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/lit/ - Literature

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14533172 No.14533172 [Reply] [Original]

What’s litting?

>> No.14533182
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I'm having a Jorjani January

>> No.14533190

The Maudlin book is great.

>> No.14533193

Finished up the last of 1Q84, then Flowers for Algernon, now I'm almost done with Breakfast of Champions. Any recommendations?

>> No.14533195

I aim to read 8 books/month this year but I’m reading them simultaneously. This month’s books are:
Travels with Charley - Steinbeck
Le Ventre du Paris - Zola
Guns, Germs, and Steel
The Tartar Steppe - buzzatti
The Crying of Lot 49
Peter Pan
Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
The Miner - Sōseki

>> No.14533197

what system is this you're using?

>> No.14533200

Hey what app is that

>> No.14533220
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>Le Ventre du Paris - Zola
if you have goodreads add me
i'm aiming at reading the entire rougon-macquart series this year or next year
i'm interested in your reviews

I'm on Les Misérables, 9% in.
Surprisingly easy to read, and some paragraphs are fucking beautiful.

>> No.14533234

Kybook 2. (I don’t like Kybook 3)
It’s great unlike ibooks I can load anything in it, organize better and most importantly uses the whole screen so as you can see 500 page books go down to 250p w small font and seem to flow faster.

>> No.14533243
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Oh and doesn’t have a stupid copyright addendum every time I copy paste a note from a book. And the mosaic view is great too.

>> No.14533248
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The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

America: The Farewell Tour p- Chris Hedges

The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick

Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein

A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

>> No.14533251


The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Zuboff
On the Basis of Morality - Schopenhauer
The Journey to the End of the Night - Celine

>> No.14533259

His Masters Voice — Lem
The Immense Journey — Loren Eiseley
The Gods Are Athirst — Anatole France
— op

>> No.14533273

Gormenghast series by Mervyn Peake. It's a trip man. One of those that kind changes the way you view literature

>> No.14533278

The History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters and The Possibility of an Island. Thus far both are fantastic. I also recently encountered Virgine Des-something and read King Kong Theory. She's a great writer and I'll be reading one of her novels after the aforementioned two.

>> No.14533315

Naw dude I don’t want obama knowing what my interests are.
It’s my favorite of the books I’ve read recently; the first book in years that I can really get lost in, burn through 50 pages without even realizing it. My criticism is that the characterization is lopsided; while there’s no clear main character, some main figures are thoroughly fleshed out but others aren’t at all. As a character Lisa is amazing, disturbing, feels like she’s in the room with me. Florent on the other hand is...skinny? Has PTSD? What else? I feel pity for him but not interest.
It’s the first book by Zola I’ve read; I was living homeless near Paris last October, reading Orwell’s Down and Out, and he mentions Zola as someone who’d do a better job of describing the colorful chaos of a hotel kitchen. That got me curious.
What other Rougon-Macquart books are good? Does order matter?

>> No.14533342

Emily Bronte The Complete Poems

>> No.14533348
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it's the story of a family. he was the first writer to introduce "naturalism" in his books. it's the idea that you can apply the science concepts of the time onto the characters you write.
each character of his Rougon macquart series inherits a trait from a predecessor.
there's a genealogy online if you want. I'd have translated it for you if you had goodreads.

basically the series is renowned for two things :
realistic portrayal of the poor

you might want to read the three books portraying the three poorest members of the family
- l'assommoir
they are famous because poor people were never realistically the subjects of novels. he really did his homework too.

please note that I'm in accounting and everything I said has the potential to be wrong lmao

>> No.14534021

Stop after Gormenghast.

>> No.14534128

Currently ending Steppenwolf, already read Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.14534261
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>> No.14534337

Just finished Augustus by John Williams. Next book up is 'The obscene bird of night' by José Donoso.

>His Masters Voice — Lem
Based, one of the best sci-fi books I've ever read. Lem is fantastic.

>> No.14534404

Kant - CoPR
Spinoza - Ethics (2nd read)
Aristotle - De Anima
Plato - Philebus
Nietzsche - Birth of Tragedy
Anselm - Monolgion and Proslogium

>> No.14534562

What do you do anon?

>> No.14534866

Naked Lunch. It’s confusing but fun to read

>> No.14534931


The third book is really trippy with the way it mixes science and fantasy, Peake just didn't care and went absolutely crazy with it but the end of Gormenghast is really perfect.

>> No.14534947
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These are what I'm reading. What ereading app do you use OP? I use Kindle and Moonreader sometimes.

>> No.14534954

so far...
Bernhard - Extinction
Hamsun - On Overgrown Paths
Sebald - Austerlitz

Johan Borgen - Lillelord
Joseph Roth - The White Cities

Sebald - Vertigo
MFK Fisher - The Art of Eating
Gracq - The Opposing Shore

>> No.14534956

Have you tried readera?

>> No.14534999
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Mihály Babits - The Son of Virgil Tímár
Mihály Babits - On the Hungarian Character
Anonymous - L'anomie ou le Tumulte des Tapirs
Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis

Currently reading:
Mihály Babits - The History of European Literature

>> No.14535185

I will read those next, thanks.

>> No.14535192

This is the reading list of a kid who started reading big philosophy books to impress girls on the bus, but got genuinely hooked and kept reading past the first tier.

>> No.14535193
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Hello, Universe