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14528713 No.14528713 [Reply] [Original]

where do I start?

>> No.14528741

With the Greeks

>> No.14528749


>> No.14529025
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with sincerity, silly

>> No.14529032

With IJ; don’t be a pussy
Pick one. Inculcating ironic deflection into your deepest psyche is not a replacement for sincerity/vulnerability.

>> No.14529119

The application of irony does not inoculate a work against any other dimension, Anon. Plus, using "inculcate" prepares me for your dropping of "concatenate" next. Does your plebbit name include "ninja" somewhere in it? You identify more closely with it than you'd like us to think, Anon, which is also fine, just, well, you're speaking for someone's "deepest psyche," and telling us you either could not reach it or do not believe it findable. You react to it as a young person should, gobbling it whole and savoring it completely, accept you are young and know little of the world, and so your perception is incomplete, whatever the reason. You've tail to chase, money to make, I get it, Anon. But I can see through your post the same as I can see through Megan Boyle's Liveblog. Every line has a multiplicity to it born of a perceptual wisdom gained solely by surviving shit by only the grace of Goddess. It doesn't need to be revelatory, only human. To say there are not chains of epiphanies and eurekas bubbling up through Megan's pharamatropism is to reveal you haven't read the work and so you show up to the gym completely untrained, ignorant of the programming and so unable to permeate into the techne, for instance the craft of Megan tracing what she could of a life that was completely lost and out of her control, and although fully immersed in it she was often a rockin' party muse and whatever her inner reservations and acknowledgement that she was on a destructive path, a self-destructive one especially, these competed with the seductions of youth, the times to put all that aside and unveil the harp and subtextualize the thirsty hip boys to procure booze and drugs and their best personalities and amusements and pageantries and drown, well, that is up to the reader now. What was Megan drowning? Was it merely her own psychology? Does she live as an island? Is she completely a rugged individual disconnected from all other social and economic causality but what she wills to greatness via entrepreurship and chutzpah? The way memoirs of plagues and wars reveal the decrepitude's and mire's disgusting human wreckage, the sickening way a depravity comes up and out of those clouded by the contagion, hacking neighbors, bludgeoning them from cliffsides, pilfering their belongings before their huddled orphans, the slaying of the sleeping, the dreadful discrete buryings, Liveblog's pillpopping nihilism rubs the readers face in really what is completely normative and uninteresting, the media and chemical-administered destruction of the human spirit, psyche and body, generally in that order. They don't need Carpathian guillotines or super ebola when the population waddles through its self-slaying lifestyles day after day after day.

>> No.14529133

People here only read infinite jest.

>> No.14529141

Lol didn’t even read cause your opening statement was wrong as shit. Fuck off foot fag

>> No.14529349

We both know you read it and are stewing it over, Anon. You needn't fear losing face admitting this. It's important to reflect inward when you've been so BTFO. How could you have blundered your way into that one, huh? And until you come out the other end of that introspection it will continue to happen, you'll be stuck, shimmying from half-heartedly bounced arms and furtive kicks searching to accidentally acquire the true rhythm, you may tell yourself "Just hold it there and I'll be ok," but because you haven't the ear because you haven't done the studying you will forever be vulnerable to being easily outshone, same as if Loki tore a rift upon our figurative dance floor and permitted the parade of shirtless Adumu- or Mohobelo-ing youth in but big box denim and now daggering their sable hips and swaying upon their bellies as a spun bowl or coin only to then begin flopping in a circular synchronization about your tepid teeterings, never once breaking generous smiles they gave to eachother the same as the crowd of onlookers who applauded the youth's selfless intervention on your behalf, their mustering from familial, festival and initiatory experiences the most ambitious and agile jigs, jaunts, jumps and jukes, trying to impart into you as chest compressions do cardiac muscle a pulse unto your absenteeism, a chance for you to be more than the scum of a board, the upright species even, a chance given only once you decide to leave behind the lmaory and moronism and take the Sincere Path, the twin ways of compose and critique, and choose to make oneself immune to our era's simple and abundant seductions and deflections, especially too the sweet inculcation of a defensive irony which the same as camming and cam-subscribing must also exit your lifestyle, sorry, and, Anon, whichever side of it you are on, whatever you think they can give you that the outside world cannot, I beg you to keep to a faith that you can reach True Sincerity and exit your current depleted state. Sincerity is something owed to you by being human, whatever else you have become. Go in Sincerity, Anon.

>> No.14529399

This should be on a propaganda poster for what your brain on "sincerity" looks like.

>> No.14529454

Read these three essays:
"A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again."
"Consider the Lobster."
"Roger Federer as Religious Experience"

If you are into those I would attempt Infinite Jest.

His short fiction (Brief Interviews, etc.) is some of his most difficult and is more experimental and doesn't pay off the way IJ does.
Pale King isn't his best.

>> No.14529502

not rue. i also read the pale king

>> No.14529620

Didn’t read again lol

>> No.14529621

the collections and in that order? I already bought consider the lobster, now just waiting to arrive. also I saw on wikipedia that a lot of his short fiction in included in girl with curious hair, so I thought of starting with that.

>> No.14529656

His Essays are very different from his short stories... So I would suggest you start with one of the three essays books and one of the three short stories collections.
Surprisingly I found his short stories (especially the ones in Oblivion) much more exhausting than anything in Infinite Jest. As other anons suggested, his short stories are probably the 'hardest' works from him. Some do really feel unnecessarily long and leave you, well, exhausted and bored. Anyway his essays are fantastic so you should definetely read those at the very least.

>> No.14529659

i think its best to start with oblivion
>Pale King isn't his best.
100% incorrect

>> No.14529663

No I would just read the individual essays. Not necessarily in that order. Pretty sure all three can be found online for free.

The book Consider the Lobster has some a couple other good ones too. Up, Simba is very good. Authority and American Usage is long and a bit dry but somehow very entertaining. Big red son and the Kafka essay are also top tier. And of course the title essay Consider the Lobster, which is top Wallace essay. Really good.

>> No.14529685

I got into DFW by reading some of his essays and non-fiction fiction. A supposedly fun thing I will never do again, Consider the Lobster, the one where he introduces new sincerity.

>> No.14529697

Here's the three essays.
Consider the lobster.
PDF: http://www.columbia.edu/~col8/lobsterarticle.pdf
Printable: http://www.gourmet.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/magazine/2000s/2004/08/consider_the_lobsterca16.html?printable=true&currentPage=2

A supposedly fun thing:
PDF (original magazine): https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/HarpersMagazine-1996-01-0007859.pdf
PDF BookVersion: http://mark.levengood.people.cpcc.edu/HIS132/LessonDocs/Wallace1.pdf

Federer as religious experience
Original: https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/20/sports/playmagazine/20federer.html

>> No.14529709

I'm getting flashbacks to uni. This shit is unreadable, yet professors kept providing us with those scans. Copyright law is retarded.

>> No.14529780

hahaha. I know I'm sorry. Only one I could find online easily accessible. I just wanted to provide both versions. The book text is much longer.

>> No.14529786
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why does he keep making faces lmao

>> No.14529851

He literally explains it on the show:

ROSE: This is what?

DFW: Well, I'm just going to look pretentious talking about this.

ROSE: Why -- quit worrying about how you're going to look and just be!

DFW: I have got news for you. Coming on a television show stimulates your "What am I going to look like?" gland like no other experience. You may now be such a veteran that you're, like -- you don't notice anymore.

ROSE: Yeah.

DFW: You confront your own vanity when you think about going on TV. So I'm -- no apologies, but just -- that's an explanation.

>> No.14530306

Building his aggrokrieg

>> No.14531295

why speak of vanity at all when you wrap your noggin with a doo rag

>> No.14531337


>> No.14531548

>where do I start?
Does such thing exist? A fiction writer that you can start with a wrong book or that you need to start with an specific book? Except series, of course.

>> No.14531666

So this man is the Gen-X ancestor of the intolerably halting and self-conscious speech style of Millennials. Another reason to ignore him.

>> No.14531762
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>that part where people laugh and clap at the exact wrong part

>> No.14531871

Better yet, where do you not start? Start at Starbucks. Pick up a copy of Infinite Jest™ on your Amazon Kindle© Fire®. It's a real brain teaser. Flop over a few dozen pages. I tried putting it down but was glued to page one and never got past the first 10 pages. Terrible writer.

>> No.14532075

wtf he has a hoosier twang

>> No.14532392
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>> No.14532459


Short stories and essays. He can't write novels to save his life.