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14527474 No.14527474 [Reply] [Original]

>Nietzschean Christian Marxism

>> No.14527486


>> No.14527496

synthesizing cringe is still just cringe

>> No.14527501

Christian Atheist Anarcho-monarchism

>> No.14527504

Inb4 this thread gets raided by seething deleuzian cuck philosophy brainlets screeching "b-b-but daddy Deleuze said Neechay is compatible with marxism"

And brainlet Jordan Peterson disciples screeching "noooo, daddy Peterson said Neechay was a Christian at heart"

>> No.14527514

Guénonian perennialist freemasonic pan-theocratic feudalism

>> No.14527519

I would unironically support this

>> No.14527529

How about just pan-theocratic feudalism without the accessory filth?

>> No.14527534

How does one combine Nietzscheanism with Catholicism. I want it.

>> No.14527537

The theocracy would have to be freemasonic to subsume the various vasssals of particular traditions under its unity and still rule in the name of god.

>> No.14527539

Everything here is pretty good except the Freemasonry part...

>> No.14527551

Guenon was a freemason though. And thats a good thing

>> No.14527557

Probably the same way deleuze cucks synthesize Nietzsche and Marxism, by taking the parts of the philosophy that agree with you and disagreeing with the rest

In seriousness though, you could attempt to synthesize Nietzsche with an unorthodox form of Christianity that didn't include the teachings of St Paul, which would function more like a sect of Buddhism.
But you wouldn't be able to combine it with orthodox Catholicism.
Nietzsches whole criticism in The Antichrist, was that christianity had turned into a religion of Pharisees where the high priests tell people what is right/wrong

>> No.14527761

Everyone is compatible with everyone, and you have to accept jesus to be a Christian. Easy peasy

>> No.14527952

Imagine conflating contemporary Marxism with the faggots who use words like "bougie" and "comrade"

>> No.14527984

Did Peterson seriously say that? I've seen a lot of the Christo-nietzscheans ,use that turn of phrase it would make sense if it was coming from somewhere

>> No.14527990

Don't you mean Postabrahamian Marxist idealism?

>> No.14527993

Oxymoron made flesh.

>> No.14528444

>Nietzschean Christian Marxism
So u basically mean national socialism you absolute retard.