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14528134 No.14528134 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't men writing quality science fiction anymore? From 2017 onward, they're work doesn't win any Hugo awards.

>> No.14528141

Great bait mate

>> No.14528144

The future is female

>> No.14528147

You know that almost every award is completely political, right? You also know that sci-fi is shit, right?

>> No.14528149

These are facts. If they're triggering you that's your problem.

>> No.14528309

Here's your (You), you worked hard on this after all

>> No.14528362


>> No.14529662

wouldnt they want every year to be like 2014? thats equality

>> No.14529666

Awards don't necessarily translate into quality fiction. You should know this by now.

>> No.14529739

It's just like hiring a negress as a college professor: quota system trumps actual ability. So you make her "professor of diversity enrichment" and her course consists of her class getting the semester off to go to protests so she won't actually be doing any work. LOL

>> No.14529842

Literally just happened at my University in 3 departments to make the departments more about “inclusion”.

>> No.14530105

Year-to-year comparisons are stupid, even aside from award politicking. What women have written science fiction on par with Gene Wolfe, Wright's Golden Age, Flynn's Spiral Arm?
Terra Ignota is pretty good, but has major structural issues and fails to feel realistic enough for proper impact. Ancillary series isn't worth reading. LeGuin beats all but Wolfe, but her best works are older. Any other sci-fi authoresses in recent memory someone would recommend more highly?

>> No.14530112

men already conquered and ended scifi. cyberpunk was the end.

>> No.14530280

I actually think the Hugos are doing a pretty good job of recognizing the best published SF (at least in the Best Novel category, the one people actually care about), it's just that the "best" books of 2017-2019 are still pretty bad.

>> No.14530290

Probably all dumpster fire tier garbage. I still have to finish "The God Emperor of Dune".

>> No.14530316
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, NK Jem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write mediocre to bad sci-fi filled with SJW shit
>Win 3 Hugos in a row for being a KANG who can write a semi-coherent plot

>> No.14530345

whoa could you imagine if science fiction was political? that'd be bonkers lol
what quality science fiction have men written lately, anon?

>> No.14530368

The "Sad Puppies" morons ruined it for everyone starting in 2013.

>> No.14530379

Haven't read enough of those novels to say. No-awarding Wright for weird puppies drama was stupid, some of those short stories were pretty good, but that whole mess did touch the novels less.
Jemisin's work is also pretty terrible, true.

>> No.14530391

no one can write good science fiction

>> No.14530459

i know the point you're trying to make is "NOOOO MEN R BEIN SYSTEMICALLY OPPRESSED" but in reality the modern man is just an untalented fucking loser incapable of writing anything profound or insightful. not to imply any of the vagina-having YA shlock jocks have ever written anything worth mentioning. no of course not, 21st science fiction is abject drek i wouldn't blow my nose with. but it's not like there's a mass of talented young men being deliberately held back by a feminist agenda. the onions sucking reprobates of today couldn't write to save their lives. their sad little shrunken raisin-like brains will never produce anything truly profound on the level of asimov or gibson, they're derivative nobodies.

>> No.14530470

nobody is writing quality genre fiction anymore

>> No.14530498

Scientific dystopia is increasingly not fictional.

>> No.14530515

um, excuse me, award systems have been SEXIST against women like uh, FOREVER, so you just need to quiet down because it's WOMEN'S turn to win, okay?

>> No.14530544

Yeah, the non-novel categories have been a complete shitshow for a while though.

>> No.14530917


>> No.14530940

This, sadly

>> No.14530941

I knew you were a tranny, but a Jew, too?

>> No.14530985

>science fiction
Pick one

>> No.14531004

Are you unironically slovene?

>> No.14531332

Anathem was good.

>> No.14531569

>they want equality
You have not been paying attention.

>> No.14531595

This, but also unironically.

>> No.14531753

I'm so worried to become Traditionally Published. I know the industry is pretty far left leaning.

>> No.14531796

Octavia Butler

>> No.14531812


>> No.14531892
File: 838 KB, 1674x2048, 1112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was last years Hugo winner.

>> No.14531901


>> No.14531922

Just become trans.

>> No.14531973

would a future/post-apocalyptic novel with like a mad-max kind of vibe involving cars count as sci-fi?

>> No.14531981

>immediately revolves around sex
why do women do this? why do people always act like men are the ones constantly thinking about sex when its women who never shut up about it?

>> No.14533600

I just read Speech Sounds, she is pretty good. I'd always expected her to be annoyingly political, glad to see that (mostly) left aside. Not Wolfe, certainly, but better than any scifi I know of from the last 5 years. Any particular novels of hers you'd recommend?

>> No.14533651

Are any of the recent Hugo awards actually worthwhile?
I don't care about the writer, writing or idea-wise?

>> No.14533740


>> No.14533763

Chemicals in the water

>> No.14533778

"Woke" Culture, Anti male seeth and quotas

>> No.14533804

Fiction in literature is a woman's sport now, get over it. Men have moved on to video games for their fiction, and the few that read prefer philosophical, political, and historical works.

>> No.14533806

Because atheist sci-fi writers have been BTFO IRL by ‘the one’

>> No.14533849

Always a treat when /pol/ visits.

>> No.14533931

Why has my filter stopped working?

>> No.14534194

Check the trip. Some anon decided this board needed to be just a little shittier so they go around larping as Butterfly. Now there are two of them.

>> No.14534274

Nobody says men are oppressed, but nowadays artistic careers seem to be unpalatable to them due to financial problems. Many of us simply put money above self expression.

>> No.14534333


>> No.14534343

I never understand posts like yours. While I agree with the sentiment that our contemporary culture doesn’t produce great works or a lot of groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs, as used to the case just 50 years ago, your post seems to be blaming young men personally(and women to a lesser extent) for their lack of creativity and derivativeness.

>> modern man is just an untalented fucking loser incapable of writing anything profound or insightful.

Yeah. But why do you think that is? I’m not talking about personal failures, but why the young generations as a whole seem to be so unimaginative. Did our biology change in the last fifty years or so? Of course not.
It’s the culture, of which the spectrum of publicly acceptable ideas has become more limited and the constant exposure to useless information and universal access to easy hedonistic stimuli.
It’s like that of course we can pretend that Americans just all happen to be fat sloths, who don’t have the personal willpower to keep fit and Japanese are just determined, diet conscious healthy eaters due to their personal virtues. But the fact is if you stock your supermarkets full with processed shit everywhere and advertise fast food on every corner, it will lead to different outcomes, than if you have a collective shaming culture that eats a lot of freshly made food and tons of fish. Individuals don’t exist in a societal vacuum.
So how about you stop shitting on young men and start criticizing our indulgent culture who has made them this way?

>> No.14534352

Did you filter the name or filter the trip?, because that anon isn't even tripfagging.

>> No.14534397

cringe spinster fantasy

>> No.14534398

Why waste more than one sentence on the retard you're answering? Is this your first day here?

I am still not sure if that person is a troll or a genuinely retarded schizophrenic lonely person

>> No.14534613


>I am still not sure if that person is a troll or a genuinely retarded schizophrenic lonely person

Name a 4chan post this statement isn't true of.

>> No.14534624


Maybe 3 Body Problem but almost everything is utter garbage. I tried a bunch of random recent nominated books, it's not worth the time.

>> No.14534629

This is just really badly written
>By which I mean: sex. Oh, don't pretend that you're shocked
Maybe it's set in the fifties but this reads like it was written in the fifties also

>> No.14534633

I say dreck and I'm not jewish
fairly common in the uk

>> No.14534645

We're glad to be rid of our worst bored baitfag. You can keep they/them. Greetings from /pol.

>> No.14534656

it reads like shitty fanfiction

>> No.14534693


This but unironically

>> No.14534708

the future is also grim

>> No.14534804


Gots to make up for lost time first.

>> No.14535304

We have realities to worry about, black bulls taking our women

>> No.14535351
File: 1.03 MB, 640x814, 1577602306289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another ruined thing
>another corrupted institution

I'd like to take this time to remind white women that currently the amount of pap smears containing canine semen in the US has risen from 3% to 5%. Also, that this information is retained in your permanent medical file with the code "K9+", while you will never be confronted rest assured that every doctor you have ever seen, every nurse who's ever smiled at you and even the lowly medical billing coder who sends you junk mail all know you fuck dogs.

>> No.14535396

based, reading children right now