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File: 42 KB, 337x499, Urantia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14527542 No.14527542 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought the Urantia Book. What am I in for?

>> No.14527577
File: 1.45 MB, 1047x768, 56y55654464646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more redpills than anyone could possibly prepare for

>> No.14527580

Samefag with vpn.

go to facebook, /x/, or reddit and spout this shit, people here are too smart to fall for this

>> No.14527588

> True and genuine inward certainty does not in the least fear outward analysis, nor does truth resent honest criticism. You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one's belief.

You dont have honest criticism, only blind irrational intolerance.

>> No.14527593
File: 197 KB, 400x599, The_Urantia_Book_1991_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which edition would you recommend?

>> No.14527595

>Just bought the Urantia Book. What am I in for?
A book burning

>> No.14527601

I dont know much about the different editions

this is my favorite online Urantia search engine though


>> No.14527605

putting pictures of green frogs on urantia screencaps dosent make people on 4chan want to read them anymore, excapt maybe for some retard autists who identify with pepe the frog.

There have been, who knows how many, new age pseudo occultist "New Revelations" from "God" that claim to explain the true nature of the universe and predictions of the future. And claim to tell us the missing years of Jesus and what Jesus "really taught".

it would take me way too long to gather them all here and post them to show you how insignificant and stupid the Urantia Book is and its not worth my time. But I guarantee you I have been looking into this shit for longer than you have and anyone with the slightest bit of critical thinking would know that all New Age Occultism is bullshit

>> No.14527614
File: 116 KB, 628x960, 5c76b6dc77f87e2ed8efa87ed90b9095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Age Occultism is satanic. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. The Logos, the Son, coequal in majesty and power. Nobody comes to the Father except through Him.

>> No.14527620

Almost as satanic as Christian Niggers making fun of Jesus by Larpfagging and worshipping him as their Lord and Saviour. I dont blame the Muslims for hating you, you make Jesus look like a Joke

>> No.14527621

>putting pictures of green frogs on urantia screencaps dosent make people on 4chan want to read them anymore,
It kind of made me want to read it
>excapt maybe for some retard autists who identify with pepe the frog.
O-oh.. huh...

>> No.14527632

Name a book that comes close in scope and sophistication to the Urantia papers, protip you cant.

>> No.14527642

A Warhammer 40k lorebook

>> No.14527644

Urantia elegantly refutes materialism and traditionalism

195:7.1.How foolish it is for material-minded man to allow such vulnerable theories as those of a mechanistic universe to deprive him of the vast spiritual resources of the personal experience of true religion. Facts never quarrel with real spiritual faith; theories may. Better that science should be devoted to the destruction of superstition rather than attempting the overthrow of religious faith—human belief in spiritual realities and divine values.

195:7.2.Science should do for man materially what religion does for him spiritually: extend the horizon of life and enlarge his personality. True science can have no lasting quarrel with true religion. The "scientific method" is merely an intellectual yardstick wherewith to measure material adventures and physical achievements. But being material and wholly intellectual, it is utterly useless in the evaluation of spiritual realities and religious experiences.

>> No.14527681
File: 60 KB, 203x205, 4564646464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All New Age Occultism is not bullshit, but it would be inaccurate to label the Urantia papers as New Age Occultism. Its advanced writing style and content is worlds above any channeled material you may find; its quality and flavor is simply unmatched.

102:2.3.It is difficult to identify and analyze the factors of a religious experience, but it is not difficult to observe that such religious practitioners live and carry on as if already in the presence of the Eternal. Believers react to this temporal life as if immortality already were within their grasp. In the lives of such mortals there is a valid originality and a spontaneity of expression that forever segregate them from those of their fellows who have imbibed only the wisdom of the world. Religionists seem to live in effective emancipation from harrying haste and the painful stress of the vicissitudes inherent in the temporal currents of time; they exhibit a stabilization of personality and a tranquillity of character not explained by the laws of physiology, psychology, and sociology.

>> No.14527726

>New Age Occultism is satanic
Not all of it.

>> No.14527843

Arent they connected to 7th Day adventists?

>> No.14527962
