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14529172 No.14529172 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao. From Heidegger to this in half a century. What went wrong?

>> No.14529178

Ich mag ihn, er hat vielen und mir die Philosophie näher gebracht.

Irgendwo muss man ja anfangen, nicht?

>> No.14529181

Germs are bugmen at heart. The burgerization of their culture also doesn't help. Imagine being atheist, materialist, liberal, humanist, and a soulless bugmaniac. That's Germany these days.

>> No.14529202

it's just the wrong kind of atheism with a christian moral cucking background

>> No.14529205

Heidegger was shit. Read Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer or Nietzsche if you want decent German philosophy.
At least this guy is popularizing philosophy for the masses. Maybe some of them will actually pick up a good book afterwards.

>> No.14529209

>Germs are bugmen at heart
What nation isn't composed of bugmen these days?

>> No.14529214


>> No.14529218

Isn't Habermas German? I would say he is more relevant.

>> No.14529220

France. At least they are standing up to their government.

>> No.14529225

Being a nation composed of psychopathic alcoholics isn't much better.

>> No.14529230

Poland, Czech Republic, Austria (to an extent at least), Russia.

>> No.14529233

lol no. France is just as bugman as every other western nation

>> No.14529236

France is full of niggers, cucks, and whores. That's 100x worse than bugmen.

>> No.14529277

I’m a G*rm myself. But this is true. We are the most conformist sycophants of our media and our political elites in the entire Western world. At least in public.

Of course, there is much complaining and bitching in private. But as the docile slaves that we are, no independent action from below is taken, while the elites gamble away our economic safety net, our retirement money and our cultural identity.
I have respect for the Frogs and their revolutionary spirit telling their government and the neoliberal wage slavers to go f*ck themselves.

>> No.14529313
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>> No.14529340

See? Russian kids mind their own business and play outside. As opposed to bugman American kids who consume vidya and get a new iPad every year.

>> No.14529361

spoken like a true cuck, groveling in front of foreigners for symphathy

>> No.14529365

This is not Sloterdijk.
Or at least Markus Gabriel

>> No.14529370

Everything is correct except your first sentence. Heidegger's essays on technology are great.

>> No.14529381

jews, literally.

>> No.14529426

yes while their moms give bj's for 5$

>> No.14529449

At least they charge. Burger mothers do it for free.

>> No.14529472

They have been subverted. It's not their instinct.

>> No.14529475

As Neech foretold

>> No.14529484

Do Slavs really?

>> No.14529503
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>> No.14529518


>> No.14529520


>> No.14529533

Russia is the most interesting nation on Earth. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14529558

not really, the russians just wallow in the dirt. people always say they are the saviours of the white race and whatnot but really they are finished. the most interesting nation in the world is the USA because you never know what kind of insanity they will come up next. did anyone anticipate cutting little boys# dicks off and turning them into girls was going to be the next big trend in the world? the USA made it possible. russians just sit around and reenact the past 1000 years of history in a junkyard.

>> No.14529623

>the most interesting nation in the world is the USA
Literally the least interesting one. Cringe. Why can't burgers stop trying to be the world's attention whore just for one day?

>> No.14529633

Go away faggot. Nobody likes you.

>> No.14529818

>Heidegger, university professor of philosophy
>op's pic, some tv nigger who speaks about philosophy but doesn't even have an bachelor degree in it
Yep, excellent comparison

>> No.14529880


>> No.14529918

germoids are a finished race

>> No.14530013

no, the most interesting nation on earth is mongolia, who are the real heirs to the russian throne and who the russian people should be trying to emulate, and not the burgers they pretend to despise but follow in lockstep and imitate nonetheless.

>> No.14530047

Would totally suck his dick/10 (no homo)

>> No.14530067

Germans used to be so respected. My grandmother would always go on about too guys and how the Americans are cowards dropping bombs on churches and spreading lies. What happened Deutschland you used to be the shining beacon of europoors but now ur nothing but the plaything of angloids and cowering from niggers slavs and chinks. Not even Japan or Turkey ever fell this low. You led Europe into another disaster after so many mistakes. If it were up to me we would dismantle tour cities brick by brick fence your country in and drop various weapons and see who survives after a while, they can be the new Germans.

>> No.14530110

Agree with everything you said. We G*rms are so miserable and pathetic nowadays. Just end us. Call it mercy. Save Europe.

>> No.14531348

Agree actually. They have a uniquely lachrymose outlook, culture, and national atmosphere that, though oppressive, lends them a lot of character. I mean, what a people

>> No.14533158

>t. Hans Polackski

>> No.14533161

that's an improvement desu

>> No.14533744

Based pan-mongolist

>> No.14533752

What about Peter Sloterdijk?

>> No.14533776
File: 735 KB, 1122x1323, JuergenHabermas_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image

>> No.14533795


>> No.14533814

the fuck you're talking about? it's Habermas and Sloterdijk, then Honneth and Manfred Frank.
Precht is just a popularizer of philosophy, no "main figure" at all

>> No.14533834


>> No.14533858

Philosophy as its own field that innovates with minimal help from other fields (FUCK Analytics) essentially ended with WWII. Anything that was left had its decaying corpse shat on by the French philosophers until after a few decades it essentially imploded and negated itself and one wonders whether that was the entire point. The only that remains really is linguistics or fucking math or even worse non-studied like gender issues, now that political science is something entirely detached

>> No.14533862

Independent workers, not soulless drones stuck in an office afraid of their "boss"

>> No.14533863
File: 165 KB, 727x807, Sloterdijk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok pseud

>> No.14534004

Stop being a self hating faggot and take pride in your people
Germany was the greatest european region for hundreds of years, home to many of the greatest artists, philosophers, warriors, musicians, etc.
Thats in your blood, it hasnt gone anywhere, your people just suppress that instinct now because they think it might lead to gas chambers again

>> No.14534144

They should suppress it, if that type of European pride leads to Antisemitism, Elitism and Nazism, then it needs to be suppressed and even wiped out at all costs.

>> No.14534151

>inb4 seething reactionaries screech "b-b-but muh white pride"
If you werent an incel you wouldnt care about that shit

>> No.14534166

Wether you like these people or not, they're the ones who are actually relevant in German academia. Habermas specifically is known as an "academic baron", with supporters in virtually every department in Europe. He's a real powerhouse.
Precht is basically a non-entity in academia.

>> No.14534221


>> No.14534225

Suppression doesn’t work, it only comes back and uglier . See what happened after ww1
It’s maybe important to come to a balanced relationship with German culture, one that accepts it, but doesn’t feel superior to others, and is always ready to criticize itself when necessary

>> No.14534235

Is Sloterdijk any good? I heard hes like Nietzsche.

>> No.14534391


>> No.14534396

That’s not Habermas or Slaughterdick

>> No.14534412

He's cool to be honest.

His ideas about school education are shit but apart from that I loved all of his books.

>> No.14534426

Imagine unironically defending Antisemitism in 2020. This isnt /Pol/ retard. But thanks for outing yourself as an incel

>> No.14534433

This dude isn't Habermas lmao

>> No.14534660

Bist du Deutscher?

>> No.14534800

He’s worth reading. I can’t say anything about his stature as a philosopher though

>> No.14534828

Different anon but what are some of the core works?
Saw "eurotaoismus" in a used book store and just grabbed it. I'm kinda in board with some of the stuff he writes but all in all I don't really see the bigger picture or theory he uses. Does he even or is he more someone who describes things that are happening.
I also enjoyed some of his published journal entries.

>> No.14534841

Apparently "You must Change your Life" is pretty good. I have it on my shelf but I havent read it yet, im still getting through all the other earlier contemporary Philosophers zzz

>> No.14535120

Hegel is new-agey. When he goes into his critiques or treatments of negativity he's interesting. Reading his idea of the Spirit and historical progressivism would make you feel like you ate 3 pounds of cake frosting if it were written clearly and published by an Oprah bookclub author.

>> No.14535255

I haven't heard anything concerning metaphysics or epistemology from this beta cuck. It's all just some girly ethics, relationcrap or school shit for women's magazines.

>> No.14535276

They're possibly the biggest bugmen in the whole world.