No.14536032

Imagining being a lit writer is the most common fetish here

>> No.14536036


>> No.14536057


>> No.14536087
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>> No.14536090
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dubs of truth

>> No.14536161

Raceplay, of course

>> No.14536212

I actually got 8. Feels good being considered a grand wizard at least.

>> No.14536226


>> No.14536227

No way in hell lmao you’ve gotta be lying to yourself

>> No.14536250

I'm being honest. I'm a NEET, mentally unstable with actual autism, ugly, fat, never had friends, neglected by family, etc. I live in my grandmother's basement.

>> No.14536261

Eat semen like Guenon.

>> No.14536274

Carrel pitjobs

>> No.14536298
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Fetishes are NOT /lit/.

>> No.14536310
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the Prophet Muhammad, obviously

>> No.14536313

If it makes you feel any better I got 94 and it really isn't that great.

>> No.14536314


>> No.14536321


>> No.14536325
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Mental instability is prerequisite for more traditional 4chin.

>inb4 im trying to motivate you
Nope I’m using this as a diagram for myself

EZ fix, start counting calories. Repeat until you can do push-ups then start with those. Run.

Speaking from experience once you get rid of fat you’re probably better off. I’m probably traditionally handsome but years of mental illness have probably given me body dysmorphia. Fake it until you believe it.

>no friends
Yeah same, except online where I’m somehow extremely well liked. My advice shouldn’t count for shit because I’m habitually a hermit. My solution is neurotic self improvement until normies flock to me
Fuck em get a job and move out. Fuel that self importance.

Basically been there, done that. Know thyself, faggot and you shall see the enlightenment

>> No.14536327

I got an 80. It’s accurate in that I feel isolated from most communities amongst robots or normies so that feels bad.

>> No.14536332

Isn’t it delightful?

>> No.14536348

thats not mohammed

>> No.14536361

Decently accurate though I don't consider myself a lost cause yet

>> No.14536371

>just put in a ton of effort for an uncertain, inferior reward
or he could just learn to be satisfied with his position in society and find enjoyment in things that don't depend on his status. but people doing that doesn't contribute to your self importance and relative position in the hierarchy

>> No.14536418

"slightly strange". i have all the knowledge of the robots but lead a chameleon life, where only a select few get to know the real me -- family not included.

>> No.14536483

I have nothing but disgust for those who accept their lot in life. What else can one do but better themselves in body and mind?

>> No.14536491

not do those things or care about your opinions, i guess

>> No.14536498

>What else can one do but better themselves in body and mind?
I have nothing but disgust for those who mentally masturbate to self help, preach it with disdain and probably aren't worth shit.

>> No.14536518
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As an apprentice wizard with a score of 26, what mystical abilities do I gain?

>> No.14536599
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>tfw 17
end me now

>> No.14536673

Machiavelli also did it. You may be on to something

>> No.14536700

this but it's our little secret

>> No.14536831

105, but some of it is retarded.
>Gaming is mostly limited to console
>Enjoy using YikYak and/or Snapchat
I have absolutely no idea what YikYak is or why using Snapchat is a plus.
>Use social networks regularly +2
That should be -20.
>Have material items to be proud of +2
>Have children you're proud of +1
Yep, you get more points for being a good consoomer than for being a good parent.
>Don't live with your parents +3
>Own or rent a living space +1
Not only there's no difference between owning a place and renting, one gets more points for being homeless than for living with one's parents.
Also, no points for not being a coomer?
Tl;dr whoever made this is a retard.

>> No.14536893

88 :P

>> No.14536910

you rock, dude

>> No.14536925

Obviously it's retarded. The whole value system where you're either a virgin shut-in with no interests other than mass media, or a muscular CEO who constantly wears a plastered smile, or somewhere in between those two poles, is fucking retarded.

>> No.14536951

what are the extremes of modern capitalist society, then? (doesn't mean there's only 2, btw)

>> No.14536957

Knee socks

>> No.14537001
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i remember taking this a couple of years ago and getting in the 80s, i'm really happy that i turned things around

>> No.14537006

what did you do? and what situation were you in, roughly?

>> No.14537023

Why do you have to structure your life in terms of the extremes of "modern capitalist society"? I'm not saying you should do some dumb innawoods shit or something, but stepping away from the computer and reading some good books should give you a wider perspective. You don't have to evaluate your life in terms of how many people you can assert dominance over.

>> No.14537036

i was a fat virgin in his late 20s

i started lifting weights, lost 100 pounds, and met a really great girl by chance on the internet and she's my gf now

>> No.14537043

I didn't say you have to "structure your life in terms of the extremes of "modern capitalist society", I asked what your alternative extremes would be, were you to change that picture. All in the name of banter.
>You don't have to evaluate your life in terms of how many people you can assert dominance over.
what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.14537067

Oh, well enumerating your life in "points" like you're an RPG character is autistic and gay to begin with. (It's cool when Ullillillia does it, but do you really want to be like him?)

>> No.14537113

93. I still have self-loathing though.

>> No.14537440

This also made me realize I need to get a fucking job and leave my parent's house, i'm 21 and I'm going mad

>> No.14537567

Slightly strange infp makes the best authors

>> No.14537675

Not really surprising -- INTP are a step off of bugmen, and the rest can die in a fire.

>inb4 star signs
it's just a way of categorizing what's wrong with you

>> No.14537717

122 Chad without particularly fit lul

>> No.14537760

Tickle torture

>> No.14537879

If "erotic literature" is articulated perversion, "/lit/ fetish" is hypersophisticated perversion.

>> No.14538061


>> No.14538298

>84: Slightly Strange
Accurate as per >>14536418

>> No.14538621

Maybe I can be a cyborg if I keep trying.

>> No.14538899

There's nothing wrong with either of those, of course

>> No.14538925

very accurate
The social part tank the fuck out of my score

>> No.14538937
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Bookish mates of course

>> No.14538950

104 but probably around 128 when I finish college

>> No.14538965

Perversion is, by its antinature, wrong, aberrant, ugly.

>> No.14539055


>> No.14539061

but but but all feelings are okay and can never be wrong!

>> No.14539112
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>> No.14539126
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>> No.14539199

One's feelings/affect can proceed from either: a noble/benign source, or an ignoble/malign source; perversion stems from the latter, and affirms wrong/aberrant feelings through intent/conscious direction.

>> No.14539212

Based, this chart will come in handy.

>> No.14539276

got 30

I just go to crappy wagie job almost everyday and then come home to shut myself in my room while trying not think of ending it all.

>> No.14539298
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Mainly genetics; good looks, physique, intelligence and charisma that saved me. Pretty accurate still.

I just gotta do some things like get a job/ and reciprocate the interests women show in me and I'll reach 130+.

>> No.14539350

Been there anon it gets better

>> No.14539364


>> No.14539425

god damn it.

>> No.14539475
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If we're being totally objective and looking at great literature, it's clear that cuckolding is the most /lit/ fetish of them all. It shows up throughout the Western Canon, from the plays of Sophocles to the plays of Shakespeare to the Bible to Joyce's Ulysses. Over and over we see an obsession with a man having his wife fucked by another man. Cucking is the most /lit/ fetish.

But that doesn't mean you should have it.

>> No.14539781
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>> No.14539875


>> No.14540084

89 - "Slightly Strange"
Significant improvement, just a few years ago I would have got the red zone for sure.

>> No.14540144

Good candidates

>> No.14540227 [DELETED] 

16 y.o, fem, got 33

>> No.14540946


>> No.14541544

Right where I actually am.

>> No.14541624
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I find it betafaggotry disgusting but it surely is /lit/.

>> No.14541637
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>> No.14541639

84. I wish I was a bit more norman to get a gf.