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File: 87 KB, 1186x1411, Story telling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1452871 No.1452871 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't matter what Visual Novel's stories are like right now, be they cliches or fantastical or strange, what matters is how they affect the reader and what they can become.

>> No.1452877

Call me when they start telling stories with more worth.

I have high hopes for the medium as soon as it gets of of eroge territory.

Also, graphic novels, movies, etc. aren't on your list.

>> No.1452876
File: 42 KB, 343x480, p41243331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no. you got me. i am so mad right now. rage.
>my face when you trolleed the fuck out of me.

>> No.1452878

baby's first trolling

>> No.1452879

That bastard, he's got a lot of nerve trying to stir up trouble by posting that.jpg

>> No.1452881

What? How is this saged and at the top of the page?

>> No.1452882
File: 2 KB, 126x95, 1293238217921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual novels
>not the same thing as video games

inb4 >he doesn't know what a visual novel is

>> No.1452884

Right now Visual Novels are manly pandering to people without romantic relationships. Trying to create the perfect, cheap simulation of it.

The stories aren't half bad if you can get immersed and really start to feel emotion for your waifu or whatever.

>> No.1452887


>doesn't know what a visual novel is


>> No.1452888

Movies can go in Mid Tier, put Anime in High Tier and put Graphic Novels in shit tier.

>> No.1452891
File: 98 KB, 757x1056, 1294609413272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1452895

God tier: Books
High tier: Traditional storytelling, films, dramas
Mid tier: Video games
Low tier: Limeade
Shit tier: Visual novels, anime

>> No.1452898

Visual Novels have a near novel quality of story telling. The only problem is they aren't very varied in their content.

They definitely outclass anime and video games by far. And traditional story telling is for indians.

>> No.1452899

>lower than anime

>> No.1452901

I've never watched a good movie.

>> No.1452916

No they don't. Comics cannot be novels or equal novels in their storytelling quality. It's a bunch of pictures with captions.

>> No.1452919



>> No.1452922

Bunch of pictures that tell a story completely from the protagonists point of view.

Visual enhancements combined with dreamy stories

>> No.1452926


What you're saying here is that pictures detract from a story, then? Significantly?

No reason someone couldn't turn something like Moby Dick into a visual novel. Complete with full oil paintings or some shit?

Visuals novels are shit right now, and will probably never be on par with books because of their focus, but you can't tell me that adding more options to any medium can only detract from it.

>> No.1452932


>> No.1452939


Goddamit you fucks, Anime is not a medium. Manga is not a medium.

Fuck, anime can fall under two different mediums, Movies and TV Shows(/OVAs).

Are you going to tell me that books by Japanese authors are their own medium, also? You can say animation, but not anime.

Goddamn. Idiots.

>> No.1452947
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 5441384fbe12effb01d6863b181ff5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, sir, but anime is known as the greatest art form of all time! Only a dirty, jealous baka-gaijin would disagree with the glorious Nippon!

>> No.1452949
File: 36 KB, 256x230, Golden_Sun_Dark_Dawn box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing this lately, feels more like a book with interactive puzzles and combat than an actual game.

still love it though

>> No.1452959

There are manga adaptations of Shakespeare. That doesn't mean they are as good as real Shakespeare.

>> No.1452979


Because they're shitty productions.

There's no reason they couldn't be as good as Shakespeare.

Fuck, a visual format of some kind is probably better for Shakespeare than a book, because they're fucking plays. It's better to see someone walk across the room than read [Exit Romeo], if he's not going to describe it.

In the form of a book, Shakespeare is mostly just conversations. True, it's the turn of language that's most important about his works, but you can't say it wouldn't be improved by good illustration.

It's best in the form of a stage play or other full-motion medium, most likely, but I would say that a comic or visual novel is better than just reading the text.

>> No.1452994

Too bad visual novels only appeal to fat, lonely weeaboos like yourself.

>> No.1453000

Well, I think you did hit upon something there. Some works would have to be changed so much to work in another medium (like Shakespeare turning into a novel) that they become unrecognizable. Two good examples: Of Mice and Men was always intended to be a play, and worked very well as such without much change; Watchmen was written to take advantage of the medium, and while the film was decent was not of the same caliber as the book.

>> No.1453026


Yeah, I pretty much straight agree with all of that.

>> No.1453040

Hello friends, could someone tell me what the source of the recent burst in popularity of visual novels as a troll/post is? Are they coming from some other board? or do we just have one anon with an obsession?

>> No.1453052

>Or are they legitimate discussion that others want to have?
Yes, that one.

>> No.1453291

Saya no Uta > Lovecraft

Average loli nukige > Lolita


>> No.1453295

Ignore this shit, it's someone working via both trolling and reverse trolling. If you don't immediately see it as a troll he hopes you'll respond seriously. But no, quit being gullible fucking retards, it's a troll, just fucking hide and move on.

>> No.1453297

It's pretty much fact that Visual Novels/Story-centric games have a much higher potential than books. They're relatively new mediums, so there hasn't been much to come out of them, but how long did it take since writing was invented before someone wrote a good book?

>> No.1453306

Gilgamesh. So not very long.

As long as writing has been around idiots have been able to carves pictures alongside the words. Pictures lost. Your cartoon novels or whatever they are for children. Face it.

If you don't have the imagination to turn words into pictures in your head, you should go to >>>/co/ where they will be happy to discuss your preferred form of storytelling.

>> No.1453312

Focusing on the story of games misses out on the ludological side. They'll always have their own limitations anyway, particularly with regards immersion.

>> No.1453319

Several VNs are on par with the Epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.1453321

Visual Novels are written poorly, even though they are more emotionally affecting it's only because they have the added benefit of pictures

>> No.1453331

I don't know I'd put books together with VN in God Tier. I don't know what you mean about the rest though? Drama? Of what medium? Anime? What does it have to do with anything, it's a style of animation. Traditional story telling? Do you mean the style of narrative or vocal culture? Video games It doesn't fucking compare.


>> No.1453332

And music. Nasu says he has to make books three times as interesting to hold a reader's attention than VNs.

>> No.1453335

Pictures are difficult to reproduce. They pop back into texts again when printing techniques improve.

>> No.1453341
File: 17 KB, 337x217, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]